//------------------------------// // **BONUS** Lucy and Madara // Story: The Dawn of Zane // by LoganvllachANDGodmod3 //------------------------------// A baige pony walks down the stairs in her home and into the living room to play Call of Cutie, she is the top of the leaderboard in all of equestria, despite that not being her cutie mark, you'd think that ponies with the natural talent of this would do better, but they don't, she has a sister named Innati, and a father named Madara, a husband named Copper, and two children, Lily and Sarutobi, she is a promenent fourth wall breaker, and shows up a few times in the story, can you find them? If so comment which chapters they are on, excluding this one of course. Lucy plays call of cutie and notices the doorbell ring, Copper is home. "Hey honey!" says Lucy as she opens the door, the two hug and Lily and Sarutobi run up to see their father, when all of the sudden he sinks through the ground and comes out the roof, then follows it up with "Meth man.." "I'm not a man" replies an annoyed Lucy "Pony meth is sooo great.." says Sarutobi as he starts trippin' balls soon after. Madara walks out to see this all happening "AAand thats my queue to leave.." he says, as he turns around and goes back into his room. "Pitiful." says a sarcastic Lily, "Indeed" agrees Lucy. "That's my line!" shouts Madara from his room, "Sorry! hehe" answers Lucy. **Copper comes up the screen licking it rubbing his face against it** The end...