//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: An Intresting Morning // Story: Ponyllateral // by It Never Ends //------------------------------// Vincent had been sleeping perfectly fine despite everything that had happened to him since after his death on earth. From waking up on a kid's toy train come to life, discovering this new planet that looks like an actual wonderland that is inhabited by talking midget horses that prefer to be called ponies who also have ice cream/candy sounding names, ending up in a forest with deadly Timberwolf creatures and God knows what else, and finally he know that he'll have to except the fact that this fairy tale will become his home when these ponies tell him that they don't know how to send him back to earth. Not exactly the outcome he thought he would get when he thought about the whole life after death scenario that would happen to him when he died but that's the universe and life for you always unpredictable, something he had learned about at a young age and chose to live by when he was still alive regardless of all of this he still managed to sleep peacefully but that soon came to an end when he felt the nagging force of something pushing him and then came a voice belonging to a pony with what seems to be an unhealthy obsession with humans. "Vincent." Lyra whispered as she gave Vincent a light push. "Vincent." Vincent grunted as he woke up and then looks at Lyra who gives him a smile as she sees him awake. Vincent sat up, rubs his eyes and let out a small yawn. "Hey Lyra." Vincent said, still tired but managed to look awake. "Hey Vincent, sorry to wake you but Bon Bon will wake up soon for work and–" Lyra managed to say before being interrupted. "It be best for me to hide somewhere to avoid a lot of screaming right?" Vincent said, already knowing what Lyra's answer would be. "Yeah so if you wouldn't mind going to my room and staying there for about an hour?" Lyra asked, a little embarrassed at the silliness of this situation. "Sure let me just–" Vincent stopped himself when he noticed that his hand wasn't feeling his briefcase. "–Lyra where are my briefcases?" "Oh well I already put them in my room." Lyra simply said. "Figured I move what little stuff you had." "You didn't take or look at anything inside the briefcases did you?" Vincent questioned with a serious tone. "Of course not even though you're not a pony I'll still respect your privacy." Lyra said reassuring Vincent. Normally I would be skeptical to another human being if they told me that but Lyra was a pony and these ponies didn't have very good poker faces and reading people’s faces where one of my specialties and these ponies where no different, Lyra's face didn't say she was lying but it definitely said she was very curious as to what I was hiding inside my briefcases which is understandable considering she's already seen one of my weapons, she must want to see if there are more like it in the briefcases which would be a little disappointing since I only had two other guns in one of the briefcases and ammo in the other, which made me wonder why I needed to have two different briefcases, I could just put the guns in with the ammo I'm sure it will fit and give the other suitcase to Lyra hell she'll probably consider it as a treasured gift, probably put it in a trophy case or something ridicules like that. Well time to move before this Bon Bon, an even more ridicules name than Twilight, wakes up and screams her head off. "Alright excuse me Lyra." Vincent said as he got up and stretched his arms and popped his neck. "What time is it?" "Around six A.M." Lyra said after looking back at her clock. "Alright then lead the way." Vincent said gesturing his hand to a hallway to wherever Lyra's room would be. As Lyra walked Vincent to her room he thought about what Lyra just said about it being six A.M. He noticed that the sun was rising just like the way it did on Earth which means the time on this planet might just the same time schedule here, this would give Vincent some relief as now he wouldn't have to waste his time messing with his watch, because we all know that those things can be a pain in the ass to deal with, anyway once the entered Lyra's room Vincent was both surprised and not at the same time. Unsurprisingly there was a recliner, about five drawings of hands, and another book about mythical creatures along with the occasional bed, bathroom, clothing drawers, etc. etc. Surprisingly it didn't look like a room that someone ugh pony with an obsession. Either way it was a decent enough place to stay for an hour. "Alright I'm sure you know what a bathroom is right?" Lyra asked again embarrassed for having to ask a question like that. "Yeah I know what a bathroom is Lyra." Vincent said confirming Lyra's question. "Oh ok feel free to use it and enjoy yourself." Lyra said realizing how stupid it was of her to say that. "I'll do the best I can to keep myself entertained." Vincent said sarcastically. "Ok then Bon Bon's about should be awake by now I should go and make sure she doesn't walk in." Lyra said. "You do that." Vincent said as he laid in Lyra's bed. "I'll just lay here." "Ok I'll come back once she's left." Lyra said before closing the door and walked to Bon Bon's room. I hope my room will be comfortable enough for Vincent. If it wasn't for the fact that I have a roommate and a job to get to I wouldn't have to ask Vincent to keep hidden like some kind of criminal. But he knew and I knew it was a necessary pain to deal with for now but it was pretty obvious by the tone of his voice he was far from happy about it. Well hopefully I'll be able to make Bon Bon leave, I hate having to lie to a friend especially when it was Bon Bon but for the time being it would be a justifiable lie, funny I've talked about humans for the majority of my life always trying to convince others that they existed but getting nothing more than smart aleck remarks, weird stares, and ponies laughing at me, Bon Bon on the other hand always gave positive feedback even if she didn't believe me she'd still be nice enough to listen. Speaking of which I had just walked into her room to see that she had just finished brushing her teeth. We exchanged good mornings before she asked me the question I was hoping to avoid. "Lyra were where you last night?" Bon Bon asked waiting for Lyra's answer. "Oh you know walking around." Lyra said with a nervous smile. "Why?" Bon Bon asked. "Because that's mostly what anypony does in this town Bon Bon." Lyra said hoping that answer would end this conversation before certain lies start to unravel. "Good point." Bon Bon said as readied herself for work. "Hey Lyra I'll be working late again." "Again?" Lyra said sounding baffled but was actually relieved since now Vincent won't have to hide in Lyra's room all day. "Yeah sorry but it's been a very busy week and the candy store needs the extra hooves." Bon Bon said still getting ready. A huge smile grew on my face as I thought about all the free time I could spend getting to know Vincent. "Its fine Bon Bon I know how crazy things can get at your job, so trust me when I say I understand." Lyra said as she gave a reassuring smile. "Wow that's very mature of you Lyra." Bon Bon complemented. "What made you so understanding today? Cause not to be mean but when you don't have a new book about those mythical creatures you’re so infatuated with, usually you complain about being here by yourself all bored." "I found a way to keep myself occupied." Lyra said giggling a little. "Really?" Bon Bon said as she raised an eyebrow to Lyra's giggling. "You going to tell me how you keep yourself occupied." "Oh it's nothing special." Lyra said as she walked out the room. Bon Bon followed Lyra into the kitchen now more curious about what Lyra's occupation was. "Come on Lyra tell me I want to know." Bon Bon said to Lyra who was getting some hay cereal. "Sorry but it's my secret." Lyra said as she levitated the spoon to her mouth. "But I'm your roommate for Celestia's sake." Bon Bon said complaining a little but also a little annoyed that Lyra was keeping a secret. "Sorry but the answer is no." Lyra said as she took a bite of the cereal. "Alright then." Bon Bon simply said as she turned around and began walking away. "Hey where are you going?" Lyra said a little cautious of what Bon Bon would say next. "To the bathroom." Bon Bon said. Her answer made Lyra sigh in relief as she took another bite of her cereal. "But since your room is closer I’ll use it there." Bon Bon said as headed for Lyra's room. "What!" Lyra yelled out before choking on the cereal and then spitting it out as she galloped as fast as she could to Bon Bon "Wait Bon Bon wait! You can't just go in my room!" "I pay half the rent here so yeah I can." Bon Bon responded as she got to Lyra's door. "Wait don't open the door!" Lyra yelled as she reached Bon Bon. "Why? Is whatever keeping you occupied in there?" Bon Bon asked with a devious smile, when she didn't get a responded she knew her guess was right. "Now I really want to go in your room." "If Bon Bon goes in my room and sees Vincent, Celestia knows how she'll react” Lyra thought as she was about to reach Bon Bon who was twisting the door knob. The door opened as Bon Bon enter with Lyra right behind her and what they saw was... Nothing which was a disappointment to Bon Bon and a relief for Lyra but she was also confused as to where Vincent was. She looked at her window and noticed that it wasn't open so he probably didn't go outside otherwise she would be hearing screaming. Maybe was hiding in her closet or under the bed but again she thought that would be highly unlikely since Vincent was more than twice their height there's no way he could fit under her bed without his legs sticking out maybe the closet but if that was true than she knew that would be a tight and uncomfortable position to be in. "There's nothing in here." Bon Bon said obviously disappointed that she didn't fined the thing that Lyra was trying so hard to keep secret. "All that tension for nothing." "Yeah well you shouldn't be barging into other ponies rooms," Lyra said serious but very much still shaken. "I think the idea of roommates paying the rent for the house they live in would allow each other access to all the rooms in the house would seem pretty justifiable." Bon Bon said, actually believing that idea. "Well I don't and you don't see me barging into your room." Lyra said, bring up a fair point that Bon Bon knew was true. "Well go ahead I don't have any secrets to hide unlike some roommates." Bon Bon said, as she looked at Lyra with a smirk. "Whatever." Lyra said, looking away from Bon Bon. "Alright you're right I shouldn't have barged in, it’s personal to you and I should respect that I'm sorry." Bon Bon said, sincerely. I didn't look at her at first but I had to admit that I was practically the same way when I first met Vincent yesterday though for a different reasons, situation, and outcome I could understand the curiosity getting to her better than anypony else and at least she apologized, which reminds me, did I apologize to Vincent for chasing him into the Everfree forest yesterday and putting him in that predicament? Granted Derpy also took part in the chase but she only did it because of me although the Cutie Mark Crusaders showing up was just a weird twist of fate, that part wasn't my fault at all. Well enough thinking I need to accept Bon Bon's apology and then figure out where the hay Vincent is hiding. "I accept your apology." Lyra said, as she looked back at Bon Bon and gave her a hug to which Bon Bon hugged back. "Alright then I just remembered that I still have to use the bathroom." Bon Bon said, chuckling as she let go of Lyra. "Yeah you should take care of that." Lyra said as Bon Bon went to the restroom door. "Will do." Bon Bon said. Wait restroom? Oh no! Lyra thought before realizing, the one place she hadn't thought of that Vincent might be hiding in. "Bon Bon wait! As Bon Bon began to open the door it had stopped like it was lock which didn't make sense since as far as Bon Bon knew it was just her and Lyra in the house, well as far as she knew. Lyra on the other hand knew that her thought which turned into fear when the door wouldn't open was confirmed. Vincent was hiding inside the bathroom and he had no way of getting out. This was very bad, not only would Bon Bon know that they weren't the only ones in the house but also when Bon Bon got inside she would see that a human is in their bathroom but since Bon Bon didn't believe that humans were actually real, how would she would react to Vincent? Like a monster in the closet...err bathroom in this case. Lyra had to think fast or better yet hope that Vincent would think of something and quick. Just then they heard the sound of running water. "Hang on a minute. Can’t a gu... Stallion take a shower in peace." A voice yelled out from the other side of the door. The voice took both Bon Bon and Lyra by surprised but soon Lyra understood what Vincent was doing and had to admit that what he was doing was a pretty good idea that might work but considering the situation she knew just what Bon Bon was thinking now and she didn't like the idea of what Bon Bon would tell her and where the conversation would than take off from there. All in all the situation seemed to look like this from Lyra's point of view, Vincent would be safe as long as Lyra played along with what came next but Lyra herself would be embarrassed beyond recognition yep seemed that the fates favored Vincent right now. Oh well life's unfair and right now it was about to get very unfair for Lyra. Vincent on the other side of the door kept his ear close to the door to listen to Lyra and Bon Bon's conversation. "Lyra?" Bon Bon said, really calm but starring at her. "Yeah?" Lyra said, nervously knowing that Bon Bon was far from calm. "Who the hay is that?" Bon Bon said, still calm though it was kind of scary. "My occupation." Lyra said, the feeling of embarrassment setting in very fast now. "Occupation?" Vincent thought as he listened. "Oh so you're occupation's in the form of a stallion?" Bon Bon said, still acting calm but there was signs of her restraint cracking. "Ugh yep it is." Lyra said, knowing that that calm demeanor Bon Bon was showing was about to break. "Well in that case can you answer me a very simple question?" Bon Bon said, more firmly. "Oh Lyra don't mess this up or things are going to get violent real fast." Vincent thought as he waited to hear Lyra's answer. "Sure?" Lyra said knowing this was it the breaking point. "WHY IN CELESTIA"S NAME DO YOU HAVE A STALLION IN YOUR ROOM TAKING A SHOWER!?" Bon Bon yelled out after that she started breathing rapidly after letting all that emotion out. "Jesus can that pony yell." Vincent whispered as he moved his ear away from the door and shacked his head than putting it back on the door, "Than again it's a female pony and apparently it doesn’t matter if it’s human or pony but all females can yell like hell." Lyra blinked a couple of times before looking at Bon Bon ready to answer her question. "Well he's a friend who I've been hanging out with for the past few weeks." Lyra said, hoping the lie would stick. "Ok it's normal to make new friends and it's also normal to hang out with them." Bon Bon said, still a little mad but actually calm this time. "But why the hay is he here? Taking a shower in your bathroom?" "Because it was late last night and I decide that it be better for him to stay the night." Lyra explained. "Rather than go home and have to come back a couple of hours later." "Good lie." Vincent thought complementing Lyra in his mind. "Now let's see if she believes it." What Lyra said made Bon Bon more understanding to Lyra and the stallion taking a shower. Heck she knew she would have more than likely have done the same, so no judging on her part. "I understand Lyra." Bon Bon said, as she smiled. "It was nice of you to let him stay. Just next time a note on my door to give me a heads up would be nice." "Well that worked out better than I thought it would." Vincent whispered. "Yeah I should have told you this morning but it slipped my mind." Lyra said, rubbing the back of her neck. "So what's his name?" Bon Bon asked wanting to know their guest name. "It's umm Vincent." Lyra said actually being honest about the answer. "Vincent? What a weird name." Bon Bon said. “Yeah I know but it wasn’t exactly his choice." Lyra said, she thought of that pretty fast. "Well sorry I don't have a fucking ice cream or candy name." Vincent said in his mind angrily. "Besides you're names Bon Bon that's a damn candy right? So you shouldn't be talking." "Is he foreign?" Bon Bon asked. "Yeah kind of." Lyra said, again being truthful. "Foreign doesn't do me justice," Vincent said, in his head. "Oh well I guess I'll hang here for a while to meet this stallion." Bon Bon said, now making Lyra worried again. "Fuck!" Vincent cursed quietly. "You can't!" Lyra shouted panicked. "Why?" Bon Bon asked. "Think of something Lyra." Vincent thought as he listened carefully. "Because he's going to be in there for a long time." Lyra explained. "Vincent likes to take long showers." "Really Lyra!? That was the first thing to come to her mind!?" Vincent thought as he facepalm. "Cause that's the worst lie I've heard on this planet." "I'm sure they won't mind if I’m late, it's not like they will fire me they need all the hooves they can get." Bon Bon said, reassuring Lyra. "If they fire anyone now they won’t make it." Lyra was going to start panicking as she thought of something better to tell Bon Bon, while Vincent on the other hand got ready to open the door and knock Bon Bon out with his gun. "Bon Bon please I really think you should go." Lyra said practically pleading. Bon Bon couldn't help but wonder why Lyra wanted her to leave so badly but then she had a thought that made a huge smile grow on her face. She got close to Lyra put a hoof around her. "I think I get why you want me to leave." Bon Bon said still smiling. "I really doubt that." Lyra said. "Sure you do." Bon Bon said as she tugged Lyra. "What are you trying to say Bon Bon?" Lyra question not getting what Lyra was getting at. "You want to be alone with your special somepony." Bon Bon said giggling. "That's why right?" "What the hell is a special somepony?" Vincent wondered. "NO THAT’S NOT IT! WHAT GAVE YOU THAT IDEA!?" Lyra shouted causing Bon Bon to move away from her and Vincent to jerk away from the door. "Goddamn it again!" Vincent yelled in his mind. "Whoa that outburst just proved my theory correct." Bon Bon said with a victorious smile. No...I...umm." Lyra mumbled struggling to find the right words to say but she was too embarrassed to think straight. Bon Bon could help but giggle at her friends nervous behavior it was pretty funny, like two fillies back at school with one making fun of the other for having her fist crush and Bun Bun was enjoying it. Lyra on the other hand hated that she was right about having to be extremely embarrassed to keep Vincent from being discovered. Speaking of which Vincent was still listening to Lyra and Bon Bon's conversation and after hearing enough he figured out that a special pony must be these ponies term for true love, if it wasn't for the fact that Bon Bon didn't know that Vincent was human he would have been disgusted by the accusation but since she didn't, Vincent couldn’t help but laugh a little at Lyra's predicament instead of feeling sorry or guilty for Lyra’s situation, he just told himself that it was better for Lyra to be embarrassed rather than him being discovered. "Alright I'm going to leave now." Bon Bon said, as she walked to the restroom door and gave it a knock. "Be gentle with my friend ok." "Bon Bon!" Lyra yelled now feeling extremely embarrassed as the redness of her checks thickened. "Don't worry I won't tell anypony." Bon Bon said, as she hugged Lyra. "I..." Was all Lyra could mumble still too embarrassed to talk. "Have fun." Bon Bon said, giving Lyra a wink and then headed out of Lyra's room to the front door. After a few minutes of letting reality sink in, accepting what just happen Lyra went to the front door and check to see if Bon Bon left, she did. Returning to her room to see Vincent sitting on her bed waiting for her. "Interesting morning huh?" Vincent said, with a little smirk. "How much did you hear?" Lyra asked afraid of what Vincent's answer would be. "The whole thing." Vincent said as he chuckled. "Roommates huh?" "You have no idea." Lyra said, as she looked down at the ground now even more embarrassed than before, now that she knew Vincent heard the whole conversation.