My Little Pony: Slice of Life is Magic Season 1

by cavalieredraghi

Lunch and Hugs?

Chapter 2
Lunch and Hugs?

Spark the first to leave the classroom, a green object in his grasp. Instead of going to the cafeteria as he suspected other ponies to do, Spark went outside and climbed one of the lonely trees. High off the ground and away from prying eyes this was what brought peace to Spark. There concealed by the leaves, he could hide from any bullies like that Tenn Pence. It was from this vantage point he could see the grounds of the school.

Closer to the building sat the jungle gyms of the playground, rested in their sand and loose dirt bases. To the right of them were open fields, an ideal location to play any number of sports like soccer and hoofball. A barrier of towering, overgrown grass separated the soccer field from the uneven slopes that rose to match the mountains that semi circled the school. To the right of Spark loomed the tallest of these mountains, noon sun having defeated this stone spire for dominance of the sky.

Spark munched on an emerald the size of the spade on of wyrmling’s tail. The dragon chewed and chewed, before finally swallowing the gem. When he was finished he looked up, seeing the crystal pony Diamond Gear coming from the school.

Gear trotted out of the school, coming to rest under the tree. He ate his food quietly, unaware of the dragon that hid right above him. Gear’s lunch was more complex than the dragon’s, as it consisted of fresh green hay, juice, and some sparkling crystalline berries. After having finished his meal rather quickly, he took a hit from the inhaler he carried, then reached into his saddlebags and procured a book. Spark was curious about the book, but Gear couldn't read a single paragraph before he was startled by Truth and Subtle entering his view, having decided to join him for lunch. The book would have to wait. The trio of ponies were soon joined by the earth pony filly Sabina, and her changling nymph friend Adepha.

Truth sat down next to Gear, and Subtle was next to Truth, with Adepha and Sabina following suit on Gear’s other side. Subtle’s lunch seemed the oddest to Spark, but only because he could not see Adepha’s, ham and cheese sandwich. The mixture of ingredients rarely failed to cause ponies not used to the changlings' omnivorous diet to give the nymph a sideways glance.. Her lunch also contained an apple, and some purplish red crystals that seemed to glow faintly with their own magic. Subtle’s lunch was simply a grass sandwich, of which Spark had never seen such a thing.

Subtle was the only one still eating by the time the group started their conversations, Adepha only managing to finish her sandwich. As all conversations go between unknown parties, especially children, it started off a little awkward.

“Hey! So. Um. Thanks for your help with Mr. Wiggles.” Adepha says shyly. She leaned backwards, offering an awkward smile as the focus of the conversation turned towards the nymph.

Truth, having lost no amount of his bravado from class, said, “Thanks, you were a big help too. So you’re a changeling, what is that like?” Gear’s coat seemed to dim for a moment after Truth mentions Adepha being a changeling.

“Um…Well…”Lacking the words, her solid violet-colored eyes glanced every which way, searching for either an exit or an answer. “It is like, being a Changling.” Adepha tries to answer, pronouncing “Changeling” as though it were not spelled with an ‘e.’ “I don’t know, I’ve always been one.”

“Changeling?!” Gear meeps, as his crystalline coat darkened, further losing its luster.

“It is actually pronounced ‘chan-gling’.” Adepha corrected the crystal pony. Her natural emotion-sense told her the colt was afraid, and becoming more so as she spoke. Not wanting to be the source of any fear she puts on a smile, attempting to be as friendly as possible, said, “Ya that’s me, Adepha the changling.”

Gear could only see a mouth filled with fangs, and solid violet, soulless eyes. “Why…” Gear replies.

“I…Uh.” Adepha was confused by the nature of the question. Her expression fell, and she took a step back, still attempting to answer Gear’s question as best she could. “I mean, my mom and dad are both changlings, and so is my brother. Why wouldn't I be?”

“NO!” Gear starts to rummage through his saddlebags. The sparkles on the crystal pony’s coat have dulled, taking on a solid shade of faded teal. He then pulled out a small pamphlet titled, “While You Were Gone Volume 5” Gear skimmed through the pages, till he opened it to one page, which showed a picture of a Changling, a hairless one with a dark blue shell, solid cyan eyes, a curved horn, and a disgruntled expression on its muzzle, much like the changlings who attacked Canterlot. "Princess Cadence said that changelings are love eating monsters that see ponies as nothing but food. Why is one in a school?”

Gear exclaims in outrage, the effort of doing so forced him to cough uncontrollably as the strain was too much for his damaged lungs, forcing him to take another hit from his inhaler.

“I….” Adepha was feeling as if her worst fear were becoming reality. Ever since the Queen of Hive Olith declared that changlings like her no longer need to hide from outsiders. She had feared being closed off, and isolated from being the same species as the changlings who attacked Canterlot. She knew she was no monster, but how could she argue against an Equestrian Princess. She could feel her world closing in around her trapping her, accusing her, wanting to hurt her. “I am no monster….” Adepha squeaked, her whole body trembled as she hung low to the ground. Fighting desperately to hold back tears, and to not run away. After all, it’s not what her big brother would do.

“BOTH OF YOU NEED TO STOP!” Spark drops, interposing himself between Adepha and Gear. “Fighting over who is a monster is pointless when you have me around. And look would a monster be holding back tears.” Spark glares at Gear for a second till he saw the purple red crystals in Adepha’s lunch and for a moment he completely forgot about the conflict he just imposed himself into the middle of. “You can eat gems to? And why did you have grass between bread?” Spark looks at Adepha amazed and gave Subtle a puzzled glance.
After Gear’s intake from his inhaler he continued, eyes wide in frenzy., “Dragon’s aren't monsters they are Heroes! A dragon killed Sombra, I was there, I saw!”

Sabina turned to see Spark more clearly, and since it was no longer class, she tackled him, wrapping her forelegs around the dragon in an Ursa Minor hug. Sabina found him to be the cutest thing in the whole wide world. However being aware that her best friend was hurting, she got off of Spark, and put a gentle caring hoof around Adepha.

"It's okay everypony. And Spark." she says. "I've known Adepha for a few years and she's been one of my closest friends. Not all changlings are bad. They're like... a bushel of apples. It only takes one bad apple to make you think the bushel is evil, but the other apples are just ripe for pie... or... something like that." The metaphor sounded better in her head.

Subtle was a bit shocked at all that was going on, but she sided with Adepha, the support easing her out of her anxiety while Gear’s energy slowly diffused.

"You know Adepha, I didn't really know what to think about you when I first saw you. But now you seem like a good pony, er Changeling. Certainly not a love eating monster." The unicorn filly smiled to the Nymph.

Subtle looked at the little wyrmling still laid on the ground, his eyes wide and confused as if he were in deep thought. “Um if you can hear me? Yah we ponies eat that kind of stuff, like hay, grass, carrots, and apples. That sort of stuff.”

Gear looked to be near tears now, looking down on the ground in shame from the hurt he caused. “I am sorry” he said quietly.

“No harm no foul.” Sabina chirps to Gear. “Also you were amazing earlier standing up to Tenn. He is a Jerk who thinks he is better than everypony. You got my respect and friendship now.” Sabina wrapped the crystal pony in a hug.

“It is ok,” Adepha managed to reply, unable to look directly at Gear, but willing to move forward. Trying to change the topic. The little Nymph tried to answer the hatchling, “They aren’t gems, they are E-rocks. They are crystalized emotions. It’s crystallized respect to be exact.”

Truth, Could no longer watch in silence, “Well glad that is over.” The argument seemed to get on his nerves, as it was something that could have been avoided, in his view. Truth went back to his lunch till the dragon got up.

What broke everyone’s attention was the dragon seeming to come back to the world again. He walked over to Gear, and looked him dead in the eyes, the question lingering on his mind visible in his puzzled expression as something Gear said came to the forefront of his mind “What kind of dragon would save ponies?”

Adepha spoke over Spark’s shoulder, “Yah who is this Sombra guy any ways?”

Gear seemed to shudder as remembers the past. But being polite, and not wanting to anger a dragon went in the order of the questions asked, “His name was Spike. He was a hatchling, had purple scales, and no wings. He lives in Equestria with Princess Cadance's Sister-in-law, umm, what was her name-Twilight something.”

“He just showed up one day. He stole the Crystal Heart. He killed all of the nobles and our rulers, and he enslaved us all. He used magic to make us forget everything that made us happy. His press gangs dragged off anyone who wasn't already enslaved to work in Sombra's crystal mines. I spent my ninth birthday running from the gangs. My uncle Died fighting off the gangs so the rest of us could escape, and... It didn't work. We got captured, and I spent a year wearing a slave collar in the mines.

All of that dust, I still can't breathe very well. Then, about a year later, Princess Celestia and Luna arrived, and they fought off Sombra. But then that monster sprang some kind of trap, and the whole Empire vanished! For a thousand years! We lost a thousand years! My old pen pal grew up and died centuries ago, and I don't even know what happened to him.” Gear sniffed, the recollection of these painful memories felt like someone was wrenching his guts, the memory still far too fresh in his mind. “The worst part is, Even though Sombra's dead and gone for good, his dark magic still makes it so hard to remember anything from before he showed up. My uncle was a crystal engineer. He taught me how to build some of the crystal powered machines he invented, and I can't remember how because of that monster!”

Gear by this point broke down and was cried. Spark being the closest, hugged him. Sabina embraced the crystal pony next, while Subtle and Adepha wrapped their forelegs around the crystal pony, while Truth added his own to the comforting embrace everypony and everyling was giving to the sad crystal pony. Gear cried for a few seconds till he realized that everyone had enveloped in a group hug just for him. Feeling their combined affection returned his sparkling crystal coat, as Gear’s mood had returned.