//------------------------------// // Side-chapter(?). A night in Canterlot, with Celestia // Story: An alien's journey (Formerly "The hunt") Part 1, New beginning // by Chernoboy //------------------------------// Celestia lowered the sun and raised the moon from her balcony as Serafim watches. He then spoke up. "Now that your daily royal duties are finished, let's go," Serafim said as he walked up to the main door. "Okay, I hope none of my guards, will follow us," Celestia replied as she looked behind her to see two guards standing, the other was the familiar unicorn guard, Command Strike. "Y-yes your majesty," Command Strike said as he saluted and walked away with his Pegasus partner. when they were out of sight, they peeked from their hiding spot and looked at each other. "Hey, go look after them and don't get caught!" Strike ordered. "But they said-" His partner didn't even finished. "No, we can't let our princess walk away without us, keeping an eye on them. Even though I trust him, I still don't like the idea of him bringing the princess along," He said with concern. "Oh, yes sir!" His partner saluted and walked out of the castle carefully as Strike watched him. "Now I can finally ease a little bit," Strike then walked away smiling. "So, what do you wanna do tonight?" Serafim asked Celestia with his hands behind him. "I don't know, maybe we could," Celestia looked away. "Well, what is it?" Serafim asked again. "It's um," Celestia moved closer to his ear and whispers something to his ear. Serafim's eyes widened and a wide grin formed over his face, "Let's do it." Serafim and Celestia peeked from their hiding spot and looked for anypony to walk over and take the bag of bits that was laying on the floor just near the bush. After minutes of waiting, Celestia ears perked up and shook Serafim, who is lying beside her to look. "There's one," Celestia said as she smiled viciously. "What?" Serafim then looked to where Celestia was looking at and grinned, "Excellent." The unicorn, obviously one of those rich snobs. Looked around his surroundings and moved his hoof closer towards the bag. When he had gotten close enough, he levitated the bag with his magic but dropped it when Celestia and Serafim jumps out of the bush. Both of them laughed at him when he was screaming like a girl, mare in this case. A unicorn mare and her friends saw the incident and laughed at him. "Look," Serafim whispered to Celestia and creates a toy spider which he dropped on the mares' head, causing them all to freak out and scream while running away. Serafim and Celestia laughed as the mares ran away because of their fear. Serafim then looked down and saw the still grounded noble. He held out his hand and the noble gladly took it, which surprises him. "Wow," Serafim said. "What?" The Unicorn asked as he got back on his hooves. "Nothing, it's just that, most would probably swat it away." "Oh. I guess being rich made them all jerks, don't it?" "Yep, money changes," Serafim said and chuckled lightly. "Well, better get going," The Unicorn smiled and walks away. Serafim was about to think of something until he heard a rumbling. He turned around and saw Celestia blushing as she looks away. He thought for a while and spoke up. "Let's go get you something." "O-okay," Celestia blushed even more. "But first," Serafim snapped his fingers and Celestia's magenta-colored eyes turned to white, rendering her blind. Her hearings were also gone. "What's this?! I can't see or hear anything!" She exclaimed in fright. Serafim held her forehead and closed his eyes, "It's okay, just follow me," He moved closer and held her back. He walked forwards and the blinded princess followed suit, still frightened. Somewhere, on top of a building, just several meters away from them, a Pegasus guard watches the two, exhausted. "Dang it, I need to keep an eye on them but I can't do it if I'm tired!" He then sighed. He fluttered his wings tiredly and slowly follows Serafim and Celestia from behind, almost falling asleep. "Can you let me see now?" Celestia asked. "Yes," Serafim spoke to her telepathically. With a snap of his fingers, Celestia's vision and hearings returned. Her jaw was dropped when she saw a giant cake in front of her, literally. She walked towards it slowly. "What do you think? I baked it myself, the baker helped me too," Serafim said, pointing his arms towards the cake and the baker, who is on the other side of the cake. Serafim then fake a cough to get Celestia's attention, who was staring at the cake. "Oh, yes?" She asked. "Well, you want it or not?" Serafim asked as he cut a piece of cake, put it on a plate and hand it to Celestia. "Yes, very much!" She happily levitated the cake and stopped suddenly,causing Serafim to raise a brow, "Why are you doing this actually? Because I'm hungry of course but, why a cake?" "It's a, gift for the hospitality you've given me the first time I came here," Serafim explained and smiled. "You're welcome, and thank you for the cake," Celestia said happily. Celestia then glanced at her cake and back at Serafim, Serafim noticed this and moved his arms aside and tilted his head. Celestia understood and smiled, "Don't mind if I do," She then levitates a spoon from the table and happily eats it. Serafim liked seeing people, pony, happy. Especially those who are nice. He cuts the cake to smaller pieces and packed them all in several containers that are summoned by him. Celestia noticed the containers and stopped eating, "What's that?" She asked. Serafim looked at Celestia and back at the containers, "This?" He lifted the containers a little more and spoke up, "This, is a container that is from my planet, might tell you about it sometime," He explained and continued packing the cakes. Celestia looked at the rectangle shaped containers intently. She had never seen a creature not from the planet, moreover, it's creations. "Well, we should get going princess, your guards might be worried sick about you," Serafim said, holding several containers, three in total. "I guess so," "Alright, we need to get going so bye," Serafim said to the baker that helped him and received an understanding nod from him. Serafim and Celestia walked on the stone pavement that leads to the castle cheerfully. Serafim stopped suddenly and Celestia noticed after taking a few steps ahead and stopped as well to look at him. She was about to speak up until Serafim raised his hand and pulled it down, and down came a Pegasus in armor, who was watching them the whole time. Celestia gasped in shock and shot him a glare. "Were you spying on us?!" Celestia shouted at the now frightened Pegasus. "Uh-uh," The Pegasus stuttered. "Why did you do it even when I told you not to?!" She shouted again. "Whoa there Celly. Calm down, come on, and sleep now young one," Serafim said to the exhausted Pegasus, which he received a nod. Serafim looked at the exhausted Pegasus who slowly drifts away into a sleep. He looked at Celestia and smiles, Celestia was still angry at her guard for following them the whole night. But she was not in the mood to shout for now, for the time was night, a time where ponies should be asleep. "Come on, I have unfinished business with my captain. But now, I need to rest, come on!" She shouted at Serafim. Who chuckled and followed her into the castle. They eventually arrived in the castle and Celestia groggily walked to where the spiral staircase is and proceeded to walk up the steps. "Careful!" Serafim warned. "I know!" Celestia shouted. Serafim was feeling a little weird by then and went into the guard's barracks. He arrived there and asked one of the maids who works at night where the Pegasus' bed was. He was pointed towards the guard's bed and thanked her. He made his way towards the bed and put him there. He then proceeded to make his way out and walked past the captain's room. He noticed a sack under his bed, almost fully covered by the bed's sheet. He slowly crept in and pulled it out. He felt a familiar energy coursing from it. "No," he whispered slowly to himself. He pulled it out and saw the thing that originated from the creature he feared the most, Mezarath's scale, at least 5 of them. He walked outside quickly and slowly while hiding a rage inside of him. "They, how long?" He said to himself. He growled and went out of the castle and extends his wings and proceeds to fly up to the roof. Note: Referring to the note: Or is it?