//------------------------------// // The Tunnel To Safety // Story: The Night Returns // by DarkLunaMoon99 //------------------------------// As soon as Princess Celestia had told Twilight and her friends to get everypony in PonyVille to safety, they did what was asked of them.. Spending over an hour trying to convince that Nightmare Moon was back, but eventually, Applejack managed to convince the ponies that she was in fact coming. " Nice work AJ." Rainbow said, giving her Earth Pony friend a high-hoof, before scanning the area for any other ponies that could still be hiding in their homes. "I think we've got em' all." Rainbow said, confidently. "Alright, good work everypony." Twilight said, turning her attention to the crowded mob of ponies all waiting anxiously to get a move on towards some safety." "Alright everypony, please calm down, don't panic, calm down please?" Twilight asked, the group of ponies immediately began listening." "Hehehe, it's only because she has those wings is why everypony is listening to her, hehe". Rainbow said, trying to hold back a small laugh but failing, before getting a rather annoyed look from Twilight." "Now, I want everypony to separate into groups of ten or twelve.... Then, I'd like you all to choose a group leader, you may choose from either, Me, Rainbow Dash , Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Or Fluttershy." Twilight said, seeing the ponies immediately forming groups. Once everypony had formed into their groups, Twilight decided the safest place to go would be the Diamond Dogs' tunnels... Most ponies didn't agree with the idea, but they all finally decided even though it was dirty, it was the safest place by far for now. "But Twilight?!" How ever shall we be able to convince the Diamond Dogs' to let us in their tunnels?!" Rarity asked, running up to her friend in confusion. "Maybe you could use your gem finding spell, we could pay them to let us in." Twilight said, pointing her hoof in every which way. "Oh... But those gems are so precious-" Rarity was then cut off by Twilight waving her hoof in front her Rarity's face, shocking her. "No buts!" Rarity, would you rather be safe or possibly be killed while trying to save your "precious gems"? Twilight asked, giving her friend two tough choices to make. "Safe..." Rarity sighed, horn lighting up, she began to get the other Unicorns of her group to find gems to pay for the safety. It was a half an hour later, and Twilight finally stopped walking. "Alright everypony, where here." Twilight said, spreading her wings and ruffling them a bit, before folding them up neatly once again. "Who goes there!' Who dares try entering our caves!" Said a raspy, low sounding voice. "Hello, Diamond Dogs". Twilight said calmly, as three of the Dogs crawled their way out of their caves. "You!!" Said the one Diamond dog, backing off slightly, before being pushed forwards again by the what looked to be the leader. "What do you want here!" You have no right to enter our sacred caves!!" The leader Dog answered angrily. "I've come to prepare you about an coming disaster, our homes, will all be destroyed in this disaster.." Twilight said, Calmly unfurling her wings to full extend. "Oooooh, an Alicorn..." The small Dog said, drooling.." Twilight then looked uneasily at the other two Diamond Dogs, before continuing to speak. "And I've come to ask you very kindly if the ponies of PonyVille could stay in your caves for shelter?" Twilight asked nervously. "Never!!!" Not unless you have something to pay us with!" Rarity then handed twilight a crate full of freshly found gems. " "Alright, deal done." Said the leader of the Diamond Dogs, shaking paws with Twilight Sparkle. '"Come this way!" The leader said once more, leading them all into a very large room all decorated with carefully cut gems. "You may all stay here, but when the disaster is over, you must promise you'll leave?" The second in command asked nervously. "Yes, Diamond Dogs, we will leave, Thank you." Twilight answered, quite happily, before taking her overstuffed saddlebag off her back, and opening it up, revealing a few sleeping bags, for others, just in case. Twilight's mind suddenly focused to Celestia.... "Oh Celestia, I hope your alright....." Was all she could say, before a small smile formed on her face... I have to go." Twilight said, Making her friend Rainbow Dash look ya her confused. "Go, where?" Rainbow asked, tilting her head sideways like a begging dog. "I have to go help Celestia, you stay here, with the others, they'll need your quick wits and courage." Twilight said, packing her saddlebag up once more, before lifting off the ground uneasily. "But Twilig-!" Rainbow was cut off by her friend. "No, Rainbow, I'm going." Twilight answered, confidently. "And I'm willing to risk my like to help them!" Twilight said, and with that, she flew out of a hole leading to the surface, and flew off.