//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Nyx and the Night Ponies // by Tebbzy7 //------------------------------// It was the day of the Ball and Nyx was pacing when Pinkie walked in to the castle. “What’s wrong Nyxie?” “Nothing is wrong pinkie. Soft Soup is going to do a nightmare night special on my family.” Archaic Knowledge walked in from the hall way. She got to the castle sometime yesterday. “Who is Soft Soap?” “Well, over a year ago he did a story on Nyx, and after that he because the hottest celebrity reporter.” Then one of the butlers walked in with a pale yellow Pegasus with a brown mane. “Mister Soft Soup to see Princess Nyx.” “Thank you Stiff Upper Lip.” Nyx said. The butler bow and walked out. “Soft Soap, thank you for doing this, how was your trip?” Nyx asked Soft Soap smiled. “What happen to the Nyx that was a little filly. All I see is Princess Nyx of Equestria.” he teased her. Nyx’s face turned sour then spoke in a cold tone “we are not pleased.” Then Nyx smile. “Shouldn’t we get the interview over with?” Twilight walked out. “Look at you Nyx acting like such a Princess, but only seconds before he showed up you were pacing.” She teased. Nyx ignored the teasing “I think we should do the interview in the Parlor. This way please.” Soft Soap laughed “it is nice to see you Princess Twilight; I will interview you after we are done.” He walked after Nyx. Twilight saw Pinkie “what are you doing here Pinkie?” “Medley asked me to show Archaic Knowledge around Everfree.” Pinkie said. She turned and looked at Archaic Knowledge “Are you Archaic Knowledge. I am Pinkie Pie and I am your new best friend.” “Nice to meet you Ms. Pie.” Pinkie looked Archaic Knowledge in the eye. “Time is money and I don’t have much money. So we have to go.” With that Pinkie pulled Archaic Knowledge out the door. Shooting Star which was standing in the door to the throne room walked in. “is it just me or is Pinkie being more pinkie today.” “I might have let it slipped that Archaic Knowledge is from a lost tribe of ponies.” “Twilight, you know that Pinkie will be now on ultra super hipper Pinkie mode.” “You don’t say.” Twilight grinned. “So you planned this out with Medley?” “So what if I did. Who are the night ponies to think I am not good enough to teach my daughter magic?” “We went over this already. It isn’t that you are not good enough. It is that you don’t know much night magic and about the dark forces that fight within her heart.” “It isn’t like I couldn’t learn about all that.” “Twilight, you are spreading yourself too thin already.” “It is just so maddening that I can’t do all that I need to for my Daughter.” “You let the Quartet give Nyx baths and put her to bed.” “That is different that it is their job.” “Archaic Knowledge’s Job is to teach Nyx Magic.” “But magic have always been the thing I did with Nyx. Matter how busy I get I always spend some time teaching Nyx.” “You can still do that. Archaic Knowledge doesn’t know all the magic you know.” “it wouldn’t be the same.” Twilight calmed down. “I am doing this for Nyx. But would you let me be upset about it.” “I will but remember Luna couldn’t teach her this magic and she is the princess of the night. Imagine how much is eating her up. ” “why doesn’t Luna know this magic?” “Our parents died before she could get taught.” “if you don’t mind me asking. What happen to your parents?” “I don’t know I was too young to remember. And Celestia and Luna only tell me that they died protecting us all.” “That does sound like Celestia. she Give you information but not enough to be useful.” “Yes that is how she is.” Shooting star looked around. “So how is our little hostess doing?” “Nyx is doing fine. She is in parlor doing an interview right now with soft soap.” “Ready.” Shooting Star walked toward the parlor. “What are you doing?” “You know full well what I am doing.” Twilight sighed. The parlor is a large room modestly decorated. On one side of the room had large windows that look out into one of the many gardens. On the other side of the room was some bookshelves overflowing with books a sign of the Castle’s owners’ love of books. They are two couches at an angle to each other with a large oak coffee table in front of them. Crystal was sitting on one of the couches reading a book. Soft Soap and Nyx walked over and sat on the couches. Crystal look up from her book. “Nyx, did you need this room for something?” Soft Soap looked at the White filly. “Are you Princess Crystal?” “Well, Yea I am. who might you be?” “Sorry I am Soft Soap. What do you think of Nyx?” “What do you mean, as a Princess, as a friend, or as a pushy sister that wouldn’t let me help her with the Ball.” Soft Soap smiled “Let start with as a princess.” “She could be a great leader someday; she can direct many groups of ponies at once and know the value of listening to other ponies views.” “How about as your friend?” “She is fun to be around and have a good sense of humor. And she is very intelligent.” “And now a sister” “She is not letting me help her. So I am not very happy with her as a sister.” “But you do like her as a sister?” “I Love her, but it isn’t fair that she got to plan a ball and have it all to herself. It is true that Celestia told me that I get to plan the summer sun festival Ball. But that will take forever to get here.” Soft Soap smiled. “Nyx, could I interview you two together. This piece is on your whole family so it would make it easier for me.” “Sure, I don’t mind. Crystal needs to learn how to be interviewed anyways.” Crystal looked horrified. “Interview like in reporters; he is a reporter. I thought reporters are our enemies.” “We are, but you shouldn’t show fear around us; we can smell fear. It smells like corn chips.” Nyx gave Soft Soap a dirty look. “You really need to work on your jokes. Fear smells like corn chips” Nyx look at Crystal. “Soft Soap did a piece on me over a year ago. And clear up some misunderstandings.” “He is a good reporter?” “He seems to be liked. He is the hottest celebrity Report right now.” “I try to share with my reader something of the Celebrity life; like Sapphire Shores dolphin themed room, and how it is her lucky animal.” Crystal was amazed “that was you. A read that. So why are you interviewing us.” “Crystal, we are royalty. We have tea with Celestia at least once a week. I tell you what happen the last time Sapphire Shores had tea me. She came here all nervous. She hardly had any tea or tea cake, and it was princess this and your highness that. It was a night mare. That remind me Soft Soap do you care for some tea.” “No thank you I am fine. Sapphire Shores told me about her tea with you. She thought you acted like the perfect little princess. You even pour the tea for her.” “I also made the tea and I bagged Medley to make her famous Tea Cakes. I was disappointed that she didn’t have much of my tea or cake. after sapphire shore left Celestia came and had tea with me. And she told me why Sapphire Shore was nervous because she doesn’t know how to act around Royalty.” Crystal looked confused. “Why isn’t Soft soap nervous?” “The piece I did after Nyx’s was one of Celestia and Luna after last Nightmare night event. After doing a piece on the two high Princesses of east Kingdom of Equestria I had nothing to worry about.” “Please don’t bring up last Nightmare Night, what happen was very painful.” “What happened last Nightmare Night?” “I was pony napped and had all my magic forcefully removed from me.” Crystal eyes got wide and a tear roll back her cheek. “I am so sorry, I couldn’t imagine the pain you must have gone through. And you wanted to host that ball after what happened.” “yes, it wasn’t the ball’s fault it was a group of misguided ponies. They thought I was nothing but magic blob in the shape of a pony. But shouldn’t we get to the interview?” “Oh yes, before starting the Interview. I want to ask you one question off the record.” “Ok ask away.” “Is Shooting Star and Twilight dating?” Crystal and Nyx sighed. “We wish they would. They are always flirting and we know that like each other but they won’t take it as far as dating.” “Yeah we hinted and plain out told them to start dating. But they will not. It is because of that happen shortly before coming here.” “Yes that is a sad story. I couldn’t imagine what I would do if that happening to me. “ Soft Soap being a reporter can smell a juicy story and his mouth is watering “so what happened?” Nyx Smiled “do you really want to hear that story?” Soft Soap nodded. Crystal smiled. “Well I don’t know.” Crystal acted like she is thinking. “Sorry, it isn’t our story to tell.” Soft Soap knew he been played by two little Fillies. He pulled out a notepad and pencil “Fine, let’s start the interview.” For awhile they answered very easy questions. Like what is your favorite color? Then Soft Soap put down the pencil and notepad “that should do it. Now I just need the two ponies that are listening at the door to give me an interview.” Crystal and Nyx laughed and walked out of the room as Twilight and Shooting Star walked in. Nyx looked at the clock. “Crystal, you could get your costume on the others will be here soon.” “Oh no.” Crystal ran up the stairs and to the Quartet. “Do we still have enough time?” Snowcap smiled “you are cutting it close but I think we can do it.” With that the Quartet took Crystal into the bathroom and did their magic. The CMC showed up as Nyx was doing the final touches for the Ball. Sweetie Belle walked up to Nyx. “Nyx, you are not in your costume?” “Sorry I am not going out with you this year. But crystal is.” Then a filly sized Celestia walked down the stairs. As she got to the bottom of the stairs Celestia and Luna walked from the hallway. Celestia looked at the filly, turn to the side the filly mirrored Celestia. Every move Celestia did so do the filly. After a minute Luna walked up to the filly. “Come sister we don’t have time to play around we need to get our costumes on.” And she walked off with the filly. Celestia stood there for a sec then look at the CMC. “It looks like I am going trick or treating with you.” From the hallway they saw Crystal running back and she slidden to a stop between Celestia and her friends. “No you don’t this is my first year and I want to go.” Celestia frowned “you know I have haven’t gone once in all thousand years of this holiday.” Luna walked back. “Yes you did, last year before you got the candy you were a firepony. And the year before you were a royal guard. I think you went every year since it started.” “I didn’t get to do it until Twilight became my student. Twilight wanted to go and I didn’t want her to go alone so I change into a Filly and went with her.” “The first year she was a pirate; eye patch and all.” Twilight said as she walked into the room with Soft Soap. Soft Soap smile and took out a camera. “Can I get a picture of all the young ponies together?” They all got together and posed for the picture. But in the picture there were two Fillies with Celestia’s mane color, and one had a Pirate Costume on. Then the young Ponies left. Then Luna notice Celestia was missing. “She did it again.” Nyx pat Luna on the leg. “We don’t need her here to start the Ball. And I’ll take all her candy when she gets back. I am Nightmare Moon after all.” “Nyx, shouldn’t you get into your costume.” “yes I do.” with that Nyx ran up the stairs and to the Quartet. They smile and just took he in to the bathroom. A little time later Nyx walked into the Ballroom with her hair up in a beehive hairdo with an upside down visor and white high waters and orange blouse. Twilight laughed “you are Rarity’s mother for Nightmare night.” Cadence smile “you look very cute Nyx.” Nyx Smiled. “thank you, look very pregnant.” “Thanks, where is aunty Celestia?” “She is out trick or treating.” “I should have known, she said she started with me because she was afeard of me doing it alone but the castle Staff told me that she have been doing it as long as any of them worked there.” “I know it, I guess I will overlook it but why not tell the truth about it. It isn’t like any of us would care that much.” Luna said. “It is just her little game.” Twilight said. “Well it is time to open the gates for the Ball, good luck Nyxie sticks.” Nyx took a deep breath and have the guards open the gates. The ball started without a hitch. The first to arrive were her grandparents Twilight Velvet and Night light. The Ballroom soon filled up with celebrities and nobles. Then after some time her friends came back and so did Celestia. It was a clear night the stars were shining bright like Luna have polish then for tonight’s ball. It was a great night to go for a blimp ride. Prince blueblood was enjoying doing just that, maybe enjoying it too much. He was at the wheel with a large bottle of hard cider. “my stupid father, because of him we lose our title. Hehe” He saw a sign that said “by Royal decree no pony should enter this cave.” “Who do they think they are telling me what to do?” Prince Blueblood slurred as he turned his ship toward the cave. Then when his ship was facing the cave he went full speed into the cave. At the ball everything was going well; there were enough food, drinks and music. Celestia and Luna were standing next to Crystal enjoy the ball, until that felt the magic of a pony that never wanted to see ever again. They look at each other. “Luna, it can’t be can it?” “Sister we should check, there is no harm in checking is there?” Celestia nodded and they teleported away. What they feared came true. The large crystal was shattered by the force of Prince Blueblood’s blimp crashing into it. Luna found Blueblood leaning against the steering Wheel drinking his cider. “you stupid fool, do you know what you did?” Blueblood smiled “I crashed my blimp. Hehehe.” “leave the fool alone Luna we have more important thing to do now.” “you’re right.” Then Luna and Celestia teleported back to the Ball. Celestia walk to the DJ stage and grab the microphone. She turned off the music. “the party is over please go home.” She walked out of the Ball room and to the Throne room, and paced until other Royal ponies, the Elements of harmony, and the founder of the CMC walked in. Nyx was confused. “Why did you stop my Ball?” Twilight saw I look on Celestia’s face that she have never saw before; Fear. And Luna didn’t look right either. She looks like a she is stuck in a Nightmare. “Where is Medley and Firefly? “ “Princess we are here.” They flew in and landed in front of her Luna said “she is free!” they looked worried. “You know what to do right.” They nodded then Celestia and Luna open a portal each and the Pegasi Flew through one of them each. “Celestia what happen.” Celestia turned and open a another portal “we have to go, now!!” They all follow Celestia through the portal to a beautiful garden that was in front of a castle. The castle was white and sat on top of a huge tree. Nestled in the root of the tree is the Town of the Night Ponies. The castle had gold archaic letters engraved into it from a long forgotten race of ponies; it also has red rose bushes climbing the exterior walls. It all had a Fantasy novel feeling. “I know that place. But from where.” Shooting Star asked. “this was our home before Everfree.” Celestia started to walking into the Castle “Follow me.” As that walked through the majestic hall of white marble they notice hanging tapestry; each telling the story of the ponies that lived there before. Most had Celestia and Luna in them. Celestia lead the group of ponies into a Courtyard. It was a wide and open courtyard full of the ghost of the past. If you stood quietly you would hear the laughter of a Filly Celestia and Luna playing with their parents. The Courtyard has a little gazebo to one side but your eyes were drawn to the white tree in the middle of the Courtyard. It had a magical feeling to it. Celestia turned and face the ponies. “Once all of the Alicorns live in a kingdom out of time and space. There was an Alicorn for each type of magic and every celestial body. We lived happily with our friends and Family. That until one Alicorn wasn’t happy with the magic she was given. And she looked to find a new magic. She looked into forbidden magic. She thought she could master that magic and become a greater Alicorn. But she became twisted and cursed by that magic. Then she started to kill off Alicorns one by one. That was until the masters of Day and night, our parents stepped in and sealed her with their life. By then only three Alicorns were left Luna, Shooting Star and I. This evening a foolish Pony crashed their blimp into the Crystal prison what was holding her and freed her.” “What can we do?” Celestia frowned “We can’t do anything. They can.” She pointed of Crystal and Nyx. “Well not quite yet, but after they are trained.” Luna stepped forward. “Firefly and Medley went off to do a mass forgetfulness spell. Every pony that isn’t in this Castle when it goes off will forget all about Alicorns and everyone that is here.” “So Big Mac and Granny smith will forget about me and Apple Bloom?” “Yes, but only until the spell is reversed.” Luna clarified. “I thought this castle was lost to time like the rest of the Alicorn kingdom.” “Our parents knew that the kingdom will crumble without the Alicorns magic, so they took our castle and lock it in your heart. When you changed Equestria you also unknowing put the castle in Equestria. Thanks to that we have a place to hide Nyx and Crystal until they are ready.” Celestia said. Nyx looked worried. “What if we are never ready?” Luna put her wing over Nyx. “Look around you. You have ponies that believe in you. So trust in yourself like that trust in you.” Medley and Firefly walked into the courtyard. “It is done you have ten minutes before the spell goes off.” “Medley, you have the box right?” “Here it is.” There in Medley’s back is the richly decorated box of the Elements of Harmony. Celestia took the box and opened it and took out the Elements of Harmony and place them in the tree. The tree glow and magic flowed through the castle. Luna walked over to Nyx and Celestia walk over to Crystal. The two older Alicorn touched horns with the two younger Alicorns. Magic flowed from the older to the younger. Then Celestia and Luna walked to the other side of the courtyard. Then turn to face the ponies. “Nyx and Crystal you have to raise the sun and moon from now on, Have Twilight and Shooting Star help you until you can do it on your own.” Then they teleported away.