Fluttershy's Adventures in the Alternate World

by RikaChan

Chapter 3

"Do you... like him?" I asked Coco, a hint of jealousy in my voice.

"Well, duh! Who wouldn't? He's hot, kind, and just my type. We would make the perfect match, and I-" she kept on blabbering on after that, about how perfect they would be together and how much she liked him and so on. This really sickened me, and that's when I snapped.

"No, actually, I don't think you would go well together. He's kind, and all you do is blabber on about yourself! Take for example, right now!" I growled at her, anger rising in my voice. My eyes were stone hard, boring into her skin as if I was seeing straight through her.

"I- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No, of course you didn't. You didn't mean to completely ignore me and just talk about you you you, and you didn't mean to leave me out about talking about human stuff. I bet you thought that ponies didn't know what love meant, right? Well, for your information, I DO HAVE FEELINGS!" I was screaming by now, taking advantage of the terror in her eyes. But then, when I least expected it...

"Well, I'm sorry, but keep in mind that YOU were the one rescued by ME, I gave YOU a house to stay in, it's ME who is feeding you right now, so if I kicked you out, you would basically be homeless living on the streets! I mean, I bet that's where you came from in the first place, because I don't believe in all this 'pony' crap, I'm not a baby you idiot!" she shot right back at me. She was standing up now, and the way she was glowering over me was intimidating.

"I- I'm sorry..." I whimpered.

"I don't care anymore!" She screamed. Storming out, I then realised that everyone else was staring at me. I didn't care anymore though. I started to sob as I ran out of the shop. Not following Coco, just somewhere were I could be alone. Once I got out, I stumbled, but tried as hard as I could to walk straight.

I eventually found myself walking out of town, where I found a park. I sat on one of the benched, earning lots of confused stares from the people walking past due to the way I was sitting. Ignoring them, I continued to think about what I would tell Coco. I mean, she was my house, my food, my survival while I was here! I had to get back on to good terms with her.

I thought about apologising, but I knew that wasn't enough. I couldn't say that she could have the boy either, I wasn't sure if I'd ever even see him again! Plus, it wasn't my choice to give over strangers to people.

Sighing in frustration, I decided to walk around and practice my walking skills. Maybe even talk to some animals, if there were any here.

I walked over to a pack of pigeons, smiling at them.

"Hello there!" I grinned. Finally something I could do right.

The people walking past rushed on, trying to ignore me. Taking no note of their odd behaviour, I continued my conversation.

"It's so weird here, you wouldn't believe what I've been through. Coming from Equestria, things are so different. I really have to get used to it..."