A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria

by TimeTravelinc

To Canterlot! For Danger Approaches

Chapter 25: To Canterlot! For Danger Approaches
The next day, Twilight awoke and got herself ready. She went downstairs to go and grab a few things to take with her to Canterlot. She then went to go wake Spike, when she saw that he was already up and busy making breakfast.

She was about to head to her dining room/kitchen when she suddenly felt a strange magical presence. Suddenly, there was a *POP!* and James suddenly came into existence. This took Twilight by surprise, as she didn’t see James protect himself against Dark James.

He looked around the area, with a smile on his face. He then turned towards Twilight, removing his goggles from his face. “Ah, Twilight! It’s good to see you up and about. How are you feeling?” James said. Twilight was surprised that James did that. She then asked, “James, how did you teleport?” “Well, I figured that it was like “Jumper”, imagine the image of where you want to go, focus, let the energy flow through you, and circulate until it teleports you to your destination.”

“Anyways, didn’t I tell- well, no I didn’t.” James said, as he started to mumble to himself on the idea of what he was trying to explain.

“James, what happened while I was passed out?” Twilight asked, as she headed for her dining room table. “Well, yesterday Dark James, that’s what we’re calling him,” he started, explaining it to Twilight, “he tried to attack me. He first tried to fill me with darkness and control my mind. That didn’t work as the chemical that I took made me immune to it and my body not accept the darkness, so we fought for a moment. He then tried to blast me, and somehow- I don’t know how- I protected myself by producing a shield around me and saving me from being destroyed.”

She nodded, eating her eggs and hay bacon. Spike, who had cooked Twilight’s food, went to the table and eat his food. “Want some?” “No thanks Spike, I already ate.” James replied to Spike. “So, how did you get those powers?” Spike asked as he ate his eggs. “My theory,” James started as he started to think, “is that when Nightmare Moon was fused with my DNA, she and I gained new things when we separated. She gained some of my memories, and I gained some of her powers, but the power is positive instead of negative like Dark James.”

“We have to defeat him though, for the fact that he may use those memories to pull Earth into darkness.” James said. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. James got up from the table and went over to the front door. He opened it, revealing one of Celestia’s guards.

“You are required to come to Canterlot at once.” The guard said. James smiled, then said, “One moment sir. My friends need to finish their breakfast.”

A few minutes later…
James, Spike, and the Mane Six, were riding one of the royal carts that would take them to Canterlot. James smiled, as the guards didn’t realize that a certain vehicle was following them from the ground. What was that vehicle? James’ car, the Volkswagen Beetle, but never mind that.

The cart soon landed right in front of Celestia’s castle. Soon, they quickly went to the throne room where Celestia and Luna sat. “Greetings Twilight, I see that you are well?” “Yes Princess Celestia, I am fine, but I’m curious on how James got his powers?”
“James?” Celestia said, to which James replied, “Well, I theorized Princess, that when Nightmare Moon and I were together, her abilities and mine were fused together. When the chemical was consumed by me, it copied the traits from her and me to each other. I have her powers, although their positive and she has my memories, although I fear for my planet.” Celestia was curious, and confused on how that happened.

“Why do you fear for your planet?” “Because,” James started, clearing his throat, “she may try to cover Earth in darkness.” Celestia nodded, thinking about James’ world being pulled into deeper chaos by a darker being. “Well, shall we begin?” Princess Luna said. Everyone nodded in agreement, and thus the meeting began.

As the meeting began, they started to plan for the worst of problems. James however felt a disturbance in his body. Far away from James and his friends, in a castle that was falling apart was the castle that Nightmare Moon was defeated in long ago.
“This was where I once was going to rule all of Equestria and the entire world, now… it was ruined by some weak ponies.” “Weak ponies? They only seemed weak, but they have a powerful destiny.” A voice said. Dark James looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Suddenly, there was a smile floating there in mid-air.

Soon, two toonish eyes landed where they should’ve been. Soon the rest of the body soon faded into existence, showing a boy with brown spikey hair, a red bowtie on him, and a blue jacket. He also wore white gloves for hands, his pants were a darkish green, and his shoes were bright green, with yellow that made them look like there were wings on them.

“Character.” Dark James said, as anger filled him. “Now don’t be angry Dark James. I’m not here to try and destroy you.” The Character said. This confused Dark James, as he knew deep within him that this… Marisu was about to cause something to go wrong with his plans.

“Please, I just go from place to place and only interfere when and where I need to.” The Character said, as if he was speaking to another entity that seem to be there. “What are you doing here, Character?” “Me? Well, I heard you’re fighting one of my friends that I’ve been keeping an eye on.”

Dark James thought for a moment, then realized what he ment. “You gave James his powers.” He accused. “No, the universe balanced it with James’ chemicals. I just gave him a nudge in the right direction.” He said with a smile.
He then pulled out a big cigar and started to smoke it. Dark James looked at him with a smile. “You know that those cigars will kill you.” The Character looked at him with a smug smile, then said, “If you were a normal human being. I am not normal, nor a human being. As you know, he will defeat you.”

“That what I’m hoping to do to him. Defeat him, take back Princess Luna, and bring this world to eternal darkness.” Dark James said. He then paced the floors as he started to think of a calculated way of defeating James. The Character, who had appeared to watch Dark James make a fool of himself, floated slightly above him and started munching on popcorn while sitting on a theater seat.

Dark James tried to ignore him, but found it hard for the fact that The Character was munching on popcorn loudly. He kept trying and it got harder and harder until Dark James snapped. He then launched a blast of energy that should’ve destroyed anyone, in rage. Soon, the theater chair, whatever popcorn, and the popcorn container fell to the ground. The chair looked mangled, and the popcorn container had a huge flaming hole in it.

Suddenly, Dark James was lifted off the ground, but not by his own accord. “Wha-? Put me down Character, put me down this instance!” He exclaimed, as he floated high above the ground. Character looked at where a screen should be, then said, “You folks should respect your elders. They’re a lot wiser than they seem.”

The Character smiled, then turned back to Dark James. “Well DJ-.” “It’s Dark James!” “Whatever doofus. Remember that I’m friends with the big man upstairs. So, he could easily destroy you with just a snap of his fingers. No, just a word, and you’re gone in a puff of smoke.”

Dark James looked at The Character with disdain, but then just floated over The Character with his arms crossed and with a pout on his face. The Character chuckled for a moment, before he slowly lowered him on his feet.
“I know that you’re upset,” he started, to which on that exact moment, Dark James stuck out his tongue at The Character, “But there’s still the fact that you still have to destroy him.” “And I will. Trust me.” Dark James said, with a smirk as he looked across the land of Equestria. The Character blew a puff of smoke, then said, “Well, all I can say is good luck.” James looked behind him to see that he was gone. “And don’t expect me to be completely gone.” Dark James heard The Character say. He got angry as The Character laughter echoed in both his mind and across the castle.

The laughter soon started to fade, and soon Dark James went back to his deep thinking.

Back at Canterlot, in the throne room of the Princesses, James and many of his friends were trying to figure out how to defend Canterlot and possibly all of Equis from Dark James. James’ secondary concern was to protect his Home Planet from Dark James, if and only if, they couldn’t stop him at Equis. If they couldn’t stop him from bringing Equestria into eternal darkness, the least they could do is stop him on Earth.

But that was if, Dark James figured out how to get off of Equis and onto Earth. But he didn’t want to think about that, now he wanted to protect his Second Home, and that was Equestria.

“So, who is going to help me protect Canterlot from a dark me?” he said. No one said anything, which bothered James as he stood there waiting for an answer. “I… do have an idea.” Princess Celestia said. James smiled as he felt that he knew that she made the right choice.

He stood there in shock as she introduced her choice. “This is Shining Armor. He will be happy to help you.” She said. As she left James alone with Shining, he swore that he saw her smirk, which confused him, but then he shook it off. James then looked at Shining, “So, do you do anything special, besides being the Captain of the guard?” James said.

“Well, I have the ability to make massive shields as well as be the loving brother of Twilight.” He said. James smiled, to which he replied, “Yeah, I know what you- wait!” Shining looked around, trying to see what James was seeing. “What? What is it?” “You’re the brother of Twilight? Wait, Twilight has a brother?” James said.

Shining breathed a sigh of relief, glad that nothing was attacking them. He then looked at the shocked human who shook his head at why Celestia did this to him.

He then looked at Shining Armor before him and decided to make a new friend. He placed his arm around the unicorn, then said, “Have you ever played ‘Go Fish’?”

“Go fish.” James said, with a smirk on his face. Shining muttered some kind of curse under his breath as he levitated another card to his hand. James shook his head, thinking that this game was sillier when taken seriously.

For a moment, when they started playing, James and Shining had been coming up with a plan to stop his evil self (which Shining thought that it sounded like something out of a corny story he’s been reading recently). James shook his head and thought, ‘Maybe the universe works in corny ways.’

James then asked, “Do you have any kings?” to which Shining shook his head. James just shook his head, then took another card from the pile of cards. “Seriously, you carry a pack of cards on you?” “And a pack of dominoes.” James replied in agreeance, pulling out a pack of Bicycle™ Dominoes Cards. Shining shook his head, while James giggled at the silliness of what has happened.
“Shining, how would you feel if we became friends?” James said. Shining was silent, either from concentration or something else. “I think… that you have a seven.” He said. James smiled again and shook his head. Shining sighed and grabbed another card from the deck.

“Seriously though, I think that we could be friends.” Shining said, then added, “Would there be a reason not to?”
James shook his head, thinking about the friends he has made over the past month or so. “Do you have any sixes?’ he said. “Rats!” Shining exclaimed. James laughed and was glad that nothing went wrong, but then felt a strange twinge of dread. He knew that it was something over the horizon, something he wasn’t going to like.

He was just frightened of what the outcome would be.