The Lost Pony Tales of Equestria Vol. 1 Meeting the Crowned Crew of Ponyville

by Starlight Dragon

Chapter 5 A Bubbly Personality

We return to the edge of the Everfree Forest where Scarlet, and Speedy are camping out the moonless night. As the sun begins to rise Scarlet begins to stir lets see what she is up to so early. She is cleaning up camp from last night stashing the supplies in her hiding spot. Cooking up some hot tea with her magic enough for herself and Speedy.
“Oh my you must like sleeping in Speedy, well sadly for you it’s time to wake up.” All of a sudden a Dragon like roar shakes Equestria,“RAAAARRRR.”
Scarlet uses her dragon roar to wake him up, a deep raspy roar spreads across Equestria. Speedy wakes up terrified just like any pony that was trying to sleep in this morning.

Speedy asks Scarlet, He is breathing rather quickly sweat beads and slides down his face, “What, was that?”
She replies, “We are on the edge of the Everfree Forest Speedy, it could have been any creature that calls that place home. Perhaps we should get to business so what did you bring me.”
“Special Delivery for Scarlet, this box and this bag were sent by the Ponyville Bookshop’s keeper Haiden,” Speedy replies handing her the box and bag.
“This order is much larger then I expected, 70 copies before the summer sun festival. It took me two days to make 20 copies and I have 3 days to fill his order. I never be able to make that many on my own, I should at least get these 20 copies to him. Hey Speedy want to make a detour from your normal route this morning, and drop these off? I am happy to pay for your trouble.”
Speedy smiles, “Sure, I be happy to take them in for you, and I have an idea on how your gonna make those 50 copies in time.”

As Speedy and Scarlet make their way into town, they begin to make a working relationship. He would become her go to delivery specialist, to help her books spread in turn giving Speedy his much needed extra work.
“Here we are Scarlet, Bubbles’s Oddities the shop I was telling you about.”
Scarlet replies, “You’re sure this is a bookbinding shop Speedy, it doesn’t look like one?”
Speedy looks back at her as he was preparing to fly to work.
"Ya, I very sure it is I deliver stuff to this shop every once in awhile. Don’t be such a shy pony, the owner Bubbles is very friendly and I’ve known her for a few years. All you need to do is to go inside and talk to her about making copies of your book, don’t worry. Anyway I have to head into work maybe I see you later Scarlet.” With that he flew away off to work and delivering her books. Starlight gather her nerves and opened the door, a bell rings as she enters. There’s stuff here that I’m not even sure what it does, stacked on shelves and stacked on display boards.
“Can I help you miss?” Bubbles begins screaming like a fan girl, “You're Scarlet, can I have you’re autograph!? You can sign my copy of your book!”
Scarlet was quite surprised and shocked by Bubbles’s reaction to seeing her.
“Ok, I sign it give it here."
“Oh thank you Scarlet, I forgot my manors I’m Bubbles. What brings you to my shop this morning?”

Scarlet replies, “I need to have some copies made of my book as soon as possible. A pegasus named Special Delivery told me you’re an excellent bookbinder and guided me to your shop.”
Bubbles replies, “Ah so how many copies do you need made and when do you need them done?”
Scarlet answers, “I need 50 copies before the summer sun festival.”
“Well no wonder you need help Scarlet, that’s a lot for one pony to make. Lets get started shall we follow me.”
Scarlet nervously follows her into the basement of her shop. She soon finds herself in a room full of strange machines dimly lit from lights hanging from the rafters.
”Here we are Scarlet, the text I easily can produce with the presses I have, but your illustrations require using plates one for each color. I could have them made but it would cost 30 bits to have them done, and they wont be ready in time. But after that each copy will cost you 2 bits per copy to make.”
Scarlet removes her saddlebags but not her cloak with her magic, a white aura guides its movement. She then pauses to think rubbing her chin as she thinks about what they could do.
“ I have an idea Bubbles you order the plates, and I’ll illustrate the books till their ready.”
Bubbles smiles and replies, “Alright I’ll prepare the order for the plates why don’t you get started drawing, the paper is under the desk there.”
After a short amount of time Bubbles returns and gets to work, right beside Scarlet. She admires Scarlet’s talents, and the two of them get 10 copies before a loud crash is heard from above. The two head up to investigate the noise.

“Special Delivery?” Scarlet seemed amazed to see him again. ”Here are your packages, Scarlet! Ready to go for lunch sis?” Scarlet was dumbfounded, not only was Speedy there again but they were siblings.
“Oh no, he just doubled his order from 50 to 100 copies but he paid for it again in advance. I don’t think even with my magic I can illustrate 100 copies in that short of a time.”
Bubbles walks to her side and says, “We figure out something Scarlet, but lunch does sound good would you like to join us?” “Thank you Bubbles," she levitates her saddlebags onto herself. “ Like you said lunch sounds good and it would be a great chance to see the town again.”
“Speedy why don’t you fly ahead and reserve a table for us all at your favorite restaurant.”
Speedy replies, “Ok I see you guys there, don’t take too long getting there.”

Scarlet asks Bubbles as they walk to the restaurant, “Do you really think we can still pull this off somehow?”
Bubbles does her best to be positive, “Yes its still possible, we just have to come up with a new plan and work hard. Those plates will speed up production in 3 days, we will make as many as we can till then. You’re a gifted writer and a good storyteller you should be ecstatic you so successful.”
“I know but it happened so fast I still can’t believe it. I mean it feels like, one day I was wondering Equestria roads and trails alone searching for my place in this world. The very next day the story that kept me awake on moonless nights would be what makes me special. What every pony would want from me making it possible to settle down finally. I’m slowly getting use to staying in one place, and not having to struggle to survive each and every night.”
Bubbles hugs Scarlet, “You’re never going to be alone Scarlet in this town, I’ll be here for you. My brother and I know what it feels like to be in your shoes. Your going to be fine Scarlet, your kind and considerate just like me. I can’t see anyone not liking you, just be true to yourself and to your friends.”
Scarlet glances down at her hooves tears rolling down her face. What bubbles said really got to Scarlet, she was being true to her nature but she also was living a lie. Covering her true self much like wearing a mask, hiding who she really is behind a painted cutie mark. She hides her other scars with a cloak and her mane but they still reminded her of her past. She could also still feel the dragon’s power and it’s growing inside of her each day it was a matter of time before it would come out once again. She would put every pony around her in danger if her dragon side took over her body again. Scarlet wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Bubbles.
“Your right Bubbles, I’m just letting the stress get the best of me, you really want to be my friend?”
“Of course Scarlet, and I bet Speed would like to be your friend too. I bet a good lunch and some company will put your mind at ease, and luckily we’re here.”

Scarlet and Bubbles are standing outside The Chineigh Café, a small restaurant owned and run by a local chef. As Bubbles enters, she gestures Scarlet to follow her. Poor Scarlet wasn’t prepared for this a lot of ponies were there for lunch today, and she wasn’t comfortable being in a crowd like this. Bubbles could see she wasn’t handling things well and went to find the owner Rice Chop. Rice Chop is a unicorn with indigo blue coat with dark pink hair with yellow streaks. Yellow eyes with feminine like long eye lashes topped off with a white chef hat his hair sticking out of his hat base.He follows Bubbles back to Scarlet weaving through the crowd.
“So this is Scarlet pleasure to have you in my restaurant my name is Rice Chop. Your friend Speedy booked a table for you ladies, but I would rather have you sit at my private table. So I can personally meet the pony my wife adores, I haven’t had a chance to read it myself. Quite the gift you have Scarlet, Scarlet blushes. Now ladies follow me I take you to my table in the dinning area.”
Scarlet replies, “Thank you sir, but may I ask you a question?”
“Yes what’s on your mind?”
“Its I've never seen a cutie mark like that before.”
“Well, Scarlet that there is a egg roll, beside a mango with a California Roll sitting on top of the mango.” “Lets get you ladies some lunch shall we, follow me try to keep close.”

As Rice Chop, Bubbles and Scarlet weave through the restaurant she begins to admire the subtle beauty of it. Its white walls with red beams, beautiful landscape paintings hang from the walls. Eastern style lanterns hang from the beams casting a warm orange light. The dinning area has 8 Hibachi Tables surrounding Rice Chop’s private table, separated from the others with paper walls. Each table sits 7 hungry ponies while a skilled chef cooks your meal before your eyes. In Rice Chop’s booth Speedy was already waiting, “There you girls are I’m starving. What took you girls so long?”
Scarlet blushes and hides her face,
Bubbles replies. “We had a little issue getting here, I took the wrong turn and I got distracted.” The 3 order their meals with Cali they continue to bond, as Rice Chop expertly prepares their meals before them. They enjoy each others company as Scarlet and Bubbles put together a plan to get the books done. Scarlet will give her magic a shot at creating the plates they need. As the group enjoys each other company for about an hour before they get to the point of saying their goodbyes. Scarlet and bubbles return to the shop, and Speedy finishes his daily rounds.

As night falls Scarlet leaves for home, “Could my dreams really have come true after all these years? Making friends, living out of the shadows, is this really real? But I know I’m hiding from my true destiny, I feel the darkness rising in me how long can I hide the dragon within. How long can I keep it from my friends, I'll have to tell them someday I just know when.”