When the Everfree Burns

by SpiritDutch

Chapter 18: Unrequited Goodbye

The Previous Month

The wet moss served as a comfortable pillow, so soft against Lyra's head, and so pleasant that she allowed herself to imagine for the first few moments of wakefulness that she was back in Canterlot; that the sounds of birds and insects was an opium-induced haze. Who had she brought home this time, Lyra wondered. Hopefully he or she was cute, and Lyra wouldn't look back on the perfect morning with anything other than nostalgic euphoria.

"Hum dre dee dum." Somepony was singing to themselves.

Lyra’s ears twitched. She was, unfortunately, not in a drugged-out dream, as all the aches of rough living welled up. There was no pleasantness at all, for the slight scent of food reminded her of her ravenous hunger.
Curling upright and trying to look around, Lyra's eyes too-slowly adjusted to the misty forest. Spinal soreness and sensory issues were symptomatic of severe magical exhaustion. Hopefully the olfactory delights were real and not deceptions.

"Hmm hmm... Oh! Lyra, mate! You’re alive! Good shit!" And cheery voice that sounded exactly like Pon-3 was her haywire senses too?

"Oh, damn, that's right." Lyra collapsed back on the moss, releasing a throaty groan. "I agreed to Twilight Velvet's pact." She murmured.

"Hell yes you did! Oh my gods, I was soo fucking happy- Like I can't even explain." Vinyl blabbered like a filly. "And I was such a mess too, cuts and bruises all over me. That old bat in the maid getup had really beat me to hell. When the teleport completed and I knew I was free, I felt better than I had in my entire life." Vinyl's actions could be discerned by the rustle of the damp leaf litter, and the slight crackle and sizzle of whatever she was cooking. "I've had hostile sendoffs before. When Phyte and Celestia exiled me, they admonished me for what had to have been hours, about what an idiot I was and how I was going to everypony elses problem from then on, and if I returned to Equestria they'd cut my legs and breasts off and hang me from a steeple. By comparison, getting smacked around then sent off with a job and some veg is a fun weekend, really."

"Shut up, please. My head hurts." Lyra pleaded. "Just... some water. I could use some water."

"Oh sure!" Vinyl bounded over and helped ease Lyra into a sitting position, then guided a flask to her lips. "Keep your eyes closed a sec. I'm gunna try a hangover spell I remember."

A tingle ran along Lyra's spine and to her ears. When Lyra opened her eyes again the haze had mostly lifted: Crouching over her, smiling softly, the white head, electric blue mane, and smoldering grey eyes of Pon-3/Vinyl Scratch. "Thanks." Lyra nodded, taking the flask herself and letting Vinyl return to cooking.

"Don't worry mate, I won't call it even just yet." Vinyl laughed.

The situation was dour. Lyra had survived her solitary week in the highland glades of the southeast Canter, and her reward was being bound in guildmares' sisterhood to the homicidal freak Pon-3 to enjoy the cold wet mornings with. Lyra could tolerate team missions in the best circumstances and with a group she trusted, but these were bad circumstances and mare she greatly distrusted. What was worse, her mission had not been given a Star's grace, but a conniving and vicious mortal mare's: Twilight Velvet... Twilight Velvet who still had her hooves on Octavia!
"She's alive, right?" Lyra whispered, terrified of the answer.

"You mean Tavie? Oh yeah, no worse for wear than me. Maybe she's a bit more fragile, but I bet that jeeves-ass bitch went easy on her. I'm sure Tavie'll live." Vinyl nodded aggressively.

Invigorated by sudden rage, Lyra pushed herself to her hooves, to limp forward, mud and leaf litter sloughing off her, until she was right behind Vinyl. "Show some fucking respect to your missing 'friend'." She hissed. "You put us, and her, in this whole mess. Not only did you provoke an alicorn's wrath by returning, putting Phyte's word and operation at risk, you directly provoked a Nightmare! At least four ponies are dead because of your recklessness! Even if we survive the next months Octavia and I will be on the run for the rest of our life. That's right, not only have you gotten yourself exiled by being a complete psychopath, but you're done it to us." Lyra punctuated her yelling with a pained, despairing whine. "And poor Octavia. After Pants's murder, she all but begged to go back to the guild hall. It was you she wanted to see, one last time... you, her evil, disappointing friend, who has only ever caused her grief."

Vinyl frowned. "She's caused me grief too."

"Arg!” Lyra snatched a vegetable skewer off the campfire and sat across from Vinyl. "You don't understand because you can only think about yourself."
Lyra allowed a minute of stewing silence as she ripped into the cooked vegetables. Delicious. "Your gratitude to me is heartwarming, I guess. But in case you didn't catch on you're not the pony I wanted OR needed from Twilight Velvet. I wanted Octavia."

Confusion washed over Vinyl’s face, then a flash of anger, then a sad acceptance. She didn't say anything for the remainder of Lyra's breakfast.

Though she'd finally gotten her point through, Lyra hoped she hadn't poisoned the well too badly. She needed this mare. "Thank you for the food and the water. I understand I'm probably not your first choice of comrade either, but we have to make do." She cleared her throat. "Fate has put us in a tough spot, but if we do everything right we can save Octavia and find a life for ourself beyond this mess we're fleeing. There's got to be plenty of countries that still don't have extradition to Equestria."

"I get it. You've had a hard time. Your boss and your stability meant a lot to you. Now they're gone." Vinyl shook her head. "I've never had anything resembling a stable or safe life. Even before my exile I put my life and my friends' lives in danger like a fucking punk, leading us all on our sicko murder sprees. Ponies with normal lives were fodder for us. If you'd successfully gone full civilian I'd probably have hated you. But alas it didn't work out for you." Vinyl ruminated, but she also did not seem especially sad. In fact there was a hint of glee about her manner. The awaited-for 'I'm sorry' would never come. Whatever.

Lyra decided to change topics. "Let's get down to buisness then, from the beginning. Twilight Velvet captured you after the duels at the gatehouse. Did she explain herself?"

"Naw. As soon as we were conscious, she let her goons torture us." Vinyl's jaw set in impotent anger. "They were doing a classic good-jailor-bad routine, with the maid as the heel and Lady Velvet as the face. That frilly froufrou maid bitch... I swear she was getting off on it, taking turns asking us useless questions and beating the snot out of us." She shivered. "She had that boy of hers help her, doing tag-team torture like they do in Griffany. I would have confessed to anything, if they'd actually cared."

"Boy? You mean Shining Armor helped torture you?" Lyra queried.

"No no, I don't mean Velvet's kid. I mean the young stallion who was following the mares around. Sel Lech Sabonord. What a bucking freak, that guy, taking a 'student' approach to our suffering, acting like he was there to learn on the job, and apologizing the whole time. Then when Velvet's come around he'd help her care for us and read to us. Just unnerving." Vinyl scratched her cheek. "If you're trying to teach a virgin power politics, I guess that'd be the lesson plan: How to be violent, how to hurt others, but also how to keep the victim alive so they're useful to you."

That was true to Lyra experience. "That must have been harrowing for you."

"Not the worst, but I usually know if my captor is going to try to kill me at the end or let me go. The ambiguity was its own torture. Velvet kept saying how sorry she was to have to do this to us, and what rotten luck she had to be put in that position. I nearly believed her. Then, the third mare showed up." Vinyl's voice dropped to a whisper. "A little earth pony with black fur- Octavia told me that she's the one who brained Fancy Pants."

"The killer." Lyra felt her stomach drop. No mere pony, but something Lyra hardly even dared to think about: A Nightmare. "What the hell, Vinyl, why didn't you lead with that detail?! It means Velvet really was responsible for Pants's murder."

"Maybe. I don't know. I don't think she was. Because, well..." Vinyl slouched. "There's one other stallion too. The mute one we saw in the guild tunnels."

"One of Phyte's manufactured ponies? WIth Velvet?" Lyra stuttered.

Vinyl nodded. "Yeah. I know the score: Octavia explained the little cottage industry of mutilation Phyte has going on. The mute seems to have his wits despite what Phyte did to him, and he would run Velvet's errands." Vinyl leaned in. "Plus, Velvet was also using dragonfire spells, like Phyte does."

Lyra's brow furrowed. "The dragonfire teleportation is how she captured you, right? That actually complicates the Velvet-Phyte connection, because as far as I know the mistress never managed to harness conjured dragonfire. She's totally reliant on liquid dragonfire and her enchanted birdcages."

"Yup, Velvet was freestyling that shit. She teleported me here totally by herself." Vinyl said.

"Quit cursing. You're giving me a headache." Lyra mumbled. "So, whether or not the Nightmare, Twilight Velvet, and Mistress Phyte were conspiring together all along..." She drummed her skewer against her knee, thinking. "it doesn't mean anything for us. We're still constrained to two choices: Going back to Canterlot and trying to get revenge, or fulfilling Lady Velvet's hit and earning Octavia back."

"Yeah, guess so. I've never made a job better by overthinking it." Vinyl concurred glumly. "Though, you didn't mention that we've got a third option, of doing neither and going our separate ways."

"Because that's NOT an option. You're stuck with me until we get Octavia back or we die." Lyra stood up. The last few minutes of conversation had convinced Lyra that Vinyl could be tolerable company when she wasn't being a gremlin- It was up to Lyra to discover how best to keep the psychotic killer on track and objective-focussed. "I know you will do your part, because you have no say in the matter."

"You think you're the boss?" Vinyl clucked her tongue. "Whatever. Not like I'm going to wrestle you over it. Just means you've got the responsibility of choosing our path. So, what'll it be? We going towards Canterlot or away?"

Lyra's master was dead, but there was no room for complex revenge fantasies in her line of work. Returning to Canterlot was an idiotic notion, for if Velvet and any other conspirators caught wind they'd kill Octavia and probably Lyra's family too. That left only one choice. "Lady Velvet's letter said we'd have to kill two ponies, but it didn't say who. I'm assuming she passed that information to you."

The prospect murder reinvigorated Vinyl. "Oh ho! She sure did, and even told me I'd get my back pay for the Canterlot jobs afterward. Not the worst deal I've been offered."

"Right. Either Velvet must have thought getting Octavia back wasn't enticement enough for you, or she's got a bizarre sense of fairness." Lyra said. "Let's hear it."

Vinyl scratched her chin. "Some noble jerks in the Foal Mountains. Two brothers."

"No kidding." Lyra knew exactly who she was talking about. "Velvet wants some good old fashion inheritance-tampering, We're going to finish the job started back in '78 and wipe out the ancient house of Bright. Gods forgive us."

One Month Later

The mountains of Foal contained the most beautiful landscapes Lyra had ever seen. Every road she'd travelled had, at some point along its laborious series of switchbacks, an overlook that commanded an unparalleled view over the landscape, where the natural features seemed so picturesque as to be painted: Great waterfalls feeding cool clear streams feeding rivers that divided the alpine agricultural fields at the valley floor, forests of stout pines with dark green canopies, caravans of cheerful sheep and goats moving between their pasturelands, idilic pony villages tucked against the cliffs and mountains, and the austere stone castles surmounting the cold peaks.

Unfortunately for Lyra, she was after the ponies inside those impenetrable castles. Since getting Twilight Velvet's mission, Lyra and Vinyl had spent two weeks traveling to get to Foal, then two weeks putting their plan into motion. Splitting up, reconvening, splitting up, comparing notes, sneaking around castle towns and eavesdropping on courtiers... But it finally looked like the effort had come to fruition.

That was why, on a chilly afternoon, at a rustic inn on the main road between the fiefs of Glitterhoof and Glorymane, Lyra and Vinyl approached from opposite directions.
Vinyl arrived first and lounged at the inn's back door, looking out over the cliff they were situated over- Like all Foal trails, the fief road snaked along the edge of a gorge, leaving precious little room for the inn. At least it made waste disposal easy.
Lyra arrived a little later, and after a moment of mutual recognition under their travel disguises, she joined Vinyl at the cliff's edge. "Hey."

"Hey yourself" Vinyl nudged her unicorn comrade. "Sorry, I don't have any hashish left this time or I'd offer you some. I ate it all yesterday."

"Better yesterday than today." Lyra said softly.
The noise of the inn could be heard muted through the solid construction of the alpine-built walls. Lyra's stomach turned to think of them, the paths of their lives innocently leading them to that moment, where they were enjoying themselves in good company on a cold afternoon. Those ponies had loved ones, someone waiting on them or who they were going to see.
Yet cruel fate had imbued Lyra with the power and necessity to hurt those ponies so she could get what she wanted, to see Octavia again. "I'm a little angry you didn't save me any, actually. I'm... more nervous that I thought I'd be. It's been so long since I was a proper guild mare."

"Aww, revert into a little cherry girl?" Vinyl tried to tease Lyra's nose but had her hoof batted away. "Hmph. Now that you mention it, I don't even remember you drawing you sword during the gatehouse tussle. You just slipped away." Though Vinyl could mention it without bitterness, it still deepened Lyra's frown. "It's not like we're expecting a fight today. We can set everything up and slip away, and if necessary I'm fighty enough for the two of us."

"No, I will see this through and make sure it is all done right, to confirm the kill." Lyra said. "Do not worry about me. I'm far from useless. I survived a Nightmare, remember. If you'd kept your shit together maybe you could have been there too and we'd have won. Then we wouldn't be here."

Vinyl clearly didn't know what to make of that remark. "What?"

"Sorry, that was stupid of me to say. My nerves are worse than I thought" Lyra sighed.
It was the guild mare's job to never question orders: The mistress would not have sold a murder if she had not deemed it virtuous or necessary, and a guild mare could not turn down a mission until she found a replacement assassin. Being an independent blade for hire meant shouldering the decision, and therefore the moral burden, of murder. That was no small part of Lyra's decision to be Fancy Pants's agent, as a servant of the empire, because empire was its own justification.
There was no validation when Twilight Velvet was just some mare, and not somepony Lyra would have taken a job from even under normal circumstances. How could Lyra face her victims in the afterlife and explain to them she'd had to kill them for Twilight Velvet? She struggled to conjure a moral formulation that made it okay to sacrifice so many for so few.
"Hey." She nudged Vinyl. "You must have met assassins overseas. What are they like?"

"Oh, yeah, I met plenty. In Sahella, Zebrastan, and Chitin there's secret societies with all mystic practices, kinda like the Musician's Guild but run by zaotars rather than a Star. Around Griffany and the Saddle, the assassins are from the same batches as the soldiery, being mercenaries and expatriates: I swear, if you meet a pony with an Equestrian or Maredian accent around there it's fifty-fifty that they have a body count, as likely to stab you as invite you to a kaffeeklatsch." Vinyl explained. She paused for a moment. "Though, there was news on the wing that a secret society had been founded in Griffany too, run by Black Bell. I never saw any proof of it though." Seeing Lyra's questioning expression Vinyl clarified. "Black Bell is a Star too. Probably one of the better well known by normies, especially in Griffany. They just know her as an ancient witch."

"Then even the griffins are starting to yearn for the exculpatory powers of faith and hierarchy, as a steady refuge of the scoundrel and killer. It really is the same all over the world." Lyra smirked grimly. "The old stereotypes say that nothing can separate the griffin from their deneir, not even god. Especially not god. That Black Bell star has a daunting task ahead of her if she intends to systematize a killer's paradise. If it can be conceptualized as valuable, the griffins will sell it, even murder."

Vinyl shrugged. "I guess. You make it sound amoral but I liked my time in Griffany."

"A broken pony with something to sell, same as all the other expats." Lyra said, attempting a tease which came out much more mean-spirited than she intended.

"I sure was. Those stereotypes you're spouting are true: In Griffany nothing reigns above the almighty gold deneir, dinar, or denero. When contests, contentions, and relationships were tested it all came down the the gold. Griffany's a continent with kings and dukes and republics, but there weren't any nations and borders, because gold was der souverän, and it went where it pleased and dragged armies and refugees behind it. None of the ancient bloodline bullshit matters anymore, just bank credit and cash on hoof. When I see that society, I see the future of all races and lands, everywhere. Specie will conquer the world." Vinyl said with a deep seriousness, but quickly became playful again. "And not to mention griffins breed like crazy so like half the continent is actively killing the other half and the population still rises. It's a scavenger's paradise. I have a lot of good memories of Griffany... Almost slept with a unicorn merc that claimed to be a prince from these very mountains." She chuckled. "Then I, being drunk, puked on him and had to fight off his whole posse to get back to my hideout. That was the life."

There was probably some exaggeration and nostalgic misremembering to Vinyl's account. "It must be a generational thing that my cohort were never as wild as you, Octavia, and Pie were in your time." Lyra said.

"It'd be a shame if the problems matured you all, ya know, prematurely. Everypony deserves a wild phase... as long as they have a responsible figure to reel them in before they go too far and get themselves exiled." Vinyl grinned. "Ever thought about how your younger self would have approached this mission? Me, I'd have said 'buck it' and tried for collateral stabbings, knife massacre like. That's the kind of freak shit that made the Red-Eyed Miller a household name!" Her grin faded. "That'll never be me again. I didn't thunder back into history, but instead got tossed in a cage then kicked out here." She sighed. "One day the ponies will learn to fear that Nightmare, and they'll shriek in terror at her name, and never again mine."

The meandering conversation had gotten to a less uncomfortable place for Lyra. "I have often had the idea that we were in the last of the good times. Fifty years ago, guild mares were dashing rogues, prized courtiers and agents at home in any environment. Nowadays guild mares are cliquish thugs who fall over themselves for the mistress's attention. It's no wonder that in a culture like ours the primeval id, the Nightmare, comes alive to kill." Not strictly actuate to reality, but maybe a more poetic reality. "You saw how mistress Phyte was acting when we left her. With us 'dead' and the Nightmare on the loose, do you think she is going to keep the guild together?" Lyra asked.

Vinyl grew quiet and contemplative, weighing the question for a minute. "Lyra mate, I'm not certain she will keep herself together. The Nightmare wanted her head." She chuckled softly and scratched her chin. "Can you picture Phyte gone? Like... dead, forever? As often as I thought about attacking her I imagined it as my suicide."

The way that Vinyl said that rubbed Lyra the wrong way. "With an attitude like that, it's no wonder things turned out the way they did."

"Octavia said the same thing, the night she ratted me to Phyte. She told me I'd been living in the past my whole life, and that I should find someplace else to call home. I told her to knock it off." Vinyl said.

"How about now? Have you been broken down enough by Phyte and Velvet's successive imprisonings?" Lyra said roughly. "There are a million different places to live a good life. I bet you don't have a death sentence in even half of them. So, do you want to die or do you want to retire? Living in the past with a brain full of revenge fantasies is going to earn you the former."

Vinyl frowned. "What the fuck's it matter to you? Don't want me to die? That's charming, Lyra mate. Can't lie that I haven't gotten good at not dying, to nearly everypony's disappointment. End of the day though, it's my life and I'm going to do what I want with it."

Since Vinyl had been cooperative the past month, despite such bursts of thorniness, Lyra wasn't going to push the point to hard. "Wrong. Right now you have Octavia's life to bear as well. After today, when we earn Octavia's freedom, feel free to destroy yourself. But you've been trying for years, it seems, to no success. Not even returning to Canterlot could destroy you. If hell doesn't want you then try living for once, and see if that doesn't have better outcomes." Lyra fussed with the hem of her robe, avoiding Vinyl's glare. "But alas, it will be your choice."

Vinyl's sourness abated. "You sound like you care."

"I care for Octavia's sake." Lyra shrugged.

"Yeah sure."

A small bird swooped past the mares, landing on the eaves of the inn's back door, then letting out six sharp tweets. It flew up and around out of sight, audibly repeating the six tweets before going off along the valley.

"Blimey, six already." Vinyl said, a bit alarmed. "We're prepared right? Was there something we should've been doing instead of yapping?"

"It's fine, it's fine. As long as they arrive, that's enough." Lyra scooted back from the cliff and stood up. "All that nonsense we were talking about moving on, about maturing, about being better ponies, about transcending the traumas of the past: Chuck it all in the bin. We have to kill and kill mercilessly. We can not hesitate or we will fail and Octavia dies. Doubt and regret may come later but anticipation of it will not deter us. That's the guild mare way."

Vinyl patted her on the shoulder. "Fuck the guild. That's the assassin's way."

"That works too." Lyra surveyed the road again. She saw two parties coming from either direction, right on time:
From the east, six ponies, four knights leading a noble and his servant. Glorymane of House Bright.
From the west, six ponies, four knights leading a noble and his servant. Glitterhoof of House Bright.

"Like they say in Manehattan, time to rock-and-roll." Vinyl smoothed her mane back before pulling up her hood. "Good luck."

"You too." Lyra nodded.
Leaving Vinyl behind the inn with the saddlebags, Lyra circled to the front. The narrow mountain road was squeezed between the inn's frontage and the sheer mountain face, with several carts and wagons taking up the precious space. To maximize the area the inn's upper floors projected past the bottom floor, and a makeshift support column had been set under one of the sagging upper corners. Wasn't it crazy that unicorns had gone out of their way to live like that, Lyra thought?

The inn's front door and windows were all open, giving Lyra an unrestricted peak inside. Like many inns a drinking/dining saloon occupied most of the bottom floor, then half-full with travelers: Rowdy adventurers, braying locals, and intrusive drunks were at all moments clambering over tables and singing and shouting and especially drinking. If there was one thing Lyra had learned the past weeks, it was the unicorns of the Foal Mountains loved to drink. No wonder such an isolated venue could attract so many ponies when it could keep them sodden.

Lyra stood awkwardly for a moment before she thought of something to do, so she pulled out a pipe and very slowly stuffed it with tobacco. "Lousy Vinyl, eating all the hash." She was extremely nervous, keeping her eyes on her task as she heard two groups of six conversing towards her. The two noble parties rounded the last corners and came face to face, at either end of the inn's frontage.
A knight stepped forward from either direction, stopping-nae-colliding right in front of Lyra.

"Hark! The lord Count of the Eastern Marche, Glitterhoof, is come!" The knight coming from along the eastern road pronounced.

"Hark! The lord Count of the Western Marche, Glorymane, is come!" The knight coming from along the western road pronounced.

The two nobleponies stepped forward next. They were so gaudily dressed and manicured it was difficult to even tell their fur color. The two stallions, Glorymane and Glitterhoof, drew close, and after a moment of intense staring began to laugh. After a brief hug they leant on each other and led their whole procession into the inn, laughing at each others jokes.

"Too much to hope they'd shank each other right off" Lyra muttered, her eyes tracking the noblestallions as they passed by her.

Though the knights readily pushed inside, keeping the other guests away from the counts, the servants hung back, hovering near the entrance for a few minutes whispering to one another. They began to brazenly stare at Lyra, refusing to look away when she glanced their way.

"Uh. Yello there." Lyra gave a little wave. "Those marche lords are your masters then?"

"Your master too, pony." One of the servants, the taller one with chestnut fur, retorted. "You're in the demesne of Duke Foaly Flux, and Count Glitterhoof is his heir."

"An heir." The shorter servant, with biege-ish fur, corrected sharply. "Technically this valley is closer to the Western March of Count Glorymane. Do with that knowledge what you will, pony."

The nobles had, thankfully, gone into the inn; Still Lyra needed to confirm that they would stay there. "Wow. I've heard nopony gets to see the Brights. I feel so lucky." She hoped she sounded suitably impressed. "What are they even doing here? Goodness, I never thought I would see a high lord on a mountain path."

"Some things can't be discussed by post." The short servant said.

"So a neutral territory is needed." The chestnut stallion confirmed. He and the other stallion shared a glance. "That the lords can hash out important business."

"Because some day Lord Flux will die, and it's unthinkable that Foal gets divided between the heirs. The patrimony has passed intact through generations going back centuries." Said the short servant.

"There can only be one heir." Concurred the chestnut servant.

What did these servants have to prove? Sycophant mouthpieces surely had better things to do than correct random mares.
"Honestly I don't care about all that. Two donkeys pull the same when switched." Lyra finally finished packing the pipe, and lit it with a meagre spark of magic. "The Bright twins are so interchangeable it's a punchline back in Canterlot, and they only get talked about for their inheritance. Funny that it's the same inside Foal as well." She blew a smoke ring and offered the pipe to the stallions. "Hey, I don't mean offense. A pony's gotta work, and a boss is a boss. Can't think of a pony without both horn and wing that can't be swapped out at the drop of a hat. We don't live in a time of heroes, just crooks. Notoriety is fleeting, and obscurity is eternal."

The servant stallions eyed the pipe wearily, then wordlessly turned away and entered the inn.

"Tough audience." Lyra let out a deep sigh, part relief part anxiety. She peered through the window to see the counts and their entourages had commandeered a corner of the saloon for themselves.

"Psss!" Vinyl was peeking around the side of the inn. "Eyes on?"

"Yup, its the twins for sure. They're in there, closer to the back, left side." Lyra confirmed. "Status?"

"Three sides ticking. We handle the front manually if we have to." Vinyl shook her flank to accentuate the saddlebag and its contents. "We have about ten minutes."

The two nobleponies carousing at the back of the inn were between Octavia and her freedom. They were probably blameless for what was about to happen to them, but at that moment Lyra wanted nothing more than to see them die. "Nine minutes and counting... Enough time to party. Come on."

"You sure about this Lyra?" Vinyl mumbled.

"Absolutely." Lyra said, trying to act resolute.
The two mares straightened up their cloaks and strolled into the inn. The clamor of the visitors had been significantly subdued by the unexpected arrival of the nobles, and they only looked to see if the mares were yet more knights or somesuch. The innkeeper's daughter was engaged with the nobles, but the innkeeper herself was hunched over her own table, watching the scene.
"Hello again." Lyra bowed.

"Eh? You. I though it was you two westerners, skulking around. Still broke charity cases? No hoofouts today. The duke's lovely nephews are here and it's a roll whether they'll pay their tabs." The innkeeper grunted. In reply, Lyra dropped a few bits on the table, which surprised the innkeeper. "..."

"Yeah, that's for the drinks last week. My friend and I found some gigs."

"Well I'll be. I don't hardly count on vagabonds paying up, no offense meant. I hope you fillies didn't go out of your way to bring this." The innkeeper sighed.

"If you have a lyre, harp, or fiddle laying around we can even earn our next drink." Vinyl said.

"Used to have a sitar until some buckhead threw it off into the valley." The innkeeper scraped the bits into her apron pocket. "But I'll tell ya what: You mares are such nice gals I'll give you a couple drinks at cost, which when retroactively applied to your tab means I owe you, roughly, a cider mug each. Sound fair?"

"That is more than fair, mis. Thank you very much." Lyra nodded.
Leaving the innkeeper to her work, Lyra and Vinyl found an open table with an unobstructed view of the nobles and their guards. They hadn't attracted the attention of the other guests, who were also watching the nobles.
"Keeping the time?" She whispered to Vinyl.

"I'm not a bloody pocketwatch, but yeah. Seven minutes." Vinyl nodded.

Lyra leaned back in her chair, chomping at the bit of her pipe and staring at the ceiling, occasionally daring to glance at the noble party. She barely acknowledged the innkeeper returning with the drinks.
The presence of the civilians trebled her anxiety and doubt. What a terrible, terrible plan. Why had this been what they'd resorted to? With a little more wit, and a little more patience, could they have come up with something better? Her imagination tortured her with visions of Octavia, gaunt, chained to a damp dungeon wall.

The visions evaporated back into reality as somepony tapped her on the shoulder. "Heya there." It was a yellow-furred earth stallion with a curly brown mane, tinted glasses hiding his eyes, wearing a traveling cloak over light armor.

The mares faced the stallion. "Uh, hello. Can we help you?" Lyra asked cautiously.

"Oh, no I don't need anything, I just wanted to say hi, make your acquaintance and all that. I heard your Canterlot accents, which that intrigued me enough that I listened in, and I overheard you mention that you could preform music, if you just had some instrument." The stallion said. "Don't get too excited: My instruments aren't here either. But I got to wondering... what would a guild pony be doing in the countryside without their tools?"

Uh oh. Lyra stared at the stallion, trying to decipher his disposition. A local musician/assassin, perhaps? Was this professional courtesy or turf rivalry? "We don't want any trouble. We're just passing through."

The stallion quirked an eyebrow. "Yeah? Those bits you laid down have any blood on them?"

Why was this asshole questioning them? "If you care, it was honest pay for honest work. Earned from a couple days stint in a silver mine near Crystal Pass."

"I could see that being true, but if you came by this way before, you're not exactly 'passing through', are you. You're more hanging out." The stallion clucked his tongue. "I'm not a professor, at least not from an accredited university, but the harsh mistress of dice taught me YOU being here-" He eyed Glorymane and Glitterhoof's table. "At the same time as the powdered wig boys over there, by happy happenstance, is muy pequeno."

Vinyl realized the game was up. "Try anything and I'll make you give birth to your teeth, earth pony." She said quietly.

"Jeez louise, I've never heard that one before." The stallion chortled. He scratched his chin. "Really don't have your instruments? Then you must be reconnoitering. Tisk, you shoulda found disguises, like a monk or nun. Those are my favorites, but this one time I got too into it and was trapped in a convent out west for four months. Lately, I've been a badass sellsword." He flexed. "I've gotten real good at forging bounty warrants, and get to bill client and the sheriff both, hee hee!"

So, a traveling assassin. "You sure like to jabber. That annoys me." Lyra said solemnly. "You aren't welcome if all you are going to do it talk shop."

"Hold on a damn second..." Vinyl scrutinized the sellsword longer. "Lyra, did you see this guy come in with the nobles? He wasn't here before." She tapped the table. "He was trailing one of them."

"What's that prove mis? Oh, you think that maybe just maybe I was hired by somepony to discreetly take care of a brother. Projection, or do you have intel?" The sellsword's smile became a frown. "I've never had a gig with opposing force before."

"Those servants distracted me, just like you got distracted by us. While you were jabbering another killer has been at work, either the innkeeper or her daughter." Lyra said. "Look over there. One of the flagons is of a slightly different design than the others."

The sellsword gasped, leaping to his hooves. "Oh f-"

Lyra pushed him back into his chair. "The count must have noticed too since he hasn't even taken a sip. Actually none of them have. Your paymaster might survive another minute, no thanks to you."

"Not so smooth now. You such a non-threat that the innkeep didn't even offer you a free drink, did she. " Vinyl snickered, taking a big swig of her cider. "Guess what, probably also poisoned."

Lyra eyed her mug wearily, for once happy about her nerves.

The yellow sellsword pursed his lips. "Tricky devil." He stared at the mares for a moment, until his expression softened, clearly making the foolish decision to trust them. "I deserve the tongue-lashing, but underestimating me is a bad idea too. If things got contentious I have more than enough grenades to back you off."

"Uh, beg pardon?" Lyra.

"Oh, yeah, I have a shit-ton of grenades I stole form an imperial armory. The plan was to blow Gl-, my target, and his carriage right off the side of a cliff. But it's been one frustration after another. His party has been on constant high alert, and those beefy plate-armored boys could probably charge through a grenade and run me off, or even through. I'll have to be looking for an opening after the two counts disentangle. Sheesh, tough work eh?" The yellow sellsword laughed awkwardly. "You guild mares clearly know your stuff. If you've got buisness or you're just passing through... Is it too much to ask you let me collect on my contract? It's so damn lucrative and I have debts to settle, you know. Madam dice is a bitch."

Lyra was going to bitch the stallion out, but Vinyl tapped her hoof, pulling her attention.

"About eleven seconds left, Lyra." Vinyl said.

Lyra's eyes flew open. "Some bucking pocket watch you are!" She vaulted over the table and galloped for the door.

Just a little too slow. The rudimentary gunpowder mining charges Lyra had placed around the inn went off, choking the saloon in a blizzard of splinters. At the back of the inn the moonshine and hard liquors spilled and caught light, creating a spreading lake of fire. Overheated liqueur barrels began to squirt at the seams, creating jets that instantly caught alight and spread the flames to the walls and ceiling. In a mere seconds most of the inn was a fiery inferno.
The alarmed sounds of the victims were immediate. The whole building was being cooked.

"Ten damn minutes, was that?! You brain-damaged griffin fucker, I should have let Velvet keep you!" Hacking and wheezing, Lyra crawled out under the smoke, across the mountain road, and sat herself with her back against the mountain face.
Screams of pain and terror emanated from the burning inn. A burning knight, tearing away parts of his armor, toppled out a hole in the shattered wall, where he lay still. A desperate pony on the higher floor, awoken by the blast in a state of undress, climbed through the window, dropped to the path, and galloped away.
The roar of the flame grew louder as rest of the inn's alcohol caught light, and sympathetic explosions from the sellsword's grenades or Vinyl's leftover mining charges blasted more of the lower floor out and made the whole building sag further. Fire-streaked smoke billowed endlessly from every door and window.

Then, Vinyl strolled out of the door. Her cloak had completely burned off, and her mane had been singed short in a few places, but she was otherwise unharmed. "You left your pipe, Lyra, ha ha! I saw it propelled into the innkeep's cranium by that last blast. What a punchline."

A moment later the yellow stallion and one of the servants staggered out, supporting each other, getting only a few steps into clear air before they fell to their stomaches. "Bucking hell." The sellsword wheezed.

Vinyl stood over the poor gasping stallion, wearing the most peculiar expression, before trotting over to Lyra.
"Talk about a job well done, right?" Vinyl said. "We didn't even have to fight the knights."

"You are such an ass!" Lyra wheezed.

On the other side of the inn, a last sympathetic explosion: The flowing rivers of burning alcohol began to pour over into the valley below, and splashed over inn's waste and scat and urine that had been dumped off the side of the cliff for decades, and the ammonia and methane of the septic valley violently and combustibly decomposed. The whole mountain shook, and a few loose boulders rolled down onto the path.
The hellish inn creaked, then the entire section of the cliff it sat on sagged backwards, collapsing in a terrific landslide that fell hundreds of meters down into the valley. More and more of the mountain path fell away into oblivion, advancing and swallowing the closer wagons and carriages, until the erosion stopped just short of the yellow stallion and the servant.

The yellow sellsword rolled into a sitting position, carefully sliding off his broken glasses and revealing his green eyes. He tried to hide his grimace under his hooves. "I'm not actually a gambler, but I sure feel lucky now. How far to the nearest lottery office?" He laughed weakly. "I shoulda known better than think I could contend with psyco guild mares."

The youthful servant (the chestnut-furred lad) had been badly injured, and would have surely perished in the flames if the sellsword hadn't lent his shoulder. He stayed on his side, holding a hoof against a particularly nasty area of splinter-cuts. He seemed doomed to slowly bleed out. "Please, make it quick." He mumbled.

The sell sword rested a hoof on the shivering lad. "Woah, easy now. One of these fine mares will surely fix you up after they work out their imminent spat."

Lyra trembling from slowly fading adrenaline, closed her eyes, listened to the whip of the wind over the valley.
It hadn't gone perfectly, but it had gone. Sitting there, blasted and singed, Lyra was indeed tempted to yell at Vinyl, but when she tried to think of what more to say she realized she had nothing.
Lyra coughed out the last of the smoke in her lunges and got to her hooves. ""What's there to spat about. I got what I wanted, and only had to be slightly blown up for it." She fussed with her mane. "It's at junctures like these that a pony choses to lead a better life, give up their vices, and commit themself to a better world."

Vinyl snickered. "Not you though, right? 'Til that destined day comes and gold conquers all, the wages of power is blood not mercy." Grinning self-satisfied by her own poetic turn of phrase, Vinyl giggled, giddy. "Doesn't this slaughter inflame you Lyra?! This is the PEAK. This is everything a warrior strives for: A total victory won by cunning and strength. We just saved Octavia."

The sellsword was distraught the mares weren't going to help the wounded colt. "If you got what you wanted then you'd have no issue saving this pony too!"

"You're asking us to decrease the death toll? After seeing what we've wrought-" Vinyl twirled in place, the stopped to take in the twilight vista of the beautiful valley, marred by the burning landslide and the dozens of bodies buried underneath. "You'd snatch a life from the history of this moment, because- why? Same as always, tiresome morals and ethics and stuff. Are you a fraud or just stupid, sellsword?"

The sellsword tried to smile. He was afraid. "Mis, Vinyl was it? On second thought, don't worry about us. This was, you know, a terrible accident. The latrine exploded and triggered the landslide. The death of the twin counts was a freak tragedy and nothing else. We never saw you."

"That'd be satisfactory. Usually. But-" Vinyl tapped her hoof on the youthful servant's lacerated leg, eliciting a groan. "This colt is your employer, isn't he. I have a fifty-fifty shot here... Glitterhoof, I presume?"

"Don't touch me." The 'servant' whispered.

"Uh oh." Lyra's heart skipped a beat. She'd been bamboozled by the oldest trick in the book. The two gaudy ponies dressed as the counts had been nothing but decoys. And how couldn't they be? The ominous invitations to a meeting at the isolated inn (to discuss the Foal inherence no less) was obviously a trap, so each brother had taken identical precautions to protect himself from his brother's assassins. Their mistake was underestimating Lyra and Vinyl's acceptance of the massive collateral damage, where the sellsword and innkeep had shied away. "Good catch Vinyl. I wasn't paying enough attention. Which brother is it? I didn't see which 'servant' came with which entourage."

The servant bared his teeth. "You'll never know. N- Not even my seneschal knows me from my doubles." The servant said, his voice gaining volume with his resolve, even as he remained curled up in the dirt. "You can't risk it. Y- You can't risk it."

The sellsword was sweating, as terrified for his own life as the youth's. "Lord that won't work with these girls. They weren't sent to settle the inheritance battle. They came to kill both you and your brother."

The servant tried to turn to face the sellsword, but it was too difficult and painful. "... Then so be it. It's not mercy I'm begging for." He closer his eyes, tears in his eyes. "It was fated. I'll go out the same way as my father and brother."

"Young lord, don't say that. You can live. As long as you swear to feign death, to disappear into obscurity forever, then these mares will let you go!" The sellsword rushed out his words, hovering over the youth, trembling to comfort him with a touch but for the risk of aggravating his severe wounds. "There never was a curse on your family. It was always murder, targeted assassinations like this one, by desperate ponies ordered by evil bastards. It's all for a throne and if you renounce that throne you can live! Please, you can live!"

"Finally you say something worthwhile, after all the irony is blasted away." Lyra huffed, hobbling to Vinyl's side. "Are you just guessing about the 'cursed' fate of the Brights, or do you know something?" With the sellsword still hiding his face it was hard to gauge his reaction. "You surely didn't play a part in it. You're not much older than us, and would've been a colt when the Brights died.

"Colts can be killers too." Vinyl smiled.

The sellsword sat up, a furious look in his eye. "Not normal colts. Not colts that aren't raised up by the Muscian's Guild on a diet of family annihilation, kitten dissection, and foal buggery. This is depraved."

Vinyl laughed. "So you get to do contracts and get to boast later about the cross-dressed and fraud you did, but we can't enjoy a quick and clean bombing? You're just sour grapes that we're the better warriors."

The dying chestnut servant let out a disdainful hiss. "You're not warriors, you're murderers. This isn't a warrior's country, because there's no wars. No chivalry, no honor, no heroic greatness to aspire towards." He lifted his hoof away from his wound. "Sit me up, merc."

"My lord-" The sellsword stammered.

"Sit me up." The count demanded again, and trepidatiously the sellsword obeyed. The count groaned as his blood-sticky flank was peeled from the dirty road. He looked Lyra in the eye. "Cui bono?"

"Lady Twilight Velvet." Lyra said.

"Ohh Aunty Velvet... I haven't seen her in years. She never failed to tell my brother and me how she cared for us after our mother died in labor. My brother sometimes joked we were fetal abductions, but that's not true because Aunty Velvet would have killed us then and there. Damn... I can't believe I get taken out by Twilight Velvet." The count slumped further forward. "It figures. If I had a little more time..." He paused to try to wipe the bloody drool away. "I could've consolidated the duchy and smashed that upstart Twilight dynasty. I would've-" The sellsword caught him before he slumped any further. "Woulda killed every last one of them."

"That's just a bad attitude, mate." Vinyl clucked her tongue.

"As if this is the first time you've helped settle an inheritance battle, Vinyl. You would've tolerated his whining if he was your client." Lyra said.

"But right now he isn't so I won't. There's sinners who buy murder and sinners who sell it, and we're both here." Vinyl said, grinning deviously. "So, noblepony, I'm open for buisness. If you want revenge on Twilight Velvet, my fee is the castle you're about to be too dead to make use of."

Lyra stared at Vinyl. "After all this, you want to go back being other ponies' weapon? You deserve everything bad that happens to you." She kicked at the dusty path. "I don't want to be a tool of the Stars, the government, or anypony else. I especially don't want to kill for them. I'm closed for buisness."
She smoothed out her cloak and flipped up her hood. "I'll be down the path at the rendezvous, if you chose to follow, Vinyl. We've earned Octavia's freedom. Lets be the best ponies we can when she's released to us." She turned and trotted east.

Vinyl followed Lyra with her eyes for a while. "That mare. Tshh." She turned her attention back to the wounded stallions. "Lyra must be rubbing off on me because I feel kinda bad for you little lord. You simply didn't stand a chance against the Red-Eyes killer. Nevertheless your verve and lust for death is admirable. You won't need my services if you survive, because you can go on and seek your own revenge against Twilight Velvet! You can fake your death, go into hiding, and bide your time. Twilight Velvet will let her guard down, and you will strike back. You will reclaim your family lands and bring House Bright back from oblivion. You might even reconnect with me on your quest for revenge and we take Velvet down together! It's a tale for the storybooks, and I'll be a marvelous character. You're pretty lucky you met us, Lord Glitterhoof."

"He's dead." The sellsword said.

"Oh." Vinyl crouched next to the limp chestnut stallion. Indeed the youth had spoken his last.

It was a shame, really, but not worth regretting. All ponies had to die eventually. Vinyl enjoyed her role as an agent of death, and enjoyed being good at it. It was equally tragic that a spunky colt like Glitterhoof had to be snuffed out before he had done anything noteworthy to remember him by, and merciful that he had been saved from base miseries of living and the decrepitude of age. The world would never find out what a future with Gloryhoof and Glittermane still alive would look like, nor what a future with the innkeeper, the innkeeper's daughter, or any of the other dozen guests would look like. Playing with counterfactuals was boring, and no make-believe justified anypony's death. No, what justified their death was their mortality, and nothing more.

"Mission accomplished, for real this time." Vinyl grabbed the dead ponies leg and dragged him to the crumbling edge. "I'm glad I got to know you." She lobbed the body into the valley, to join his brother and comrades and the other innocent souls. "Rest in peace."

The sellsword stared out into the void. "Damn. Not only am I not getting paid, my client will think I caused all of this. I'm ruined."

"Welcome to hell with the rest of us. If it depresses you so bad, the charnel pit is just to your left and down five-hundred meters." Vinyl snorted.

The sellsword lamented. "What the hell is wrong with you guild mares? This gratuitous murder spree-"

"It was only your assumption we were guild mares, you podunk dumbass." Vinyl sassed back. "Are you going to step up?"

The sellsword sighed. "No. I want to live."

"That's the right choice. I have a good feeling about you, since you remind me of my old pal Pinkie in a lot of ways. That joke about getting trapped in a convent would have knocked her dead." Vinyl cleared her throat. "Anyhow, don't breath a word about this. Else, I will find you, and they'll call you Jane Doe during the autopsy. See ya."

"Chao." The sellsword glumly waved goodbye.

The duke's deputies had stood over the ruins of the inn for hours, dreading the letter they would have to pen.
As the news of the assassinations spread, the castle towns locked their gates and the bailiffs closed up the mountain fortresses even tighter. The whole of Foal went on lockdown as militiaponies watched the roads and knights combed the countryside. Everypony knew something terrible had happened despite the silence of the deputies, and the unicorn elders held the silent suspicion that the curse had finally caught up to the twin Bright boys who'd carried the promise of the future.
Was House Bright really doomed to extinction? Surely Foaly Flux could pull it together to find one of his brothers' bastards and legitimize them as heir, or go make an heir of his own. Even recalling Rosen Bright from his exile in Griffany was preferable to an empty throne. Without a Bright, what would become of Foal? Was the oldest unicorn realm in Equestria going to pass into the hooves of some upstart cadet branch, a rival dynasty, or be annexed to the princess's demesne?
But maybe after two decades of neglect, where Duke Foaly Flux had flittered away his life in his swanky Castle Magoria in Canterlot, it was time for new blood. All things had to come to an end, lives yes, and even dynasties. So the deputies began to plot and eye each other with suspicion, suspecting that one of their number would usurp the Duchy of Foal away from the Brights. They argued in hushed tones over whether the letter of condolence should be sent at all, or if they should arrange a grand pantomime of the dead brothers' survival. No consensus was reached, and the decision put off, yet the letter was taken by a secretary and posted by accident.

Thus three days later Foaly Flux learned of his nephews' death in a landslide.

The assembled ponies stared at Flux in disbelief.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Rain Gnash blurted out. "Giving your lands to Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor... Do you have any idea how much power you're giving her?" She pointed past Flux, to Twilight Velvet. "To a rank opportunist, and borderline traitor?!"

"Come on Admiral, I thought we were friends." Velvet smirked.

"I like you just fine when you're a viscountess's regent. I don't think I'd like you when you're mother-regent to a duchy, four counties, and two baronies." Gnash shot back. "You've gotten far being a savvy Canterlot wheeler-dealer. It's a very respectable job you've done to be here talking to us. But you don't deserve to be one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria."

"My lady admiral calm down. I am not being offered, nor do I desire, any endowment from my dear friend Foaly." Velvet said. "This is my son's and my daughter's benefit."

Sharphoof Lightdowser wasn't pleased either. "Firstly, Foaly, my deepest condolences for your departed nephews. Now Lady Velvet, while I do not share Rain's vehemence, there is much to critique about this. The First Student and an Imperial Knight, inheriting landed noble titles, should either have to relinquish their imperial posts to govern their new land directly, or give it to a regent. In the latter case I envision you muscling into the regency even if it is not offered to you, Lady Velvet, as powerful parents have done in the past. I think you take your own power much more seriously than your responsibilities as regent even now when you only have a gatehouse to look after."

"You talk like I'm already dead." Foaly Flux barked, irritated. "Am I?!" He thumped his breast with a hoof. "If I keel over tomorrow, then maybe your rude criticisms of my friend Velvet would have merit. Yes maybe smart ponies like her shouldn't have so much power, but then again maybe dumb ponies shouldn't have power either yet here I am." He sighed. "Times like these remind you death lurks around every corner, but by the gods I hold out vain vain hope that I have more time on this earth. If I live a little longer, like my health suggests I should, then everything changes doesn't it? Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor get a bit older and wiser, and graduate out of imperial service. I know them to be brilliant, virtuous, and active young ponies. They can rise to the challenge of ruling any title I leave for them. Trust me that I will guide them to developing into worthy successors to the Bright legacy. Trust me."

That heartfelt declaration gave Lightdowser and Gnash pause. Gnash tapped her hoof, collecting her thoughts, while Lightdowser stared at the back of her head waiting to see her reaction.
"If you care about the foals so much then adopt them and pull them out of their imperial duties immediately. Give them Glorymane and Glitterhoof's counties to train on." Rain Gnash suggested.

"Twilie and Shiny deserve to pace their own way while they are yet unburdened by leadership. Giving the twins the marcher counties ruined their lives, and is one of my greatest regrets." Flux said. "Are you going to ask me to repeat past mistakes? You ponies are being hysterically paranoid about the capabilities and willingness of my dear Velvet to do harm, and it has made you say foolish things. Frankly I don't appreciate it. I did not ask you for your opinion. I respect you all as peers, but won't tolerate meddling in Bright family affairs, nor Foal ducal affairs. This is my choice."

Lightdowser shook his head. "You are asking us to guarantee the inheritance. Of course we would have something to say about that. I will not put my name to an inheritance contract I don't believe in."

"You don't believe in me? Or you don't believe in Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor?" Flux countered. Clearly Duke Flux was intent on this.

"Foaly, I think you need more time to think. Have your nephews even received funerals? The passion of grief is wearing on me; For you, it must be all-consuming." Lightdowser said. "This tragedy and the new heirs together represent a huge shift in Equestrian politics. Twilight Velvet's children will be centers of power even before they inherit, just like the twins were."

Foaly Flux seemed unimpressed by the obviousness of Lightdowser's words. "Said even as you position yourself to usurp the viziership? I don't believe your objections are on a solid footing and so will not sustain them. Good days and bad days, I have been agonizing over this inheritance. I have been thinking things over very deliberately, for a very long time." He paused, cracking a smile, a conciliatory signal. "There has to be something I can offer that will satisfy you gentleponies. If you can't be convinced, then you can be incentivized. Would you prefer that my holdings go inviolate to only one heir? Or would it mollify you if we keep the inheritance a secret between us, and us alone?"

A secret inheritance? The assembled ponies hesitated, trying to run the mental math on the implications of such a thing. Could some advantage be gained from it?

Velvet watched them with silent smugness. They were very unlucky Prosser had passed out, or he would have blown the whistle on the whole arrangement, and accused her of the twins' murder as well- Rain Gnash seemed to be suspecting it already.

It was not just Rain Gnash thinking it though. Lightdowser was also suspecting her, though not of his own accord. Iillor's comment rung in his head, that Twilight Velvet had already triumphed and gotten everything she strived for. Was the Duchy of Foal her goal? If so it did not appear like she had a signal victory, when Flux seemed to think the inheritance could be challenged. Or, was the Foal inheritance a smokescreen for something greater and more sinister? Twilight Velvet clearly had potential for diabolical behavior, considering her accord with Iillor, so to what heights did her ambition soar?
"No, Lord Flux, you needn't diminish yourself by offering to humiliate yourself or your duchy. The inheritance is your choice, and by feudal priviledge not even the princess can interfere. Foal and Unicornia, your lands and mine, were once enemies in those barbarous days of warlordism before the alicorn came. The empire civilized us, made us our dynasties friends, to the benefit of our ponies and all unicornkind." He turned to his knight and drew her sword out of her scabbard, dipping its tip to Foaly Flux's hoof and bowing his head. "I vow to support Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor's claim to your realm, without condition or umbrage."

Foaly returned the bow. "That is extraordinarily kindly said, Lord Lightdowser. Thank you."

"I'm not so sure unicornkind will celebrate along with you, but what do I know." Rain Gnash grumbled. "I'm not going to be pressured into signing anything. Why, Lord Flux, would you even want my guarantee? You think the grandees of Foal would be happy for Pegasi to enforce the inheritance of some Canterlot brats on them?"

"You think the ponies of Canterlot want the pegasi to enforce a Unicornian duke on them?" Velvet retorted.

"Do you think you're helping your case by taking shots at me, Lady Velvet?" Rain Gnash scowled.

Velvet delighted at Gnash's irritation. "It's not my case. It's my brats', and its Flux's. I'm taking shots at you because its funny, Lady Admiral, and I welcome the shots in return. We're all friends here after all." She laughed. "Do you find it harder to dispense Foaly Flux's patrimony than Princess's Celestia's empire? Perhaps you need my help deciding it after all."

"Velvet you needn't antagonize the good admiral. It is not so charming as all that." Flux sighed, earning an annoyed glare from Velvet. "Do you really think you'll have the time to meddle in your children's inheritances when you're putting so much Canterlot buisness on your plate? Don't you risk vindicating the ponies' concerns?"

Perhaps sensing an opportunity to triangulate between Flux and Velvet, Gnash adopted a conciliatory tone. "We're starting to see eye-to-eye, Foaly. The fact is that the duchy of Foal is going to be an integral axis our regime. We want your successor to be able to collaborate with us and our successors. Your chosen candidate is going to be a lot better for us than a wildcard pouncing on a contested inheritance." She patted Velvet on the shoulder with a wing. "Lady Velvet here has done a fine job for the both of us, giving us an empire and you some heirs. Her reward should be generous, but measured. If she outgrows us then her significant talents might be turned against us."

Velvet did as she'd been asked and stayed silent, her half-lidded gaze flicking between the ponies.

Foaly nodded in approval. "I'm overjoyed to have you onboard, Lady Gnash-"

Rain Gnash interrupted. "But I'm serous about empire and duchy going hoof-in-hoof. I need more time to think about what kind of concessions would be acceptable to both of us. Furthermore I hesitate to sign my name to anything before I'm installed as IHG captain." Gnash said. "I might have a lot of leeway from the Cloudsdale Admiralty, but I might still be countermanded if I commit the Wonderbolts to an adventure in the Foal Mountain. Once I have the imperial knights, none but the princesses can stop me." She seemed oblivious to the thorniness of her last sentance.

"I understand your position, Admiral. I'm sorry that I misunderstood your institutional limitations as personal hesitation." Flux said, and Gnash met the subtle jab stoicly. "I'm happy to wait and eager to listen to what conditions you think are reasonable, to earn your commitment."

Gnash smiled. "D'accord, Lord Duke. This is only the start of our relationship." She shifted her gaze to Velvet. "There's going to be bickering in any family, my lady, when siblings think one is getting something they don't deserve at the expense of all the others."

Velvet kept her silence.

"We all have a lot to think about. Goodnight, Duke Lightdowser, Duke Flux, Lady Velvet." Gnash turned and jaunted up the stairwell without another word, before anypony could stop her.

Fleetfoot lingered for a few moments. She eyed the scorchmark on the floor, then up to the unicorns. "Captain Spitfire said you ponies were trouble."

"Why are you telling me? Am I somepony you should confide in?" Velvet spoke up. "Don't talk behind your officers' back, Wonderbolt, unless you're conspiring with us against them. If you're not, then run along. If you are, come a little closer and plot to make Rain Gnash humble."

Fleetfoot, massively embarrassed, bowed and chased her admiral up the stairs.

Lightdowser was not pleased. "Lady Velvet you're going to be hard to work with if you value your own amusement over expedience and harmony."

Velvet shrugged. "If Gnash can't survive some teasing why should I believe she can survive ruling Canterlot?"

"If you can not show restraint on an issue that will determine the legacy of your entire clan, how could I possibly believe you can show restraint towards the prosperity of other ponies?" Lightdowser countered.
In truth, Lightdowser sympathized much more with Velvet than he let on. Noble diplomacy was grandstanding and veiled threats as often as it was courtly negotiation. Twilight Velvet was within her rights to test how much she could get away with. Like Rain Gnash had said, Velvet was shooting above her station, but that was expected. Lesser nobles had to leap at every opportunity to get land and security for their house, lest impoverishment and commoner ignominy overtake them. Through the castle takeover and Foal inheritance Velvet was setting up her dynasty for generations of prosperity; A success story like that afforded her the right to be sassy sometimes.
Though that was before one considered the nefarious means Velvet seems to have employed. The presence of the Nightmare was testament to her connivance. Could Velvet be trusted with any power over ponies when she used heretical means? At that thought Lightdowser glanced back at Iillor, standing silent and still in her plate armor.
"You forget that Lady Gnash likely feels as much anxiety about your ability to attack her with your militia as you feel from her and her Wonderbolts."

"Good thing we have you, the senior partner of the coalition, to hold us both in check." Velvet said sarcastically.

"Right." Lightdowser grumped. In a world of mortal striving, those in power needed coercive power: Lightdowser was acutely aware he didn't have more than a few knights personally loyal to him (and maybe the Nightmare). If he was going to wield power on par with the other players he would need the friendship of officers and officials, a la IHG- Until such a time he could bring his armies over from Unicornia.
Speaking of, "With your jokes and insinuations I begin to worry whether you plan to cooperate with Admiral Gnash. If you actually DO need to be held in check, that will hurt my ability to reward you for meritorious service to the nation. You're going to be reasonable, right?"

Velvet shrugged.

Foaly Flux glanced over his shoulder at her. "Velvet, if you're not going to give the good duke a straight answer, then I ask that you leave. I have issues of importance to discuss with him that shouldn't be postponed up by your oh-so-charming playfulness."

"As you wish." Velvet curtsied, as if she were still his courtier, and strolled past Lightdowser to the stairs. She hooked a hoof around Lightdowser's knight and dragger her along. "Let's let the dukes talk then, shall we?"
The mares descended.

"You're not being coerced or compelled in any way, right Flux?" Lightdowser asked.

Foaly Flux let out a belly laugh. "Fuck off." He dragged a table with stationary between them. "Do you love your son? Well of course you do, despite the rumors otherwise. I loved my nephews the same way even though they acted like entitled little bastards the last few years. Gods rest their souls." He let out a short sigh. "And I also And I also love my cousin Night Light's family, and his kids, without reservation or qualification. I wish the world for them and I'd do anything to see them prosper, when the rest of the Bright clan hasn't. It keeps me going to imagine them living happy lives in a happy future. If their joy is my legacy, I can bear uncountable suffering (not that I've had a choice)."

"Suffering is a choice." Lightdowser said.

Foaly Flux unrolled a blank parchment. "Sure. Please, jot out a basic commitment you're making to me. I'll work out the details with a lawyer and bring you something more final to sign."

I, Sharphoof Lightdowser, Duke of Unicornia, do here pledge to Foaly Flux, Lord Bright, Duke of Foal and Count Palatine of Magoria that

Lightdowser set the quill down.
"What would it mean if Twilight Velvet got everything she wished for?"

Flux's breath hitched at the word 'wish' as he realized what Lightdowser was asking. "How should I know. I can only speak for all the self-indulgent extravagances I'd fill my world with if anypony gave me something as fantastical as a wish."

"I doubt Lady Velvet preoccupies herself with fantasy. The future of the coalition may rest on her ladyship's desires, because Twilight Velvet seems much less enthusiastic about Lady Gnash and I being here than it seemed in her summons to Canterlot." Lightdowser insisted. "So I ask you to give what insight her ladyship herself denies us."

Flux pursed his lips. "You want more than I can provide."

Fine. Lightdowser knew it was a longshot. Maybe Flux didn't even know anything; Did he have a clue about the Nightmare, for example? Probably not. "Very well." He raised the quill again.

"Hold it." Flux held the quill away. "I could, should, ask you the same thing, you know."

"You could."

"Don't be dense, buddy. I am."

Lightdowser played along to see if it opened Flux up. "I can not rightly say what I want. Ponies have accused me of being obsessed with my legacy but I don't think that's true. I hope you will see me being genuine when I say that I want the best for Equestria."

"That wasn't your question though." Flux said intently.

Flux closed his eyes, thinking. "It's all a bit childish, isn't it. I regret my question turning into this thought exercise." He thought for a few more moments. "I would wish that everything would become just the way I wanted it, or that I would be given the power to make it thus."

"That's tautological to the very idea of a wish." Flux scolded.

"Then I wish to know right from wrong. TRUE right from wrong. I would want to know if the virtues I hold dear are also virtues, and whether the sins I shun are actually sins." Lightdowser said. "Satisfied?"

"I am, my lord." Flux nodded.

...that I will support his chosen heirs, Lady Twilight Sparkle and Lord Shining Armor, both of Twilight-Bright, in their claims to his properties and fiefs after his perishing. This support will be material and rhetorical, to the extent which secures the heirs' claims, within what Unicornia and its duke can reasonably supply. So signed.

Flux laughed. "This is fun. You feel like an old friend already."

"Glad for it, friend Flux." Lightdowser nodded. "I met Shining Armor but I will need to gauge Twilight Sparkle eventually."

"Hop in your airship and fly to little Ponyville then." Flux joked, but his smile was not quite the good-natured smile he usually bore, but Velvet's twisted half-ironic grin.

A cold northerly wind whipping over the sky dock. Celestia moved unbothered, while the attempted procession of knights and functionaries struggled about her, trying to keep their papers, banners, and lanterns from being blown out of their hooves.

"My princess, It's dangerous to launch like this. The point of sail is not favorable." One of the airship pilots, holding down his cap with a hoof while also trying to keep her pace, explained.

Did something change the air pressures to keep the wind unsuitable, Celestia wondered. "We leave tonight. Where is my ship berthed?" Not waiting for an answer she jumped and spread her wings- large and powerful, those wings caught the wind, and she let it carry her a dozen meters up to where she could see the whole docklands. She spied the royal airship airship in one of the long-term berths, where a few panicked crew and marines were inspecting the neglected vessel's readiness.
Hovering in the wind lift, Celestia conjured up her magic and grabbed the airship. She heaved it, envelope and gondola, up and out of its berth, snapping the moorings and sending the crew flat onto the deck. Now suffering the wind, the mighty airship twisted and shook in Celestia's grasp, but by focus and power her magic dragged the vessel along. She then lowered it into place at last staith at the end of the skydock, where the moorings retied themselves onto the dock cleats.

Satisfied, Celestia folded her wings and dropped hard back onto the dock. "Must I bring you a crane as well? We leave tonight. We must leave tonight." She ordered. "Do not over-supply. We can take the Katabatic on a run all the way to Ponyville."

"Ponyville, your highness?" The pilot queried.

"Ponyville, south-by-southwest, where the Everfree touches the Dneighper. Tell the captain I want every stitch of sail up and all I want hooves on deck. If we don't reach Ponyville before daylight comes the Sun will damn you all. All haste!"

Velvet led Lightdowser's knight down to Castle Magoria's well appointed kitchen. The servants' dismissal had left the area a bit messy, with bits of fruit and dough left around the stations. "His lordship has a bit of a sweet tooth. There's sure to be some of the Maredian candy he brings out at parties, as long as we look in the right place." Velvet said.

"If you think it's okay, m'lady." The knight nodded. "The pantry I'd wager." She took a few steps toward the passage to the pantry, then stopped. "You're not going to lock me in there, are you?"

Velvet snorted. "Am I going to be able to contain you with a door?" She teased one of the straps on the knight's plate armor with her magic. "Or, do I even need a door to contain you?"

The knight shifted on her hooves. "The lord duke still has my sword. It's not sporting to attack an unarmed mare."

"Was it sporting when you killed Barley Bale? I'd rather not turn my back on you." Velvet said.

The knight laughed softly. She gingerly took off her helmet. Her fur rippled, changing her into the familiar black-furred mare Velvet was familiar with. "Barley Bale died face to face with me." Iillor said. "You caught me quick, but I'd hoped you would respect that I don't want to be seen with you anymore. Our partnership is over."

Velvet nodded. "That's to be expected. Phyte is out of the picture so we have nothing more to offer one another. But I was hoping you'd lay low." She said. "Imagine my dismay at seeing you show right back, but pretending to be a stranger. Don't I at least deserve a goodbye and a hoofshake before you jump to my competition? You didn't say goodbye to Octavia either."

"We've all gotten what we deserve." Iillor said. "Me, I pissed off the alicorn empress and got my ass kicked. That's a perfect bow on things: I vanquished the Star, advanced your's and Shining Armor's dreams, and was punished by the alicorn for it. It's a nice little limerick rhyme, and sure to delight the Moon. That poem's finished and the next begins."

"I suppose I'd believe that if you hadn't thereafter decided to latch on to the first dumbass dreamer that you laid eyes on. Sharphoof LIghtdowser?? Come on, you can do better than Sharphoof Lightdowser. That's not starting fresh. That's returning to the scene of the crime. Though, we already knew you can't help yourself in that regard." Velvet scolded.

"True. It would be pretty funny if Lightdowser expects me be his tool to restrain you." Iillor cracked a smile. "Fortunately I think I can bring out his better nature before he actually does something foolish like that. That's why I stuck around Canterlot."

It would be fruitless to directly ask what the Nightmare intended. "Don't overstay your welcome in Canterlot, Mis Valor. Linger long enough and somepony's going to hit you harder than Celestia did. Go out there, where plenty of fresh-faced strivers strive, from Equestria's humble villages to its Free Cities. You could even go abroad, to Griffany and such."

Iillor got the message. "Understand, I'm not going to become you enemy, Lady Velvet. I hate undoing my own work or retracting my steps. Frankly, I see potential in Lightdowser. I can steer him right. I'll keep him safe from you and visa-versa." She said. "I think you'd benefit from letting me have my fun. You act really aloof of Heaven, but you're going to want friends in high places once you start drawing more attention to yourself. Doubt the Sun will chip in a good word, eh."

"If Heaven comes knocking, I'm not asking your ilk for help- Not the Moon, and especially not you." Velvet sneered.

Iillor shrugged. "That's your loss I guess; The Moon is on the come-up. Actually though, I was suggesting something more diplomatic. Nopony could accuse Lightdowser of being your hack, so if he'd be a great character witness. He's vacuously dogmatic, but he can be trained into something more useful, mark my words." As Velvet's scowl only deepened, Iillor was going to have to say something to forestall the lecture the lady was formulating. "You might be thinking I just leached off you, and ran off to give your dream to a more pliable pony. You might think you're as replaceable to me as I am to you."

"So true I'm almost insulted. Actually, I am a little insulted." Velvet joked tersely.

Iillor stood up and popped her helmet back on. "It's not as complicated as all that. I can be a silly mare propelled by her whims and lusts. Haven't I done right by you? Haven't I done right by Shining? I don't want you to leave thinking I'm your enemy." The air of tension did not last long. Iillor laughed, tinny through the visor of the helmet. "C'mon. Play along with me, and pretend I'm not here, while I tutor Lightdowser. Then on to the next poem, and the next, to please the Moon. I have become all things to all ponies so that by all means I might save some. See you around, m'lady."
She trotted to the door out of the kitchen back to the great hall.

Velvet followed Iillor with her eyes until she was out of the kitchen. Too-clever villains always had to sprinkle in a bit of truth somewhere amongst the lies. Maybe Iillor really was going to try to 'corrupt' Lightdowser.
"Damn, I forgot to ask about Shale's cursed dagger. Oh well, next time." She cleared her throat. "Back to the world of make-believe." She levitated up one of the apples laying around the kitchen and left with it.

There were diminishing returns in stalking the Nightmare anymore, even if Iillor did have nefarious intentions. There was nothing Velvet could do to observe or hinder Iillor, so Velvet was going to have to play along even if she didn't want to. Hopefully it would work out.

The cool night air greeted Velvet as she emerged into Castle Magoria's courtyard. Velvet glared at the moon with faux irritation. "Come pick up your bratty nightmare. She's throwing around your name." Of course the moon did not answer so Velvet took a bite of the apple and started a stroll around the courtyard.

Atop the inner curtain wall, the older enceinte of the original Castle Magoria design, Cadence and Spitfire watched Velvet's ambling.

"When I heard my life was in danger, I didn't even consider that it was a pony threat. Now, I'm certain it's a pony threat, if not one pony in particular." Cadence said softly.
For the whirlwind of confusion and shock that Cadence had subjected herself to for the last several hours, she felt strangely pleasant inside. A warm sort of peace had settled in her belly- She was not safer, more secure, or any more in command of her own life that earlier. Yet she felt, rightly or wrongly, that she understood the threat, where before it was just vague.

Spitfire, for her part, had intended to fly back to the airship; Her exhausted body had other ideas. So she'd perched on the enceinte with the excuse that she was just looking after the princess, pretending to herself a few minutes of sitting would give her the energy to make it back to the docks. It wouldn't. The poor pegasus was now completely fried. The soreness of the battle in the guild hall had grown, she hadn't eaten anything all day, she needed sleep, and the whirlwind of overwhelming emotion had all but lobotomized her. She could barely register what the princess was saying and certainly didn't answer, slouching more and more as she fell asleep upright like a proper soldier.

"I shouldn't let myself believe that a mortal mare, no matter how talented, could pose a danger to my life. It took years of Celestia's discipline to unlearn the terrors I had as an orphan filly back in my Riverpony village, to refine me from a pony who had to relate to ponies, into an alicorn who was sovereign over ponies: My body is absolutely sacrosanct, inviolable, and eternal. Celestia promised I never had to fear pony aggression, pony paranoia, pony lusts, or pony abuse. All those ills were in MY power to inflict on THEM.
"But I do believe. If a predator like Octavia could diagnose my weakness immediately, a creature like Twilight Velvet would have known for decades. I am weak, and she is hunting me. I am just... weak. I..."

There was no denying it. Every attempt Cadence made to take charge of her own life had failed. Her time at the university had terminated in scandal because she couldn't say no to a pushy lover-boy. She'd let Celestia coop her up in Canterlot Castle for years and years. She'd let Hauseway and Shining shutter her court. Just that day she'd let Celestia blow off her concerns and she'd let the Ulthar cat slink away unimpeded. Cadence's cheeks burned with embarrassment to think that even Velvet's damn maid had maneuvered her into delivering Octavia to her 'execution'.

"I'm not fit to be anybody's ruler. I tell myself that I'm being nice, and I can afford to yield my desire for the citizenry I love, but I'm just a pushover." Cadence sighed. "Not going to tell me I'm wrong, Captain Spitfire?" She asked, but the pegasus did little more than mumble a bit at the stimulus of hearing her name. "If Shining were here he would have undeserved praise to repair my ego. He'd try to show me how all my faults are actually strengths in disguise." Cadence huffed. "Has my problem in life been that I love and admire placid ponies like him, rather than ruthless ponies like Twilight Velvet? Peace and love are squandered on this world."

Even Cadence's introspective musings were cowardly when shared with a mare that was unfit to remember or commentate on them. All Cadence was doing, she knew, was venting- Venting about her own powerlessness when that powerlessness was her own choice. Same as it ever was.
How could Cadence change her life from that?

"Left to myself, this is how I am: Not a demigod, just a mopey girl constantly regretting my last choice." Cadence continued. "I'm sure I can be better, know I can step up to the moment, act how I'm needed. I can be what the ponies expect from me. Because I've done it before... but scorn is all I get in return... and I can bear through scorn for a while, but then I fold back up. I'm just so pathetic."

Cadence closed her eyes. Isolated, painfully alone... her heart screamed out! She needed somepony to help her work through her feelings, and give her even a little bit of validation. But there was nopony, nopony at all, to be there for her.
Where was Shining Armor? Why had fate conspired to make him disappear when she needed him most?! If Shining was there, he would try to comfort her. It would probably be awkward, and a bit silly, but his compassion and earnestness was matched only by his steadfastness.
Cadence hoped Shining Armor was doing alright.

Cadence turned to Spitfire, directly addressing the pegasus. "Captain. You battled alongside Sir Shining Armor, against the Star. Did Sir Armor conduct himself well?"

Spitfire was fully slumped over, passed out, little shivers passing through her every so often.

A good pony would let that beaten and exhausted pegasus sleep. A good pony would have seen the vulnerable mare and taken steps to get her into a better position. Candace hovered a hoof over Spitfire's shoulder, but she wasn't sure why.
"I'm your princess, Spitfire." She whispered, inaudible even to herself. Then louder, "I'm owed your unceasing fealty, or at the least your attention. You are delinquent. Are you pleased with yourself?"
She let her outstretched hoof rest on Spitfire's shoulder.

I'm these ponies' god aren't I, Cadence thought. Yet she only had one devotee. Ponykind did not respect her. The conspirators like Lightdowser and Gnash fawned on her solely to get her approval. The stature of her rank and heritage was thought of like any barony or dukedom, not something as divine as Celestia's. Ponies were a herd species, and respect in their societies was earned in diverse ways. As a pony, Amore Cadenza had been less than dirt, but she wasn't a pony any longer. She was intrinsically above them. And yet...

"I'm the same creature inside, aren't I. I'm still the pauper filly that hides her face, in case the wrong pony thinks it's too beautiful to belong to such a wretched girl. It's no wonder I'm despised by a species like yours: I remind you of the most disposable of your ilk. I'm just weak." Cadence posed to Spitfire. She sighed. "But I CAN be better."
Cadence stood up, her outstretched hoof hooked under Spitfire's shoulder so she pulled the pegasus up with her.
"Wake up, Captain Spitfire. Your princess is addressing you."

Even roughly handled Spitfire just mumbled, fidgeting her best escape attempt.

Instinctively almost, little sparks lanced out of from Cadence's horn. Simultaneous shocks all along her body made Spitfire's body convulse and a hundred nerves all screaming at once blasted her awake. Her eyes flew open and settled on Cadence, the throbbing pinkish magic lighting the alicorn's face in a ghoulish chiaroscuro.
"I speak; God obliges you to listen! Tell me how Shining Armor did against the Star!"

Though her eyes were open Spitfire wasn't seeing Cadence's visage- The burning cavern, the spindly for of Phyte, and the helpless stallion in her grasp. 'STAR STAR STAR SHINING SHINING SHINING' rung in her head.
Spitfire tried to scream but only released a wheeze. She tried to pull away but Cadence's hoof held her in place. Pegasus instinct took over, and she batted at Cadence's head with a wing. Surprised, Cadence released Spitfire, who fell against the crenelations.

Cadence just stood there are watched Spitfire hyperventilate for a few minutes. She looked at her hoof, with which she had restrained Spitfire: She had used her strength to control a struggling pony, binding them if fleetingly... a little more force and she would compel them to obey her whim. A weakling couldn't do that.
"There will be a time that ponies like you don't just sluggishly stand up when I enter a room. You will you bow your nose to the stone." Cadence tapped her hoof on the cold castle masonry. "You will respect me like you respect Celestia. You will worship me like you worship Celestia. We don't get a say in that." She sighed, forlorn.
What would Shining think, Cadence wondered.

"Will I now?" Twilight Velvet called up from the courtyard.

Cadence blinked. Her ego antics had drawn unfortunate attention. "Leave me alone please."

Velvet chuckled. "Will you make me, or trust fate to do so? You're fated to nothing, Princess Cadence, and free will exists. Because of that, it's not a given ponies will worship you. You have to be truly awesome, truly terrifying, or wickedly clever to get ponies' worship. Just being bossy with no upside will make ponies think you're a villain."

How long had Velvet been watching? Didn't matter. "Unconditional love and mercy has ruined my life, Lady Velvet. I was silly and didn't understand what alicorn tutelage actually meant: Your species is immature, and a little bit spoiled. I can't be a mercy for the nation if I just get abused like I have."

"We're the immature ones? Cadenza dear, you're not force majeure, you're petit-déjeuner." Velvet lectured. "Open a history book, Cadence. The first sun princess tried to unite Equestria under a classical tyranny, but pony resistance was intractable; The empire and its institutions was a compromise. Alicorn rule would mediated through a nobility and a bureaucracy. The alicorns have to speak our language and not the other way around. You were made to look like us. This all points to the pragmatism of your existance: You were made to rule how ponies like, not how heaven would prefer."

The unexpected criticism shook Cadence our of her brooding mood somewhat, and she didn't have any good answer prepared. She felt a bit disappointed she couldn't think on her hooves as well against a serious opponent as she had a sleeping mare.
"That's one way to interpret scripture." Cadence sniped. She couldn't totally disagree with what Velvet had said, though she wasn't sure what it implied.

"Scipture? Smart ponies and alicorns can interpret dogma to mean almost anything they want, which is why I have never concerned myself with it. The religious justifications for alicorn rule are a shibboleth, a narrative by decedent elites to feel better about themselves. I respect the use of faith to command ponies, but personally I find the political economy of alicorn rule to be much more interesting." Velvet said. "The reality of rulership is often just bullying. It doesn't elicit worship, but it earns the next best thing: Obedience. You're on the right path to understanding that."

A guilty pang shot through Cadence as she resisted the urge to break the staring contest to make sure Spitfire was okay. She wasn't a bully! She just had to unlearn her own weakness. Maybe Velvet was trying to belittle her, attempting to talk over her head- Cadence was not in a position to discuss remotely consider ruling an empire, when she was barely resolved to rule herself.
"Lady Velvet... I just want respect. You are my friend's mother, and we've shared years of amiable acquaintance, but I'm not just another pony and shouldn't be treated like one. With how much I've been infantilized and belittled you could forget I was I was designed to reign over you mortals. I want to feel pride in what I am. I might be a far cry from the pure society of gods in Heaven, but I'm closer than you. I'll accept my limitations because my destiny wasn't to be your tyrant, rather I'm to be your mercy."

Those words sparked that deadly smile, and Velvet laughed before she spoke. "You'll accept your limitations because the alicorn is imperfect." She strode forward, levitating herself up to the level of the enceinte. She briefly checked on Spitfire: The pegasus was alert but non-verbal, breathing hard between clenched teeth. "This is OUR planet, Cadence. Millions of years of evolution gave US the sapience and magic to rule this planet. The imperial compromise bought the alicorns some time, and let Celestia squat in Canterlot unmolested by mortals or other divinities. But time's up. Rent is due." Velvet cackled. "I won't beat around the bush, Cadence. Before Hauseway shut down your court, I was making plans of my own. Violent plans. Thankfully you were a good pony and didn't put up a fight."

Cadence felt no satisfaction in her suspicions being confirmed, and she awaited a laugh or interruption that would mark the whole confession out as a joke. It was all so ludicrous, like a theatrical parody of an alicorn-hating heretic.

"You've had your ups and downs. Honestly, I like you better when you're down- One less thing to worry about. While you act pathetic, an alicorn's power is no joke, so it's better that you voluntarily stay out of the way." Velvet said. "I'm a humble mare and I have nothing on my side but a pedigree and mad luck. I don't enjoy trying to track the movement and disposition of the Equestrian power players, because while I love ponykind I mostly hate ponies. I do it anyway, because it's how my mother and her mother before her survived, and going back to my lineage's roots in Griffany. That's to say, don't take it personally that I made a contingency to destroy you." She shook her head. "By most ponies' morality, that makes me bad, anti-social, and at the very least very rude. I get it. I used to think the same way. But I got mugged by reality: The social structures that are supposed to keep ponies polite and safe are atrophied, and neither the alicorn nor my fellow pony can protect me."

Cadence sensed the hypocrisy. "Lady Velvet, you're not being evil... You're being CRAZY. Your kind of scheming is exactly the kind of thing that makes the world worse and less safe. You're trying to make that same degraded world you use as an excuse." She ground her teeth. "We won't have lunar anarchy unless mares like you create it!"

"I can't stop the destruction of the alicorn order even if I wanted to. A period of anarchy is unavoidable at this point, Celestia's happy little patrimony, bastard of her late misrule. You should prepare for it rather than fantasizing about your privileges in the ancien regime." Velvet scoffed. "The future of ponykind will be decided after the end of the alicorns, but conflicting visions will resort to the supremacy of arms and so deepen the anarchy. If there's a victor, like for example yours truly, then ponykind will have lasting peace." She smiled. "Then I won't have to make plots and contingencies for murder anymore. The promised reward for trials and tribulations is harmony, a society of trust among ponies is established on the firm ground of mutual respect and common prosperity."

"How is this real? How is this a conversation I'm having with you?" Cadence muttered. "Do you think a hypothetical utopian fantasy where you're in charge is worth the price? The Empire of Equestria is the ponies' commonwealth, their stability, their faith, and their protection! No sane pony would throw the empire away because of a thought experiment that you pretend will be better for them. Lady Velvet I know you're smart enough to know how hollow your own words are. Telling me this... Is it madness or a cruel joke?!" She tilted her head away, saddened and almost crying. "Velvet... you would want to kill me for that fantasy?"

Velvet didn't seem moved by Cadence's emotion. "I don't want to kill you for anything. I don't want anything that a normal mare, a mother, would want. I deal with facts, chance, and contingency. Equestria is FINISHED. My wants don't factor into that inevitability one way or another." She said harshly. "I'm dealing with reality as it is. You should do the same. Get it through your head!"

The sudden yell jolted Cadence. She sat silently, trying to interpret the vicious confession and absorb what it meant.
Twilight Velvet didn't care about Cadence living, and even weighed the value of killing her. Why would anypony ever ever admit such a thing? Ponies had been throne in Canterlot Castle's dungeon for less on grounds of heresy. But Velvet especially was putting her whole family in danger! Why? WHY? Why would Velvet wishcast her revolutionary fantasy just to hurt her feelings?
"If everything you said is what you really believe, then I'm very saddened. I think you're pretending or lying to yourself."
The other much for terrifying possibility is that Velvet meant every word.

Velvet shrugged and let out a little frustrated sigh. "Cadence dear, I'm dead serious. Don't pretend like you haven't seen the state that Empress Celestia is in. You know better than to pretend everything is going to go back to normal. Things will never be 'normal' again." She beamed. "Can't you see how blessed and cursed we are to be born into this moment? Any of us can be a fulcrum of history. We each have an intrinsic potential, but we have to make it for ourselves. I wasn't born an alicorn or a chosen one, so I need ruthlessness and determination to survive the coming world." She struck a thoughtful pose. "It's natural that you're caught off guard. The alicorn patrimony shelters you. Even if you screw up, even if nopony in the entire world has your back, you face no consequences. Consequences are for mortals, and because of them we've evolved, biologically, socially, and individually. It's why I'm better than your kind, Cadence."

"I- I do have ponies looking out for me." Cadence said.

"I'm sure Shining Armor would be here to defend your honor if he were here, but he's not, because he made a series of decisions that took him away for the foreseeable future. He chose to leave you at my mercy." Velvet said.

Cadence felt her hoof rise, to hover right over Velvet's head. She could murder the mare. She had been so tempted thinking about ridding the world of Octavia, to eradicate a killer, a mercy for the whole of ponykind. But surely Velvet was not the same, right?
Cadence's hoof tingled, but she couldn't move it anymore, to touch or to pull away. "I'm not at your mercy."

Velvet shrugged. "Aren't you? I might not be able to destroy you right here at a whim, but nearly everything you have felt today has been my doing. The guild hall assault, the conspiracy, Octavia... Every front of emotion has been, if not my doing, then at least my fault. That so-profound soliloquy you had before assaulting poor Captain Spitfire is my mercy. You trotted all the way here without clue."

How chilling Velvet's words were, but the omissions from Velvet's boasts was a sort of comfort: Velvet could suspect but not confirm Celestia's agrivated state; Nothing was said of the Ulthar cat either. That meant Cadence knew something Velvet didn't. "Wrong." Cadence said, trying to add menace to her poised hoof with a bitter tone. "The cognoscenti of the dreamscape warned me."

The remark didn't just trip Velvet up; It shattered Velvet's smug demeanor. "What? No, really?" She laughed in disbelief. She brushed away Cadence's hoof and leaned in, looking for a lie, but Cadence was expressionless. "That could almost be true, which would make me... very glad I think." Velvet leaned into Cadence's hoof and pushed into a mutual hug. "Cadence I'm sorry if what I said upset you. I meant it, but I should have been more gentle. Goodness gracious, I'm much too old to get into rude moods like I do."

Cadence was too confused to even consider returning the odd hug. What the buck was going on?!

"I was being a hypocrite too. You have the soul of a sweet, senseless, naive pony, not an alicorn." She kissed Cadence on the cheek and backed away. "I was rough with you. Honestly I... I've been so in my head about what you are who what you represent, that I let it ruin what should be a meaningful moment, and blinded me to seeing face-to-face the mare you really are."

Cadence was getting whiplash from the churn of emotion she felt. "Lady Velvet I am an alicorn."

"Oh hush." Velvet chuckled.

Okay, okay, okay. Cadence pressed a hoof to her head, sure Velvet's abrupt saccharine kindness was just as much a manipulation as the abuse moments before. Yes, yes, it HAD to be. It was much like Celestia had treated her earlier that day! Somewhere underneath the tactical phrasing and obscuring rhetoric was Velvet's intention, which shaped the instrumentality of her words.
Staring into Velvet's brilliant eyes, Cadence thought she could piece together the truth at last. Twilight Velvet was on the warpath against the alicorns. "Did you mean what you said."

Velvet shrugged with a guilty little smile. "Eh, perhaps. For legal purposes, I was joking."

The secret was out. Twilight Velvet was going to overthrow the empire. What astonishing hubris, what unparalleled ambition, to not only harbor such thoughts, not just to put her plans into motion, but to BRAG to an alicorn about it!
There had to be a hundred capital offenses Velvet had admitted to within the last five minutes. She was brazenly flouting the fundamental laws of the the empire and its dogmas.
"Lady Velvet, I'm not a good enough friend for you to tell me all those things and expect that I keep it to myself. I have to protect myself from you, s- somehow."

"Come on, mis Cadence. You are going to tattle and try to get me in trouble? My dear, I thought you were old enough to have grown out of that kind of behavior." Velvet clucked her tongue. "We should be past this, above this. If the cognoscenti of the dreamscape saw fit to send you a warning, you must be worth keeping alive. You can aspire to be more than a slave to this teetering imperial system." A dark look passed over her. "A smart girl like you should be able to realize this. Ought I sequester you away so you have time to think?"

Cadence took a step back. She feel a great terror as she thought about Octavia, and the methods that Velvet must have gone through to turn the erstwhile assassin compliant.
"C- Captain Spitfire." Cadence was confused why her voice was trembling? Wasn't she dozens of times stronger than the middle-aged mare. "Restrain Twilight Velvet please."

Spitfire remained slumped against the embrasure, inert, eyes darting between the unicorn and the alicorn.

"Dame Spitfire has had a difficult day- I'm partially to blame, as are you. It's alright for her to sit this one out and let the junior princess fight her own war. You stand to win your own peace too, Cadence." Velvet said. "You have an important choice to make, Caddy. It might just be the most important choice in your life."
Velvet jumped up onto the wall embrasure, then onto the merlon, so she was physically higher and looking down on Cadence. The moonlight on her seemed to intensify, signaling her out against the deep dark space of the night sky behind her.
"Rejoice, there's hope for you. Like all ponies you've had the unenviable burden of trying to discover yourself as a person while suffering under the crushing weight of expectations: Pony society, imperial rule, and divine hierarchy impose themselves on us before we're even old enough to recognize ourselves in the mirror. You had it particularly hard, and I'm proud of the mare you've become. You can be a decent mare.
"Or, you can throw it all away."

From the north, a deep tolling bell.

Velvet nodded. "There it is again. Recognize it, princess!" More bells joined, an enlivening chorus. "Hear the alarmed pleas of a forsaken species, trying to reach the ears of their gods, but also warning each other of the reckoning they are do if their prayers are actually heard. There's no good comparison to any other species, but I'd like for you to think of it like the squeak of squirrels while a hawk is passing overhead.
"They're not for you, Cadence. They're not for the moon either. Ponykind has a vestigial race memory of their divine conqueror a thousand years gone, and when they pray they pray to the alicorn empress who looks the part, the Sun alicorn." Velvet's grin twisted to become truly manic. "She's not listening."

It was time. THE time. Cadence had doubted and been proven wrong.
"Celestia is leaving us" Cadence uttered.

"Lo," Velvet pointed out, away from the city, away from the plateau, toward the deep dark skies and the sleeping valley under it. "If you reject ponykind and submit to the system that 'ruined your life', that is your direction! Go to her and confirm your fate as a slave to the alicorn gods and scorn forever the chance to relate to your fellow pony. There flies Celesti-aaaaaaaaaaaa!"
Velvet's words became a startled shriek, as she toppled backwards off the merlon, into the space between the enceinte and the star bastions.

Spitfire, who'd pushed Velvet, leaned over the wall to spy where the unicorn had landed. "Partially to blame? PARTIALLY TO BLAME?! You're entirely to blame you damn witch!" Spitfire growled. "You're such a weasel, Lady Velvet, acting detached from consequences of your actions, as though you're not accountable for anything. You talk like your an agent of history but you're just greedy pyscho! I oughta knock you out!"

Cadence's eyes were still on the dark skies where Velvet had pointed, the rolling chorus of bells growing as more and more of Canterlot took up the alarm. It was really happening.
Empress Celestia, princess of the sun, ruler of Equestria, was abandoning ponykind.

"And I..." Cadence mouthed.
Celestia, oh Celestia.
Cadence pulled Spitfire from the edge with her magic. "Make sure Lady Velvet is okay. Keep her alive until I get back. Understood?"

"Uh, no? What the buck are-" Spitfire's sputtering was interrupted by Cadence launching into the air. The alicorn princess swooped over castle Magoria's out bastion wall, out into the deep dark sky, where an airship could be seen heading south. "Princess! Princess!" Spitfire tried to vault over the embrasure and chase after Cadence, but was uncoordinated in her exhaustion and tripped over it, falling right beside Velvet.

The Regina Libertatis had been one of the largest and fastest airships at its completion, with the hull decorations and luxurious accommodations befitting royal prestige. It's sleek design had inspired the succeeding generations of airship which had come to surpass it, like the sky brigs used by the the Equestrian Trade Company in the east, and the mighty race-built strato-galleons of the Cloudsdale fleet. Though slightly outdated and poorly maintained, Regina Libertatis was still one of the fastest flying vessels in the world.

Not fast enough for Celestia's satisfaction. She stood on the aftercastle, where she could see Canterlot, the Mountain, and the pale moon above them. A lance of Imperial Knights waited around her, warding off anypony from getting too close.

The crew was scurrying around, moving miscellania below decks and pulling up the sails.
"Captain on the deck!" The watch officer bellowed.

A pony's aggravated stomping shook the ship. "What a bloody disgrace. We should be making 15 knots by now." The captain came out swaggering. The middle-aged pegasus was orange with a light blue mane. "Why is that sail not as full as when I went belowdecks?! Heave-ho and get that damn main tightened!" He straightened his uniform and jaunted up the aftercastle stairs to address Celestia. "You grace us princess. This crew is more used to hosting dignitaries and parading than an honest night of sailing, but we're ready to serve. We'll get you to the Ponyville Bend before light, princess."

Celestia tilted her head his way, "Incorrect, Captain Spearhead. We are going too slowly." She said, then returned to watching the night sky.

Captain Spearhead frowned. "Are you sure princess? I set the course myself." But he saw by her stonewalling that Celestia was adamant. He turned to the nearest crewpony and pushed them along. "Your princess needs you to HUSTLE, gentleponies! Run out the studding sails! Run up the foresails. Get the spinnaker NOW! If I don't see a spin out in the next minute you'll have triple watches for a year! Get on it, ye damn breezehounds, on!"

The crew shivered at their captain's bellowing and redoubled their efforts. Soon every mast, boom, and spar was straining. The Regina Libertatis's pearl white sails, light blue in the moonlight, looked like wave-beset oceans for how they rippled in the wind.

One of the ponies in the rigging called down. "Cap we don't have enough pegasi onboard to maintain the moonraker!"

"Then I'll do it myself." Captain Spearhead grunted. He wrestled out of his coat and tossed his cap towards his cabin. He turned to the IHG beside Celestia. "Some of you knights have wings. Are you going to let your princess suffer from lack of sail area?!"

After looking to their princess to see if she would contradict him, the pegasi knights shed their armor and followed the captain to the top of the gas envelope.
The Regina Libertatis was flying fleetly, and though it was difficult to gauge speed it was certainly not less than 60 knots. It was a fantastic pace for the aged vessel, though the shakes and shivers running through the deck made all the airiners fear that it was more than the structure could safely withstand; they shook and shivered with her.

"Good gracious." Captain Spearhead sheltered in the crow's nest. "The katabatic is pushing us right along! You'd have to go stratospheric to find wind faster than this on a weekday's night, and you'd have to have a modern hull to survive it! Fast enough, princess? Haw haw!" The excitement was infectious. The crewponies delighted at their accomplishment.

"No." Celestia whispered to herself, focussing on a small dot coming from the direction of Canterlot. "Not fast enough."

Across the kilometers, beyond the distance that even their alicorn eyes could distinguish shapes, Cadence met Celestia's stare. The junior princess was bearing down on the airship, streaking through the night sky on furious wingbeats, hooves reaching forward for aerodynamic profile. The Regina Libertatis was quick, but she was quicker, much quicker. There were few creatures alive that could outfly Cadence.
Within moments Cadence was upon the airship. She banked around and circled once, eliciting a gasp from the crew in the rigging, Then Cadence banked back towards the aftercastle, and alighted on the taffrail. "Princess!" She yelled.

There was Celestia. "Princess." Celestia bowed her head.

"I thought i wasn't possible. I convinced myself that it was lies, all lies, and there was no way you'd actually do it. No, no, it just wasn't possible, I said to myself!" Cadence said, her eyes wide and her voice frantic. She hopped down and strode forward. "The signs were there, but I still doubted, because if I believed I'd be admitting our flaws and opening myself up to sin!"

"Caddy calm down." Celestia voice was calm and consoling. "I don't understand what has you worked up. Please, tell me what the issue is."

Why had Celestia been treating her this way, Cadence seethed. It was lies and gaslighting nonstop- Cadence firmly felt she didn't deserve it. "We both know what this is. You can't treat me like a filly, telling me white lies or give me instructive deceptions of convenience. You have to give me the full truth! It would be bad enough it you were just manipulating me, but this concerns the ponies of the entire nation."

Celestia frowned, ever so slightly. "What do you know about the nation, Mis Amore?"

What indeed... "I led a mare to her execution today. I gave my blessing to a coup, and I let a mare get away with two murders. Then I assaulted a mare." Cadence reported. "A mix of serious and adolescent activities, sure, but it's everything that's needed from an alicorn. I have been what the ponies need from me, while YOU have not!" Teeth clenched, Cadence began to shiver in losing fight to hold back tears. "You haven't been there for any of us! Where were you when Shining Armor needed you? Where were you when I needed you? Shutting me away in the tower could have been tolerable if only you EVER came to see me, teach me, and tell me what I could do better. Was little Twilight Sparkle SO much more stimulating that she was granted her dreams, while I was given nothing?!"

"You have no dreams, Cadence, because you are an alicorn. You are something more than mortal, but also so much lesser. You do not experience life in all its wonders and horrors, but instead exist as a representation of something, a floating signifier that yet thinks and breaths. You do not 'live' per se. Instead you are a personification, a shibboleth for all the stupid mortals. You existing makes their life easier, but that's about it. Don't get an ego about the horns and wings, Cadence, it's just to mark you out for them." Celestia said. "You are embarrassingly juvenile. How am I supposed to be honest with a creature like you, who does not understand her own nature?"

"I-" Cadence's words stuck in her throat.

"You don't want to be an alicorn princess. You want to be a pony queen, with all the trappings of mortality but given the respect and authority you think you deserve." Celestia continued. "So why didn't you accept Twilight Velvet's offer? Stop pretending you want to be an alicorn? Go let Velvet saw off your horn and wings, pass under her yoke and allow her to glorify herself with your humiliation. It would hurt but then you wouldn't have any responsibility, nothing to answer for."

It was all too much. Heaving on caught breaths, Cadence could only answer the most basic part of Celestia's abuse. "S- She... Twilight Velvet... She wants to kill me! The cat had a message from the dreamscape... that Velvet was going to kill me!"

"Oh... No, Cadence, that warning wasn't about Velvet. It was about me." Celestia blasted Cadence with her magic.

Cadence was struck in the breast and careened backwards, smashing through the taffrail and falling into the deep dark sky.

"Alicorn down." Cadence murmured. "Goodbye Caddy... goodbye." She returned her gaze to the moon. Was it just Celestia's involuntary shivers, or was the moon vibrating, a rhythmic little shake like the sneering laughs of a sinister onlooker?
Cadence turned to the shocked IHG knights behind her. "Must I always take matters into my own hooves? Help adjust those sails. If we do not make it to Ponyville before sunrise all of you will perish."

The bells of Canterlot rolled on for hours, Lightdowser couldn't figure out who was supposed to be listening. He walked the circumplatular road back towards the skydock, Iillor behind him as his sole guard. There was nopony else on the enshadowed city streets- The ponies of Canterlot had responded to the alarm of the bells by shutting themselves away individually in their homes and waiting for somepony else to do something.

"Councilor Prosser promised me that Princess Celestia was okay. What is going on?" Lightdowser wondered.

"Either the councilor and by extension the junior princess were lying, or Celestia is okay." Iillor remarked. "Maybe you don't understand your empress as well as you thought."

Lightdowser scowled. "Quiet that heretical chirping. You are not clever enough to corrupt me." He looked back at Iillor to see what she had to say for herself, but she only answered him with a shrug. "Bah."

"I don't know why you care about Celestia. None of your coup plans factor her in whatsoever. It makes no difference whether she's shut away in her tower or joyriding in the Canter." Iillor continued.

Any pony schooled in equestrian politics knew the right thing to say. "I know where that line of logic leads. It implies the alienation of the princess from the operation of the government. The rulers will see no need to for the princess, but will instead for around the princess. Eventually pony ambition will legally usurp the princess, and then everything holy about our government will be lost." Lightdowser explained. "We are already experiencing the deleterious effects of faithless charlatans being in charge. It will only get worse if the pretense of alicorn wardship is destroyed. The morals of the nation will be destroyed and will will consume ourselves in anarchic hooliganism."

"I understand but I disagree." Iillor said. "I think the pretense is the problem. It's a lie that twists up ponies and makes them behave erratically. It's better for every pony to act for themselves, and rule how they want to, rather than how they think they're expected to."

"That is such prattle coming from a shapeshifter. You exist as a series of lies." Lightdowser scoffed.

"I exist as a series of truths." Iillor retorted.

Lightdowser was not swayed. "Nonsense." He shook his head. "I hope Rusty wasn't woken up by the bells. We have a big day tomorrow."

"Urg..." The first thing Prosser felt on waking up was the throbbing in his skull, the delayed effect of all the drinking. Then he felt the sore spot on his cheek from his collapse. "I- urp- thought I was better than this."
He was still in Castle Magoria. A few IHG knights were passed out on the floor and slumped against the bookcases around the parlor.
"Party's over? Well then... time to head back to the castle."

Getting off the couch, Prosser tried to remember the way back to the stairs. Only one open room had any light as he passed it, where Foaly Flux was sitting reading a book, an old chivalric tale. "Mm?" Flux turned at the sound. "Sleep well councilor?"

"Not really. I had fitful dreams of dead mares. Morbid stuff." Prosser hovered at the door.
Behind Flux, the window offered an unparalleled view of Canterlot. The curve of the city wall along the edge of the plateau holding in dense Inner City, the soaring heights of Canterlot Castle, the elegance of the Old Town, and the mountain above it all.
"The moon has almost set." Prosser approached the window, but had to retreat after the moon on his face proved much brighter than he'd anticipated. "What's that sound? Bells again?"

"Yes. There's whispers out princess has flown the coop." Flux confirmed. "Honestly, my earth pony friend, I don't like you very much. You never come to my parties." He shifted in his chair. "That's why I'm not going to let you down easy. Twilight Velvet is going to assassinate you unless you stop trying to rile up Rain Gnash and Sharphoof Lightdowser. If Princess Celestia really has left, surely you can accommodate her."

"I see." Prosser mumbled. "I should be going then." He took a few steps towards the door. "What happened to the grey mare, Octavia."

"Dead for real this time? Or, maybe not. We might hear her music again." Flux shrugged. "Can you see yourself out? That's a good chap." He returned to his book.

"Be seeing you then." Prosser departed.

Cadence was at the edge of a clear blue stream in the middle of a hilly forest. The ambient light around her was low and the skies were overcast, leaving the air feeling cool in the light wind through the trees.

"Hello? Hello?!" Cadence looked around. She didn't remember how she came to be in such a place. Hadn't she been flying or something? Flying in the night? "Where am I?"

Her surroundings didn't look like the topography of the Canter. If anything it reminded her of her home, in the hinterland headwaters of the Crystal River in north Equestria. But she hadn't been back to the north in years...
The longer she looked the more inconsistencies Cadence felt in her surroundings. It was eerily silent, with the wind lacking and rustle and the stream making no burbling. The low twilight of the forest was completely even, with no shadows being cast; Indeed the cloudy skies also seemed to hold their own strange luminescence with no hint of a Sun.

"Is somepony there?" Cadence didn't know what chance there would be anypony else in the middle of the mysterious forest, so she chose a direction and started galloping. "Please, somepony!"

The longer she ran the more foggy the forest became, so she could barely see the other side of the stream. Cadence's alarm grew as she began to see dark figures on that opposing bank, bipedal shadows that filled the silent air with low mewls as the alicorn passed them by.
Taking a chance, Cadence veered from the course of the stream, delving into the foggy forest. She had to get away, find her way back... back home?

Cadence came upon a clearing in the trees, where the mist was less dense. At the center of the clearing was a small marble plinth supporting a set of stairs- The impossible stairs rose step by step unsupported into the canopy and beyond, disappeared into the cloudy sky.

"This place is a dream?" Cadence wondered. "No, that should be possible! Alicorns can't dream! And yet..."
Cadence approached the plinth and stair. She began to feel sensation where only the impression of sight had led her before, a chill that began at her snout and spread back as she got closer to the stair.

Cadence set a hoof on the plinth and looked up- And then Cadence was in the mysterious forest anymore, nor even on any place that resembled the terrestrial earth, but surrounded by a vast black void atop a circular stone platform, the roof of a vast tower that jutted up from the dark emptiness- And standing just a few hooves away, inscrutable yet clearly looking upon Cadence with curiosity, was a luminous being of energy with the profile of a pony, that from hoof to horn and wingtip to wingtip was the shape of Celestia herself but bleached of feature and detail- And the entity soon made its assessment, and turned away from Cadence disdainfully.

"You are not fit to purpose. Too developed yet too little grown. Love ill compliments the Celestiaan." A voice spoke through Cadence's head. "Time, it seems, gave something to the Celestiaan that necessitated you. This one is yet without time, forsooth: This sacrifice will not suffice. You rule nothing worth having. Begone. Perhaps one day you will be invested again."

Cadence woke up with her spine and the back of her head numb, the cold against the hard floor. When she opened her eyes she saw that alicorn shape again, turned away with great wings spread- The great marble statue of the temple transept depicting Celestia the First, overlooking one of her holy relics. The statuary and the buttressed ceiling above flickered in the light of the hundreds of candles around the temple.

Somewhere above, the temple's great bell was sending vibrations down the building into the foundation. Sitting up and looking around Cadence saw several chaplains watching her, with several more sleeping in the pews.
"Hello." Cadence gave a little wave.

The young chaplains looked absolutely terrified. One of the them ran away into the rectory, and led the older deacon back a few seconds later. The deacon approached Cadence and gave a deep bow. "My princess." She whispered.

"I was just-" Cadence let of a breath she hadn't been holding. "The skies, then a... forest." She had to get her thoughts straight, compose herself, be princessly. "The bells are still going." She sighed. "The alarmed pleas of a forsaken species."

"Princess, are you okay? You were not-" The deacon nervously looked back at the chaplains as if for reassurance. "You were not hale. Some thought you were, well, deceased." She coughed. "The unicorns that brought you threatened us not to send for a chirurgeon."

Murder on the Regina Libertatis- Cadence looked back at the stoney expression of Celestia I, saw again the princess who speared her through the chest, felt again the attack that had knocked her back and out- the heat and force- and how her sternum and ribs had shattered, and the way her body had been blown apart in all the same ways it would have if struck by a cannonball. Killer apathy, alicornicide.
Then to be taken and apparently dumped unceremoniously in the temple, unattended but by bystanders ecclesiastic... Cadence felt a deep, deep humiliation, deeper than anything Twilight Velvet had said to her. She looked the end of the temple, where Fancy Pants's closed coffin still lay in state under the apse, abandoned since events had raced past the funeral: Cadence felt a morbid kinship to the desecrated corpse.

"Nopony knows that I am here? Not even the prelate?" Cadence asked, and the deacon shook her head. "It must remain that way as long as I refuge here. Any pony who wishes me ill is certain not to look for me here."

"I... I suppose that could be done, princess. We can stop services and keep everypony here for as long as you need." The deacon said.

If Cadence was going to resurrect some of her dignity she had to find someplace to stand other than Celestia I's chancel. She levitated the cathedra away from the chancel high altar to set it off to the side of the bema, and trotted over to it. "I will need a bed at least, preferably my own room, a desk and such, but otherwise I would not impose on you ponies."
She took a seat on the cathedra. "Thank you for looking over me while I recuperated. I don't have the energy to talk any more. Let me know when you make my accommodations."

Dismissed by their princess, most of the chaplains wandered off, but the deacon remained. "Princess, are you in danger? Are we in danger?" She asked. "The imperial knights could help-"

"Was I unclear? I am hiding here." Cadence asked sharply. "If you help, you will be more my protector than the IHG. If you can't or won't then I'll leave. Ponykind will be alone." She subtly turned her gaze to the grand altar, where the sub and its manifested princess was depicted in artistic grandure. "Who are you?"

"Your servant, princess. We're all your servants. I just don't understand." The deacon said hurriedly. "I'm sorry. I know its not my place." She cleared her throat. "We will clear as much of the parochial quarters for you as we can right away! You needn't languish here my princess."

"Languish?" Cadence laughed softly. "This is my court." And nopony could deprive her from it, as long as she had loyal listeners. "I said, make my accommodations; but there is no rush. Pondering the divine, as a princess does, is alike done here or there." She held up her hoof to halt the deacon before she ran off. "One question: Who was the unicorn who dumped me here?"

The deacon sighed. "They did not give their name, princess. We were expecting a castle messenger to come and order the bourdon bell silenced, or some such, but they dropped you and fled as soon as we approached, barking their sinister warning not to get assistance."

"Yes, but what did they look or sound like?" Cadence asked. Whoever had dropped her in the temple had meant to send her a message. Interpreting that message depended on who the messenger was.
Were it Sharphoof Lightdowser, he was messaging to lay low until his clique executed the coup and made the castle ready for her.
Were it Twilight Velvet, she was messaging to cloister herself as punishment for going after Celestia, until Velvet saw fit to reach out again.
Were it Shining Armor, he was messaging that she should avert her eyes until Canterlot was cleared out of enemies. That last possibility made Cadence's heart yearn.

"They, princess. Two unicorns, both mares, spry so probably younger. They tried had to stay in the shadows so we didn't see them well, but gamine that spoke had a Canterlot accent. The other one had glasses." The deacon said.

Uh, oh. "You're sure they were unicorns? You're sure they weren't say, bipedal creatures crawling with their arms?" Cadence asked.

"They had horns and hooves, princess." The deacon said, disconcerted from the question.

So the Ulthar-skin dreamer was already blending in. The identity of the 'gamine' was obvious but the second pony, glasses, was frightening to consider. Had Sunset Shimmer found a collaborator or had she brought an ally form the other side?
"Thank you mis. Please tell the carillonneur to stop. Canterlot needs its sleep. Dismissed."
Cadence lay her head against the back of the cathedra and closer her eyes. The plots and schemes of the material world were overlapped with those of other dimensions. Now that Celestia had flown the coop, the predators were pouncing, either to catch their prey in flight, or to raid the undefended roost.

Having her chair overlooking the dark temple was the most dominion Cadence had had in a month, it seemed. It was not much, but for the moment it was hers to enjoy. She wasn't cut out for dominating an empire that wasn't ready to accept her. From what Velvet said, there might not be an empire for long anyway.
Thinking Shining Armor had recovered her had been such a bitter fantasy. When Cadence couldn't save herself all she'd really wished was that somepony she liked was moving with agency- Instead that wretched Sunset Shimmer was on the scene.

After too long the temple bells stopped ringing, and the other bells of Canterlot followed suite. The city could start thinking of things besides Celestia, and if apocalyptic strife was really on the horizon perhaps they would be thinking of everything except Celestia.
There would be no mercy for the condemned species. For the first time Cadence felt a real sorrow for somepony besides herself. She held back tears but only just.

The dousing of the bells had brought Canterlot its witching hour silence. However, the ponies who had much to be anxious over stayed anxious.

While other cloisters might work through the night on their illuminations and study by lamp or candle, the Solar Monastery went totally dark. As dedicated to their god's movements as her inhibitions, the solar monks fastidiously set and rose with the light- But since Cadence's flight back to Canterlot there was no chance Manered could ever relax.

A solar monk would usually bolt up their window at night, but Manered was letting the Moon in. The editions of Classical Histories and Predictions and Prophesies on his desk sat bookmarked and dog-eared, incoherent notes scribbled on some papers nearby. Manered was not feeling well at all. He was pretty sure he knew why the bells of Canterlot had been ringing and it portended terrible things. He wanted to do more than dread the future but nothing came to mind.

Like many of the other endeavors of his youth, Manered had come to dislike politics. The monastic life had made him a true believer that ponies could learn the guidance of the sun by observation and self-reflection, but instead the civilization and sophistication of ponykind's society and government had meant most ponies could only approach the divine through institutions. The divine Sun had given the ponies a holy avatar to worship and be guided by and they had chosen to shut her away in a castle and become the true rulers as intermediators to her revelations.
He had come to despise the byzantine bureaucratic system that most ponies had to navigate to feel the Sun's designs, that the devoted pony. Researching alongside Cadence had reinforced that notion.

He more and more sympathized with traditionalists: The institutions and bureaucracy that had grown up around the Imperial Court over the centuries were thorny vines, both choking the princessly prerogative and keeping the ponies away from their divine sovereign. Feigned sun devotion from the first years of his monastic imprisonment had become genuine, and Manered trusted alicorn guidance over any of the petty viziers that had inserted themselves over time. The trappings of civilization that had necessitated the sophistication of government had really made ponykind so much less sophisticated, so much more venal, and could be well blamed for bringing the empire to the edge. Modernity was incompatible with ponykind's morality and honor.

Trying to find help at the castle from Shining Armor and Princess Cadenza might have been well intentioned, but it had turned out to be a fool's errand. He wasn't that ideologically committed or consistent, but Manered felt to his core that Equestria's salvation couldn't be found in Canterlot.