//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Getting Out and Starting New // Story: Ponyllateral // by It Never Ends //------------------------------// Vincent's first shot was meant to kill and that's what it did. The first Timberwolf fell to the ground the moment the bullet went through its skull at the sight of this the other eleven Timberwolves rushed towards Vincent who ran and jump down a small edge, landing on his back he pointed his gun at the edge and waited. A Timberwolf jump and was falling towards Vincent with its claws reaching out Vincent fired three shots, the bullets hit the Timberwolf's chest and it fell flat to the ground dead, Vincent moved closer to the Timberwolf to make sure that it was dead once he got close enough he saw that it was dead as dead can be. Just then A Timberwolf who went down the side of the edge jumped at Vincent and dragged him down. During this time Lyra and Derpy had taken Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and ran like Vincent told them, along with bringing his suitcases with them another order he gave them. Lyra couldn't help but look back and wonder how the creature was doing. She was both reassured and worried after hear that strange sound three more times. "Don't worry so much Lyra." Derpy said to her friend. "How can't I Derpy, there where twelve Timberwolves back there. Twelve! I didn't know that Timberwolves hunt in that many numbers. Plus did you see the hatred burning in their eyes, they don't want to eat him. They want to kill him." Lyra screamed with panic all in her voice. "Because we don't know anything about him." Derpy yelled back. "What?" Lyra questioned. "Lyra we don't know anything about that thing, what it's capable of, and what it will do to survive. Even you! As much as you think, you believe that you know that creature you really don't!" Derpy said with a loud firm voice. That fact took the breath out of my lungs faster than the exhaustion ever could I hate to admit it but Derpy was right I may have read every book that had information about those creatures but the books always made them out to be nothing more than myths, mythical creatures, and urban legends nothing more I could never understand how ponies could just say that and that was it, except for me I had always believed, always tried to gain more knowledge on these things and before I thought I was the biggest if not only expert on that creatures species but Derpy just made me realized that I knew next to nothing on the species and in a bizarre way instead of making me more scared for the creature's safety it made her more reassure that the creature would be alright. "Lyra! Derpy! Behind us!" Scootaloo yelled. "What –” Lyra looked back. “– Celestia no." There were two Timberwolves chasing after them. There simple escape plan that the creature had given them had now turned into a "run for their lives scenario" and with that thought coursing through their heads they ran faster trying to get out of the forest and stay ahead of the Timberwolves. During this time Lyra and Derpy both hoped that the creature was having better luck with its situation than they were. "Jesus Christ! Is my luck very shitty?" Vincent thought as he used a broken branch to keep the Timberwolf on top of him away. Knowing that it wouldn't be long before more of those Timberwolves show up. Thinking fast he looked around and saw a rock he picked it up and bashed it against the Timberwolf's face, blood started falling from the Timberwolf's right eye Vincent looked at the good eye and saw the hatred and fury grow more as it looked at Vincent. "Bad idea." Vincent muttered as the Timberwolf began biting down harder. The Timberwolf started biting on the wood trying to get closer to Vincent's face, he started smashing the Timberwolf's head with the rock the more he hit the wolf the harder it was biting but soon it stop when Vincent hit it a seventh time the wolf then fell into pieces. Vincent sat up and looked at his body to make sure he didn't get any blood on his suit and it didn't, for him that was the first right thing to go right for him but that moment was over when he saw another Timberwolf coming from behind a tree. "Of fucking course." Vincent said annoyingly as he shake his head. The Timberwolf was focusing on Vincent who looked at the wolf but then looked at his gun which wasn't far away from him. He thought about making a run for the gun but that meant that he would have to run forward towards the Timberwolf, he pondered on it for a couple of seconds but the tension made it feel like hours. Vincent made up his mind he was going to go for it and so he did, running to the gun while the Timberwolf ran towards Vincent who knew that he was going to have to pull off some sliding on the ground movie type shit. The Timberwolf had pounced at him and Vincent had jump to the ground sliding on it. His hand reached out and grabbed the gun, when the Timberwolf was over him, he turned himself to his back and pointed the gun up forward and fired it four times. The bullets went into the Timberwolf's chest, who fell to the ground dead. When Vincent stopped sliding he looked back at the Timberwolf and saw that it was dead. "That transpired a lot faster than I thought it would. Ah well I hope my suit didn't get dirty." Vincent said as looked at his back and saw only a few leafs on it. "Well that's a relief." Vincent took off his jacket and wiped off the leaves and then put it back on. He looked back at the two dead Timberwolves and then had a thought come to his mind. "Two down. How many of these things are left?" He wondered. Just then Vincent hear growling and looked behind him to see eight more Timberwolves staring at him more pissed off than before. "Well great." Vincent said before he ran away as the Timberwolves started chasing after him. Vincent knew that he would have to figure out some way to get the Timberwolves pack to separate, knowing that if handling just two of them was enough to give him a run for his money then taking on eight would basically be suicide. "Those horses are lucky I decide to play bait for them." Vincent said in his mind pretty pissed off at himself for volunteering to be these wolves running chew toy. What was he thinking back there he knew that these horses would owe him some big favors for this but this whole situation that he had put himself into really felt that the favors those horses would owe him wouldn't make up for all this in just half a year. He had to bury that thought for the moment as he needed his mind to focus on his speed and endurance but a small piece in the back his mind was still wondering how the horses where doing right now. "Watch out!" Lyra yelled to Derpy, warning her of the incoming Timberwolf attack. Derpy saw the Timberwolf pounce at her she jumped to the left and used her wings to glide a little forward ahead. The Timberwolf surprised by Derpy's actions messed up on its landing and tumbled over and fell flat on itself, it got back up as fast as it could and began chasing after Derpy again who was laughing a little as she saw what had just happened to the Timberwolf before getting serious again when she looked at her back to make sure that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo where still on ok. They were, a little shaken up but still ok. "Derpy why aren't you flying?" Lyra asked wondering why her friend wasn't doing what Pegasus where good at. "Because I don't want to leave you here by yourself." Derpy said to Lyra truthfully. "Especially since two Timberwolves are here now. "I'll be fine the important thing is that we get these little fillies out of here." Lyra said to Derpy more concerned for the Cutie Mark Crusaders safety. "Get those two out if here then come back for Sweetie Belle." "That's actually my second reason Lyra. These two are kind of heavy." Derpy explained letting out a little giggle. "Well maybe –” Lyra was cut off as a Timberwolf jumped on her. "Lyra! Sweetie Belle!" Derpy, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom screamed. Derpy than remembered the Timberwolf chasing them, having to get the girls somewhere safe she flies up to a tree and drops Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Derpy tried to find a way to get to Lyra and Apple Bloom who had kicked the Timberwolf off and took shelter in an open log. Derpy tried to find some way to get to them but every time she got close to the ground the Timberwolf jumped for. "Lyra what do we do?" Sweetie Belle yelled. "I'm thinking." Lyra responded. The Timberwolf stuck its wooden paw into the log starching inside of it trying to get Lyra and Sweetie Belle. The more it scratched the more wood chips it made. "If it keeps that up it will break through the log." Lyra thought. "Unless." "Unless what Lyra?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Sweetie Belle go out through the other side of the log." Lyra said backing away more from the Timberwolf's claws. "What! Why?" Sweetie Belle questioned Lyra. "I need you to get one of the rocks out there and give it to me." Lyra explained. "Why?" Sweetie Belle asked still not understanding Lyra's intentions. "Just trust me I have an idea." Lyra said. "But what if the Timberwolf gets me!" Sweetie Belle said fearfully obviously scared at the thought of being eaten. "It's too focused on me to even notice you." Lyra said trying to reassure Sweetie Belle. "What about the other Timberwolf!" Sweetie Belle yelled again worried. "It's more than likely focusing it's time on Derpy and the others!" Lyra said practically screaming at Sweetie Belle as the Timberwolf was breaking more of the log and getting closer. "Just trust me please!" After that outburst Sweetie Belle knew that there was no time to be afraid. If she didn't do what she was told her and Lyra would be done for, getting out of the log she saw that Lyra was right the Timberwolf was focused only on getting Lyra and the other one kept jumping up at a tree, trying to get Derpy, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. The sight of this made Sweetie Belle more determined to get that rock. Luckily there were plenty around her, she picked the closes one up and went back into the log. "Apple Bloom in case this the end I just want to say I'm sorry for arguing with you and for calling you a worry hog." Scootaloo apologized on the verge of tears. "If I would have listen to you we wouldn't be in this mess." "It's ok Scootaloo I forgive yah and I'm sorry to, for arguing with you about your ideas all the time I know that you've got the best intentions for us." Apple Bloom said as she and Scootaloo hug each other. Hearing their apologizes to each other and seeing them hugging each other as if it where their last was more than enough to make tears start falling from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore I wasn't going to just sit on this branch with my tail between my legs and wait to be eaten I had to think of something if I was going to save us and fast... Problem was I had always had a hard time thinking of original ideas but with fear and adrenaline coursing through my body faster than Rainbow Dash in a race, wasn't doing my head any favors if anything I was starting to get a headache. Now I had felt useless by mean ponies and their comments on me. It comes with have eyes like mine so it didn't really bother me to much but for once I was making myself feel useless because I can't think of a way to get us out of this predicament. I hit my head yelling at myself in my mind to think of one stupid idea, still nothing. That is until I saw Sweetie Belle coming out from the log that she and Lyra where hiding inside of. What was she doing!? If any of these Timberwolves see her she'll be Timberwolf food! But just then I saw her pick up a rock and then went back into the log, luckily for her none of the Timberwolves saw her nut her little risk just gave me an idea burst into my head like Pinkie Pie's cannon. "Girls I have an idea but I'll need your help." Derpy said waiting for the girls’ response. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other and then looked at the log that Lyra and Sweetie Belle where hiding in and the Timberwolf that was trying to break the log which seemed like it would be destroyed in a matter of minutes they looked at each other again and then at Derpy and nodded at her. "What do you need us to do?" Scootaloo asked. ""I need you to distract the Timberwolf long enough for me to get a rock from down there." Derpy explained "We don't have to go down there right?" Apple Bloom asked a little worried at the answer Derpy would give them. "Of course not just take some twigs and tree bark and throw it at it." Derpy instructed "Ok we can do that." Apple Bloom said confidently "Come on Scootaloo." "Yeah let’s do it," Scootaloo said also confidently. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Rescuers!" They both yelled but then became awkwardly silence. "Doesn't feel the same without Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah..." Scootaloo said as she rubbed the back of "Let’s get this done." The two fillies then began tearing off twigs from branches and tree bark from the tree and began throwing it at the Timberwolf which did little to no effect of hurting the Timberwolf but only making it angrier and focusing its attention on Scootaloo and Apple Bloom and began jumping up the tree towards the two fillies. Which is exactly what Derpy wanted she fell to the ground and picked up a rock and quickly went back up the tree as the Timberwolf notice her. "Got it." Derpy said proudly. "Now what?" Apple Bloom asked. "Now we wait for the right opportunity." Was all Derpy said as she turned her attention to the Timberwolf. "Lyra here I got the rock." Sweetie Belle said as she passed the rock to Lyra. "Great job." Lyra smiled to Sweetie Belle I looked back at the Timberwolf. It had put its claw inside the log again, trying to get me come on put your face in so I can get a good shot at your mouth and just like that the Timberwolf stuck its face into the log and started snapping at me as it tried to get closer. If I was going to do it now would be the perfect opportunity. "Here goes everything." Lyra said as she took aim with the rock. She threw the rock at the Timberwolf and it went straight into its mouth which caused it to jump back out and start choking. The sound of choking grabbed the attention of the other Timberwolf who looks as its companion chokes and then falls apart into pieces. The remaining Timberwolf starts to get angry as it sees part of Lyra's face. Derpy notices this and knows that her opportunity has come, she calls to the Timberwolf. Once it looks and sees how close Derpy is it jumps towards her and opens its mouth to try and bite her. Derpy sees the opportunity and throws the rock into the Timberwolf's mouth, it falls down and starts choking before, just like its fellow Timberwolf, falls into pieces. After a few seconds of waiting Lyra and Sweetie Belle come out of the log and Derpy along with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo on her back come down from the tree. They walk towards each other. "Same idea?" Lyra question. "Yep." Derpy said smiling. Lyra smiles to and then hugs Derpy as the CMC hug each other as they reunite. "I'm glad you and Sweetie Belle are ok." Derpy said. "Same here. You girls ok?" Lyra asked. "Yeah we're ok." Scootaloo said. "How about you Sweetie Belle?" "Yeah I'm fine a little shaken up but fine." Sweetie Belle says. "Well that's good because Scootaloo and I just had a realization." Apple Bloom said. "What's that?" Sweetie Belle said curiosity growing in her eyes. "That if we try yelling out our motto without you it feels wrong and awkward." Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said at the same time. This made all of them laugh but Lyra quickly stopped as she remembered the creature. "The creature!" Lyra yelled out. "What about the creature." "She's right it still has ten more Timberwolves after it." Scootaloo said also worried about the creature. "But didn't it tell us to leave and it would catch up." Derpy said bring up a good point. "I only listened because that was are only option during the moment." Lyra said. "Besides how will it find its way out if we don't help it?" Apple Bloom said. "Exactly! It needs our help it just doesn't know it yet." Lyra explained hoping that would be enough to convince Derpy. "Yeah come on we need to help it." Scootaloo added. "Wait a minute girls, me and Lyra will go and help the creature, you go and get out of this forest." Derpy told the fillies. "Aww come on we want to help to." Sweetie Belle complained. "It doesn't matter I don't want any of –” Just as the wolf and I jump out from the bushes and landed on the ground with this damn wolf on top of me still trying to rip my neck off, seeing all its friends get killed didn't have any effect on it, how disappointing. I saw that the two midget horses and the three dwarf horses were still in this goddamn forest. What the fuck did I not give clear instructions to get the hell out of here or do they think I some kind of stupid animal that has no intelligence at all. Forget it I had already taken care of those seven wolves now I just have to take care of this very annoying wolf. I had grabbed my pocket knife and stabbed the thing in it jaw it jump up in pain, I got up and jump on to the wolf and started stabbing it in the head. These things are really weak they must rely on their appearance to put the fear into their enemies, their bad luck that they chose to mistake me as pray anyway the thing finally fell to pieces which means that this very frustrating problem was finally solve, now to solve another one. I walked to the horses who seemed more relief than shocked to see me. I had to ask a very simple question that I'm sure these things knew I was going to ask. "What the hell are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to run or was I talking to myself?" Vincent questioned. "No of course not it's just that we ran into some Timberwolf problems ourselves." Lyra said truthfully. Vincent scanned the area and saw hundredths of broken wood pieces all over the place. "Took care of it?" Vincent asked. "Yeah me and Derpy." Lyra said as she gestured towards Derpy. "Hmm not bad for midget horses." Vincent said honestly as he really was a little impressed by these ponies and how they managed to handle deadly creatures that should have had no problems tearing them apart. "Thank you! Thank you very much! Lyra said overwhelmed with joy. Being complimented by the thing she loved. "It's ponies by the way." Derpy corrected. "What?" Vincent said not clear on what the horse had just said. "We refer to ourselves as ponies and would prefer it if you would do the same please." Derpy said politely she then gestured to the three fillies. "Also for future encounters the three here are called fillies." I was both confused and in disbelieve but I didn't show it. "Ponies?" Fucking ponies is the term they use for themselves if that isn't the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my entire life and coming from a guy who gets paid by certain people to kill other certain people for very particular reasons that's saying a lot. I needed a moment to take that in thinking about it, at first my mind said. "Hell no!" to ever saying that but knowing I was going to be here for a very long time I knew that I was going to have to get use to it but saying ponies just felt very degrading to my pride, since I was hitman a psycho killer some have called me and now I have to call this place home and learn to live with these... "Ponies." "Umm excuse me everyone can we leave now please?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I like that idea." Vincent agreed with Sweetie Belle "let get out of this hell hole before more of those Timberwolves show up." "Right, Derpy can you fly up and see how far we are from the entrance?" Lyra asked. "Sure I can do that." Derpy said as she got ready to fly. What the fuck? These things can fly two then how come that mint colored hor–pony doesn't have wings? She does have that horn though, wait a minute these ponies might just have another thing in common with humans. To see if my theory was true I looked at those fillies, God is that going to take some getting use to, and sure enough I was right these three where different from each other by a distinguish one had a horn, the other had a wings ,really small wings, and the last one was a regular looking hor–pony. Another thing these ponies had in common with humans’ different races but what where the names for these three I already knew one was just pony but the other two what are the specific names I had heard them in fairy tales before as a kid... I got it Unicorns and Pegasus that's their names... Jesus Christ the more I learn about this place the more of a little girls TV show I feel I've become a part of. "How far are we Derpy?" Lyra yelled to Derpy. "Not too far, seems all that running got us a lot closer than we though." Derpy yelled back. "Won't take us more than a few steps before we reach the entrance. "Alright come back down and let’s get moving." Lyra instructed. "So got any questions you would like to ask?" "Let’s save the questions for when we get out of here." Vincent said as he started walking with the ponies following. Like Derpy said it only took them a few steps before they reached the group, out of everypony and one human the Cutie Mark Crusaders where the happiest to be out of the Everfree forest. Vincent on the other hand could care less, even though that forest had caused him problems it wasn't the worst thing to happen to him. Once they had gotten out of the forest they went back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders club house, after being suggest by Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. "And her it is the Cutie Mark Crusaders headquarters!" All three of the fillies said proudly. "Oh this place again." Vincent said. "Again? Wait you've already been here already?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah before I enter the forest I looked around inside I even used the telescope to help me get to the forest." Vincent said. "Wait you mean you actually wanted to go into the Everfree forest?" Derpy asked waiting for the creatures answer. "Is that what you call it?" Vincent asked. "And yeah I did." "Why?" Derpy asked again. "Figure it be a good quite place to stay, get my thoughts in order." Vincent said causally. "Didn't expect that may complications to happen in one day." "It's ok my sister and her friends have had crazier things happen to them in that forest." Apple Bloom said grabbing Vincent's attention. "You have a sister?" Vincent asked. "Yeah her names Applejack." Apple Bloom said "I have a sister to her names Rarity she's friends with Applejack to." Sweetie Belle said. "What about you?" Vincent asked looking at Scootaloo. "Got an older sibling who also happens to be friends with their sisters?" "Well no but I've got Rainbow Dash and she's all the sister that I need!" Scootaloo said proudly. "Well you've already told me the names of the ponies you know." Vincent stated. "How about giving me your." "Oh sure well I'm Lyra." She said with a big smile on her face. "I'm Derpy." She said with a friendly smile. "I'm Scootaloo." She said proudly. "I'm Apple Bloom." She gestured herself. "And I'm Sweetie Belle." She said nicely. "And we are... The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" All three of the fillies said at the same time loudly. I had already heard that name Derpy but she had already said it be no point in telling her that now but I have to admit that her name sounded the most normal. Lyra, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle? These names. My God these names were not helping to change my view on this place. These names sounded like ice cream flavors or candy names just an adjustment I'll have to get use to but those three yelling out that team name of theirs better not become a daily thing. "I'm Vincent." He simply said. "Vincent huh?" Scootaloo thought. "Strange name." "Well where I'm from we don't use candy sounding names. Unless you’re a hooker." Vincent said that last part being said under his breath. "Our names aren't –” Scootaloo was cut off by Lyra. "Where are you from anyway?" Lyra said excited that she could finally ask questions. "I'll answer your question as long as you answer mine but like I said earlier does anyone have a place I could stay at?" Vincent asked. "I do!" Lyra said raising her hoof as quick as possible. "Alright then let’s go." Vincent said as he began to walk. "Wait what's wrong with our headquarters." Apple Bloom said with a pout. "Besides the fact that it's a tree house." Vincent said with a tone of stating the obvious "Well... maybe it is but –” Apple Bloom was cut off. "Plus I don't think it be a good idea for something like me to be staying somewhere where anyper– anypony can see me." Vincent said bring an obvious fact. "That's a good point girls." Derpy said agreeing with Vincent. The three fillies looked at each other mumbling for a little bit and then decide that Vincent was right. "Fine." The fillies all said as they looked on disappointed that they couldn't hide the cool creature. "Alright then let's go." Lyra said happily. "But what about everypony in town Lyra?" Derpy said. "Won't they freak out when they see Vincent?" "I wouldn't worry about that." Vincent said literally not sounding worried at all. "What makes you say that?" Scootaloo asked. "Suns going down which means it will be dark soon." Vincent said as he observed the sky. "Will make it easier to hide and get by." "He's right will have no problems with the dark on our side." Lyra said eagerly wanting to leave. "So let's go already we won't get any answers from each other just standing here." We started walking off to Lyra's house and assured me that it wouldn't take to long to get to or be as much trouble to get into. After the day I had I couldn't wait to get somewhere I could just relax and not think on who would be trying to kill me even though it was owned by a horse it was better than that hell hole of a forest. "I'm sure you'll like it here Vincent." Derpy said to Vincent with a smile. "I can't imagine what your planet was like or your life was like before but you can consider this place a new start for you." "If starting new is supposed to be good then why do I still feel like I'll have a hard time adjusting here?" Vincent thought as they all continued to walk.