//------------------------------// // Manehattan Stories - Chapter Four // Story: Immortality // by ReubenHarvey //------------------------------// Manehattan Stories - Chapter Four Many days had passed since Sketch’s outburst of emotion in the night. The two ponies had not spoken of it and tried to pretend that nothing happened. Though they still would catch each other's eyes and be embarrassed, both instantly remembering the kiss. Snow felt particularly tortured as Sketch, still much to his protest, would step out the shower dripping wet. Though in recent days, he found she didn't mess with him as much. Though he liked the relaxation this caused, he couldn’t help but feel he had done something. That something was missing. It was a slow weekend morning and Snow for once slept in. He was over worked and all danced out from the week. Sketch for once woke up to no coffee. Though seeing Snows sleeping face made up for it. She sat down on a chair adjacent to the sofabed Snow was currently conked out on. Bringing a pad and pencil to her as she sat, she began to sketch out Snow’s sleepy figure on the sofa. Completely sprawled out on his back, his messy hair flat out against the pillow and a thin square sheet covering his belly and.. unmentionables.. Though all four of his legs were pointed up in the sky, he would occasionally would twitch while he dreamed away. He slept there mouth open and occasionally snoring. This made Sketch giggle, though she quickly stifled it away so as not to wake her subject up. She enjoyed drawing his features, as Sketch hadn't noticed how slender he was, but while he was slender he did have quite the muscular tone and figure, quite becoming of a young stallion. She started from the top of his front legs and moved back towards his rear. Her face flushed a little at the thought of what was beneath the sheet, and with that though came a internal head slapping for thinking such a thing. She tried to sketch the rear end a little quicker as to avoid anymore unmentionable thoughts. Finally she worked on his tail, which was falling over the side of the sofa. She then held up the sketch against the subject and gave a nod. “Perfect,” she whispered, placing it on the arm of the sofa and moving ninja like to the kitchen to grab a small glass of water. After finishing up the water, Sketch lent on the back of the chair, looking down on Snow with a maniacal look upon her face. With a slight short laugh she quickly jabbed Snow in the ribs, his one weakness. With that he awoke suddenly and quickly, flailing around some before falling to the floor shocked and surprised. He was face down on the floor with his flank pointed up in the air, confused as to how he got there. The overwhelming laughter coming from Sketch was a clear and present indicator as to how he became so helpless. “Well good morning to you too, Sketch,” Snow mumbled out through the floor, before raising himself back into an upright position. Sketch at this point was unreachable, completely immobilized from laughter, Snow hopping up on the sofa grabbed a pillow and looked down on her before throwing it at her face. Laughing, he ran to the bathroom followed quickly by Sketch, who had grabbed the pillow behind her. He quickly locked himself in. “Morning, Snow!” Sketch yelled through the door. “There’s a gift for you on the counter!” “If that’s a trick to get me to come out, you lose. Imma shower so I hope you don’t need to pee.” He laughed loudly before switching the taps on and hopping in the shower. After his shower he stepped out and dried himself off before coming out of the door. He half expected Sketch to bash him with a pillow or be hiding behind something, waiting to pounce out and make him jump. But she was nowhere to be seen. Snow slowly checked out her usual hiding spots and even poked his head in her room. A place he had not tread in due to Sketch not wanting him to see her room and, as she put it, “private stuff” He didn’t get much time to view the room though because as soon as he began to open the door a pillow dropped out of the sky. Once again Sketch was laughing on the floor. Turns out she had employed that one thing she has over him: wings. She had cleverly hid above him waiting to strike. She was rather pleased with herself for thinking this up, but far more pleased because Snow didn’t realise. “So that was your gift then?” Snow gestured looking back at Sketch who was currently pulling herself together. “No, no. Its over there, like I said” Sketch said, pointing at the counter. Snow cautiously walked past her and to the counter. His face became incredibly flushed upon seeing a sketch of himself sleeping in a rather uncouth position. Sketch just sat facing him with a large smile. “You know what though, it’s such a good sketch I'm thinking of painting it up and selling it,” Sketch says, the obvious seriousness in her voice. Snow makes motions to screw it up and trash it, but before he can she retorts with “Already committed it to memory, hun. So no luck.” Hanging his head low, he just pins it to the fridge.. He knew he couldn't trash it anyway. He would never be so cruel. Almost every weekend played out like this, with the two playing practical jokes on the other and generally having fun until the night’s end, when they would wind down, Snow reading one of his books, sitting back in the sofa with Sketch leaning back against him, sprawled out across the rest of the sofa and reading her manga. This chain of events had become ever more favourable with the pair, and though at first this position was embarrassing, they now had sat like this for so long that being so close to each other, in a non-romantic way, was perfectly normal for the pair. Again, to an onlooker the two would look as if they had been together for years. Sketch’s mind was brought back to the kiss she planted on him all those days ago as she yawned, looking up at his dark blue eyes. Though he hadn't noticed he was being watched at all, being so engrossed in his book. She rolled over and slid off the sofa, patting Snow on the head before she waved goodnight, receiving a wave back from Snow. And like that, without one word between the two, the night ended.