Sweet Like Cotton Candy

by ausimex

Chapter 2

The next morning, Rainbow Dash awoke to knock on the door. He looked to his side to see Pinkie laying next to him it her underwear, sleeping peacefully. Another knock echoed through the house, and Rainbow shot up to answer the door.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo waved with a big smile on her face.

Rainbow Dash felt dread fall in the pit of his stomach when he realized that today was the day he was supposed to help Scootaloo train for her school track competition. So, here he stood in his underwear with a 14 year old girl at the door and a half-naked 22 year old in his bed.

“Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie walked into the hall, still in her underwear. Her eyes widened when she saw Scootaloo standing in the doorway and Rainbow Dash shaking his head frantically.

“Oh. Is this um… is this a bad time…?” Scootaloo asked awkwardly. A small smirk was forming at the corner of her mouth, and she looked at Rainbow with a look like she was saying “nice catch.”

“Okay, could you wait out here for a sec, Scoots? Pinkie and I need to get dressed.”

“Heh, okay then.” Scootaloo giggled to herself as Rainbow closed the door. He turned to see Pinkie standing there, staring at the ground.

“Uh, so I have to help Scoots train today…” Rainbow said. “So can you, like, get dressed and go? Sorry.”

“Uh, sure.”

A few minutes later, Pinkie was back in her dress and was ready to go. She leaned over and kissed Rainbow one more time and made her way out, waving to Scootaloo as she walked off.

“So, I see you got some action with Pinkie,” Scootaloo said, giggling like a 7 year old daringly saying “sex” for the first time.

“We’re not talking about that right now. You, young lady, need to practice, so lets head to the field.”

Rainbow tried to focus on helping Scootaloo, but the entire time he couldn’t stop thinking about the previous night. He enjoyed it and he was excited, but yet somehow it still gave him an odd feeling. It felt wrong, ungenuine. What had it meant? Why had Pinkie suddenly gone from being head over heels for Fluttershy to fooling around with Rainbow Dash in his apartment?

That night, he heard yet another knock. When he opened the door, Pinkie stood there, just as he suspected. She had short denim shorts and a light blue crop top that was cut right at her ribs. She smiled at him.

“Oh, hi. Um, come in.” He brought her into the living room and almost immediately, she kissed him. She pushed him back onto the couch again, pulling back only to take her top off. She she reached to unbutton his pants, but he pushed her away.

“Pinkie, I… why are you doing this?” Rainbow asked.

"I like you, Rainbow.”

“Well, it doesn’t feel like it,” Rainbow snapped. This had been bothering him all day, and he wasn’t going to take something that simple for an answer. “I want the truth.”

She pursed her lips. "I don't know. I want to feel something."

Rainbow Dash closed his eyes. He expected she'd say something like that. "If you don't actually like me, I don't think you should be doing this."

Pinkie looked down and his chest, eyes glossy with with tears. "Fluttershy came to me today. They said that maybe they should've taken up my offer."

"Why didn't you say yes? Why are you here?" Rainbow felt his eyes start to burn.

"I-I don't know!" Pinkie raised her voice as she got off his lap. "I feel something for them, but... I don't know, I felt something with you last night too, but it wasn't the same. At least I think it wasn't... I'm so confused. I just came here to make sure."

Rainbow could feel himself start to shake and his chest felt like it might cave in. He didn't know if the feeling as anger or anxiety, but he knew he didn't want to be used as an experiment.

"Pinkie, I know its confusing, but I'd rather you had just told me this from the beginning instead of making me feel so used." Rainbow sighed. "Look, just go with Fluttershy. They were your original interest, and if you still feel something for them, you should go."

She sniffed, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Okay... I'll just... I'll go."

She put her shirt back on and made her way to the door. Softly, she kissed Rainbow on the cheek and smiled solemnly. "I'm sorry."

"I-it's fine." Rainbow stuttered. His heart felt heavy as she opened the door and left. He stared at the door for a few seconds, a lump forming in his throat.


Rainbow gathered his friends at Sugarcube Corner the next day to share the news of his gender. When he arrived, they all already had cups of coffee and hot chocolate and were laughing. He felt tense when he saw Fluttershy and Pinkie sitting together, holding hands under the table.

"Heya, Dash!" Applejack said. As usual, she sat next to her girlfriend Rarity.

"So, I hear you wanted to tell us something, Rainbow?" Twilight said with a curious look.

He sat down next to her and wrung is hands. "Yeah, I uh... I wanted to talk to you guys about my gender."

Applejack leaned backwards with a smug look. "Ah knew it. Ah told ya, Rarity!"

Rarity shot her a disapproving look and smacked her leg. "Let her finish."

Rainbow cleared his throat. "Have you guys ever heard of demigender?"

"I have." Fluttershy said quietly, raising their free hand.

"As have I." Twilight stated. "I've read up a bit on gender."

"Yeah. Well, I've been thinking about demiguy. I just wanted you guys to know, and I want you guys to call me he."

"Will do." Applejack said. "Now how 'bout we get you some cider?"

She tapped the table loudly and called for a waiter. A few minutes later, there sat a bubbly apple cider in front of Rainbow.

"I got surgery a few years back." Rarity said suddenly. They all turned to look at her. "Reassignment surgery."

The table went quiet. After a few seconds, Applejack spoke up.

"So ya used to be a guy?"

"I was assigned male at birth." Rarity corrected. "Before I moved to Ponyville, I had surgery. I moved here for a new start because my father and friend's weren't exactly accepting."

"What about Sweetiebelle, though?" Twilight asked.

"M-my father... he was a drunk. My mother didn't want her daughter to grow up with him, so she sent Sweetie with me."

"My father was a drunk too." Pinkie said quietly. It was the first thing she'd said since Rainbow had gotten there. She stared at the table solemnly. "I moved here to get away."

Twilight let out a small sigh. "Well, at least we're all happy now, though."

Rainbow stared at Pinkie as Fluttershy wrapped their arms around Pinkie's shoulders, kissing the top of her head. "Yes, we are."

Rainbow's vision blurred as he felt his eyes start to water, the tight feeling in his throat intensifying. Getting up, he muttered that he needed to go to the bathroom and made his way out of the main room. Once in the bathroom, he stared at himself in the mirror.

"Suck it up, Rainbow." He said to himself, his voice cracking as he flicked his hair out of his eyes. "She's happy, and thats all you need."

He thought back to that first day he met her. How he could feel her energy so well. He always felt that energy when he was near her, and it made him feel happy. Now, being around her was so overwhelming. He always feels that happiness, but now he feels a stress, a bittersweet sadness mixed into the energy she creats in him.

He backed up against the wall and slid down. Resting his head on his knees, he whispered, "What am I going to do?"

A tear fell from his eye.