//------------------------------// // Field Guide to Ponies: The Pony; History // Story: Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind // by The Dauntless Entrinity //------------------------------// The Field Guide to Ponies Segment One: The Pony; History The pony is a very unique creature that is alien to the human world. First pony contact was made in New Zealand three years ago, August 28th, 2014. The first ponies made contact with a film crew on the previous said date. Two Mares and one Stallion, their names are Rose Compass, Daring Do, and Jules Dakkar. They said their reason for being visiting here was for and quote “Because it’s there” by Rose Compass. Their transport to our world was said to be a portal opened by a Twilight Sparkle. With them they brought various gifts to represent their culture. These gifts including, a magic and spell book, a plant that is not of this earth, and a chalice of rainbow. You read that correct, the three ponies brought with them a chalice of liquid rainbow matter. As well as common survival necessities listed in the following: 3 Sleeping Bags 3 Portable Shelters 1 Months’ Worth of Powdered Grass 1 Fire Starting Kit The pony visitors had packed light in case of hostility from whatever they found inhabiting our world. Lucky for them, the film crew for a movie had come across them and helped them reach the leader of their nation of origin, America. Soon after, videos of the ponies went viral on every social media and broadcasting website around the globe. The ponies were not greeted with open arms and were quickly banned from entering several countries listed in the following: Any areas with known disease outbreaks Australia Brazil Burundi China Cuba Democratic Republic of the Congo Egypt France India Madagascar Myanmar Niger North Korea Russia South Africa Somalia Spain Suriname Switzerland The Netherland Timor-Leste Uruguay (Note: Many countries are excluded from this list due to space restrains) The ponies were not well received in the countries they were not banned from and in most countries were given a security escort. But not all were so hating toward the ponies. In countries such as America, Barbados, Canada, Columbia, Germany, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, as well as several others were very welcoming to the pony visitors. The three ponies stayed for four weeks before returning to their homeland known as Equestria. The mere presence of three intelligent beings of a different species sent the world into havoc. The ponies returned on October 4th, 2014, bringing with them nine more ponies. The new ponies’ names are Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. The presence of twelve ponies sent the world back into disarray but was soon quelled when Celestia and Luna displayed that they came in peace in the spirit of exploration. The two ponies, known in their homeland as alicorns, showed the world their magical abilities as well as their military power. This did nothing but cause large displays of power to pop up in a global show of force. RIMPAC, was done twice in one year, many countries began large scale military training, and several nation threatened war against the alicorns and their homeland, Equestria. During the event stated earlier, RIMPAC, the Equestrians were invited to join in the military exercise. Celestia and Luna showed with a Navy force of the following: 50 Pony O’ War airships 20 brig airships 10,000 Ponies to Run Previously Mentioned ships. Lock on sensors and hit indicators were hastily attached to the Equestrian’s ships and off the Equestrians went to show the humans they could stand their ground. Every single one of their ships were knocked out of the exercise by the third day. The Equestrians were unfamiliar with human weaponry and requested that they were allowed to install hit indicator crystals on all human ships that were taking part in the activity. This request was somehow pushed through and all ships were equipped with fair simulation sensors from both worlds. Yet again, the Equestrians were easily taken out of the exercise. Though they had a large advantage with magic, the airships had a huge weak point and most of the Equestrians standard projectiles that were very powerful in their world, were ancient weapons compared to the humans. In the end, the Equestrian managed to knock out three ships, while the combined effort of the other twenty nation’s navies knocked all seventy of Celestia and Luna’s Navy out of the exercise, twice. Accounts from the alicorns say that they were surprised by their defeat but were now stronger because of it. With the safety of mankind no longer in question, things began to cool down and a flood of ponies began to move to earth, tending to stay in areas that welcomed them in the first place. There are many more events that took place during the first year of the ponies’ appearance, but due to the information being unconfirmed we will pass over them for now and will return later. Now, three years later, the ponies have fully integrated with us humans and on average three new ponies move to earth every day. No request have been made for the Equestrians to have their own country nor have they requested keeping any military facilities on earth other than the Equestrian Embassy in Washington D.C. Relations with ponies have turned from bitter to sweet and our culture has changed because of it. Nintendo now features” Ponii”s on their consoles, Equestrian classes are taught at schools around the world, there is day devoted to the arrival on ponies, and beside military or government, there is at least one pony doing every civil job available. On our next segment, we will be discussing the average traits of The Pony. Do you have any tips or stories to feature in Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind, or if you have any information to expand The Field Guide to Ponies, PM me and I will give you my email. I’ll make sure to give credit to you for your story or information and will put it on here. Thank you for your cooperation, stay tuned for more to come.