//------------------------------// // stand by my friends // Story: the change of one // by Dj Shadowstrike556 //------------------------------// Shadow locked the door and put as many objects in the way as possible. The reign of Tirek had begun. The queen had already deployed her special forces. They all had one target…Shadow was needed dead. Darkness fell over Equestria and Twilight and the Mane six were too busy to notice the many changelings slip by. Shadow knew they were coming his way. He boarded up the last window and sat down… days past as news of Tireks reign spread quickly. Discord had betrayed his friends and the evil Tirek was on his way to Ponyville already. Shadow ate food and from inside his house which was the size of Fluttershys house, kept himself fit… Shadow had just begun to put a bowl of food onto the table. He sat down and as soon as he took the first bite, heard a knock on the door. He grabbed the bowl and put it down next to the opening. Shadow looked through a homemade peep hole. Outside behind the figure was an army of changelings. Shadow Looked and saw Him. Lord Tirek had come. “Open up Shadow.” Shadow stayed quiet and let Tirek talk. “We want to give you a second chance. Come out and rejoin these fine soldiers as they help infiltrate the world and spread my glory.” Shadow grabbed the bowl and put a quick spell in it… He climbed the stairs onto the top floor and peeked out of the window. Shadow broke the window open and tossed the soup which spilled out onto the changelings. “Sorry!” Shadow yelled “Here lemme give you something else” Shadow strained hard and heard it happen. Outside the soup ignited into a burst of fire. A massive explosion blasted Changelings everywhere. “Shadow…” Tirek began “I'm not here to fight you… but they are.” Tirek left the scene and left a large number of changelings left. They charged up their horns and fired at the house. Bolts of black started to tear up the house. Shadow ducked as shards of his house rained on him. Shadow looked at the boarded up door. It was shattering into nothing. He took a deep breath in. Memories flowed in, the Manehattan incident, meeting Rainbow Dash. He opened his eyes and charged straight for the door. Two changelings were standing in front of the door getting ready to break it down. Shadow busted open the doors sending them flying. He rapidly fired bolts at them killing many. An explosion next to him knocked Shadow off of his feet. Shadow fired into the air. Down rained phosphorus shards. They burned the changelings as they tried to find their once brother. Shadow backed up to the patio to his house. The changelings fired a giant yellow ball of fire towards him. Shadow dove down as his house behind him exploded into pieces. Shrapnel sprinkled his body as he put his hooves on his head. Behind him his house had disappeared. Wood pieces littered the once called house. Shadow fired violently at the changelings. A body collided with his and he was sent to the ground. He elbowed the changeling on top of him and threw him away. His hooves collided with another changelings face. Shadow shot at the army in front of him. A large wood pole lay to his left. He grabbed it and hit the changelings in the head knocking them down. One tried to come up behind him. Shadow swung at him. The wood broke as it came into contact with the changeling’s neck. All of a sudden a blast came over him. He was sent flying into the surrounding trees. He looked up and saw the outline of Fury converged on him. Shadow tried to stand but it didn’t work. His world spun and turned to black… Shadow woke up with his arms chained to a wall. The single lamp hung over shadows head. A door opened. In walked Fury alongside the queen. Shadow leaned forward and yanked at his chains. His horn was engulfed in a bubble of green. His magic didn’t work as he grunted and tried to force a fire blast out. “Shadow, Shadow, Shadow…” the Queen repeated “I trusted you with a mission to bring your race back from the undergrounds. You betray your own kind to help these pitiful ponies. You are a disgrace. Tirek is fighting Twilight as we speak. Once he wins we will rule with Tirek as our commander. And me our rightful queen of Equestria. Fury will be the leading member in the Special Forces team I created. You however, will rot in a prison cell were you belong. You don’t belong with any of us. You’re not a pony and you’re definitely not a Changeling. This is good…” Another changeling dressed in armor entered the room. “Tirek lost my Queen! Twilight has taken him down. He formed a recording of the fight. Shadow looked at the screen and saw the whole thing… Tirek was massive compared to the little Twilight sparkle. The library exploded twilight shot Tirek and he Shot Twilight. Shadow inside was cheering for her even though it had already happened. He saw Twilight ask for her friends back in exchange for the power, even Discord who had betrayed her. Shadow felt warm and fuzzy inside. Then the ponies came back. Tirek wasn’t even powerful to stop them. Shadow couldn’t help himself he laughed and cheered from in his cell. The queen was not happy. Fury walked over and punched the happy shadow in the chest. Shadow crumpled and weakened in his chains. He then went for Shadows left wing. Shadow screamed out as his left wing was destroyed. The pain made shadow tears fly out. “Assemble the death Squad for tomorrow… I want Twilight and her friends and even Discord dead!” Fury nodded and two of his armored guard walked out with him. Shadow saw the Queen exit “Shadow…your so called friends will be gone by tomorrow.” The queen walked out leaving a masked changeling in front of Shadow. He had to get out and warn twilight, but first the chains. He pulled on them but they didn’t budge. The green orb around his horn still wouldn’t come off. However soon it hardened. He quickly planned his way out… Hours later… “Hey you!’ Shadow yelled. The guard walked over and leaned into Shadows face. With all of his might, Shadow slammed his head into the guard’s helmet and the orb shattered. Shadow heard the helmet crack. With his horn free he fired two explosives at his chains. Shadow pulled his chains off and opened the door. He was in the main camp of the Changelings. Shadow walked down the hallway until he reached a door. He opened it up and was revealed a prison camp. Barbed wire carved the perimeter along with hundreds of changelings waiting for the go to assault Ponyville. Shadow walked around. Tents and crude buildings surrounded him. Then he saw it. To his right at about 100 meters were carts and carriages piled high with explosives and supplies. He looked and saw that the camp was sloped. He was high above in the Foal Mountains. He nodded and swiftly walked towards the carts. A changeling patrol was approaching him. He dove behind a set of boxes and waited for them to pass. Shadow made his way to the carts again. He fell onto his stomach and crawled under a building to avoid another patrol. Shadow continued to crawl from under the building as snow and ice covered his naked body. On the other side he spotted the carts. Shadow sprinted to them not caring if he made noise. There were 20 carts lined up right next to the 5 carriages. Shadow saw the blocks on the tires. He worked fast. He took out the explosives to one cart and piled the rest into the other carriages. “Hey!” Shadow heard behind him. He fired a blast at the guard putting him into the ground. An alarm sounded. Shadow shot out the carts blocks and they began to roll for the front gate. Shadow jumped into his. Guards started to shoot him. Shadow fired back as he heard the snaps of the bolts flying right by his head. The carts began to roll faster. Shadow saw more guards pile in front of the gate. They fired furiously at Shadow. He ducked down as a bolt nearly took off his head. A head the guards had moved out of the way as the Carts approached. They slammed into the front gate one by one. But the gate stopped them. Guards formed defense lines right in front of the barricade and shot at Shadow. Shadow aimed right between the guards and fired. The red bolt traveled past all of the guards and hit the TNT crates. Shadow saw the carts turn into a giant bright ball of fire. The guards flew in all directions as the gate blew open. Shadow Slid down the mountain and shattered the destroyed gate. “Yeah!” He shouted. It was a long slide down. Shadow dodged the oncoming trees in his way. Just then a tree next to him exploded. He looked up and saw three changelings chasing him. Shadow Turned on his back and fired back. One bolt hit its target and he came crashing down into the trees below. The snow kicked up as the other two tried to shoot him. Shadow blasted them but they kept missing. A tree seemed to appear out of nowhere. Shadow jumped out of the cart as his ride was shattered into shards of wood. He was now sliding down the mountain. The two changelings followed. Shadow dodged the trees as well as the incoming fire from the two pursuers. He turned on his back again and fired at the other ones. One changeling was hit and went crashing into the ground. The next changeling had enough. He dove straight at him. Shadow shoved both of his hooves into the ground and slowed himself as the changeling landed right in front of him. He heard a snap and spun around to see the changeling arm bent out of shape. Shadow sighed with a relief and continued to Ponyville. It was a beautiful sight. The castle which was now Twilights was excellent. Fury and 20 spec ops soldiers had arrived all under disguise. His plan was to storm the castle and take out Twilight and her friends… Shadow had no time to transform. He sprinted passed the nearly empty Ponyville heading straight for Twilights new castle. It was about the middle of the day and has only been a single day since Equestria was threatened with a violent force of evil. Shadow saw it. The castle had crowds of ponies outside. He didn’t change and one of his changeling pals saw it. In the bushes an over watch for the squad had been placed. Shadow was met with a bolt nearly taking his head off. Shadow saw him come out of his hiding place. The changeling sprinted towards him firing bolts. Shadow Ducked down and fired bolts which slammed into his head. Shadow continued his mad dash to the castle. Ponies of all kinds were in the front with carts filled with delicious foods and gifts. They all gasped as Shadow sprinted through them pushing some ponies down. Shadow saw more changelings approach him. All of them were in disguises. Shadow fired a blast towards two of them. The carts behind them erupted in flames as they began to fire back. Shadow dove behind a cart full of gifts. The vendor was holding his hooves over his head. The cart began to shatter away as bolts pelted the side. Shadow stood up and fired back. One of them went face first into the ground. The other was hit in the leg and was sent down to the dirt. Shadow sprinted towards the main entrance when it began to close. Shadow saw the changelings in disguise shutting the door. He fired at them hitting both of them in the head. Shadow busted through the door and made his way to the top floor. He arrived on the top floor and saw Fury meeting with Twilight. Shadow yelled out Rainbow Dashes name and she looked at the charging Changeling. Fury grabbed Twilight while the others tried to grab the other ponies. Apple Jack bucked them away while Discord tried to protect Fluttershy. Shadow Jumped up and kicked a changeling in his face. All of a sudden everything stopped. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were in the clutches of the changelings while the others backed away slowly. Shadow had been surrounded by multiple changelings. “Shadow” Fury started “good you are here. Now you get to see me execute your pony friends one by one.” Shadow breathed heavily and saw the fear in the ponies eyes. He looked behind them and saw the other three along with Discord. He saw something else. Discord was going for a chair. And under the chair right below Fury he saw Spike getting ready to pounce. Shadow nodded slowly to both of them. Spike bit the leg of Fury and Discord swung a nearby chair at the changelings. Shadow lumped up and bucked two of his assailants away. He fired his horn at the two behind him sending them flying. Twilight wrestled out of Furies grip and flipped him onto the floor. Rainbow Dash swung out of the changelings reach. She flew up carrying her enemy and slammed him hard into the ground. Rarity flipped the changeling onto his back Shadow saw Fury aiming at Rainbow Dash. Shadow jumped as high as he could in front of her. The black bolt of death hurled straight for Rainbow Dash. The bolt slammed into a wing. Rainbow Dash and all the ponies gasped as Shadows body twitch. Rainbow Dash flew and tackled Fury to the ground. All around them were the bodies of the changeling operators. The whole room grew quiet as the Ponies gathered around the one who had saved them. Rainbow Dash turned Shadow over and saw a bloody hole enter his right side and out through his right wing. His wings were once again permanently broken. Shadow gasped for breathe. “Hey Rainbow Dash.” His weak voice said. Rainbow Dash was tearing up. Shadow forced a smile on his face and looked at all of them and asked “Can you guys forgive me?” The ponies were tearing up as well. “Shadow…” Twilight began “Can you forgive us?” Shadow asked “why? I'm the one who nearly killed you guys back at the Canterlot fight and even throughout these events.” “No…” Twilight said “We forgive you for that…but Shadow please forgive us for not letting you talk back at the tryouts. We should have known that everypony has the ability to change. No matter where they are from or what happened in the past.” Rainbow Dash held Shadow as the changeling’s breath became shallower. His world began to swirl. “I’ve never had friends…” the weak changeling said “Can you guys be my first?” Rainbow Dash nodded and so did the others. Rainbow Dashes tears fell onto Shadows face. Shadow smiled as his world faded to black knowing he was in the company of friends… …Days later… Shadow awoke in a room of white. He was hooked up to all sorts of medical equipment. HE heard footsteps and turned over slowly and saw a familiar face. “Nice to see you again changeling” Aloe said “Or should I say Shadow.” He smiled at her and lay back down. “Listen I'm kinda sorry for being a mean person the first time we met.” “Don’t be” Shadow said “I didn’t deserve anyone to be nice to me at the time.” “The medic said your flight is once more disabled but we have a cure for ya buddy.” Shadow saw the helo in his chest and remembered the ponies. “You have visitors.” She said In walked the Mane six. Shadow smiled his changeling smile and felt his heart warm up. Rainbow Dash galloped over and wrapped her arms around Shadow. “Hey Shadow.” Twilight said. “We may have a fix for you and your wings. Just whenever you are ready come to the castle.” “Thank you princess Twilight Sparkle” Shadow said “Call me Twilight.” She said back “Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!” The pink pony announced “It’s really awesome and cool and sweet and awesome to see your doing awesometacular!!!” Rarity came up and gave him a scarf “here you go love. I made it just for you!” Apple Jack walked up and set down a bowl of Apple Fritters next to him “Funny,” Shadow said referencing the train fight. “Don’t worry Shadow You'll be strong enough to pull a plow through rocks once you’re done! “Okay Shadow were going to leave you now” Twilight said “wait…” Fluttershy said “Here… it’s a card from me and Discord.” Shadow opened it up and it said crudely get better. Shadow laughed and told Her “Thank You miss Fluttershy.” “Twilight can I stay with Shadow more?” Rainbow Dash suddenly asked. Twilight nodded and walked out. Shadow saw Rainbow Dash sit down next to him. He was about to fall asleep when he heard the bouncing of a ball against the wall. The end…