//------------------------------// // choosing a side // Story: the change of one // by Dj Shadowstrike556 //------------------------------// Twilight was the first to act. She fired a stun bolt at shadow. He ducked it and Ran straight at Twilight. His body collided with hers and they both tumbled a few feet. Shadow scrambled to his feet and galloped away towards the train station. The ponies gave chase. Shadow wiped away the last of his tears. A bolt exploded next to him. He looked back and twilight was firing at him. He turned around and blew open the wall to the office. He jumped through it. He broke open the front door as Rainbow Dash tackled him from the back. Once again he felt a sharp pain in his right wing. Shadow threw her off and tried to get to the train. A strong kick from the side sent Shadow flying through the side of the train. The wall broke and he landed in a seat. The train moved forward. Shadow got up and was immediately tackled by Apple Jack. She punched his face until Shadow bucked her off into a window. The rest of the mane six jumped onto the last car as the train sped off to Fillydelphia. Shadow bucked Apple Jack away and ran off to the front of the train. The train was ten cars long and filled with passengers. Shadow was in the fifth car. Other passengers ducked under their seats as the fight raged. Twilight sparkle broke through the door and fired several shots of stun spells at Shadow. He ducked behind a seat as bolts slammed into the cover. Shadow stood up and fired an automatic stun spell at her. The spells tore through the sides of the train. Shadow closed his eyes and fired an explosive spell at Twilight. The train exploded and parts flew in all directions. The last car was unhooked from the rest of the train. Twilight along with Pinkie Pie and Rarity focused on getting the train to stop. Fluttershy fell back to help them. Shadow turned around and went into the next car. As Shadow walked forward a thick object smashed the window and nearly hit him. Shadow peeked out the window and saw Rainbow Dash carrying Apple Jack with a bag of her Apple treats. The mountain side railroad hung off of a big drop. Snow started to appear. Shadow ducked as more of Applejacks food busted through the glass. Shadow crawled to the seventh car while being peppered with shards of glass. Shadow fired back stun spells but missed. He tackled the door to the next car and. He sprinted through it but was stopped by Apple Jack. Rainbow Dash dropped her off on the next car. Applejack galloped towards him. Shadow dove out of the side of the window. Glass shattered as he hung from the side of the train. He climbed to the top of the train and saw Rainbow Dash flying furiously towards him. Shadow ducked almost feeling Rainbow Dashes fur. Shadow got up and jumped into the next car. He was in the fifth car when he heard Apple Jack try and tackle him. Shadow spun around and felt a body pummel him to the ground. Shadow forced her aside into the wall. He got up the same time Apple Jack did. Applejack jumped up and kangaroo bucked Shadow into the door. His changeling body slammed into and broke down the door to the fourth car. From the ground he fired his magic at Applejack making her duck down. Shadow used another spell he knew and disconnected the train cars. Apple Jacks car let go and all that was left was Rainbow Dash. Shadow spotted her flying alongside the train. She however fell back to help Apple Jack. Shadow continued to the conductor’s seat. He made it to the last car when Rainbow Dash broke through a window in front of him. She lunged for Shadow. He felt her body collide into his. Shadow lay on the ground with Rainbow Dash on top of his body. He blocked a punch and pushed his enemy off of himself. Shadow fired a blast of fire at Rainbow Dash unwillingly. The fireball slammed into the train’s wall. A bright yellow explosion rocked the train as the ball made a giant hole in the side of the car. Shadow jumped up as Rainbow Dash got up. Shadow felt a hoof grab his leg. He fell onto the floor. Shadow kicked Rainbow Dashes foot away and sprinted to the door leading to the main train. The driver gasped at Shadow entered the room. Just then Rainbow Dash entered. “I can’t believe I was friends with a Changeling!” She yelled out. “Why!?” She yelled “I thought you were my friend!” “I'm sorry!” Shadow shouted back. He lunged for the controls. The conductor tried to stop him. He shoved Shadow into the main control system. Everything shattered. Rainbow Dash gasped as the train slowly started to gain speed. Shadow looked over the side of the train and saw the bank of the hill the track was on. Just then the train jerked forward. Shadow leaned out of the window and saw one of the wheels of the train had come loose. He spun around and saw Rainbow Dash leave the train and go in front of it. Shadow felt the train start to tip over. He looked at the cars behind him and saw them slowly coming off of the track. Just then Rainbow Dash came back in. “I can’t stop it!” she yelled. Shadow then saw his entire world turn on its side. The train flipped over and was sliding down the side of the mountain. Shadow looked at Rainbow Dash as a piece of metal from the train hit her across the head. Shadow lunged for her and grabbed her body. He tossed her to the ground and covered her. The conductor did the same. Shadow was hit with various items. Just then a giant piece of metal struck his side. He yelped out as the train continued to slide down. In the distance Shadow saw a tree. Soon it became a forest. Shadow shut his eyes… The front train that contained Shadow and Rainbow Dash slammed into the first tree. Shadow was lifted off of the ground with the Pegasus in his arms. The rest of the cars were sent flying into the distance crashing over. Shadow traveled through the glass of the front car and onto the snow. He looked down at Rainbow Dash who was still unconscious. The Pegasus leaned against his chest with small breathes. Shadow propped her up against a tree and walked to see the rest of the passengers. He saw all of them holding one another. Shadow spun around and galloped away as fast as he could… …Days and episodes later… He couldn’t stop crying. His bed became soaked with tears of this memory. He started to shout out I'm sorry, over and over again. He felt like dying at that moment. Never in Shadows life has any one given him this kind of love. The memories of Rainbow Dash filled his head. His feelings towards all of the ponies had changed. He forgot about his mission, his past, and even his queen. He was about to leave when A note appeared on the table. The note told him to go meet another changeling in Manehattan… Shadow walked down the sidewalk. His wing had healed up but it was a pain to use. His next target was the coffee shop he used to go to when he followed Rarity. Shadow walked through the door and saw his contact. A blue and red pony sat down and sipped his coffee. Fury turned to Shadow as he sat down. “I heard what happened…” began Fury “your cover was blown.” Shadow sighed “Yeah... I was able to get some information before I had to bug out.” “Shadow you did good. The queen actually wanted to thank you for your work. Even if you didn’t get as much info as we needed. You did your best man.” Fury said Shadow Sipped a tea that was given to him and looked back at Fury “What happens now?” “Well” Fury began “It’s time to push our plan forward. Tirek is coming and we need to help him take the princess and everyone out. Best way to do it…” Fury stopped and looked around. No one was listening. He quickly casted a mute spell around them. It makes it sound like they are talking about something else. “Well like I was saying, the best way to do it is to disrupt the land of Equestria. Anarchy and chaos will follow and the royals will be too busy trying to calm everypony down and attempting to quell our little insurgency. This will give Tirek another massive edge. We are planning on detonating a massive chunk of ice over the Equestria games.” Shadows brain slipped into the memory of his past with the ponies, the hugs the happiness…The fight. He knew that Rainbow Dash and her friends were going to be there. “The ice will crash down and crush thousands of little ponies. We are working with old friends of Daring Do… the bandits…Them along with some of us are going to set up a charge on the ice and then detonating it from under the stadium. We are using the underground training and staging area… I want to know if you want some payback.” Fury sat back Shadow knew what his nature was telling him; however his heart was in a different position. His brain flooded with his memories of his past. His whole life as a changeling played in his head. The good and the bad circled around and around until one memory forced all the other ones out, even the battle of Canterlot. Rainbow Dash reached over and hugged him. He smiled at the thought, but was snapped back into reality when Fury spoke “You like the idea huh?” Shadow knew what he had to do. “No…” he said Fury was shocked “What?” Shadow repeated himself. Fury stared at him and spoke “Oh… I see…you became attached to them… how sweet. You’ve grown soft Shadow… You better think about what you’re going to do next... think real hard.” Shadow looked up and stared fury straight in the eyes “I know what I'm doing next…” Shadow flipped the table and changed into his original state. The table landed on Fury. Fury shoved it off of him and tackled Shadow into the bar area. Shadow was forced onto his hind legs while fury wrapped his hooves around Shadows neck. Shadow kicked fury in the stomach and pushed him off of himself. The customers watched in horror as two thought to be gone forever creatures brawl right in front of them. Shadow dodged a punch from Fury and pushed him into a shelf filled with cups. The shelf broke as the body smashed into it. Fury charged up his horn. Shadow jumped behind the counter as bolts of death hurled right at him. The cashier had called the police. Shadow popped up and returned fire. The other ponies in the café all dropped to the ground as the two traded shots. Shadow popped back up again with a metal pan as Fury closed in on him. Shadow hopped back over the counter and slammed the Pan in Furies face. Fury got back up and threw a chair at Shadow. He dodged it and threw the pan at Fury. Fury went to tackle Shadow. Shadow dropped on his back and threw Fury over him and into the table next to the door. He quickly fired a massive explosive bolt at Fury. Fury ducked as the whole front of the café exploded into a giant ball of yellow. Shadow saw no sign of Fury and zoomed out of the giant hole he made…