//------------------------------// // Shadows Strike, Allies Align // Story: The tale of Quick Silver // by Crescent Edge //------------------------------// “SPIKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHO IS THIS GUY?” All found the siren like scream to belong to the purple pony princess herself as she prepared to attack the creature now in the middle of a hug. “RELEASE HIM FORM YOUR CAPTURE NOW!” All present staring at the mighty princess as she was demanding a dragon that could easily kill her to release his ‘victim’ from a warm hug. “DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? I SAID LET HIM G-“ “Twilight please he was just talk ‘in to us. He saved Twist from a manticore.” Apple Bloom spoke trying her best to calm the enraged alicorn. As the CMC took defensive positions around the two dragons Titan saw he should speak up but the looks he was receiving from the alicorn told him otherwise. As all present where trying to come up with explanations or attack plans a voice echoed in a certain filly's ears. “Sooth the raging seas and return the stream to a calm state.” As she heard the voice a mic appeared connected to a headset on her. No one took notice however as all attention was on Titan or Twilight. She closed her eyes and started to sing, as her voice rippled outward it could be heard by everyone nearby. ♪“Let the darkness be gone and see it never return, For is was always meant to be another’s concern.”♫ As she sang a warm aura enveloped everypony hearing it. They felt a wave of calmness take hold and every pair of eyes met a young alabaster filly with a two toned mane and tail. The most noticeable difference was her mane and tail had a fluid movement to them almost like waves of water, like they were flowing in a current. ♪“Accept the simple needs and learn that every soul has a say, With understanding you will see that is the waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.”♫ The onlookers finally took notice of the headset. Rarity herd Twilight ask her, “When did you sister get a headset? And I thought she gave up on getting a singing cutie-mark? And what is going on with her mane?” All Rarity could do was sit there. Watching her little sister as she began to feel pride and happiness for her. ♪“Happiness is a gift like a pearl to a mare, A gift a stallion sends to show he does care. Everything shared to present a little light, Helps to weaken the monsters that serve the night.♫ As the main six watch in awe and the CMC start to cry at the feeling of warmth one little colt closes his eyes happy to hear the angelic voice he fell in love with once more. ♪“Brightening the day is a spell we all can cast, What we do makes sure it always lasts. For we all are emissaries of the light, And we can force the darkness to depart.”♫ As the song drew to a close everypony present was the calmest they had been all day. They felt like they just woke up from a long needed rest and they were in hurry to do anything. ♪“We’ll just have a little trouble and a small fight, And finally awaken the light in every heart.”♫ After the final word the headset disappeared and her mane and tail returned to normal. She opened her eyes just in time to feel her companion hugging her tightly crying. Her attention was then directed toward Twilight. As Twilight walked forward towards her she held a look of confusion. Calmly the alicorn asked, “What drove you to sing? You told everyone that you would never sing again. After your parents passing and you came to live with Rarity you announced you would never sing again. Why did you still sing after you said you never would?” As Sweetie thought she came upon a realization and reciting it out loud. “Music brings out the light. It echoes through the darkness and finds light guiding it home.” As they all contemplated her response Spike asked Titan, “Would you like to see Quick Sliver? He is at the hospital, just a short seven minute walk.” “I’ll tell you of my journey along the way and you all can ask me questions. I will answer them if I want to.” Was his response. As Sweetie was released and they all started walking the first to speak before Twilight was Dinky. As she stated clearly, “You never answered my question about your eyes.” Titan just laughed and used his huge tail to lift Dinky up off of the ground and put her on his snout. Placing her down, she came eye to eye with him. As she stared into his pure white irises she felt herself slip into a state of comfort. She felt like eternity was passing by as her gaze pierced his. Only to be brought back as he answered. “I have been blinded since birth. I have never seen a sunrise or sunset. Although my eyes fail to work does not mean I cannot see colors. I see by auras. To make it easier for you young ones, I see the essence that you carry. Here is an example her-” pointing a claw at Rainbow Dash “- she appears to me as a fusion of red, orange, and yellow-green. I have come to understand through my training that means this about her: red usually stands for confidence and power, while yellow stands for a compassionate friend and great personality, the hint of green I see stands for a competitive nature, and orange stands for mischief.” As he let that sink in he turned his claw towards Applejack and, “You are troubled and I can see the worry you carry in your aura.” AJ now redder than a ripe apple sadly announced, “Me ‘n Granny are going to Appleloosa and Apple Bloom, ya staying with Rarity. Granny been tell’n me that she needs to go and only ah should go with her. Ah am so sorry but we will be back in a few days.” AB now confused asked, “Sis why are ya all red?” She had completely understood what she said and the reasons, but why was she red? “Ah am slightly embarrassed by the sudden point’n at me by the giant drake that’s all.” AB happy, “ok ah understand. Ah guess.” Twilight now with her chance to ask her questions pulled out a note pad and began. After the worst five and a half minutes in equine history they could see the hospital. Out of nowhere Trixie magically teleported in front of them and spoke in a sinister voice, “My master wishes you all dead. I will grant him that wish.” With that her horn glowed and she spoke, “Death” A grim reaper figure appeared and flew towards them and Titan reacted. Holding up his claws he spoke, “Protect” and a dome appeared around them the reaper hit the dome and disappeared. After his spell he grabbed Dinky and put her down. Standing in front of everyone he flared out his wings and used them like a shield. Trixie reacted by shouting. “Your death will be by my hooves, Blizzaga.” As she finished pillars of ice with spear like tips shot towards Titan as he thought to himself. This is gonna hurt! As they hit his wings they shattered upon impact and he felt near ice age level cold flood his body. Pushing through the pain he focused his mind and saw his spell he yelled, “Mute” And a strange light gathered around Trixie’s throat. Smiling Trixie spoke aloud with a grin that could be considered be considered the grin of a serial-killer. “My you have a sad excuse for a spell list don’t you? Here let me teach you a new one METEOR!” A dozen glowing oval shaped objects appeared from nowhere and moved toward him. His mind gave him two options: one deflect the spell and risk killing the host casting the spell, or two face the attack head on. Unfortunately he realized he was too late for option one. As he was sent flying back and slammed into a tree, his pain gave way to worry as the ponyfolk he was protecting were now defenseless. “Bakudo # four, Hainawa!” Every set of eyes turned to a griffon standing there. His rustic orange coat complementing his sapphire blue feathers. As he stood upright facing them. His eyes opened to reveal a rare shade of scarlet. He faced Trixie and a light shout out of his claws that were held together. She reacted but the light rope like thing was slightly faster. Within moments she was entangled in it shouting. “WHAT MAGIC IS THIS? I MUST KILL THEM! HE WISHES IT!” The griffon landed next to Titan and put out a claw facing him, “Old lizard you ran off without me. Well you look like you’re in pain. I will help but you owe me one, Curaga.” Titan glowed for a bit then got up. “Thank you.” (Crash) “I think she got out. Her spells are powerful” “Distract her I need to recite the spell” “I will give you the time I can provide” “Ok I will focus as fast as possible.” And the griffon closed his eyes and Titan ran toward a now free Trixie yelling. “Over here you dum mare. Fira.” And a small explosion of fire bursted near Trixie turning her attention from the, frozen in fear, main six and CMC to Titan just as the griffon chanted “Carriage of thunder and gape of the spinning wheel, with this light divide into six. Bakudo #61 Rikujōkōrō.” Six beams of light appeared around Trixie and she froze. Unable to say or do anything she watched as the griffon put up a talon pad and pointed it at her. “Star Alignment.” A weird symbol appeared on his talon pad and a black seal on Trixie’s chest over her heart. “Constellation cleansing.” A stream of stars shot out of his talon and made a symbol on the seal. The black seal shattered and Trixie collapsed. As the main six and the CMC gathered to check on Trixie the griffon walked over to Titan and said, “Hey never run off again. We are finding my friend and you taking off is not helpful. “WHO ARE YOU?!” Everyone but Titan yelled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derpy was sitting next to an unconscious little clot. As she sat there wondering when he will wake up he shot up right and smiled while saying, “Gabrin Kafeel Greywing, Gabe.” Tears falling down his face he cried, “Gabe made it. HE MADE IT!” Derpy getting up from her chair she hopped onto the bed and held him while she asked, “Who is he Quick?” He turned his head to see her face and was sobbing while trying to answer her. “After s-Spike l-left he was t-t-the only o-o-one who helped me. After I was p-put in the hospital he c-c-came every day. He h-helped me t-t-to see that e-even though s-s-Spike was g-g-gone that t-t-there was still p-p-people who wanted me t-t-to live.” His attitude improving and the sobbing stopping, “He showed me what it means to be cherished. He taught me what it means to have friends. His bond with me is as strong as my bond with Spike.” His eyes widened and his hooves grabbed at the left side of his chest and he collapsed once more onto the bed. Derpy placing her hooves gently on his barrel and her heart shattering when she realized, only his right lung was working. “DOCTOR! DOCTOR! I NEED A DOCTOR! PLEASE HELP I NEED A DOCTOR NOW! HELP! SOMEPONY, ANYPONY HELP1”