//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: The Last Laugh // by Gandalf158 //------------------------------// The Last Laugh By: Gandalf158 Epilogue         Twilight stepped back up to the microphone and pulled out another stack of index cards. She organized them and cleared her throat. Then she began to read off the eulogy she had written for her friend.         "I don't know what else to say after that, except that Pinkie Pie was, and is, the glue that held us together, whenever we were down, she would be there to cheer us up. I will always look back on my time knowing her and smile, because that's what she would've wanted. I couldn't have asked for a better friend, and I know you'll all agree with me. So, today, we say goodbye to Pinkie, but she'll always live on in the hearts and minds of those who knew her, and that's the way she would've wanted." She concluded her speech and put away her cards. She stepped down off of the stage, and Fluttershy led her choir of birds in Amazing Grace.... The End