Cutie Mark Crusader Bounty Hunters

by WanderingPuffin

Meeting the Sisters

“So, your sisters all hang out in the library?” Hawkeye said passing Applebloom another cookie from the bag. He wouldn’t have picked the library as the hot social spot in town but maybe the town really was that boring. The cutie mark idiot squad was running around him in circles again but at least the questions had stopped.
“Yep,” Applebloom said taking the cookie eagerly. “It’s a weird situation.”
The library was a tree. It wasn’t shaped like one but an actual hollow tree. Hawkeye wondered what the town would do if they wanted to expand it. Would you hire a contractor or a gardener? The stallion opened the door and was treated to the magnificent sight of four shapely young mares crowed around a table. He had to bite his lip to keep from letting off a whinny at the sight of the flanks alone. They came in a variety of colors. The spectrum of purple, blue, yellow and orange gave the impression of a candy store. “Idiot squad, you just earned my forgiveness,” Hawkeye said quietly to the three fillies as they pushed past him
“Hey, everypony!” Applebloom shouted at the top of her lungs. The four looked up at the new sight from their chairs. The CMC had come in followed by a strange armed pony in barding. The four ponies looked reasonably disturbed.
“Hello girls,” the purple mare, presumably Twilight said trying to size up the new pony. “And who are you?” she asked trying to figure out a polite way to ask why someone escorting children would need to be so well armed.
Sweetie bell interjected before Hawkeye could say anything. “This is mister Hawkeye No Name. We’ve been showing him around town.” Realizing something she checked her flank. “Dang no tour guide cutie mark.” This caused the other fillies to check their flanks but they didn’t have any luck either. The scene was smile worthy and succeeded in defusing whatever tension there was in the room.
“Shucks, hope my sisters and her friends haven’t been causing you too much trouble. I’m Applejack and these here are Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash,” Applejack commented coming over to the girls and the bounty hunter. Twilight meanwhile stepped to Hawkeye’s side trying to get a better look at the barding he wore. It was pretty boring being completely one color and not shiny in any way. The princess’s guards were much cooler but that was probably what happened when you went from being state funded to private. This careful investigation alarmed Sweetie Bell mistook the looks that Twilight was giving the stallion.
“Don’t fawn over him Twilight. He doesn’t like girls.” The little white pony stated. The stallion’s jaw dropped.
Twilight sighed, “I swear all the stallions are either gay or taken.”
“What are you talking about kid?” Hawkeye asked focusing all his attention on the white filly.
“What? You said if you didn’t want to get married,” Sweetie Bell tilted her head trying to figure out just what was complicated about the situation. She was just trying to help.
“Celestia take you …” Hawkeye remembered he was surrounded by young foals. “…turkey son of a hamster” he shouted. Not only were these foals annoying as heck he couldn’t curse worth a darn around them. This half curse didn’t even phase them but simply elicited another round of giggles.
“So why are you here Mr. Hawkeye?” Twilight said having to fight back the giggles at the display of ineptitude.
“I’m a bond enforcement agent with Sunshine Bail Bonds over in Manehatten. Right now I’m looking for whoever is responsible for these chaos machines.”
“Um, that would be me,” Applejack said nervously, “Am I going to have to pay bail because I didn’t budget for that this month?”
“Nope,” Hawkeye said nudging the three towards Applejack. Well, less nudging and more putting his entire body mass behind them and forcing them forward. “Please, just keep them away from me.”
“Aw, are you afraid of a few foals?” Rainbow Dash said leaning against a wall.
“Ma’am, I have had the pleasure of serving with the Royal Equestrian Army in operations I am not allowed to talk about. I have journeyed to the ends of the land hunting beasts that the locals dared not to name out of sheer terror. I ran across the Great Zebra Deserts with the warriors of forgotten tribes. Take it to heart when I say that these things scare me.” The bounty hunter turned to face Twilight.
Rainbow Dash couldn’t help laughing. “Oh, the big bad bounty hunter is afraid of little girls.”
“From what I have heard of the fireworks incident I would think that appropriate.” Rainbow Dash stopped laughing. Hawkeye opened a vest pocket and gave a business card to Twilight. “Despite what your little sister said I do like girls. Give me a call sometime if you are ever in Manehattan.” Winking suggestively he walked over to the door. “One last thing though could you girls recommend a bar? After this I think I am going to need one.”
“The only one in town is the Thirsty Griffon.”
“See, I’m only in town for one day and they already destroyed the only source of alcohol. FEAR THEM!” The Pegasus took off through the doorway flapping as hard as he could.
“Did you girls destroy the Griffon?” Twilight asked stunned.
“Only a little,” Applebloom said shuffling her hooves.
“Kids, what did I tell you about causing trouble?” Rainbow Dash said annoyed.
“Don’t get caught and kick up at least twenty percent of the loot to you?” Scootaloo said obediently. The rest of the ponies glared at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow blushed at being caught.
“Well, I am adding don’t destroy businesses I like to the list.” She said trying to hide her face. Luckily for perhaps everyone in that room that was the moment Rarity chose to barge into the room in typical overly dramatic fashion.
“Twilight, I have encountered an angel and his name is Pomme,” Rarity burst into the library practically floating off the ground. “He is a reporter from Canterlot and he is going to put out a full article about me! The great designer and most beautiful pony he has ever seen!” She collapsed onto a cushion near her friends. “I am in love and it is glorious,” This prompted eye rolls from everyone.
“So what does this stallion look like?” Twilight asked.
“That is half of the fun darling. His flanks look like they were carved from marble and his white coat goes perfectly with mine. We are having dinner tomorrow and I just know that it is going to be fabulous.” Rarity collapsed on a couch that she appeared to have brought with her. Everypony had long ago decided that it was for the best if they did not question how this was possible.
“Well I’m happy for you Rarity,” Applejack stated trying to get around the couch to her sister.
“Oh, I just know that this is going to be the one. Once we are married and living in Canterlot I’ll be sure to invite all of you.”
“Oh, I’ll make sure to clear my calendar,” Twilight said rolling her eyes. Applebloom finally managed to push around the couch and reach her charges.
“Well I have some good news for you foals,” she said quietly. “Mayor Mare declared the park open for sleeping.” Due to the fact that most of the houses in Ponyville lacked porches the park often served as a makeshift sleeping quarters during the summer heat waves. The whole town seemed to pour out for a slumber party which was good news for the crusaders who had been banned from holding their slumber parties inside. The three cheered loudly at the announcement.
Sweetie Bell climbed up on to the couch next to Rarity. “Rarity, can I go with Applejack to the park to sleep?” Sweetie Belle asked cracking a slight grin. Rarity was too caught up in the moment of being a drama queen to hear her sister. This lack of answer did not stop the white foal from charging head on though. “Taking that as a yes,” she cried leaping from the couch.
“Scootaloo, do you need to ask your parents?”
“My parents believe in raising their children free range,” Scootaloo replied turning around.
“What does that mean?”
“Pretty much don’t get yourself killed or injured in a way that will require medical treatment and you are free to do as you wish,” Scootaloo said shrugging. Applebloom sighed shaking her head.
“You girls are welcome to go to the park. I’m going to go to back to Apple Acres for sleeping bags and a cooler. Rainbow, you mind helping me to drag the stuff back?”
“Sure, if you think you can keep up.” Rainbow said grinning wickedly. Applejack shot an identical one right back at her and ran for the door followed immediately by Rainbow.
Applebloom walked over to Twilight’s side, “Twilight, do you think I could I have that card that Hawkeye gave you,”
Twilight tilted her head. “Why do you want the card?”
“Uhm, because?” Applebloom stammered.
“Applebloom, I know that you want to help Mr. Hawkeye but I think he got his fill of you for today.”
“Well, it is actually because…uh,” Applebloom tried to think up a good explanation. “Umm… I find him cute!” she finally blurted out.
“Oh my,” Twilight said blushing. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo both stared at Applebloom.
“Love is in bloom for everypony,” Rarity declared rising to a sitting position on the couch.
“I think Hawkeye is a little old for you Applebloom,” Fluttershy said politely.
“Fluttershy, this is a crush we are talking about not a marriage.” Rarity said getting off the couch. “I say give her the card after you copy down the info you want.” Twilight and shrugged and levitated over the card to Applebloom.
“He isn’t exactly my type.” Twilight said still slightly blushing.
“Thanks Twi,” Applebloom said quickly gripping the card in her teeth and immediately hurrying away outside. She didn’t get far before her companions caught up with her.
“You find Hawkeye cute?” Sweetie bell said tilting her head slightly with a dumbfounded expression.
“Maybe if he cleaned up and wore something other than blue I could agree with you but I don’t know about now.” Scootaloo added with a grin. “Besides, he is a match for Cranky in the personality department.”
Applebloom looked at the ground. “I just wanted the card. It’s enchanted.”
“Really? That’s pretty cool” Sweetie Bell said crowding around the card for a better look.
"It’s nothing right now. Apparently you have to burn the card to activate the spell.”
“So what does it do when you burn it?” Scootaloo said.
“It summons Mr. No Name.”
“That’s it? I think he is going to make good with the broccoli threat if we bug him more.”
“Sure, if we bug him now… but still being able to call up a pony like him ought to be useful if we get in trouble.”
“Oh yeah, Diamond Tiara will never know what hit her.” Scootaloo said hoofpumping.
“Well, yeah but Miss. Cheerilee probably won’t like it if we use it for that.” Sweetie bell said imagining the possibilities.
Scootaloo sighed at the missed opportunity. The park was alreadly filling up with the families of the ponies coming out to sleep at the park. Blankets were being spread around on the grass claiming territory for later. A few ponies had set up grills and were attempting to get fires started for veggie burgers.
“So where do we go from here for the cutie marks?”
“Eh, I say we give up on the bounty hunter cutie marks. I wouldn’t want to have to put up with that much walking in one day.”
“Wanna try for barbeque cutie marks?”