The arcana ponies

by EquosGuardian


In a place where no light shines where darkness is the ruler, water can be heard dripping from the stalactites from the cave into the darkness. Deep inside in the deepest parts of the cave was illuminated by torches their flames lighting the cave with an eerie blue light. The light made by the torches projected shadows on the walls.

In front of the darker part of the cave stood a figure wearing a brown cloak humming softly which was intensified by the caverns walls, behind him stood a group of 50 cloaked figures only their muzzles are shown.
The cloaked figure at the front ceased humming. “My brothers-“the cloaked pony started to speak, his voice gruff from age but smooth as he spoke to the others “and sisters. Today we stand at the dawn of a new age-“.

The cloaked pony slid off his hood down, while he spoke, “Today we shall avenge the fallen. Those who have been taken from us” the pony revealed itself to be an middle aged earth pony stallion with a crimson read coat and white mane, his cutie mark is an image of a grey coloured scale holding a sword in in one plate and a heart in the other, his eyes a deep blue shining like sapphires in the blue light of the flames. “Today will symbolise the beginning of the end for the tyrants of sun and moon. Today we shall awaken shall awaken our lord and protector, he who has banished the previous ruler and defeated the second one in combat. He will crush the two tyrants with his magic alone.”

The earth pony stallion’s speech was answered with silent humming from the other cloaked ponies; the crimson coated earth pony closed his eyes listening to the hums as the ritual was being prepared.
A strong gust of wind blew through the cavern making the flames move slightly but they did not dim, instead the blue flames became more intense, stronger illumination more of the cavern “The preparations are complete Grey scales” Grey scales turned his head towards the voice. He meets the blue eyes of a unicorn mare with a deep blue coat and an azure mane in the same brown cloak he was wearing; her cutie mark is a picture of a sword and a scepter both where angled to make an “X”. “Thank you Azure blade” Grey scales said to the mare his voice betraying nothing.

Azure Blade lowered her head in a bow, but to Grey it was more than that. The deep blue coated mare was about to return to the others “No Azure you will be conducting the ceremony with I” Azure Blade stopped mid turn as her mind registered the stallion’s words “Lord Scales I am not worthy of such an honour” Azure Blade said trying not to smile. Grey scales would have none of that he called her at his side. “We knew each other since we were foals Azure, why do you enjoy teasing me so much” Grey scales asked the mare who simply responded “Because you are cute when you are flustered” the mare gave the stallion a wink as she took her place by the stallions side, Grey blushed, he quickly turned his head to hide it, he could hear some snickers from behind. Grey recomposed himself, he asked the mare his voice was laced with concern his voice no more than whisper “Azure how are you doing with you know what” Azure did not look at him “I am feeling fine, I just had a bit of morning sickness but that is all” Azure replied in a wiper of her own reassuring the stallion that everything is fine, Grey scale’s face was impassive but showed worry “very well then bring us the offerings” Grey scales voice was commanding, full of authority, three pegasy flew up to the two ponies each of them carrying a bowl putting them in front of the two.

With a nod the pagasy returned back to the others, each of the bowls where carrying something in them, the first one had a string of hair, the second one had some sort of red liquid and the last one had fine blue powder. The humming had gotten louder by then intensified by the caves walls, the members at the front where chanting in an unknown dialect “Behold our lord whom we shall serve under” Grey scales announced, the flames spread on the unlit torches around the wall revealing a pedestal, on it in a sitting position was an armour made for a bulky bipedal being the dark blue colour of the armour appearing eering in the blue lights of the torches its gauntlets looked like they were made for a creature with fingers, engraved on the armour where silver lines made in a complex pattern, none of the ponies knew what the pattern meant.

The chest plate had the had a crest in the centre where the lines seemed to merge into it, the lines looked like flames, the blue flames of the touches made the them look like they were living flames on the armour, the chest plate was made to be durable even after so many ears in the cave it barely had a scratch on it.
The helmet by far the most intimidating part of the armour, the dark blue helmet was made to look of a demon, horns made out of metal where on either side of the helmet but where disfigured, the one on the left was missing the top half, its eyes lifeless and empty. The armour eternally melted to the throne never to move only to watch as days pass it by that is until today.
No matter how many times Grey scales comes here the armour still manages to instil fear in him, sometimes the stallion images the terrified of the enemy when their lord was alive and how they fled from him if the stories he was told were true. Today the Grey scales looked at the armour with excitement in a few moments their lord shall be awoken from his slumber “The time has come” Grey scales stole one last at his beloved before commencing the ritual. Azure blade’s horn was covered in a turquoise aura, forming the spell she needed in her mind, her magical aural started to shimmer before discharging itself creating a small spark which formed into a flame, the deep blue coloured mare, lowered her horn on the bowl with the string of hair.

The bowl lit up in a flame similar colour to the torches, the flames burned the string down to it essence, absorbing the essence the flame shoot out of the bowl and into the armour. A groan echoed thru the cave and the armours eyes lit up, the glowing an light blue colour, “This is a good sign that the ritual is working, continue” Grey scales whispered “now the blood if you please” Azure nodded, Grey handed her a steel dagger engraved with symbols to prevent the dagger from cutting too deep or even kill a pony, it’s what they used to get the blood the needed from the royal mage. Azure did the with the blood, as she did with string of hair, the flame remained in the centre in the bowl filled with lifeblood, next the mare used the dagger she was holding in her right hove to make a shallow cut on her other hove, the mares own life blood dripped into the bowl making the flame spread. The dagger suddenly became engulfed with the same flame, it started to move away from Azure Blades hove, the bowl moved as well floating in the air and landed into the lap of the armour, the dagger moved to stab the armour, entering it. The flame connected with the daggers handle the blood was dissipating entering the armour thru the dagger, Azure Blade and Grey scales watched the bowl becoming empty and the dagger turning to dust “now initiate the last phase of the ritual Azure”. Azure used the flame on her horn to light up the last bowl, the flame got absorbed into the powder becoming saturated with magic, the powder glowed white, it shoot out of the its container and into the armour making it glow in a blinding white light.


The gauntlets where the first to sprout cracks on them, slowly spreading on to the rest of the armour, Azure Blade watched them spread slowly like a hourglass as its sand was slowly ticking away, the deep blue mare looked at Grey scales, who was spouting a wide smile on his face like a foal on harts warming eve. “It worked!” yelled Grey not believing that the ritual worked, “At long last, many moons of struggle to collect the necessary ingredients for this ritual”.

Grey scales announced to the crowd of ponies who were stomping the ground with their hooves cheering at their success “Our lord is finally waking. Waking from his eternal slumber and shall walk amongst us once again” Azure said her brother and sisters continued to cheer as if it will make their lord wake faster Azure meanwhile continued “Walk amongst his loyal subject the arcana ponies. We who have been shunned by the other races, they called our power the taint” the cheer died down and was replaced by booing “We have been hunted down like animal for many years, no matter what we did, no matter how much we have helped the other races by protecting them from monsters, by helping them grow crops nothing mattered our deeds where ignored all they saw, all they ever saw in us was our magic, they branded us as cursed, tainted or dark beings”.

Azure was silent for a moment before continuing, if one looked close they could see a faint tear appearing in her eyes “But tonight this will all end the tyrants of sun and moon shall soon know the true power of the arcana”.


An explosion was heard above their heads all ponies present gazed upward, their eyes widen with great shock they have been found… The royal guards where descending down on them they were made up out of 50 pegasus ponies and 5 unicorns, the ponies bellow scattered. The royal guards landed on the ground each armed with a spear, sword or hammer which were given to the bulkier members, their white coats, golden armour and helmets where glistering in the sun light.
The pegasy guards had their weapons trained at the tainted ready to strike if ordered, one of unicorns a stallion stepped forward his mane was covered by his helmet with blue feathers on top, his cutie mark is the picture of swords over a wall, green irises and a scar moving across his rights eye, his name is Captain Iron will.

Iron will was currently scanning the room, numbering the oppositions numbers his eyes settled at the armour sitting on the pedestal, its eyes looked with his and for a moment iron will almost believe it was alive… almost “ In the name of princess Celestia, regent of the sun. You’re hereby under arrest for blasphemy and practicing of the dark arts and…. Whatever that thing is” iron will was confused at what he saw he it looked like armour but none he had seen before in all his life, it looked like it was made for a 9ft tall bipedal creature, the eyes of the armour are glowing light blue, the armour seemed cracked it could easily be broken with a hammer or even a blast of magic, but if the tainted as they are called by his troops have gone to so much trouble to do….this, ritual?.

Grey scales face contorted in anger “Blasphemy” the stallion’s voice was nothing more than a whisper before exploding “Blasphemy!” Grey yelled his voice intensified by the cave’s walls, that got the attention of the captain of the guard Iron will and his men “The only blasphemers I see here are you sun worshipers, you who have been feed lies about our origin” Grey pointed his hove to iron will “you are too late the ritual is completed” One of the younger guards scoffed he is a Pegasus “That pile of scrap is not a treat to the day guard” said the young Pegasus guard, he laugh at his own lame joke, “You foal, when he wakes you shall be the first to fell his wrath” Azure now angry as well at the young guard, the mare keep herself contained unless ordered she could not lift a hove at them or they will risk their lord being killed in the process.

The young guard continued with his jokes, “That it keep talking, make me angry you will soon know what my subjects are capable of” I thought as the cracked gauntlets slowly dissolved into dust, I could feel my power coming back, I could feel it growing. Using small amounts of my arcana energy I began reconstructed the gauntlets as they dissolved, if I act now I would surely scare them into running but I chose to remain still. My eyes and vision were the only thing functioning right now I looked at the pony who was wearing the ridiculous helmet, what did he say he was again… captain was it? I knew that he was stalling or he would already have made that foal shut his mouth. I the gauntlet by now was restored up to the wrist the old armour was dissolving faster than anticipated I had to start to focus my magic in different places at once.

I started to hear faint sounds my hearing was coming back “Good now I can hear what they are talking about” the noises and sounds were becoming slowly clearer but for me it was just random noise. The ritual used was my own design it’s meant to slowly restore my body back to peak condition, after all being melted to my throne for a few hundred year does get uncomfortable dead or not. The ponies in the brown cloaks where keeping themselves composed but I know they were surprising their anger, small movements like moving your hooves and inch closer or flick a lock of hair back or they settle on a glare at the pony everything else be damned. The red stallion started to talk about I challenging their rulers and defeating them with my bare hands, I thought that he was wearing it a bit too thick and time was running out while I babbling, my sight levered to my lower half. The old legging that was melted to the throne was replaced by a brand new set, including the feet armour... uh never mind how that is called, my gaze shifted to the gauntlets I was wearing more than half of my right side was now brand new and I could feel some of my fingers at last “Finally” I thought as I felt my body functions returning, finally my hearing was restored and now I could listen to what they were saying, I started to…listen to the exchange.

Iron will thought that he stalled enough before the young guard even open his mouth “We got the cave surrounded, our forces will enter it shortly by then we will have you all in chains” Iron will boasted he was confident they can take them on in a fight, the odds their favour and that was good, 50 well trained guards and 5 unicorns with above average magic against simple commoners, iron will let a smiled “This will be a short fight”
Grey scales was assessing the opposition, his eyes were intensely focused at the young guard now silent “They are well trained” still the unicorns seemed better equipped and better trained than the rest of the guards, which shows that their ruler prefers unicorns over the rest or maybe they are from some noble house where they are trained to be royal guards while they were foals. The lord sure is taking his sweet time waking and grey was itching to show these foals with what they are dealing with. “Guards at ready your selves” Iron will said while drawing his sword in his right hove, sanding on his hind legs, the royal guards bodies tensed, slowly advancing upon grey scales and his order.

I could see the guard advancing towards the arcana ponies and I only managed to restore half of it and I somehow managed to do that without arousing the attention of the guards. I noticed the deep blue mare glancing at me while taking a moving back as if waiting for a signal to take action, I would like to avoid shedding pony blood, and in this case pony blood will be spilled one way or another. I turned my gaze towards the deep blue mare, I noticed that she had stiffen a little slowly turning her head towards determination and protectiveness i could see in her eyes. Half of my bodies muscles and tendons where already restored, except for my vocal cord which I left to be done last, I was trying to think of a way to communicate with them tell them to defend themselves, emotions started stirring in me, anger for not being able to help them in my current stated, grief for those lost and helplessness. But the most dominant emotion was anger, anger my spirit was carrying for hundreds of years, my vision was slowly turning red. The deep blue mare was looking at me wide almost fearful eyes; my magic seemed to respond to my distress, I felt a sudden pulse of power.

The armour suddenly released its magic in a big wave strong enough to push away the royal guard away from the arcana ponies. Grey Scale’s eyes were wide with awe “Is this his power we just saw” the stallion thought he turned to Azure blade “ Azure we need-“ the words died in his mouth as his saw Azure staring at the armour her eyes glowed pure white. “what happened” Azure thought as she observed her surrounding she was in a black abyss with nothing but darkness “Hello is there anypony” the deep blue mare called out in the abyss all she could hear was her own voice echoing, she was alone she could not see anything in front of her, her eyes were starting to well up, she hated it…she hated feeling alone, she swore to herself never to be alone again. “-elf” Azure heard a faint voice in the abyss, in an instant she called out “Hello” the mare voice was meek, almost inaudible “yourself” the voice came louder this time, azure tried to place that voice with one of her pony brother or sister, she tried to think that it was Grey scale, the voice was struggling to form sentences it could only utter a word or two, Azure than got an idea “ Maybe if I use my magic I could hear the voice more clearer” the mare lit up her horn with magic.

Azure sensed something was present with her here something…alive it was everywhere she turned then she felt a tug on her magic and suddenly she felt connected to it… no not it. The deep blue mare knew who was talking to her, he had been trying to communicate with her suddenly the voice was not freighting anymore to her it was the voice she had longed to hear all her life and then the voice came “Defend yourself and your future” Azure felt a light touch on her belly. As it came the voice vanished and Azure returned to reality, Grey stood in front of her waving his hooves franticly in front of her face, “ahem is there a reason for this” Azure asked her friend, companion….and husband, Grey stopped his frantic movement she was the question in his eyes, the stallion was about to ask her if she was alright, the mare put a tender hove on his mouth she had a warm smile on her lips but there was something else grey noticed in the mare’s eyes… determination burning bright and fierce as he had never seen before in Azure. “It is time to reveal ourselves” Azure Blade said sealing the fates of all the guards that are present and will be coming with this, Grey scale’s eyes widen at those words, he turned to the armour he could feel its gaze on him then refocused on the Royal Guards who have recovered from the magical ‘pulse’ were slowly advancing towards them.

Grey looked to the armour then to Azure and back to the armour, the stallion put the two together and he was hit with realisation that has made him say these words “ Brother and sisters it is time to show the sun worshipers their place” the stallion’s eyes were on the guard who insulted their lord. Azure had moved besides the crimson coated stallion and every other arcana pony present moved in front of them and the advancing royal guards, “It is time to reveal ourselves to them my brothers and sisters” the royal guards stopped in their advance on the arcana ponies, the unicorn amongst them were frozen on the spot since they are more connected to the magic they could felt a surge of power from inside the cave, Iron will felt it too well he was looking around the cave for anypony around here but there was no one…no one except the ponies in front of them.

One by one the arcana ponies took of their hoods, one by one revealed their identities the day guards were shocked at this action, iron will tensed at this, each of the arcana ponies where rising themselves on their hind hooves giving out an air that only warriors and soldiers could emit, the ponies in front of his troop held out one front hove in front of them the sound of thundering gallops of the rest of the guards entering the cave was lost to him, his attention on the ‘tainted’ ponies in front of him “Ready your soul weapons” he heard Azure Blade say in a commanding voice, at that there was a light coming from their chest, the royal guard took a step back weapons still held tightly in their fore hooves, in his case you are a unicorn their weapons were held by magic. It shocked iron will never in all this time have the ‘tainted’ fought them never, he remembered that some of his men made jokes about the tainted being cowards but now he was not so sure, but why now why would they fight them now when they could have done it ages ago why now of all time. Iron will’s eyes shifted towards the armour “Is it the armour?” thought the captain of the guard after a white light blinded him and his troops.

As the light dissipated iron will grasped form shock, in front of him stood the tainted and they were now armed, the captain of the guard recognised some of them other were impossible to identify. Some of them held swords in their hooves, others were equipped with spear some had war hammer a weapon mostly used by Minotaurs, twin sword, scythes, few of them had a bow as a weapon and some had swords longer than they were. What intrigued him the most was the weapon the deep blue mare was holding it looked like a cross between a staff and a sword and her companion was holding a buster sword, it was as long as he was and twice as wide as his wielder.

As the white energy disappeared off the weapons iron will could see all the weapons have a sliver coloured metal blade radiating a cyan blue light and the grips and guards were all coloured ocean blue, “How” was all iron will could muster to say. Grey scales on the other hand was amused by the shock the muzzles of the royal guards, they came here thinking this will be an easy task to capture them well they were wrong…utterly wrong. After a few moments iron will managed to compose himself “You think just because you have some fancy magic trick on your weapons we will turn tail and run. Now put them down before somepony gets hurt” Iron will commanded the arcana ponies, Grey scale smiled seeing thru the false bravado of the captain of the guard, in an attempt to calm his troops down “We are more than able to take you on” Grey showed off his skill by twirling his buster sword, in order to stall for time but time was a luxury he could not afford, a glance at the entrance of the cave told him that, the rest of the royal guard were not far behind it now or never.

“Brothers, sisters stand tall and lest show these sun worshipers with whom they are messing with. Our lord is watching let’s show him we are worthy of his grace” with that the arcana ponies charged at the royal guards, Grey scales knew this was going to be their last stand. The captain of the guard iron will sounded a charge of his own, his troops charging at the enemy and the rest of the castle guards will make a second charge, the two opposite forces clashed with steel and magic, yells, screams and a few battle cry could be heard.

Iron will clashed sword with an earth pony wielding twin swords like a master he had a yellow coat, brown mane, hazel irises and he was pushing the captain of the guards back. Iron will tried to swipe the stallion’s midsection but missed as the stallion dodged by jumping backward. The stallion lunged on iron will with renewed vigour, iron had to block a double downward slash the force of the blow was strong enough to push him back a meter or two. The captain looked to his left and saw two royal guards being impaled by a spear and third one being burned by magic fire “Where the buck are princesses, they should be here by now” Iron will muttered as the rest of the royal guard joined the fight, he lost 20 royal guard already and the body count is rising, the opposition have no causalities but the will eventually tire, Iron barely dogged the swipe from the earth pony stallion, iron shoot a fire ball from his horn in order to make some distance between him and the yellow stallion. Iron will stated to switch between using the fire ball and using his sword, which had proven to be effective and dangerous for him, the stallion managed to land a few hits on him, now iron has a cut on his left cheek, one on his right hove and some other areas, this ponies are stronger than the guards gave them credit for.

Grey scale wielding his buster sword was surrounded by 5 royal guards. 2 of them were armed with spears another one guard was much bulkier and had a war hammer and the last one was unicorn wielding his sword with his magic. The two spear guards dived together at the crimson coated stallion from behind, grey scale threw his sword towards the ceiling of the cave, and the royal guard unicorn was preparing to trow an offensive spell at the stallion and the pegasy guard with the mallet was charging with his hammer held high. Grey scale made a backflip over the two pegasy guards wielding spears, mid flip he caught the two guards spears, using his own momentum to disarm the two pegasy guards and trow them one of the guard at the unicorn guard and the other one at the hammer wielding guard, the one thrown at the unicorn was unlucky enough to be caught in the unicorns fireball spell, the other one crashed in the mallet wielding guard. Grey scale thrown both spears at the unicorn guard, Grey heard the guards scream of pain and then there was thud sound, his sword was returning to the ground, the crimson stallion caught the sword and dashed towards the last two guards who recovered from their being thrown at one another. The war hammer guard was the recover and charged at the crimson stallion, the guard swung his weapon downward; grey raised his sword to block the blow.


The blow had more force than Grey had anticipated resulting in the crimson stallion was reeling back from the hammer’s blow, the guard lunged at grey scale who dodged by strafing left and countered with a left diagonal slash the guard blocked with his weapons handle. The disarmed Royal guard was looking for some kind of weapon, the guard took the sword of the dead unicorn guard with a battle cry he charged swinging the sword like a madpony. Grey kicked the first guard, in a quick motion he trust his sword at the charging second guard who was too fast to stop he ended impaled by the grey’s sword. The first guard got on his hooves weapon raised. “Die you foul beast” the guard yelled as he was ready to strike Grey down from behind, the crimson knew he would be too slow to stop the blow; Grey closed his eyes and waited for the killing blow….


The blow never came Grey scale opened his eyes only to see the royal guard was still holding his war hammer and was covered in all charred with smoke ring from him, his mouth open in a silent scream the guard fell to the ground his body unmoving. “Are you all right Grey” the crimson stallion turned to see Azure blade with the blue crystal pointing at the guard “Thanks Azure” Was all Grey scale could say “you should have used your weapons technique Grey scale” Grey was startled by the second voice “What wrong Grey” Azure asked with worry “You did not hear the voice” Grey asked the Azure who shook her head “ Grey move from the spot or you will DIE” That got Grey to react just in time to stop an aerial attack from pegasy Guard, with swift movement he blocked the attack and countered with one of his own, the guard too surprised to react found himself on the floor… dead.

“Azure make sure your stallion doesn’t kill himself” Now it was Azures turn to be startled “Who is this” Azure thought “There is no time the princesses of sun and moon are soon here I can feel their magical signature getting closer” the mysterious voice said Azure was not sure if she should trust a voice in her head but something told her she could trust it. Azure turned to Grey scale “We need to regroup” the deep blue mare said her eye told Grey another message ‘ I heard it too’, the stallion let a sign of relief, the stallion then signalled the other to regroup to the armour. Not a minute passed as he and Azure were lifted off their hooves by a golden magical aura, Grey scale looked towards his comrades who were as well enveloped in the same aura and thrown back to the armour’s feet.

Azure tried to get on her hooves but found herself unable “Gravity spell” Azure had studied magic since she was a filly, her talent for magic did not gone unnoticed by her parent so they applied her for Celestials school for gifted unicorns, on more than one occasion she was noticed by the princess herself but was never approached by her. To Azure it made no difference she made became valedictorian of her class in the end and now she was pinned down by the one spell she never studied in her life: Gravity spell! It had to be a gravity spell, the deep blue mare looked to her left then to her right, she saw her comrades all enveloped in the same golden aura as she was, Azures spell wing, the name of her weapon. Lay beside her due to the spell she could barely move a muscle.
“Thou has thought we would not find thee” Azure knew that voice all too well she looked up to where the hole in the cave was descending down was princess Luna regent of the moon and her 6ft tall sister Celestia and her large flank “Looks like she had one too many moon cakes” Azure silently snickered even now she could joke about celestia’s flank. The royal pony sisters were both wearing their signature shoes, necklaces and regalia on them, the elder sisters horn glowing with a golden aura, Azure and her comrades are currently enveloped by.

Celestia had a look of sadness in her eyes; she looked around to see the dead bodies of her day guards on the floor. Some had gaping chest wounds other were burned and some… The sun princess shook her head; there will be time for grieving later she had a duty to fulfil here. Celestia hardened her heart of what she about to do in order to ensure the safety of her subjects. The sun monarch scanned the faces of the cultists in order to find a familiar face.

Celestia’s eyes stopped as she recognised Azure blade being amongst the cultists she knew her as the valedictorian of her class and one who could rival star swirl the bearded in magic and magical knowledge. Seeing her with the cultist shocked Celestia, questions were forming in her head to ask the mare. Luna looked between her sister and the cultist mare confused, did her sister recognise someone in there she knew. Luna followed her sister’s gaze to the mare, narrowing her eyes at the deep blue coated mare with the azure mane looked familiar to the lunar monarch but she could not put her hoof on it.

“Azure Blade… what are you doing with the cultists” Celestia asked the mare, Azure turned her head away “You know already what I am doing here.” “Are you so shocked at seeing one of your own with these ponies” this got a gasp from the guard. Iron will was in barely able to stand on his own, he was covered in cuts and bruises from his fight with the stallion, he looked at Azure blade more closely now. Realization hit the stallion as he looked at the mare; she was indeed one of the royal guards “If I remember correctly she was a lieutenant and a skilled fighter”.

“Reviving our lord that’s what I am doing” Azure would have yelled but the gravity spell prevented her from it “Azure grab your weapon I got an idea but it has a risk” “I will do as commanded my lord” Azure thought “No you are not my minion you are my subject you have your free will” the voice responded “I..I will do what…I must” Azure thought “now listen closely”.
“Why… Why would anypony want to revive the dark one? The power is clouding your judgment please Azure reconsider, your actions will have grave consequences for you…for both of you” Celesetia hoped her words would reach to Azure “Sister we are running out of time, the armour is giving out a strong magical aura” Luna whispered.

The voice snorted “Consequences what can she do to make my subjects suffer more than they have already” Azure heard the voice, it was angry… no furious at the sun monarch “oh and before I forget congratulation Azure” the deep blue mare’s eyes shot wide open, “How did you know” her shock was so great she had forgot to keep her mouth closed. Celestia thought she may have gotten thru to her “I knew for a while Azure, I did not press because it was your message to deliver not mine”.

“Oops sorry I ruined the dramatic moment have I “the voice said sheepishly, Azure would have given him a glare but since the voice was just that… a voice in her head it was an impossible thing to do. “You must relinquish this power before it corrupts your own foal” Celestia waited the mare’s response. Grey scale knew his lover/future wife he was not worried in the slightest but there was still a small doubt in the back of his head. The armour groaned in frustration at Celestias words how dare she ask his subjects to relinquish their power does she even know what will happen if they do it… “No” he told himself she does not know, his name was lost in the ages that passed but his memories remained intact.

Azure had a look of outrage on her face it gave her strength and determination to grab her weapon. “The power is not clouding my judgement” Azure started to talk in a cold voice “It shows one what your rule truly means for my kind.” “Our life is forfeit from the day we are born; this power is part of us and we simply can’t give it up. I am sorry princess but I made my choice a long time ago” during the whole conversation Azures hove was grapping for her weapon she touched it and said “MANA GROUND ZERO” spellwing’s crystal changed from blue to a dark black and started to create a vacuum around it absorbing the magic that was holding the arcana ponies down. Azure could feel the weight slowly lifting of her, until she could not feel the weight anymore. Celestia was struggling to keep the spell active but soon realised it was futile and released the spell.

The spell was soon all contained in Azure spellwing pointing the gem side of her weapon towards the armour “Transferris” upon uttering the word the magic used to make the gravity spell was transferred to the armour. The armour absorbed the magic like it was water slashed on it, it glowed for a bit then it stopped. The armoured being slowly started to stand on it two feet, its bones creaking and popping from year of standing on the throne. It starched it arms and legs, flexed it fingers and creaked it neck.
The guards were shaking in their armour, some wetting themselves they have heard stories of this creature and its power it was a terrifying prospect to fight a legend that slaughtered thousands in its days.

“I see so you are going to continue to serve this thing no matter what I say do you” the cultists now armed with their weapons and with a look of determination nodded to the sun monarch. “Then I am sorry for what I must do” Celestia started to charge her offensive spell. Luna was too shocked to move as were her own men. The armoured bipedal creature moved slowly to the front and spoke “I. AM. YOUR. OPPONENT” its voice was loud and gruff from disuse “Azure. You speak thought” it said to the deep blue mare. Azure bowed to it “It would be my pleasure”.

Celestia’s spell did not take long to charge with her being an alicorn and all. A beam of golden energy shoots out of her horn and towards the arcana ponies. The deeps blue and silver armoured creature set it hand in front of it as if to push the beam away. Its palms glowed with white energy releasing it in a form of white dome as big as the cave celling.


The smoke screen from the Celestias magical energy beam was all that was left of them “It is done” The sun monarch was about to leave her subjects when she hear “Sorry but you are a few thousand years too early for such a spell to be effective” the smoke cleared to show the white dome still standing there unfazed by her spell. The guard started to mutter amongst themselves at what they just “Impossible” “there is no way some could do that” and so one, even the captain of the guards was starting to have doubts about this. The creature in the armour wasted no time; it gathered the energy from used for the dome gathering it in his hand. “Now it my turn to show you what I can do” Azure voiced the creatures thoughts. The creature shook its head as the he finished gathering the magical energy for his own spell “Honestly I am actually disappointed in you Celestia” “Dividing the ponies like that” Azure said what the he thought and she even matched the tone to his words.

“It is time to show you the power of the arcana master” Azure said. The arcana master placed the now coin shaped energy above his thumb. With a single flick the coin flew thru the cave and landed in front of iron will. The coin exploded in a flash of light blinding everyone present, after a few seconds it vanished. Celestia and Luna opened their eyes and what they saw was both embarrassing and… well dishonoring? The royal guards were all hogtied on their backs including iron will “Well this is embarrassing” the captain of the guard said embarrassed.

Luna snickered at that but stopped after her big sister gave her a disapproving look “Sorry”. “As amusing as that was you have forgotten that there are two ruler of equestrian” Said Luna “Therestrals attack” Luna commanded standing on her two hind hooves and pointing at the armour. There was a erring quiet in the cave, the arcana ponies went into their fighting stance, the ‘arcana master’ just stood there and let out yawn. Luna moved her eye side to side seeing nopony standing beside her. The lunar princess was starting to feel ridiculous standing there “Uh… therestral attack?” said Luna uncertainly looking up to see her own guards where hanging from the celling hogtied as well.

Luna stood there shocked to see her own guards dangling hogtied off the celling. The lunar princes turned to stare at the armoured bipedal creature red with anger and embarrassment for having her guards hogtied “The want to play rough well we can play rough as well” said Luna as she conjured three midnight blue spears with her magic without hesitation she hurled the magical spears at the armour. “Your lordship ill-“Azure was about to jump and stop the incoming spears but stopped as Arcana master told her that he can handle it. The spear collided with the bipedal armour wearing creature, the explosion created a smoke screen blinding the armoured beast. Luna created a sword out of her magic and charged at the creature, ignoring her sister’s warning. Luna used her wings to jump at the high above the smoke, folding her wings and letting gravity take over the princess was coming down with her sword that could kill a lesser pony “fairy tales shall always be fairy tales” said Luna as she swung her sword downward.


Luna felt the blow of her sword striking armour but when the smoke cleared, Luna’s eyes went wide. As the smoke cleared she saw the creature with not even a scratch on it, her sword was blocked by his own made out of white magical energy, it guard looked as it was made out of many tiny rock which seem to be held together in an intricate pattern. The sword was at least 30cm long and 18” wide, Luna brought down her sword with a lot of force but that didn’t even seem to bother him. “Too Young. Too inexperienced” it was using its own voice now. “Thou think we are no threat” “We shall prove thou wrong” Luna’s response seemed to displease the creature. With a grunt the lunar princess broke the deadlock and went on the offensive, the creature was not moving from the spot but it managed to block Luna’s attacks with ease.

Arcana masters’ body was in the fight but his mind was elsewhere. “It’s hopeless to talk with this foal, the older one is possible much more stubborn than the younger” Arcana master thought “Time is running out, if I don’t hurry we all will be doomed” Masters eyes lit up and an idea formed in his head which will give him time and maybe the ear of the younger one in the future “It’s worth a try” the next words will have to be carefully chosen in order for this to work. After a few moments of thinking the words formed and the timing could not have been better. Coming back to reality he saw that he was in another dead lock with the lunar regent, this was the only chance he got “Jealousy Shall Ruin YOU” the words had the desired effect the princess sword loosened a bit, Arcana master took advantage of that and put all of his strength into this next swing.

The strength of the creature was too overwhelming, that Luna was sent flying and hit the opposite with enough force to leave an imprint the wall, as well as be knocked unconscious. Celestia was about to see if Luna was fine that proven to be a mistake “Princess watch out” Iron will waring came too late, The sun monarch turned in time to be hit by a pulse of energy then… darkness.
Arcana master’s hand was still glowing form using his magic to know out the sun monarch, he turned to his subject diverting his magic to his vocal cords in order to speak without the need of to connect his mind to his subject. “The plan was success my subjects” that got a smile from everyone involved “But now you must escape from here” their smiles feel and was replaced with shock like he told them their sacrifice was nothing “Listen there little time, but my subjects you must survive no longer are you going to let them kill you like animals if they try retaliate” Arcana master said it in a hard tone “I will transfer my knowledge to you. In order to ensure your survival, blend, be part of the reign of sun and moon, but you must prepare the darkness is going to return and we must prepare for the inevitable” He could see they understood his message “I will return when the rainbow shines across the night my blade shall show the one who is destined to wear the mantle I may perish but I will return again”

“Brothers sisters don’t be sad you have initiated the beginning of a new era, one day we shall revive our empire” His voice started to rise in volume “We shall rise again from the ashes like a phoenix flame and this time we shall not be extinguished…. May the light of balance guide you…ARCANA ETHERNAL” he shouted the last word and the ponies started to cheer a bit, he went and transferred his knowledge thru his magic. The process took a few seconds but a groan from behind told him of the time was growing short.

Taping into his magic the Arcana master stretched his hand, in response to this gesture a magical circle appeared on the ground he focused on a place he made for his subjects to be safe somewhere where the princess will never suspect them to be hidden. The circle flashed in a brilliant light and his subjects all vanished like they were never here.
Arcana master turned around to see Celestia was slowly getting back on her hooves, focusing his magic yet again; Arcana prepared a mind alteration spell to use on the sun monarch, his sword made of his own magic gripped in his right hand and the magic in his left “Come. Now CELESTIA” Arcana charged towards the sun monarch. Celesta’s horn glowed in its brilliant golden aura another offensive spell ready to be used she charged at the armoured bipedal creature. The distance between the two was short, Arcana’s hand outreached toward Celestia. The sun princess launched her spell at point blank range; both spells collided with each other instantly everything was engulfed in white and golden light.


“Uh… Where am I”