A Shadow's Silver

by Pikashiba156

Chapter 1 - The Creation Part 1

Far above, in the lands of Equestria.....


...I don't belong here. I know it. I was taken here. I have memories of parents in this land, and they remember caring for me. But I refuse to believe it.


My name, is Silverfang. I am a royal guard for her Highness, Princess Luna of Equestria.

And....I'm what's known as a batpony. Apparently, only a Princess knows how to create such a dark creature.

Before, I was a regular ol' pony, (apparently...) and, well...my parents signed me up for being a guard, with a good reason for entering a mare, too. However, to their dismay, Princess Luna had just returned, and her guards numbers were practically nonexistent. So all ponies were sent towards her, and not Celestia.

However, in order to become one of her guards, you must become a batpony. So, after multiple transformations, the most fearsome group of guards to exist in Equestria were created.

Now, many guards are typically only colts, but some special exceptions exist in some mares. For example, I exceeded in tactics and planning. Which is rather important because the royal guards couldn't plan a good strategy to save their flanks. In order to recognize me for a captain of sorts, I got a signature for that.

My wings have a nice looking spike, (this is actually for a self-defense mechanism in a sort, in case I get nearly pushed into the back of a wall,) and because I'm a mare, I get the rights to take off my armor, because its annoying and it conceals my purpose and beauty. I'm not supposed to be out for war, I'm supposed to plan it.

Oh, and because I'm special, I get the rights to keep my mane in its original form and color. Unfortunately, not my coat, but my mane consists of a nice color scheme that fits and matches to it so, its alright! I guess. (Cause all colts that work for the Princesses had to have short manes and kinda stubs behind them for tails.)

So, I'm CLEARLY distinguished from all the other guard ponies, and I love it and hate it. Being individual gives you a confidence boost, tells you everyone else isn't as AWESOME as you, but....uh, well I sorta have stage fright, and being individual can't be very boosting all the time. But I still stand firm and proud to be a practical captain of the royal guards.

Now, I know that Alicorns are uhm, gods...but us "captain" batponies get an exception. We have been given a permanent horn from the Princess herself. No magic or other can get rid of it, you can block magic but the horn is permanent no matter what. But we aren't really...uh, Alicorns. These wings aren't really for a pegasus, and the horn is...well, only usable when a powerful ball of magic is nearby or a really powerful being. Its to ensure that we use it near dangerous areas, and not for destroying everything in sight just by looking at it or somethin', I dunno.

Alright. Enough about me. Time for me to explain my discovery of that weird glowin' mirror thingy!


So, one day, I was taking my usual strol- errrr, patrolling around the castle, and all of a sudden, my horn began to form into my dome. So, with what I knew, a powerful magic was in the area. Along with that, my suspicions also grew when I heard a familiar voice nearby. So I wandered around and kept going until my horn was fully grown out. (To identify if my thoughts are true.) With my horn in a full elegant shape, I knew I was only a few feet away from whatever was there. Then, once I reached where the magic was being summoned, I saw Princess Luna and all I heard was... uhm, something along the lines of; "Get thy hindquarters back here this instant!"

It wasn't that hard to know that was Luna. ESPECIALLY with that wacko language she speaks, but its weird....I understand exactly what she says every time...huh, maybe she gives her guards that ability too. But that wasn't what I was so freaked out about. So I went in deep thought wondering after that; Who left? Who was Luna talking to earlier? Why is she shaking a mirror around?!?!?? Where is she taking that mir- Ohhhh boy I'd better get outta here! Teleport work!

I tried running away, but that only furthered my distance and the magic I had left was slowly dispersing into the air and sky and whatever. I think about teleporting and the second I panic I bolt away...what am I DOING?!

Quickly turning back in the direction that I just came from, my horn began to reappear with my magic.

...I can't teleport if I run too far...

...And if I get too close Luna will notice me...

While I was running back and forth in my one area in deep, deep thought wondering what to do...a figure suddenly appeared in front of me.

"What art thou...do explain what you are doing, Captain."


"Lu- I mean, Princess Luna of Equestria, I...uh-" I began to panic.

As quickly as I could, I teleported out with the remaining magic that was left in my puny self, and got near...the conference room? Well, with a huffed pant I looked around and hid inside some closet of sorts, and waited after hearing some panicked hoofsteps quickly trotting their way up. With it, my horn began shaping once more. Wasn't really hard to figure out who it was time two.

"...I suppose I shall let this slide, Captain." Those were the last words that I heard.

Really wish she would stop trotting around the room. My back is starting to hurt. All I'm hearing is Luna repeating somethin' like "Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia...." Wonder who this Tia is...do they have to do with the mirror?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About a week Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ugh, how many times have I been in a closet to eavesdrop now? Like, three times? Alright, let me explain what happened.

During my actual patrolling of the castle at the beginning of the night, I passed by Princess Luna's room again...and eavesdropped. Again. I heard her grab a paper of some sort, and hastily begin scribbling something. She began to say something out loud.

"Princess Twilight, gather thou's friends and get thyself to the castle of Canterlot now!"

And, with a strange swish sound...hoofsteps began gathering that room Huh. Something happen like three minutes ago or what? So important that Princess Twilight Sparkle has to come? I sure do wo- hoofsteps. Act natural or hide?


I quickly trotted to the end of the hall and teleported into the conference room again. Frantically looking around the room, I saw a familiar rectangular box. So I Bolted to the closet, and waited. Its gonna take the Princess a while to get here...so, let me explain what has also happened ever since that weird mirror thingy caught Luna's attention.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~During The Week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lots sorta happened over the course of a week. Princess Luna was seen and unseen. Somehow....Princess Celestia looked....different...like, her regalia was too big for her and... I'm not sure how to explain it, but she was shakier than usual...also, she spoke in Luna's way of speech. Oh, and for the duration of the week, the two Princesses were never seen together doing their usual silly activities. So out of pure curiosity, I followed Celestia to her room to see what had happened...and by followed I mean teleported into another closet. I am such a good guard.

So, while waiting inside the hollow boards, (Wonder why they keep them, you can just put your regalia on a desk or something,) I heard and felt a door being slammed. With a pant and a gasp for air, I heard a mutter.

"Must...keep...being...Tia to...not...let chaos...fall here..."

I couldn't identify who it was because it was so quiet, unfortunately. So I snuck a little peek out of the closet and began to see what I thought I'd never see.

It was Princess Celestia. She took a bucket full of water, and poured it on top of her. Slowly, her colors fell off of her...and I saw that familiar black coat and cutie mark. She still had the hair, but there was no doubt in my mind. Princess Luna in Celestia's regalia and a paper on the ground with two papers, both carrying suns. What the heck was going on?!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to our present~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anywho, back to the closet in the conference room, the door burst open and Luna began explaining what had happened. I knew about EXACTLY everything that happened. Apparently...

About a week ago, Princess Luna was looking for Princess Celestia. She was trailing for her sister, and ended up finding her entering a mirror...and then suddenly being missing. As for the reason of no contact earlier and being a week late....well, what happened during the week sorta explains it. Anyway, after that, Luna told the Princess and her friends to follow her. It was pretty hard to listen up after that. So I made my way sneakily out of the closet and closely followed. Pretending to be on guard, from a distance that I could hear at least something fluent.

You'd think that I heard something important. It was MORE than important.

Luna claimed that Celestia used to work with Star Swirl the Bearded, and they really loved workin' with that mirror, because it had something that really piqued their interest in it. But the only way to learn of what it does is to visit Star Swirl's library which is secretly under Canterlot, or the mountain its been built over.

Don't think its easy to eavesdrop some on-the-move ponies. Cause it ain't. Following them into a chamber where they have to explore a mountain dungeon and look at every corner is near impossible. I should be grateful that a Princess is linked with them. It allows me to use my magic AND shapeshift. Did I mention that magic that's given is super powerful? Like, maybe not to a Princesses level powerful, but still pretty amazing?

With a flash of magic, I quickly became a stalactite and hung from the ceiling. If you couldn't tell, I'm a master at eavesdropping and hiding. I was given the ability to be a guard because I was talented in tactics and planning after all. Trust me, these are easy tactics compared to other ones, being a boulder that follows by rolling around is NOT fun.

I heard and saw...a lot. Bunches of vases, dressers, scraps, pebbles...you name it. Oh and the 3-headed dragon in the back, but not very threatening. Or alive.

After nearly 15 minutes of wandering, Princess Twilight perked up and said the library is... an ath...an athena...an athenaeum. Which, by the way, I can't pronounce in one try to save my life.

With a hastened dash, the ponies rushed into the...you know what I'm just gonna call it a library. I quietly followed along with a slow and steady teleportation spell into the next room...you would not believe how much more organized that room was.

Been a while since I've seen a Princess freak out. This is the first time I've also seen Princess Twilight freak out.

"Oh my gosh! Look over there! It's an original tome of Star Swirl's heavenly spheres...And over there! His original diagrams for the uses of practical magic! Anypony wanna see a geek fanpony out about everything?!?!"

Anywho, after about five minutes of exploration, adaptation, and being a nerd STILL around their surroundings, Twilight and her friends began getting to business...sorta. The whole party just...read a bunch and listened to a freaked-out Princess talking about every little thing you could see in a book.

"Oh man, Star Swirl's studies on this!" and "Oh man, Star Swirl'd studies on that!" It got so annoying and boring so quickly I swear I seriously fell asleep during this. But if I fell asleep, I wouldn't be able to stick to the ceiling, so I had to distract myself with something...interesting. So, I began thinking about what would happen if Princess Twilight Sparkle would be the new Princess of Equestria, like co-owner. Cause she's still sorta kinda under Celstia's wing.

It would go horribly wrong. THAT is my final answer.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Boring Reading Session Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wasn't long before I began napping on the ceiling. (Never knew gravitation spells could be so useful, cause levitation isn't fun 24/7,) It took about 30 minutes after that for somepony to slam their hooves on the table below me, bringing me to a shocking awakening. As I stared down below, I saw a Princess intently looking and reading a book out loud.

What I found out? That mirror isn't just a mirror. Its a portal.

When Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Celestia worked together hundreds of years ago, they worked tirelessly on this portal. Turns out it was used as a prototype for some other mirror portal that Princess Twilight used in hot pursuit of some "Sunset Shimmer" pony. Anyway, the duo used to go back and forth through this portal for YEARS.

But after an abrupt end, the portal was sealed off after some "incident" occurred. Wish I knew what it was, but the book just ends there with ripped pages.

With this news, the ponies found a way to quickly get back to Princess Luna with their acquired info. Once they all got out, I got out of my disguise and teleported to the closest hallway near the location they would enter.

As fast as I could, I put my ear up to the door, and listened to what was happening.

There was a "fwoosh," and Luna scolding Princess Celestia for being missing and all the chores she had to fill in for her during her absence. Then, there was a thud, and the group inside began to shout jibber-jabbers.

I quickly bust open the door.

Not a pretty sight.

Princess Luna was on the floor holding Princess Celestia, who looked like she just got in a fight with a really powerful enemy. Scratches on her coat, crooked feathers, bent regalia, a choppy mane...and, of course, blood. The most I've seen from one pony at that. I've been to war, and this is THE worst looking pony and Princess I have ever seen.In the background was Princess Twilight and her friends, who were hugging each other in fright.

"Wh-what happened?!?!?"

"Quickly! Alert the other guards! Tia! Tia, wake up!"


As swiftly as I could, I teleported out and alerted the guards nearby. Luckily, the conference room isn't very far from the Royal Guards main area, the Princesses rooms. So I could reserve enough magic for other things for the day.

When we rushed back, we took Princess Celestia into the closest sick bay, and left Nurse Redheart and the others to the rest.

First Celestia entering a portal and being missing for a week...then info on Star Swirl and Celestia....and then Celestia with life-threatening injuries...

This is way too much for one week.


Just what is that mirror-portal? I traveled back to it in the conference room once I was confirmed that Princess Celestia would make it. My horn, for some reason, was still in tact. Was another powerful trace of magic in the room, or was it another powerful being? Whatever. I came for that mirror. No distractions aloud.

I inspected the mirror from every angle possible, I looked closer at the reflection for anything that looked off colored.

Reflecting with a flowing presence...and with that gorgeous orange lining its outsides...with those sparkling gems of a flaming violet of chaotic purposes...


Bored of observing, I decided to touch it. But, right as I was about to touch the mirror on the front, a hoof came out and grabbed mine, and I heard a muffled scream.


I quickly reacted by yanking my hoof out, flying up, and blasting the front of the mirror with magic. It began to glow a dark aura, and it abruptly ended in about three seconds.

While still huffing with fear and relief, I got down and touched the portal. My hoof went straight through, and I immediately reeled back in fright. After waving my hoof around and observing for any changes on my personnel, nothing had changed. Guess I don't know what portals really do.

Attempting to comprehend what the heck just happened, I just sat and stared at space. It look liked I was thinking, but also just...waiting to test something out.

I did this for a few seconds. Okay, few minutes. Okay, a lot of minutes.

During an uncountable amount of time, how about that?

I was wondering, finally about something to do. Do I pull myself farther through the portal and see where it leads? Should I accompany the Princesses and confirm Luna is safe? Wait...the mirror isn't...it isn't wafting around anymore...

I poked my hoof at the edges of the mirror.

It didn't go through.

So, I finally thought of an answer as to my next move.

"I've been through worse, much, much worse." I blurted out loud

So. I stepped back from the portal, and I counted out loud.


In a blinding dash, I charged into the mirror.


When I opened my eyes... I was...on an island? With a blue-ish sky...sorta...and other islands hovering around the area...

"Halt! Who are you?! Explain yourself and your method of getting to this land!"

Quickly, I turned around. I saw a colt, pegasus...

"Explain NOW before I destroy you!"

"Uhm, I-I-I'm-"

But right as I spoke, my thoughts began to go into a really, REALLY bad headache.

"I- Ahhhh.....AGHHHHHHHH..."

My vision began to turn, and all I saw was a black front.


"Wh-what!? Wait, I remember this. I guess you have to go through something similar?"

"Good luck, then."