Random Events

by Flagstar of Flagclan

Episode One

The anthem of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic plays on the screen and the Equestria symbol appears. Twilight sits down in a nice read chair while our mystery ponie sits on the couch. A scowl is on the mares face but she smiles when the camera starts to roll, even though she is covered by a dark curtain.

“Welcome everypony! Are you ready for the first episode of Random Events? Well I hope so because today our mystery pony is…..”

The black curtain lifts up to reveal Nightmare Moon, the pony Princess Luna became when she turned from her sister.

“Hello Equestria! Are you ready to be trapped in eternal darkness?” She said menacingly.

Twilight shot her a deadly glance but went back to smiling.

“So, Nightmare Moon, how does it feel to be free again?”

“The same, except now there’s sunlight and gravity.”

A loud ding echoed around the room and a small screen popped up. It showed one musical note on it.

“Looks like it’s time for the first random event challenge, the musical of a thousand mice.” Twilight cheered.

Nightmare Moon gave her a confused look. Twilight sighed and decided to explain better.

“You have to sing a song while walking through a thousand mouse traps with mice crawling around the place. There is no out a pitch notes aloud or a pause in the song except for breathing, otherwise you will lose your chance at winning the grand prize.”

She nodded. The stage went black, then lit up again with everything removed except for mouse traps and mice. Nightmare Moon stood on one end, looking at the magic proof music player that she had to turn off to win. The music started to play and she walked forward.

“Even though I’m not the best singer, I’m gonna work on winning that prize. And if you try to linger on it, I’ll turn you into some fries. La la la la la la!”

She took in a deep breath to avoid screaming as a mouse trap snapped on her hoof.

“I don’t care what pain comes, because I want to win! And if I hear the drums, I think I’m gonna spin. La la la la la la!”

She made it to the other side and turned off the music player. Nightmare Moon screamed as she ripped off the the mouse traps. She had several bites on her legs but other than that and the cuts from the traps she was fine. The stage went black again, then lit up onto the beginning set. Twilight was trying hard not to laugh.

“Congratulations, you’ve passed the first random event!”

“Are you laughing at me? How dare you! I’ll banish you to the moon forever!” She screamed.

Another ding came and she groaned. The screen came up to show a fish swimming in a muddy lake. It appeared to have little brown worms clinging to it.

“Time for the next challenge. All you have to do in this one is stay underwater for thirty seconds while leeches crawl all over you. If you come up for air too early you will get the same punishment as before and a dive in the spider infested pit.”

Nightmare Moon wanted to tell her that she didn’t want to do it but it was too late. A tank of water came up next to the stage and she was ejected out of her chair and into the water. She took a big gulp of air just before she fell in. The timer started. Nightmare Moon wanted to scream as the leeches crawled over her but didn’t want to risk losing the big prize. She tried to look through the muddy water but it stung her eyes, causing her to lose her breath and swim up for air. When she came up the timer was at five seconds. Twilight smiled and lifted her out of the tank, making sure to leave the leeches behind.

“I could’ve won that prize too!” Nightmare Moon said crossly.

“Well it looks like you’ve lost your chance at the big prize and gotten yourself a dip in the spider pit. Be careful!” Twilight warned. “There’s some poisonous ones in there!”

Her eyes widened. “I didn’t sign up for this!”

“Yes you did. Try reading the fine print.”

Twilight used her magic again to lift her into a small pit full of cobwebs and spiders. She screamed really loud as one crawled up her face. She was in there for only a few seconds but she got bit at least three times. Nightmare Moon grabbed a broom and tried to clean herself off but instead got covered in green paint.

“What is the meaning of this?”

The ding came and a squirrel came on the screen.

“You’re gonna be attacked by squirrels. The way to win is to stay still and act like a bush so they won’t attack you” Twilight said with a sly smile on her face.

The screen went black, then lit up again to show Nightmare Moon crouching down. Squirrels were surrounding her, they all had a rock in their hands. She looked up at a squirrel and shrieked. All the squirrels started to throw their rocks at her. She ran only to run into a brick wall covered in glue. She yelped as rocks hit her back and teeth met her legs. The screen quickly flashed and went back to its original setting. Twilight was laughing as hard as she could while Nightmare Moon glared at her.

“That is it! I’m going to bring eternal darkness onto Equestria! But first I’m gonna deal with you!” She screamed.

Celestia ran onto the stage and cast a spell on Nightmare Moon, causing her to be imprisoned again. Twilight looked at her and gasped in mock horror.

“Now we lost our special guest. Well I guess that’s it for this episode. Join us next time for a new pony and a new episode! And before I forget the special prize will now go to Celestia.”

The alicorn smiled.

“The prize is…….one hundred bits!!!”

The anthem played again as the curtain covered the stage.