Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind

by The Dauntless Entrinity

Cookie Coincidence

I was sitting by myself in the mall food court. My friends had gone off to shop on the other side of the mall and I decided to stay behind. It had been ten minutes since they left, and with my stomach threatening to eat my liver I got up and bought a packet of chocolate chip cookies. I bought a family size box of cookies and sat back down at my table.

Like a robot, I instinctually pulled out my iPhone, slid the unlock tab, plugged in my ear buds and set my favorite playlist on repeat. I relaxed, jammed to my tunes and kicked back. But a little pony mare soon broke my peace. Silently, she sat down across from me and gave me a smile. I peeked out from behind my phone and locked eyes with mare. She was light pink with green eyes and a pink and purple mane that split the colors down the middle and was braided in the back. Her hair reminded me of Twoface and got me to grin, but a second later I was back behind the screen of my phone. It was an awkward feeling, having a pony sitting across from you. I couldn’t help but keep peeking out every now and then, like some nervous version of peekaboo. Once I’d gotten over the shock of her being there I stopped the creepy peekaboo game and focused on my phone. A few moments later my eyes drifted from my phone to see the light pink mare eating cookies from a strangely familiar box. She was eating my cookies! My cookies!

I hadn’t said a word to the pony and she was already munching down on my cooked circles of sugary dough and chocolate chips. So I did what any self-respecting guy would do, I reached forward and took a cookie. The mare looked up from her cookie with surprise and sent another friendly smile my way. I couldn’t believe she had the audacity to smile at me while eating my cookies. By now I was halfway out from behind my phone, music still ringing in my ear, and I guess the mare took me taking a cookie as an icebreaker because I could see her mouth moving but couldn’t hear what she was saying over my music. Making sure she knew I could see her talking, I ignored her and took another cookie. I’ll show her. She grabbed another cookie and waited for me to stop chewing before talking again. Frustration was beginning to take over now so I grabbed another cookie and gave the mare a displeased look. A look of worry crossed the light pink ponies’ face, but was soon replaced by a smile as she continued talking. Could she not get the hint? I grabbed another cookie and bit down on it angrily. The mare mocked my bite and did the same, giggling afterwards. Her giggles only frustrated me further. I grabbed another cookie and put it into my mouth. As if like clockwork, the mare grabbed another cookie and put it into her mouth. She did something with her tongue and then gave me another smile, this time her teeth being replaced with cookie. The light pink pony laughed and swallowed her cookie with a cute gulp. With my temper nearing the max, I reached for another cookie, but to my dismay there were none left. That little pink moocher had eaten all my cookies and laughed in my face! Before I could say anything the mare stood up and walked away, waving her hoof in a friendly goodbye.

The nerve of that pony! Ponies started moving to earth three years ago but I had never ran into many, let alone had one eat my cookies. Ponies usually stayed near their own kind, and in my case, almost never hung out with total strangers. With an angry huff, I stood up to go clean my shirt of all the crumbs from my angry eating session. When I took a step towards the bathroom my foot brushed against something. I looked down and to my astonishment; there by my foot was my family sized box of cookies. In the heat of the moment I had completely forgotten that I put my cookies under the table. With the weight of a freight train, the realization hit me hard. That little light pink mare hadn’t eaten my cookies. I had eaten hers, and not only that, I refused to talk to her or even smile to her while I ate her cookies. Yet she still laughed and played with me. I felt horrible. How could I have been so idiotic and hotheaded? With a heavy heart I sat back down in my chair, turned off my music and stared at my box of cookies. If it weren’t for my dark skin, my face would have been cherry-red in embarrassment. Slumped down in my chair, my mind filled with hundreds of questions, but one question rang out the loudest. Who was that pony?

Do you have any encounters of the pony kind? Then PM me and I’ll give you my email, I’ll be sure to give you the credit and put your story here on… Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind