Dimensional Circumstance

by Winter Rush

Chapter 3: Midnight Mysteries

The night hung outside the window like some sort of demon. There was no noise outside. The only noise I could hear was Minuette's light breathing. I was confused. I had woken up due to a noise - seemingly from downstairs. I could hear nothing now. I admit I had been a little scared, but if whatever it was, I hoped I could fight it with Rainbow Dash-like courage. However, there was silence again. I had put my head down and as I had closed my eyes I had heard the door squeak and a sound rush by.
I woke with a start but still couldn't see anything. I heard a squeak from behind and as I had slowly turned to face it, the thing swung something and I seemingly must have fallen unconscious.


I blinked. There was a blinding light shining down onto me. I couldn't move - I was shackled to a table like bench made from thick concrete. I turned to the side and saw Minuette in the same condition as me. I shouted her. Nothing. Her eyes were closed but thankfully she seemed to be breathing. There was a sound of something moving and a shadow that didn't look like a pony.
Suddenly, a face appeared. It took a few seconds to realise that it wasn't the face of a pony. It was a strange biped creature and it walked towards us on weird, long legs. It was wearing some weird clothes but before I could take too much in, the thing spoke.
"Hello Winter Rush."
"Who...who are you? What are you? How do you know my name? What do you want with me?" I cried.
"So many questions; All of which will be answered shortly." It replied. "I see that your friend hasn't woken up yet. Let's get her awake shall we?"

The creature turned to Minuette and slapped her across her face.
"Don't you dare hurt her!" I shouted.
"Aww, young love. How sweet." It said sarcastically.
Minuette still hadn't stirred. He slapped her again. Still nothing. This time he got a large box with wires connected to it. He jabbed the other ends of the wires at Minuette's body. She woke with an ear-piercing scream.
"An electric shock always works." He laughed.
"Where am I? W-Who are YOU...?" Minuette screamed.
"Because you are both wondering, I am Andrei Dimitriev and I am not from your...world. I am not a pony. I am a human and you are on Earth."

We stared blankly at him.
"We made a portal to...the unknown and ended up in some pony-land. You may have noticed that your town was very quiet, even for 2 O'clock in the morning. We captured many of your friends, including you two."
"Where our our friends? Can you let us out of here? We will tell nopony anything that has happened." I cried.
"You obviously don't understand. We have captured you and you will never be let out. You will be used for scientific research."
There was a sound from the other end of the room and a masked guard stepped forward from the shadows.
"Сэр, Радуга не спать." Spoke the guard.
"В здесь." Replied Andrei.
(Roughly translated, due to my limited knowledge of a similar dialect I had heard and studied in Equestria, this meant;
"Sir, rainbow one awakens."
"Bring in.")
Promptly, a table was wheeled in with a familiar pony shackled to the top. "Lemmie' go!" It cried.
"Sis!" I shouted.
"Oh, she's your sister? This could be interesting..."

The human carried on talking and eventually we were unshackled and walked at gunpoint along many corridors and finally into a cell. The door was slammed shut and we were left. We saw Rainbow Dash being brought to another cell further down the corridor through the tiny window in the white metal door. The cell was around 7ft X 7ft wide and around 8ft tall. It was modern-looking with white metal walls with curved edges. There were glowing blue lights embedded in the roof.
"I-I can't get my head around this." Sobbed Minuette.
"Neither can I. Come here Min." I hugged Minuette. Her body warmed me slightly - it was comforting having her by my side.
Minuette started crying.
"Come on Min, we're gonna get out of here. I promise I will get us out."
"I put my faith in you Rush."

I scanned the room to see if there were any obvious exits. There weren't.
"If we are let out for anything, we need to look for a chance to escape; a grille, an unmonitored corridor, a place without guards, etcetera. And when we see something, we need to make a quick escape without screwing things up."
"I do hope that it works. I really do."
"If we do screw it up, we'll be tortured, or even killed."
"Why don't you escape and I distract the guards so that when I return to my cell, you can come back and get me out, as well as all our other friends."
"There will be an armoury in this place, so I'll stock up there first and then come here."
"Sounds like a plan!"
We kissed each other and fell asleep on the cold, hard bed.


The next morning, I woke early to see a plate with two slices of bread on it.
I took one, tore off a small piece and ate it. It was moderately stale, but I ate it anyway. I saved the rest to eat if I ever got hungry throughout the day.
I was laying back down when Minuette awoke. Her sleepy eyes blinked at me. She muttered something and went back to sleep, cuddling closer to me. Her light breathing resumed and I kissed her on the forehead. A smile spread across her face.
I looked around the cell; not that there was much to see. There was not a single route of possible escape; air vents and the joints of the plastic walls were all covered with more of the same, white plastic.

I sighed. It ended up more like a cough than a sigh. I still couldn't get my head around what had happened. I was thinking about Ponyville, when all of a sudden, a voice spoke.
"Don't be afraid Rush. We are watching over you."
"L-Luna?" I was almost speechless.
The voice had appeared from nowhere and I couldn't tell whether that voice was coming from inside the cell, or in my head. It was faint, but noticable.
"Yes. It is me, Rush. We are aware of the current situation. Neither me nor Celestia combined can get to where you are ourselves. It is too dangerous to use magic to open a portal into what is the unknown, as there is too much of a risk of opening an unstable portal. You must escape, freeing as many ponies as possible."
"How do you know I can do it?"
"You're a very brave and intellectual pony, Rush. We know you can do it." And with that, the voice disappeared as suddenly as it had spoke. I sat there, contemplating.

I'd been thinking about ways to escape for a couple of hours, when Minuette woke up again.
She stroked my mane. I giggled and cuddled up to her. I put my lips on hers and we kissed. I pushed her lightly against the wall and we made out with each other. It was amazing. I stroked her back and went further down to her plot. She didn't object.
I carried on kissing her, but there was a sudden shout from outside the cell and a guard burst in and hit us both with the butt of his gun on the side of our bodies.
We both groaned and held our sides in agony, lying on the hard, plastic floor as the guard exploded into a torrent of expletives. He obviously didn't like us kissing.