The Equestrian Venture

by TheCrimsonDM

Chapter one: magical talking ponies

Chapter one: magical talking ponies
Written by TheCrimsonDM

Rita rolled over and tried to stand up, she fell as her knee exploded in pain from the pressure she put on it. She began crawling as the pink horse continued smiling and talking. Rita didn’t know what it was saying to her, but it was a horse and it was going to bite her.

A soft voice called out, it was somehow soothing to Rita. It also seemed so familiar to her, but she didn’t know what it was saying. A strange mixture of gibberish, nickers, and neighs. The pink horse behind her sat down looking a little sad. Rita stopped trying to crawl instead she now looked for the thing making the soothing sounds. She couldn’t see anything around her so she tried speaking to it.

“H-h-hello.” Was all the nervous Rita could manage to say at the moment.

The voice stopped for a few seconds and then repeated what Rita had just said, only in a very calm and soothing tone. It was almost like a veil of peace was draped over the scared Rita. Rita then spoke again saying. “Um…where are you?”

For a few seconds nothing happened and then she saw a butter yellow horse land five feet away from her startling her. The yellow horse had a pink mane and looked a little nervous herself. Although it was still a horse, Rita felt a little calmer seeing this one for some reason. These horses stood only a few inches shorter then Rita did. Rita looked at the yellow one before saying. “I don’t know if you can understand me, but um…my name is Rita.”

The horse stood there for a few seconds and adopting a complex look on her face as she concentrated. Then she or at least it sounded like as she said. “My name is Fluttershy.”

Rita felt very confused for a moment, the horse just talked to her. Horses don’t speak, they were...animals. Unless this thing was actually not a horse at all but something entirely new. Maybe some kind of new monster, but Fluttershy didn’t feel like a monster. Although she did have wings, so what exactly was she? Rita rolled onto her back holding her breath as pain surged through her leg form the movement. She then asked. “I…where am I?”

Fluttershy sat there a minute, almost like she was processing the question. She answered soon after saying. “Equestria.”

Rita wondered if there really was a place called Equestria, and who ever named it that needed to be punted. She didn’t like the way people named places with allusions. She shook her head before saying. “Wow, out of all the places I could have teleported to, it had to be a place full of horse’s named Equestria. This is dumb, and I just want to go home.”

Fluttershy spoke again with her soothing voice. “I’m sorry, if there is anything we can do to help we would love to.”

Rita looked at the yellow horse with wings and said. “Yeah, I could probably use a doctor. My knee is all screwed up.”

Fluttershy smiled softly at Rita while saying. “I’m a veterinarian; if you want I can take a look at that leg of yours.”

Rita cocked her head to the side and muttered dumbfounded. “What?”

Fluttershy blushed a little before explaining. “Well um…a veterinarian is a doctor who specializes in the care of animal’s and-“

Rita cut her off saying. “I know that, I’m just confused on how a horse got to be a veterinarian? Shouldn’t you be…I don’t know eating grass and pooping or something?”

Fluttershy’s smile disappeared and her face turned red as she stammered. “W-w-w-what? Why would you say that?”

Rita was becoming more confused by the second, until something clicked in her head. Both of these horses were speaking some kind of language, probably their own language. And Fluttershy was an animal doctor, and instead of offering to take Rita to the hospital she offered to treat her…using her credentials as a basis for her offer. Rita looked at Fluttershy and asked very carefully. “Do you think that I am an animal?”

Fluttershy struggled for a second to fight off her embarrassment before saying. “Well, um, you’re not a pony…so…yes.”

Rita looked at her leg which was throbbing only slightly in pain now that she had been off of it for a minute, and said. “I am not an animal. And I am guessing that you’re not one either…also what the heck is a pony?”

Fluttershy looked away from her using her pink mane to hide her face from Rita as she said. “I’m sorry, I’ve never seen anything like you before…and um….ponies are small horses.”

“Great,” Rita muttered to herself. “I go through a portal, and end up in a place filled with smart horses, or ponies, or whatever. This is the worst possible thing.” Rita completed the sentence by throwing her arm over her head dramatically.

Fluttershy took a few steps closer to Rita causing her to nearly jump. Rita shouted in fear “STOP. Don’t bite me…please.”

Fluttershy now only a couple of feet away from Rita laid down on the grass besides her while saying. “Why would I bite you?”

Rita explained. “Where I come from horses sometimes bite people, and a few times a year they kill their handlers.”

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh my, that’s horrible. I promise I will never bite you.” She gave a small smile reassuring Rita that she was not dangerous.

Rita calmed down and looked at the blue sky and the clouds overhead. She saw some strangely shaped birds off in the distance, and realized pretty quickly that they must have been flying horses like Fluttershy here. Rita then closed her eyes letting the warm sun soak into her body.

Fluttershy then asked in a very quiet voice, a whisper. “Do ponies in your world really have…handlers?”

Rita opened her eyes to see a worried expression on Fluttershy’s face. She must have been upset by the idea. After all it may have sounded a lot like slavery to Fluttershy. Rita timidly stroked Fluttershy’s mane while saying. “Yeah…my worlds kind of messed up.” Rita gave a short laugh before saying. “Maybe that’s why I made a portal, I probably just wanted to leave. I mean…it’s not like anyone will even miss me.”

Fluttershy stopped Rita’s hand with one of her fore hooves and she looked into Rita’s eyes asking. “Is that true?”

Rita pulled her hand back and looked away saying. “Probably, even Estella only needs me for my mind.”

Fluttershy laid one of her wings down gently over Rita’s chest asking. “Would you like to be my friend?”

Rita barely stifled her laughter as she thought of the idea of being friends with a horse. It was a humorous idea frankly, but at the same time Fluttershy wasn’t just a horse, she was a pony. Maybe they could be friends, but Rita didn’t trust these ponies yet.

Rita sighed and said. “Maybe. We’ll see how long I’m stuck here for. I still want to get home as soon as possible.”

Rita looked over to where the pink one was and found something that brought a smile and a laugh to her. The pink one was balancing on her head with her legs sticking awkwardly into the air. She had managed to maintain a perfect balance until a butterfly came along, and flutters down landing on Pink ones muzzle causing her to sneeze violently and topple over. Rita found the sight hilarious and began laughing, at the same time the pink one laughed as well, even snorting a few times.

Rita found herself asking after the laughter subsided. “Who’s the pink one?”

Fluttershy then said. “Oh that’s Pinkie Pie, she likes to make ponies laugh.”

Rita smiled and said. “Nice show Pinkie.”

Pinkie Pie bounced on her hooves saying something in more of the gibberish language. Now Rita was confused and asked. “Wait, how come I don’t understand her? Can she understand me?”

Fluttershy looked over to Pinkie Pie and said something in the Gibberish language they used before getting a reply. Then Fluttershy said. “She says she can tell your not happy inside, and that she is going to make you laugh until you feel better…”

Rita found that to be a nice idea but it didn’t answer the questions. Rita was about to ask her a second time before Fluttershy answered her saying. “She can’t understand you. And you can’t understand her because you don’t speak equish. I think I can speak to you because my special talent is communicating with animals.”

Rita supposed the language barrier thing made sense, it’s doubtful that they spoke Ardian. She however didn’t understand the special talent thing. Rita then asked. “What do you mean special talent, is that some kind of magic?”

Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin thoughtfully for a moment before saying. “We all have inherent magic, but the special talent is something that shows up as a cutie mark. It’s…complicated. Twilight would know more about it.”

She then pointed her head towards her flank causing Rita to look there as well. There was tattoo of three butterflies on her flank. The cheapest tramp stamp Rita had ever seen. Fluttershy then explained. “This is my cutie mark, they show up when we discover our special talent. Mine involves animals.”

Rita thought the idea of them just showing up to be balderdash. But she decided that if there was going to be magical talking horses which could fly, then there could be magical butt tattoos as well. Thank the heavens that she didn't have to deal with that, she would hate having a tattoo of…a gear? A shiny gem? Or whatever could be considered her special talent. Maybe an exploding fireball could be planted square on her butt cheek.

Pinkie Pie then said something in equish causing Fluttershy to smile. Fluttershy then said. “Let’s go visit Twilight Sparkle. She knows a spell to allow you talk to us.”

Rita only looked at her with skeptical eyes as she thought about her leg. Fluttershy then let out a sigh and said. “Oh your leg…maybe I can help, if I can look at it.”

Rita did not like the idea of letting a horse use their hooves to mess around with her hurt leg. But Fluttershy breathed an air of sincerity that made Rita feel more confident in her abilities. Rita finally gave in saying. “Alright…but no touching.”

Fluttershy smiled and looked at Rita’s right leg. She then said. “Um…your cloths are in the way. Do you mind removing them?”

Rita couldn't help but blush a little as she sat up and said defensively. “No way, I’m not stripping for anybody, especially not in public.”

Fluttershy looked taken aback by her reaction and then said softly. “Oh…I suppose you’re um…shy.”

Rita felt righteous fury rising inside as she was about to go on a rant explaining in egregious detail about how improper it was to undress in public…when it hit her that horses don’t wear cloths. She calmed herself down and said quietly, with a bit of spite in her tone. “It is improper for humans to go undressed…it’s a cultural difference.”

Fluttershy looked away shyly before saying. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.”

Rita began to feel pity for Fluttershy; she was only trying to help. Letting out a sigh Rita decided she could just move her socks down and show the injury. Reaching over she began to gently pull on her sock, the slight movement of the sock caused slight pain to splash through her knee. She finally got the sock down past the knee.

Rita’s knee was swollen. She had seen this before; it looked like it was sprained pretty badly. The spot just behind the knee felt hard and every little touch of the grass underneath her caused her twinges of pain. Thankfully sprains would heal, but she would not be walking in the meantime.

Fluttershy gave a small sound that Rita picked up, Fluttershy sounded distressed. She then said in a very caring and gentle voice. “That looks bad. I don’t think you will be walking for a little while.”

Rita began feeling down as she replaced the sock carefully. She was in a foreign world, she had a sprained knee, and she was surrounded by horses. She was still a little nervous of Fluttershy, and really nervous at Pinkie Pie’s erratic movements. She sighed to herself and thought aloud. “It sucks being so weak and fragile. I wish I could be stronger.”

A caring wing was gently wrapped around her back as Fluttershy used her wings to give Rita a small hug. Fluttershy whispered. “You’re not the first one to feel that way.”

Looking into Fluttershy’s eyes, which were a lot bigger up close then Rita thought they were, she could tell that Fluttershy knew exactly what it felt like. Rita tentatively wrapped her arms around Fluttershy’s neck and hugged her. Fluttershy whispered again. “You’re in good hooves Rita.”

Rita let go and asked. “How are we going to meet Twilight, I can’t walk?”

Fluttershy smiled and asked. “How much do you weigh? If you um…don’t mind me asking.” She finished with a little squeaking sound.

Rita answered flatly. “Around ninety five pounds.”

Fluttershy gasped and exclaimed. “But you’re so tall, how can you weigh so little? Do you have a medical condition? Can I help?”

Rita gave a short laugh before explaining. “Human’s weigh a lot less then horses do. We’re also not naturally as strong. I’m actually at a decent weight for my short height.”

Fluttershy then blushed and said. “Oh…okay, um I have an idea. On how to get you into town I mean…if it’s okay with you.”

It took several minutes of complaining on Rita’s part but eventually Fluttershy managed to convince her to ride Pinkie Pie into town. Pinkie Pie was being very careful not to bounce her around too much. Rita had wrapped her arms around Pinkie’s neck tightly out of fear. Fluttershy spent most of her time trying to sooth Rita. Together the three of them were heading to meet Twilight Sparkle.