Clash of Alicorns, Battle of the Brothers

by LightningBlade

Chapter 1: Rise of the Dire Army

"Where did HE GO?!?!" Dire raged and asked his advisers, swinging his saber. His advisers whimpered and tried to answer his master.
"He might fled to some city else, maybe some city with powerful allies, some place like..."

"Like what you fools! You think I would know?!?!" scold Dire, he pointed his saber at the advisers. "If you don't give me the answer, you'll die." Dire said cruelly.

The adviser begged for his life, and Dire lift his saber, aiming for his adviser's neck, suddenly the main door burst open with the guard's falling to the ground, the guards were terribly wounded and one was killed.

"Lightning Blade is heading for Canterlot, spare his life." said a stranger approaching Dire.

"And who do you think you are, you killed my guards, and you expect me to believe you?"

"Yes, because if you don't, who else is going to tell you where is Lightning Blade?"

"Very well, then I shall trust you for once, but if you lie to me..."

Dire flew right behind the stranger and his saber out to his neck, and said "I won't hold back" His black and red mane flung as he flew to the stranger's side, dominating him with his size, aura flickered around his saber, readying to go for the kill.

The lord didn't know a short sword is pointed to his belly, and the stranger over skilled Dire. "Is that all you have, Dire Saber?"

Dire stood back and remembered that sword, Master Yin's dagger. "Well, well, if it isn't Master Yin, the Master Swords Stallion."

Master Yin took of his hood and grinned, "Dire... it seems like you have been busy..." Master Yin's size is just slightly smaller than Dire, his pine gale fur matches with his silver mane, young, but actually he's 59985 years old, with magic, you can literally do anything.

Master Yin had taught Dire how to use sabers and swords since he was able to hold one, you can imagine the skills acquired to slaughter someone fast enough that the target can't even flinch, much less suffer. Dire took his master to a chamber nearby, and treated him as well as his guests.

"Master, will you help he destroy Canterlot and Lightning in it? It will raise our name and everyone will fear us, and we'll rule the world."

"I'm only here to give you advise, not to destroy, because you were my student, I shall help you but in the end, you would still have to face your enemy by yourself. "

"As you wish." then he called the guards, "Take good care of my master, and if you deceive or say something bad about him, you'll be executed, by him."

Dire sat on his throne and laughed cruelly, "In the end, all of Equestria shall bow before me, even you brother... muahahahaha"

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Lightning arrived crashing into the Night Court, hurt by his last fight with Dire. It shocked Princess Luna and she said in a worried tone.

"Who are thee and why thee have so much bruises? "

Lightning rose weakly and said "Apologies.. my princess.. I'm Light....ning.... urgh...shit..."

Lightning fainted and the last thing he knew was brief images of the princess calling the guards. When he woke up, he saw an alicorn starring at him, he yelped and leaned back, "Where am I and who are you?" said Lightning.

"Thee is in our room silly" said Luna, her mane was flowing, but there was no wind there, her regalia shone in the dark room, and her appearance fascinated Lightning, since he never seen a mare holding a throne.

"Thee, our ? Oh ancient accents. But where are my manners, I'm Lightning Blade, prince of Cyberio, and I need to talk to the alicorn in charge here ." Lightning said the wrong thing.

"Thee is looking at one of it"

"Oh, urm... sorry I didn't notice the horn because of your mane." Lightning lied, or is he?

"What is tis, an insult to my mane?"

"NO, no... its just... fine... I'll be honest... they’re a bit... attracting."

Silence filled the room and then Lightning asked.

"Where's my amulet? I need it... I... urgh... I can heal faster... with... it..." Lightning said growing weaker.

Luna gave him the amulet and said "Tis must be it correct?" Lightning nodded and worn it. A certain type of aura exploded out of the amulet and Lightning changed form, battle form. His armor shone and his bruises slowly recovered. His light blue and yellow mane and his fur is as white as the clouds makes him look like an sky guardian, and his eyes are stormy and yellow.

"Princess? Hello ?"

"Yes, apologies, I'm Luna, Princess of the Night"

"I have a bounty on my head Princess Luna, I must go before I lure any assassins and... my brother."

"Tis brother of thy, who is it?"

"Dire Saber"

Luna immediately recognized the name and said,

"Tis must be announced immediately."

They both went to Princess Celestia's chamber, and told everything. "We must get ready for any attacks, call the guards to keep a look out, I want increase in security." said Celestia.

"I'm truly grateful Princess Celestia but I need to leave, I can't have Canterlot destroyed."

"You are wounded Lightning, you can't flee, much less fight."

Lightning stopped arguing and accepted the offer, Celestia then asked "Why are you not an alicorn? You are the prince of Cyberio right?"

"I'm not made to be one yet, my father gave Dire the position of the King, he was made an alicorn, I'm left behind."

"We thought that a kingdom or country can be rules by two alicorns is that not?" said Luna curiously.

"No, only one king is allowed to rule Cyberio. And that is Dire. I'm just... I'm just a normal Pegasus."

"Thee have the tittle of a prince, don't hold despair in your thoughts."

"I hope I can change that, but unless I destroy him, he will not stop, until he gets me and anypony who supported me. Your lives are in danger my princesses, i think it'd rather be good if I left."

Silence then took over, the sisters too have nothing left to help but shield him, but clearly, he's not a coward, but a prince that desires freedom, and peace. Lightning flew out to the clear road and said "Stand back, i'm about to call a lightning to strike me, just to give me some boost of energy."

"What?!?!?! Tis is unacceptable, using lightning as a source of power is..."

Lightning ignored Luna's words and called a lightning strike, it shook the ground with so much force, the sisters are forced to hold onto the pillars. Lightning was fine, His wound healed faster and his armor electrified with aura never seen by alicorns in this part. His blades appeared and a horn was there, on his head. But when he turned back to a normal form, it was gone. The sisters now know that they're not holding the modern technology and knowledge, the Cyberians do, and are far more advance than them. Most importantly they have to worry about the incoming battle, of the strongest alicorns in Equestria. Will they be able to keep their kingdom safe or will it parish?

To be continued...