The Lost Pony Tales of Equestria Vol. 1 Meeting the Crowned Crew of Ponyville

by Starlight Dragon

Chapter 4 Special Delivery

The Lost Pony Tales of Equestria
Vol. 1 Meeting The Crowned Crew of Ponyville

Chapter 4
Special Delivery

We enter Ponyville’s Post Office alive with its morning buzz as messengers, delivery ponies and mail sorters show up for work. We meet a male delivery pegasus packing his large saddlebags full of this morning deliveries, his name is Special Delivery. Dressed in his postal uniform a light gray short sleeve shirt with the company logo, a flying envelope on its right sleeve. He also wears a hat but his hat isn’t a company policy, his hat is blue messenger cap with his cute mark on the front and his name monogrammed on its right side. His saddlebags have his name monogrammed just above his cutie mark on each side. His outfit the result of working at the Cloudsdale post office before moving to Ponyville. His cutie mark is a cardboard box with a letter sitting on the edge of its taped lid, with white pegasus wings. His black coat, red messy mane and tail with his light brown eyes make him appear menacing but if you really know him he is a kind and considerate pony. But his initial shyness and clumsiness often gets the wrong attention, leading some ponies to avoid him. Lets take a closer look shall we,

Special Delivery is talking to himself as he packs the last box into his bag.
“I’m in for a short days work today, 6 letters, 3 small packages. Hello this one is for my sis… Finally I have an excuse to visit her today. What’s this?”
A posted job for locating and delivering a package to a unicorn named Scarlet from the bookshop keeper Haiden.
“Looks easy enough, hey boss get anyone to do this run for you yet?”
His boss Artrell (Art-rell) a male brown pegasus with tan hair and compass as his cutie mark responds to him,
“Nope you’re the first one that got posted today, guess you want to give it a try.” He picks up the flat box handing it to Special Delivery who looks it over before packing it in his bag.
“Try not to lose this one this time alright, look I pay you extra if you deliver it on time to her. But good luck finding her got no information about where she lives or if she is returning to Ponyville soon.”
“Don’t worry boss I be careful with the boxes and letters, I’m feeling really good about today.”
“Just try and keep them from getting broken that’s all I ask of you speedy.”
As Speedy left a shady griffon gestures guide him to her, her gray and white body hiding in the morning shadows.
Speedy asks her “who are you?”
“My name is Seenta, I heard your looking for some pony. I might know a thing or two about that but it will cost you a bit, my information is worth the price.”
Speedy pulls out a bit from a small pouch on his bag, and hands it to her.
“A wise choice, the pony you seek left town two days ago late in the night. She bought supplies to make copies for a book of hers planning on returning in a day or two. I also know she is not the pony pacing the edge of the forest that’s a different story entirely.”
Speedy asks her, “Then who is pacing the edge of the forest?”
“That would cost you another bit Speedy” she replies with a smile.
He left to continue making his morning rounds he was more confused then when he started this mornings rounds.

“Speedy my nickname, my fast but clumsy flying earned me that name just gotta keep positive and fly good today. My deliveries got me going to Cloudsdale first for 2 packages the rest is in Ponyville should be easy. Gotta remember to keep my eyes open for this Scarlet pony, unicorn, red coat, sky-blue hair with silver streaks, teal eyes, and a scroll beside a standing book and quill cute mark.”
Speedy flies to Cloudsdale on his way there and back he scans looking for Scarlet on the ground. He spends all morning looking for her heading back to Ponyville for lunch and to finish his daily rounds. His favorite place to eat lunch is at Chineigh Café, a crossover between Asian food and local favorite dishes. Run by a unicorn named Rice Chop with the help of his wife and employees. Speedy is greeted at the door by Cali, Rice Chop’s head waitress a orange coat earth pony with blue hair kept up in a bun and wearing her waitress uniform. She seats him at chef Fire Dancer table, as she takes his order he asks her
“have you seen a unicorn named Scarlet?”
she replies, “Looking for your date, Speedy? Sadly no I haven’t, name does ring a bell.”
Speedy sighs and says, “No Cali, I’m looking for her to deliver her something and no one can find her, or point me to where she is.”
“Calm down Speedy, no need to get all worked up a good lunch will help put your mind at ease. If I remember right Scarlet is a writer perhaps some of the shopkeepers will know about her.”
Cali gives Speedy a reassuring smile just before she walks away. With his stomach full he takes off and quickly delivers the remaining mail to its proper owners.
“Sis likes to close shop early so I better hurry up before she locks up and hits the town. Haven’t seen her since I moved to Ponyville a few weeks ago. I have to find this Scarlet before the summer sun celebration or I could kiss that bonus goodbye. I really need this bonus this time, bills are pilling up and rent is due. There it is that one griffon that said he saw her heading into the Everfree Forest two days ago, I don’t think its true. Finally Bubbles’s Oddities, sis’s shop.”

Speedy does his best landing of the day only to trip over his bag as he walks inside and knocking some items off of his sister’s display.
“Speedy been a while, nice to see Ponyville hasn’t changed you” Bubbles says, as she comes up the stairs into the main floor of her shop.
Bubbles, Special Delivery’s half sister her being an earth pony, and the fact they weren’t really related never bother them much. Bubbles teal blue coat, her messy purple hair with lime green tips, lime green eyes and her cutie mark was 5 bubbles. Her shop has a bit of everything though she works mainly as a bookbinder, selling odds and ends as well.
“How’s living in Ponyville compare to living in Cloudsdale bro? Work been good to ya Speedy?”
He replies, “Its nice to be living closer to you sis you’re the only family I’ve got left, and work is taking some getting use to crashing up in the clouds is different from crashing into the ground.”
“Flying still giving you trouble that’s why you moved to Cloudsdale to get flight lessons and a job where you could stretch your wings?”
Speedy replies with his head down, “Didn’t go as planned I was too old for flight school, and no one was willing to teach me. I’m looking for a job that will keep me on the ground but I’m no more graceful here then in the sky sis. My boss is furious with me I keep losing or damaging packages I keep this up I wont have a job, or a place to stay.”
“Speedy there is no need for all that negativity of yours, there’s always a silver lining. By the way did you bring me my delivery?”

“So sis, heard of a pony named Scarlet?” Speedy asks as he hands Bubbles, her package.
“Yes I’ve heard of her Speedy, but I haven’t seen her since the storytelling day 2 days ago. Why do you need to find her?”
Speedy replies, “Got a delivery for her, and no one seen her anywhere.” “There is that rumor that she in the Everfree Forrest probably just studying its wildlife they seen her go to the edge every night she got to be camped out somewhere. The summer sun celebration is in 4 days I don’t think she miss a chance like that to promote her book.”
“That’s just it sis I need to find her before the summer sun celebration to get the bonus boss promised.”
“I’m jealous of you speedy you get to meet and talk to the newest writing star, maybe I get to meet her too have her sign my copy of her book.”
“All I have is her description to go off of, I don’t know if I can pull it off before the celebration now.”
Bubbles hands him the copy of the book she just unwrapped “Here this is her, she put a self portrait in her book. Time flies when your having fun you should head home Speedy its not safe to fly at night.”
As they both hug and say their goodbyes for a moment the distance between them disappeared.

As speedy flies home, Scarlet has finished binding the last copy of her book deep in the Everfree Forest where she calls home. She packs her saddlebags full of her books she leaves her brown and black cloaks behind. She begins to hike back to the edge of the Forrest where she had stashed camping supplies in a small cave near Ponyville. Planning on camping out the edge of the forest Scarlet collected her supplies and set up camp. Speedy had made a detour flying the edge of the forest spotting a unicorn setting up a campsite on its edge. In his excitement he crashes right into the unicorn knocking her to the ground separating her saddlebags from her.
Speedy nervously asks, “Oh no, are you alright?”
Scarlet answers him, “Yes I’m alright, why are you flying this late isn’t it dangerous to fly this late?”
“Yes but, I’m looking for someone for a urgent delivery is your name Scarlet?” Speedy asks as he helps her pick up the saddlebags contents, her scatted books.
Scarlet hesitated for a moment, “Yes my name is Scarlet, but perhaps we should wait till morning, tonight the moon isn’t going to rise completely into the night sky. You should stay here tonight be way too dangerous to fly.”
Speedy replies, “You really think its gonna be that dark that you shouldn’t travel tonight and you wouldn’t mind me staying here tonight?”
“Of course its no trouble, I’m about to get the fire started so you know who I am what’s your name?”
“My name is Special Delivery, but you can just call me Speedy everyone does.”
“Well, Speedy it’s a pleasure to meet you, but im tired after traveling today I see you in the morning. Keep the fire going till your ready to sleep, it will be very dark tonight. Good night.”