Tiger Stripes

by sunnypack

3 - Year 2-3: Heart Attack

“Luna? Luna? Where are you, I need to talk to you!” Celestia pleaded, stalking through the halls.

Luna sighed. It was her eccentric sister’s attempt to speak in a new way that vexed her. Ponies would never speak this way, not even after a thousand years.

“Celestia,” Luna said gently. “What have we spoken about on thine language, dear Tia?”

Celestia mumbled something and scuffed her hoof.

Luna smiled.

“Oh dear sister, we do believe we are getting hard of hearing, would thee not mind repeating that phrase again?”

Celestia cleared her throat.

“If thou wishes, Luna,” she replied.

Luna squealed, delighted and clopped her hooves together. She glanced at the dawn breaking through the horizon and painting a fiery orange glow on the horizon. She saw the faint glow surround Celestia’s horn.

Luna positively sparkled.

“Oh, Tia thou are getting exceptional at raising the sun,” she commented with approval.

Celestia blushed stroking her mane.

“You really think so?” Celestia asked happily.

Luna nodded, deciding to let her strange sister’s speech go this one time.

“Thou art doing a fine job. Mine heart swells with pride,” she artfully described.

Celestia beamed and trotted on the spot in excitement.

Luna up a warning hoof.

“But thou art getting ahead of thineself, thou must open day court and receive fellow pony petitions,” she reminded.

Celestia pouted.

“Not a single pony wishes to see me during day court,” she moaned, head sagging.

Luna frowned and placed a hoof under Celestia’s muzzle.

“Thou art an excellent ruler and thou citizens wilt love thee as they do the day,” she reassured. Celestia nodded uncertainly.

“Now go,” Luna bade softly. “Thou subjects await.”

Celestia glanced back at Luna and couldn’t resist asking one more question.

“Luna, how will I ever become a stronger ruler like you?”

Luna shook her head.

“We am strong because we do not stand alone, dear sister. We are no more nor less the pony thou art, Tia. Remember, we hold all the same fears and insecurities that thou hold true as well, you are wise not to forget that and take comfort in the fact that thou art not alone,” she professed, with a gentle smile.

“Now leave, dear Tia, thou subjects await and we have much rest to pursue for the night is always full of dangers.”