An Extended Holiday

by Commander_Pensword

Day After Tomorrow

Extended Holiday
Chp 21: Day After Tomorrow
Act 3

“So apparently when this type of crystal fractures it lets out a huge flash of light.” Taze explained to Matthew going over some of the crystals Starswirl had showed him. The crystal in his talons was small and had a golden glow to it. Placing it back in the pouch he retrieved a smaller orange type with a black center “And this one is perfectly stable unless you expose it to a high heat source.” Taze explained as he opened the door to the forges.

“Let me guess, freezes the flames or something that I will not expect?” The Pegasus asked as he shifted a little as he walked. “Also, did you know how much a Crystal Pony can consume of Crystal Berry ice cream?”

“What no that's a silly idea, silly Pensword it explodes, freezing fire, silly.” he shook his head.

“You are not planning on throwing that into the forge are you?” Pensword ask in very worried manner. “Because i rather not be picking up my lost wing feathers or your limbs from a raging inferno that was once a forge.”

“I just figured you’d find it interesting.” he shrugged putting it back in the pouch which he stored away. “Anyway Hammer wanted to see us, at least we weren’t asleep yet.” Taze noted. “Think he’s done?”

“I hope so, I want to say he has five hours to sleep before needing to field test some of what he built.” He paused and shook his head. “I hope at least five hours.” He shook his head. “I did have fun with the Royal bedtime stories, and… I was elected to carry Princess Alto back to the castle after Ice Cream.” he shook his head. “I am scared with how… easy this has been, I was good at a toy store before the war, and after, I still seem to make children feel safe.”

After rounding a corner they found Shawn stepping back from something that he just covered in cloth. “Finally.” He smiled to himself.

“Hello Lord Hammer Strike.” Pensword smiled and bowed his head. “Are you ready to rest?” He asked as he covered a yawn. “I am sorry I am late, I had first shift in guarding the entry to the Royal quarters. Mainly the children’s wing. I have to say that it is amazing and, it just shows how humble the royal family is.”

“You’ve been… Busy.” Taze noted examining his current work. Several tables were covered with signs of being a project Shawn was working on, though the amount of tables covered in the area were surprising.

“Well, I was told I have thirty six hours and I wanted to make sure everything would turn out as good as possible.” He replied.

“Yeah we just don’t need you collapsing in the heat of battle… Again.” Taze noted. “So agent Q what do you have for me?” Pensword smirked and giggled a little, his body shaking from the suppressed laughing.

“Just don’t tell us to return the gear in tact, please.” Pensword added with a looked around at the empty forges. “Sorry, Dad loved those stories.”

“I’ll have you know that I only collapsed by blood loss.” Shawn pointed his hoof at Taze with a raised brow. “But yeah, I finished all your equipment, let me show you what I was able to accomplish.” He gestured with a hoof to follow him towards the back tables.

“Alright, here is what I promised for you Pensword.” He said waving a hoof for him to take it off. “Go ahead and pull off the cover.”

Pensword blinked and walked up to the table and took a corner of the cloth and pulled it off the table to show the equipment laid out for all to see. He blinked and stared as his eyes fell on two pieces of curved metal that appeared to have been a tube cut in half and then cut up to be articulating, with leather straps around the structure. along the edge that was the outside curve appeared to be like the feathers from a Skarmory were thin light blades. “Lord Hammer Strike. Is, are those, those are Wing blades.” he asked in shock as he turned to the metal horseshoes as he poked the inside and and smiled. “I think I can do some damage just with these armored shoes.”

“I remember a friend of ours talking about them, I just happened to realise you are able to use them now.” He chuckled. “Based off the measurements I took and how I made them, they should be nice and balanced for you. Go ahead, try them on.”

Pensword only blinked before sitting down and frankly, showed off a little bit of, familiarity of moving his wings in a manner to help with placing on the wing blades and even using his mouth to pull the straps tight around his wings and as he folded up his wings he only grinned. “Nice, you have it look like I have some metal plates on my side to protect my wings.” he stepped into a clear area and promptly snapped his wings opened and spun a little causing a whooshing sound with the blades as he folded his wings again and smirked. “What do you have for a breastplate and helmet? I doubt you would care for me wearing my old one.”

“Tell the man what else he’s won Johnny!” Taze laughed as he spoke.

Shawn chuckled. “Good, you’re learning. Take a peek under table number two.”

Upon removing the cloth from the second table he was shown a light set of plate armor, the silver metal gleamed, giving off a reflection clear enough to see his face. The armor was lightly designed, the shoulder guard had a small insignia that matched Pensword’s cutie mark, marked in a dark ebony metal. The armor would cover most of his body without restricting any movement from his wings, and was still light enough to dash around in.

Shawn smiled as Grif smiled and soon Pensword was dressed in all his armor and wings blades. Pensword smiled and marched to the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. “Just, wow. milord amazes even I.”

“Doubt Moonshade would be able to look away.” Grif smirked.

Grif this time caught a bit more of a blush and a rather forced cough and clearing of Pensword’s throat. “Just, why is that making me blush?” he muttered as he looked at the mirror and back at Grif while still looking at the mirror. “I do not know about you but I kind of look forward to this adventure being done.” The unspoken part being to return to two legs and arms and hands.

“It’s quite something to see.” Grif noted “You’re almost a totally different person.”

“Pony,” Pensword replied almost automatic. “Pony, get with the vernacular of the world.”

Shawn chuckled. “And it is not over yet, you have one more piece.” he said as he gestured towards the third table. “I think you’re missing something.” He said as he tapped his head.

Pensword blinked and looked to Shawn a little. “IF it is a rip off of the Lunar Helmet that will be scary and worrisome for the future.” Still Pensword walked over to the third table and pulled the final sheet off with his teeth before stepped back and stared at what was on the third table.

The helmet was made of the same metals as the chestplate. The silver wrapped around the head and had protection for the eyes that thankfully didn’t limit vision. Light chainmail connected from inside the back of the helmet and hung down across the back of the neck. rather than a plated nose guard the sides were forged outwards so the metal shaped as neatly as possible around the sides of the muzzle. The ear hole seemed to have a cover for the back of the ear connected to the helmet on a simple joint to have it move with the ear.

“No lies Pensword you look fearsome.” Grif nodded. “Fearsome enough to give a gryphon pause.”

“I like it, we might have to use this as the new armor for any new troops I get in command of.” he smirked. “With a little flare for the officers.” He muttered with a smirk as he turned around. “I think Moonshade would really like this.” he paused and looked to Grif, “What if,” he whispered. “She knew of our legends?” He shook his head. “Focus on the present, on the present and the threat at hoof.”

“So, whadidja get me?” Grif turned to Hammer Strike.

“Check the next three tables.” He replied.

Walking to the first table, Grif snared the cloth with his talon and pulled back. The metals were the same as the Pensword’s, a polished silver gleam on the front of the chestplate that wrapped around to cover a majority of him, the shoulders had the same style as Pensword’s as well, but the insignia was different, this was one of crossed blades that were in front of a kite shield, the top of the shield coming to a point. Off to the side he had plate covers for his wings that were set in a way to not restrict movement.

“You did this in one day?” Grif raised an eyebrow.

“You would be surprised, it was actually kind of easy once you get the basics remembered. I did have a fascination with metal working and now I can put it to use.” Hammer said the last part softly. “I did have… Around twenty eight hours or so of near non stop work on it.” He shrugged.

“Well wow.” Grif said as he turned to the next table likewise removing the cloth. The helmet was curved for around Grif’s head, it was forged of the same metal as the armor except for three curved back facing fins made of ebony. The helmet had a nose guard that stretched from the center of the brow to the tip of the beak. The helmet lacked the chainmail neck guard however this seemed to be for added range of movement. “And once again, wow.” he noted.

Pendsword only stared in wide eyed wonder at the helmet as he smirked a little. “Well, kind of reminds me of how a dragon would look, so Grif, looks like you might have armor as strong as a dragon, at least we are keeping that motif of yours still going.”

“The dragon is the sign of ferocity and strength.” Grif smirked. “I think I can pull that off.”

“Well, one more to go.” Hammer gestured to the third cover.

Grif moved the cloth without much ceremony this time. Revealing a strap that would go around his chest, the front part of it on that note looked to be knife sheaths, each one small and balanced enough to be thrown.

“I figured you would want some throwing knifes.” Hammer commented. “Go ahead, pull one out.”

Grif did so examining the blade in his hand. Too be honest there wasn’t much to throwing blades and there wasn’t much to these either. The blades where small straight edged knives with no real handle attached to them. Though upon weighing them in his hand he noticed one tiny addition. “You weighed them in the front.” He grinned. “Meaning there’s a higher likelihood the blade well hit first.”

“You have no idea how long it took for that one, I had to get use to throwing them with a hoof. The only thing that was tougher than that was getting the possible movement range for both of your wings.” He gestured to both Pensword and Grif.

“Well I appreciate it.” Grif noted as he began to remove his current armor. “I couldn’t feel safer going into battle now” he noted as he began to put on the new set. “And thank you for not adding gauntlets.” Grif noted. “With these talons I think they’d hinder me.”

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Hammer replied.

“So then milord, all thats left is yourself.” Grif noted.

Hammer smiled as he walked over to the last three tables. “Yeah, I was able to finish some things for myself as well.” He removed one of the covers.

Under the cover was a set of armor that was slightly different from the other two sets, while it did follow the same design the metals were slightly different, the insignia was made with a more gold like material. A sword facing upward with a set of wings, the handguard of the sword was rounded at the edges.

“There we go.” He sighed. “Took less time due to the fact I didn’t need to bother with wing holes.”

“No helmet?” Grif raised an eyebrow.

Hammer chuckled. “Yeah, about that… That is the last item.” He sighed. “I will get around to it soon.”

“Not tonight.” Grif noted. “You’re going to sleep.”

“Yeah…” He replied. “But on this side.” He continued, pulling off the second sword to reveal a decent sized blade, it was a simple steel blade, surprisingly matching the one on his shoulder, minus the wings of course. It’s handguard was made in gold.

“Now that monster looks like it could do some damage.” Grif noted.

“The tough part will be the, uh.” He tapped his hoof on the ground. “Yeah. Hoofs, I can use it with them but I just have to adjust to the new style I have to use.”

“You’re a smart pony you’ll figure it out.” Grif noted.

Pensword only looked at the sword. “With what I have seen of the hoofs, it will work, just don’t think about it, and… if nothing else maybe hold it in your muzzle? Still… maybe wrap around a bit of metal to create, yeah sorry, but no more ideas you need to get a little rest… maybe five hours we have left or six. I hope six. You rest you sleep up.”

“I will, but here’s the last one.” He said as he walked over to the last cover, removing it to reveal a set of hoof gauntlets, but they were made in a style that would not counteract his movement but make it where if he used his hoofs in combat, the impact would mean a lot more. Essentially, full pony brass knuckles. For the next moment he put on his armor to show it off.

Pensword just stared in awe. “Amazing. Okay, we should be ready for tomorrow. Do we know where we want to be at the start?” The Pegasus asked as he looked around at his friends. “Remember we have to be a pain for two weeks, the troops are already moving here hopefully with Starswirl sending word. Still, I shall be taking the message again down south.” he looked at his friends. “That way, we have more protection for the three.”

“I am afraid.” Starswirl’s voice echoed through the forge as he entered. “We have some pressing concerns.” he stopped momentarily to stare at the three. “That is quite some armor you’ve made my lord.”

“Less than thirty six hours.” Hammer chuckled. “New record. But, on the other hoof, what seems to be the bad news?”

“First, my messages are being intercepted by some kind of dark magic field.” Starswirl noted. “The princesses have no idea whats happening.”

Pensword looked at Starswirl and then to his friends. “I, looks like the three will become the two.” he muttered as he recalled a line he heard Taze muttered earlier. “The Princesses and Prince will be my responsibility, looks like I will have a longer time to travel.” he shivered and closed his eyes and opened them as he looked to his friends. “I am only sad I won’t be able to be back sooner and stand against the coming storm.”

“And also… the crystal heart is gone.” Starswirl noted. “The royal family doesn’t know it yet, but it’s gone..”

Pensword just stared and looked at his friends. “It won’t be found anytime soon, we don’t have the time to search for it, we don’t even have access to all the rooms of the castle.” he looked back to Starswirl. “Right, can you try and get me to take the children on a hike tomorrow?” He asked as he shifted in his armor. “Something to get them out of the walls?” He started to pace at that moment. “Crystal Heart is gone, that is a major problem, it was a major defensive mechanism against the dark magic.” he paused and looked at his friends who just stared at him, the unasked question of how, in their eyes. “The children like to talk, Prince Bellacoso told me about that aspect of the heart.”

“What about the guard?” Grif asked

“I don’t know how many for them we can trust, since the war we had to boost the numbers with mercenaries, I have no idea how many of them are loyal and how many are not.” Starswirl shook his heads.

“Have you spread the word? Warned the crystal ponies of what is to come?” Grif asked.

“I have spread the word amongst the innkeepers but there isn’t a lot I can do without gaining suspicion.” Starswirl noted.

“Is there anywhere in the kingdom ponies can hide? Somewhere that would be hard to look?” Grif asked

“Only the deep mines, no one goes that far down anymore, but they are dangerous.” Starswirl noted.

Hammer opened his mouth at the mention of a mine before shutting it, a thoughtful expression on his face.

“One last question.” Grif noted. realisation was slowly creeping over his face. “Has a mysterious unicorn mare entered the empire recently? light purple? blond mane?”

“I’ve had reports of such a mare recently but why is it important?” Starswirl raised an eyebrow.

“Not important.” Grif shook his head. “Pensword, my lord Hammer Strike, when this attack happens, you two get as many refugee’s outside the city and then head for the army.” Grif said.

Pensword nodded his head. “I will do my best. May, may we make this out.” he paused and looked at his friends. “What I wouldn’t give to have Doctor Wolf to talk to at the moment.”

“With your permission my lord, the army is not going to do much good with the wall still standing.” Grif noted.

“Oh dear.” Hammer sighed. “I do not know if myself or Starswirl would be able to get that accomplished with no downsides.”

“With all do respect my lord, thousands of lives could be at stake here.” Grif spoke.

“Grif, my authority can only go so far when it comes to convincing others of things.” Hammer sighed. “I doubt the populace or guards would like to hear about this order.”

“Then it is a verbal order that only we know about. With the events that may very well unfold tomorrow, I think we can pull this off.”

“Milord all I ask is for your blessing to stay and fight, my actions after that will be on my own head.” Grif noted.

Hammer sighed heavily. “Just, please do not, do not die, either of you three. I do not know what I would do.”

“I will do my best my lord.” Grif noted.

“Then it seems you have a plan.” Starswirl said. “But first your lord needs rest.”

Pensword was the last to leave the forge as Starswirl guided Lord Hammer Strike to a royal room, Grif left for the tavern again and Pensword was heading to the guards annex to tell them where he was going now that his meeting was over, it was here that he ran into Ambrossia who was walking slowly with a glass of red liquid, a wine was Penswords first thoughts as he moved to the side of the hallway and standing at attention to let him pass.

“Come now,” His voice spoke softly, his voice reminding him a little of Vincent Price with a mix of Liam Neeson. “You don’t have to do that for me, I am just the Nephew of the queen. Still, come, come I was just retiring to my study for a nightcap. I would like you to join me if you have some time.”

Pensword nodded his head. “I believe I can spare the moment.” Glad that Grif had taken his armor to the Tavern in a large satchel. “Please, led the way as I do not know the hallways just yet.” Which while true in a three dimensional sense, he knew parts of it two dimensional from the map in the guard annex.

“True, come, come.” he continued walking towards the royal apartments before turning and climbing a staircase till they came to a room enclosed in clear crystals, and Matthew realized that he was standing in the top of the castle. Ambrossia smiled and turned around to face Pensword. “An amazing Pegasus like you, such hot blood, and a temper, you would do well to accept my offer, declare your loyalty to me, and I could very well make you a captain over an entire Empire, not a lowly and soon to be dead royal house.” He smiled as Pensword sensed and heard some guards walking in behind him. “I would rather you say yes, but no matter what I shall have you as a captain.”

He moved and from the inside of a cloak he had put on his neck, having had it draped over a pony mannequin, he pulled out a dagger, one of dark crystals. “So, will you join me and accept that I shall rule not just this little land, but most of Northern Equestira?”

Pensword blinked and growled as he lowered his body in not a bow but a court to fight. “So, it is you.” was all he said before the two guards from behind tackled him to the ground and seemed to suddenly weigh the same as stone statues.

“Yes, Starswirl’s little informant who I have yet to catch is talking about me, but no one knows, and soon, you shall know and be working for me.” he sighed as he looking at the dagger. “Dark Crystals, the corruption power, I dig this into your leg and leave it to fester, and soon you shall be loyal to this power.”

With a speed that did not seem to match the nephew of the queen, the pony who would be known at Sombra, the pain from the blade and then the spreading heat from the wound, Sombra with a smirk snapped the blade and stepped back.

Pensword gulped back the pain and tears were already squeezing through his shut eyes as he began to breath in sharp breaths, As he did so he began to hear, something in his head, he shook his head and as he did so, something else started to happen in his head, he heard the sound of marching boots, a voice distorted by time and old newsreels screaming in german, the clicking of a typewriter, the screams and pounding of horses. The clanging of metal and spears on sheilds. He was realizing what he was hearing the sound of Humanity’s history. The history he had seen, as if his mind was fighting the invasion of dark magic he found himself in a room filled with the implements of Mankind's darkest moments, all around the walls were pieces of barb wire, drawings of guard towers, a shower head from the ceiling, and their almost akin to a shrine of the worst moment, a bomb, with something that Matthew knew never existed on the original item, was the radiations sign and even as he saw it he heard the air raid sirens blaring all around him.

But as he watched the items were changing. Flags that denoted feelings of shame and guilt were replaced by others. First a flag of a friend’s home nation a green flag with a yellow cartoon boxing kangaroo with the arms up in boxing gloves facing a grouping of stars that could be found on another version of that nations flag, the words Australia read underneath the flag, then with increasing speed came a row of flags of the growth of his home nation, starting with the first version, thirteen stripes with the Union Jack in the corner, then the Union Jack, Scotland, Wales, and finally the Canadian flag, the flag of a friend who he was with till this moment, then came images, of the two Hospital ships that the United States owned, humanitarian aid, marines in Japan helping after the Tsunami, or in Haiti, he looked back at what was a shadow in the shape of his own body. “You tried to use this against me. I do not hide from what you shown me, I am not naive to what humanity can do. I have had family in the thick of it, from ten sixty six, seventeen seventy six, or even the testing of our most lethal weapon after the war. Yet… humanity is and can be so much more, I should not be ashamed about our worlds past, just like I should not be ashamed of my own actions, I can only move forward and be better than yesterday, and that is what my nation did. You think you can scare me, create the darkness that is in my body? How can you turned against me something that I have accepted as a part of me? I know I can be better, and if I fall, that is what is so loving about life, you can pick up when you are ready and step forward.”

Pensword slowly opened his eyes and he looked up at Sombra who was smiling as dark magic slowly leaked from his eyes he was laughing but the laughter just died in his throat as he saw something he did not expect. Clear blue eyes that conveyed the anger of the ocean, the fury of a windy clear day. “You failed. I saw things that make you look like a day dreamer in history. Yet here I am, I am called many things and one my friends called me is Innocent. But it is not because I do not know, it is because I look for the good. Even in you I hope you have,” he did not finished as he was struck by a hoof.

“Very well,” he turned to the guards on Pensword’s back. “Guards lock him up in my guest chambers, let him stew and rot while I carry on.” he smiled widely. “You just bought your life. When I am done I am so going to enjoy breaking you, and finding out how you can do what you did.”

Pensword did not get a chance as a heavy object struck him from behind and he knew nothing more. Yet he thought he saw blackness flowing up like smoke from a fire from where he had been pierced by the blade.

Grif sat alone as Hammer Strike slept. The gryphon was sharpening his knife with a wet stone as he had already done twice over. He had sharpened and oiled his weapons. Checked and double checked his weapons. Went over his equipment six times. The silence was a bit unnerving but what was more unnerving was Pensword’s current absence.

Pensword though wasn’t the only thing on the gryphons mind as he found himself running different processes as how tomorrow could go, so much unnecessary deaths, so much pain. Could he really do this? Could he fight back? Shaking his head he tested the edge of his knife on the table adding to the assembly of constantly lengthening and deepening gashes on the table.

“Where is he?” he mumbled. He looked to Starswirl who nodded his head before leaving, the unspoken words were that he would look for Pensword. Grif returned to the seventh time of going through his armor now.

It was at the moment that he had decided to try on his armor one last time to make sure it fit that he heard a knocking on the door that lead from their simple room to the hallway outside.

“Hmm… I didn’t order anything, Hammer Strike didn’t order anything and that is definitely not Pensword.” Grif grabbed his blades. “Enter.” He spoke.

With a crunch the door came down as a guard entered. His eyes glowed with a familiar green glow and part of his body was crawling with black crystals. He was soon followed by two more like him. Without thinking Taze lashed out with a throwing knife digging it into the first guards throat. The second guard charged him and Taze moved to dodge as fast as he could, the guard just grazing him. The gryphon sunk his blade into the joint of the guards armor and through his chest. before he could shift his attention the third guard tackled him. The guard stood over him glaring as he prepared to rear. The guards body went stiff suddenly before going slack. Rolling the guard off him he yanked his talons out from the guards chest.  “Requiescat in pace.” Taze said panting.

“Good grief, can I actually rest here?” Hammer said leaning up from the bed only to look at the scene before him, a blood covered Grif, and bodies. The only thing he could do at the time was raise his brow in a questioning manner, directed at Grif.

“They started it.” Grif pointed to the bodies.

“And you ended it. Well, attack is starting already it seems, or early plans, how long was I out?” He said as he pulled himself off the bed.

“It’s been two hours.” Grif noted retrieving the throwing blade.

Hammer hummed to himself. “I can work off that.” He eventually said with a shrug. “Location of Pensword?”

“Unknown.” Grif noted. “And it’s freaking me out.”

“Gather the troops, and by that I mean get ready, we’re going on a hunt.” Hammer sighed. “And here I am without a helmet, again.”

“I just polished this armor” Grif grumbled looking at the blood.

Pensword paced the room. He didn’t liked the idea that the guards had also locked the doors to the rest of the chamber, leaving him in the front entry area, they had then returned to remove the curtains, than the rod the curtains were hanging on, the table, the chairs, in fact they eventually came back and removed everything else, even the decorative sword and sheild that the swords were wielded to, the reason they took out everything in the room was because Pensword was or had been turning everything into an impromptu weapon. The only thing they left in the room was a bucket.

Pensword smiled a little as he looked at the bucket. “Well, I think I can at least take out one guard with that bucket.” he paused and stiffened as he heard sounds from behind the door and the door handle rattling, Pensword without much thinking grabbed the bucket and hide against the wall next to the door, he raised the bucket up to hopefully make on of the guards regret opening the door. He paused as he discovered something, the place he had been stabbed was now a thin white line of fur but other then that it was healed he heard a click and some giggling, giggling he was still confused with a bucket still half raised above his head.

The next moment a head poked through the doorway and the face of Alto blinked and looked up at the raised bucket. “Mr. Pensword?” she called out tilting her head to the left.

The Pegasus smiled a little and put the bucket down on the ground. “Yes?” he asked with a weak smile. “Can, I help you?” he asked, he looked to the wall and realized they had removed the clock, smart thing he thought, he would have slammed it down on the head of one of the guards. He returned back to look at the children, all three had all piled into the room as the looked around the empty room.

“What happened to all our hiding places?” Cosy asked in confusion and turned to look at Pensword. “did you take them out?”

Pensword smiled a little at the Prince. “Nah, more like they didn’t want me hiding from them.” he replied with a smirk, “However, I was going to try and ask your mother if you wanted to go to a place outside the walls for a picnic?” He paused and looked to the door. “What time is it anyway? Also, why were you all looking for places to hide?”

“We were just playing.” They said all at the same time.

“Oh, uh, you want to, I think now that the door is open and I am free to leave, you want to play a game? Stay away from Ambrosia's personal guards?” he asked as he looked out into the hallway. “I just hope we all can get outside.”

“What is happening?” Katy asked.

Pensword looked back at the three. “I do not know, but I fear your Cousin might have lost his mind last night, or something is messing his mind up. So, let us just move silently, and… try to get out alive.” He turned around a corner that ran right into Starswirl who widened his eyes. In his magic was Pensword’s armor and wings blades.

“Pensword, quick, put this on, I’ll try and distract a path to the front gates, past that you are on your own. I have to destroy and seal my notes up to prevent the corruption from getting at them.”

Pensword only nodded and was quickly gearing up when the three looked at each other before suddenly charging back to their rooms. Pensword blinked and raced after them, only to round the corner and found three of Sombra’s guards already closing in on them, dark crystals turning their coats black and creating an metal like armor around them.

Pensword gulped and raced forward and yelling attacked the three guards. The element of surprise was achieved and one guard went down before they could react, the second didn’t have time to raise a spear much higher before he was dispatched and then the third spear hit his armor and the staff broked as the tip got stuck in a gap and Pensword twisted his body and only knocked the third out. “Just what were you getting?”

“Our Parade Armor.” Prince Cosy replied. “If, it what we just saw it should give us protection.” Pensword only nodded at the Prince and charged into the hallway where they found, the three guards from before slumped down their eyes vacant as Sombra’s troops were about to search the bedrooms, Cosy spun and took the spear from the ground and yelled with tears in his eyes as he flung the spear, to all present the spear did hit on the guards in the chest before the guard dropped down, the other three charged only for Pensword to lower his head and attacked, while the three went down again with a little bit of time, he came away with a scratch from a dagger that had hit part of his neck from a gap that was caused as he took out another guard. Still the three children ran into their rooms and soon the clanking of metal was heard as the three returned in armor that while it would be some protection was not meant for real battle in Pensword’s mind. They returned to find Starswirl have knocked out six guards with one spell before he smiled. “Good you returned and all are alive and got armor.” He smiled and marched forward as they, well the four did not have to fight, all they had to do was witness how at every turn guards were dropped by Starswirl’s magic. That day all four, three foals and one human pretending to be a pony saw just why Starswirl was considered the greatest magic user to live. At least till Twilight Sparkle. This he did without killing a single guard. Just putting them asleep or confusing them, or even turning them into flutterflies who would turn back again once they were a certain distance away from them.

They reached the main gates where Starswirl pointed to a wagon. “GO, I am lending you one of the many carts I brought with me when I became Ambassador to this land, now head to the gates.”

Pensword only nodded his head and gave Starswirl a salute. “See you later old beardy.” He blinked as he saw a dark look for a second before Starswirl began to laugh as he turned around and raced back into the castle. Pensword returned to looking forward and then walked up to the cart and smiled, “Okay, all of you I need you all to hide in here, put the blanket up over you and I shall have to pull you out of here.”

“Wha, what if your stop?” Alto asked with a worried look at the outside, they could all see the crystal heart was gone and they were hearing nothing outside.

“That I am only taking a cart out of the city on Starswirl’s orders.” Pensword replied. “That should get us through most anything, anything else, I have these.” he raised his wings which he found to be sore from the fighting he already did. “We’ll make it, all of us will make it.” he looked to Princess Katy who almost asked a question but Pensword beat her to it. “Or we all get to meet your great grandparents sooner than any of us expected.” That left all three foals silent as Pensword slowly looked to the cart and Katy helped her younger siblings and finally herself with the blanket, the moment it covered the children it took on the shape of a blanket covering boxes and a few barrels. he paused and turned to his saddlebags that Starswirl gave him. He found something of interest. “Did anyone misplace a Stuff animal crystal Ewue?” Katy’s head popped up from under the blankets. “Oh, I thought I dropped him back there during one of Starswirl’s attacks.” Pensword only smiled and pulled out not just the Ewue, but also Major bunny. “Your Protector for inside the cart.”

It was Alto who took the stuff rabbit in Lunar guard gear and hugged it close to her. “Thank you,” Alto whispered, “We’ll keep him safe here, just, can I hold him till we get to freedom?”

Pensword nodded his head and helped them get back under the blanket before he paused at seeing Prince Cosy, who was looking suddenly small and had tears in his eyes. Pensword paused and looked at him and his own face twitched. He reached in and gave the small child a hug only to have him turn around and hug him even tighter. “What did I do?” he wailed. “I, I hurt a pony.”

Pensword only kept hugging the child and didn’t say anything and let the prince cry it out a little. He knew it might mean they would be caught but he, he could not stand watching another pony, another living soul suffer and not try and at least show he was a shoulder one could cry on. Pensword did not count the minutes that he stood there, he ignored the crick in his back that started as well, still, after a while the Prince quieted down. Pensword only smiled and did something he saw Pipsqueaks’ father do once during a scary part of one of Taze’s stories. He gave a small nuzzle to the prince who only blinked at him.

“What about mother?” He asked and that question pierced Pensword’s heart as he looked away and composed himself before looking back. “Where do you think they would have hit first?” he asked his voice breaking a little, showing he was not happy about what he was saying. “I, I failed in saving a life, I, I cannot face losing more, we are hitting that gate and somehow jam them open for others to follow us.”

The three children of the Queen only blinked and sniffing a little nodded their heads. Pensword turned to the cart and then up to the roof of where the Crystal heart was once kept. He spoke softly. “I am sorry I have shown you the sights and sounds of warfare at your age. I, I am sorry I could not find another way to keep you safe.” he gulped as he found three sets of hooves giving him hugs as if to say they understand or that was what Pensword hoped it meant. Still he cleared his throat and steeled his nerves. “Okay, we, we have to be going.”

 After making sure that nothing could be seen that might make them think that their was anything but supplies under the blanket he turned to the front and hitched himself up to the cart and started to pull it out of the alcove under the Castle, in fact he realized that the arches that were open in the future were really filled in places, no wonder no one yet knew the heart was missing. He found the doors open before him, and then shut behind him as he continued forward.

Pensword sighed and started off at a quick pace to the gates of the city. He hoped they were still opened or under friendly control, otherwise he wouldn’t get much time to free himself from the cart before they were set upon by enemies. Still he pushed down his worry as he headed out, it was by accident that he was passing by the same tavern that he had been staying at just as two forms raced out the front door, an earth pony and a Gryphon, said Gryphon turned around and threw a knife into the room and backed out quickly before turning around and saw the fast moving Pegasus heading down a back alleyway.

The earth pony gave a quick sign to the gryphon to move, specifically in the direction of Pensword, meanwhile he turned towards the door to the tavern, a couple of guards started to work their way out. With a nod to the gryphon he turned forward and charged towards them.

Grif nodded before he bounded off after the group. Thankfully he called out a code word that revealed that he was a friend coming up from behind him. “Maple Syrup dripping from the ceiling.”

Pensword smiled as Grif came up besides him. “How are you doing friend?” he asked while picking up his pace. “Can you, help from the air and direct me to the gates without getting onto the main area of the street till the last moment?”

“Yeah… The air.” Taze noted looking back at his wings. “Not sure that ones happening, but I will do everything in my power to get you to the gates.”

Pensword looked to his friend quickly as he asked the next question, “What happened to your wings you looked at them while you said that. Is everything okay?” He turned back to face the front.

“Everythings fine.” Grif said as he pulled Pensword in. “Iay ustjay aven’thay iguredfay utoay owhay otay lyfay etyay, otgay tiay?”

“Oh, okay, Sorry to hear that those guards tore out some of your flight feathers.” Pensword replied with a wink of an eye. “Still, the children are safe, they, they just are close to a breakdown from what I and Cosy did in there.” Grif saw he was not going to say anything more as he focused to the streets up ahead. “Well go on and find out what is going on with the gates if you can,” he paused as he found out one problem he forgot. The alleyways would lead into smaller roads that would then lead into the main arteries, he realized that the roadways created a spiderweb effect, and sure enough he found himself back on the main road leading out of the town and so he kept moving forward. “Grif, get on ahead of us and clear a path. I am going to pick up speed.”

With a nod the gryphon charged ahead cleaving his way forward with his blades. “So deaths on the wind!” he cried as he charged.

They actually surprised a group of guards who were already either loyal to Sombra or were being infected by the black magic crystals and blew through two checkpoints before they were even completed, the third Grif just broke and knocked aside crates that let the cart through. The guards blinked as they saw Starswirl’s cutie mark on the side of the cart. The next place was actually a commotion the gates were open for the morning and yet they heard fighting coming from the gatehouse to the side. ALready ponies were starting to look out their windows and a few in fear at seeing the fleeing cart started to run, the problem was that it was not even dawn yet and so many were still sleeping. So, when Grif hit the gates, they had a small group of fifty ponies with saddlebags or nothing and one cart racing behind him.

With a grating sound in front of them the steel grate fell blocking them from escape. “Pensword, as soon as that gate goes up you get out of here, and remember look for the mare with the blond mane and purple fur, make sure katy goes with her.”

Pensword looked to Grif after he came to a halt and panted a little before nodding his head. “Right, go,” he paused and saw guards at the top of the gate turning around. Without thinking Pensword loosed himself from the straps and leaped at them, he did not know how and to this day he would say that instincts he did not know nor could find again for a long time took over and he “flew” at the guards, knocked a few off the top right away before engaging the guards with his wing blades, which while it make his wings sore enough he doubted he could fly again he was able to clear the walls of the gates while Grif assaulted the gatehouse itself.

Grif knocked the last of the guards to the ground before making his way to the weights. the stone counterweight had been sliced free leaving nothing to counteract the gate. Grif looked at the ponies on the other side, there where families gathered at the gate, foals trying to get free. with a growl the gryphon grabbed two unconscious guards next to him. Taking the cord he wrapped it carefully in a makeshift noose and slid it over both of their necks, tightening it he smacked the two awake. He looked straight into there eye’s with the cold slitted eyes of a true predator and asked simply. “Do you hear the people sing?” Before he pushed them off the side. there was the sound of them falling followed by an cringing crack before the gate slowly began lifting.

Pensword nor any of the other ponies saw what happened and most would not see how the gate went up till they left to the other side and looked to the gatehouse wall, yet many did not look and would never know. Pensword was one of the few to see what Grif did to open the gatehouse, He felt sadness but also anger toward Sombra as they were corrupted ponies that Sombra or his troops had turned against the people.

It was here that Pensword realized that many of the crystal ponies were now looking around with a now what look. “Follow me. We must reach one of your outposts tonight, We have to get word that the kingdom is falling.” he shouted as he picked up the pace towards the outpost he was told about during the Ice Cream shop visit, this time by Alto who wanted to visit it next time Celestia and Luna visited. He looked to the sky and saw the Borialis had vanished. “That will be a sign for sure to have the two armies be coming this way.”

He pushed forward and kept on going as he watched the emotions that the Crystal Ponies were feeling, the shining and glittering he had grown use to was turning into the depressed and sad looks he was familiar with. “Come On,” he looked to the horizon. “We need to move fast.” Even as he spoke he found a few guards already flanking him and he seemed to grown weary as he watched them. Yet he relaxed as they saluted him. He only returned the salute with a question. “Why salute me?”

“Highest ranking officer left, we are here to serve under your command till we reach the outpost.” Came the reply from the same guard who had saluted him.

“Right, form up a rear guard to watch our backs, if we have any ponies that we can bring in that make it out. Add them in, check them for black crystal infections, if they show that, kick them out, that is black magic taint that would turn guards against their own men and leaders.” He sighed and looked to the horizon, “I would like guards up front to keep an eye out for patrols or soldiers heading our way, if you find them, bring them into our group as well, check to the same infections, the city, we have to leave the city to get help, we shall return and liberate the city. We are only leaving it to grow  stronger and take it back.” he smiled hiding in his heart what will happen when they did return, and the capital did return, it would vanish.

Seeing them pass the gate brought a shadow of a grin to Grifs face as he walked down the steps to the gate house. the gryphon scanned the horizon for Hammer Strike.

On that note Hammer was walking down the main path, a couple bodies trailing behind him.

“My lord.” Grif called out making his way to the earth pony. “Pensword is leading a group of refugee’s to the outpost as we speak”

“Good, good.” Hammer sighed. “Now onto the matter of what we do.” He said as his eyes drifted around.

“My lord, you need to go with them.” Grif said.

“Not yet.” He paused. “Not yet.” He said, looking down the main road to witness several corrupted guards headed their way. “We still need to buy them some time.”

“Well time flies when you’re having fun.” Grif noted readying his swords. “Just make sure you keep a fair distance, I’d hate to be decapitated by your guillotine.” The gryphon motioned to the sword blade.

Hammer chuckled. “I’ll make sure your head isn’t on the block today.”

“Just how I like to keep it.” Grif chuckled. “LEEERRRROOOOYYYYYY!!!”  he shouted charging forward.

“JEENKIINS!!” Hammer finished, following him into battle.

Pensword looked to the sky and the fully risen sun that Celestia had risen and was only now reaching their eyes in the northern hemisphere, the more he had walked and seen the northern areas, the more he was convinced that the planet was round. “Take that V,” he muttered. “Equestria is round.” he paused and shook his head and grimaced. “I wish I could gloat about this, but,” he looked around and the rather larger group, the group had swelled to sixteen guards. Plus twenty more Crystal Ponies, thankfully or rather sadly, the last of those twenty had reported that the gatehouse had fallen again and the gates were down. He grieved that no more would be making it out, unless tunnels or secret gates were being used.

He looked forward and blinked as he saw something in the distance and as they walked closer in another hour. He smiled he could see the tower that was the outpost of the Crystal Ponies, an Outpost that had been important in the recent Gryphon Pony war. He gulped as guards and civilians began to pick up their pace. Pensword licked his lips and yelled to the crowd. “Easy, easy, we do not know if the outpost still stands for us or the enemy.” This slowed the group down a little and they slowly approached the walls only to see the gates open, and the place deserted. The total guards of sixteen entered and found that an order was posted in the mess hall. It had been emptied to support Sombra’s attack upon the capital. Well, it was now occupied by the refugees.

Pensword and three guards right away found that the supplies were still in place as well as the signal beacon. Pensword knowing the danger it could present activated the signal and saw off in the distance another black smoke column, and with the aid of a scope he saw two more spreading out. He knew it would reach the borders and the two armies would.

“Sir, We just had a scroll appear in the commanders office, it has the royal seals, can, can you read it?” Pensword sighed and looked at the guards. “The moment we get an officer he is taking command, I don’t know your command structure know your training, I just want you to know that, when we can, I am letting your own officers take charge I am a stranger in your lands.”

The guards only nodded. “Of course sir.” They then turned around and led Pensword to the scroll and the start of calling in for help. He hoped the other outposts were on his side. He paused as he found not just the royal scroll but sixteen scrolls as well all with different seals on it. “Let me guess, the other outposts demanding why we activated the beacon?” He only got nods. “Right,” he paused as a commotion happened from outside. “Also, please invite the royal children into the office, I must keep an eye on them now that they have awaken.”

“The,” The guards asked one another. “You hide them in the cart right?” Pensword only nodded his head. “Yes, the true bloodline of the Crystal Empire is still intact.” He smiled a little happy to have studied some history of European nobility as it was coming in handy it seemed here in Equestria.

“Into the deep mines.” Grif directed a group of crystal ponies he had just saved from some guard. “Run now!”

The ponies nodded and ran as fast as their hooves could carry them.

“I really don’t think we can keep this up more my lord.” Grif noted.

“Just, a bit longer.” Hammer exhaled. “There are more out there.”

“My lord if we do not cover the ones we have saved then none will escape!” Griff begged. “They’re taking prisoners which means we can get the rest later.”

Hammer sighed heavily, lost in his thoughts. “Separating would not be a good idea, we have not found enough guards to hold this area.” He sighed heavily again. “I think they might know where we are as well in all honesty.” He tapped the floor as he thought. “We, we need to find a secure point to hold.”

“Sir the deep mines are large and incredibly hard to map, there is likely to be caverns down there, pools of water, we could hold until we can find a more permanent position.”

“This will do for now.” Hammer groaned. “Man. I’m feeling the effects from lack of sleep, but we do not have time to rest yet.”

“I’ll cover our retreat you take point.” Grif said.

“Yeah.” He sighed. “Yeah, lets go.”

Over an hour later, the two stood in a rather massive crystal cavern deep inside the mines, around them uncorrupted guards and crystal ponies sat dismally. Crying over their queen and lost nation, fearing their future, questioning their chances of survival.

“Sirs.” A guard approached them carefully. “Almost a hundred crystal stallions are down here not counting their families.” He reported. “Currently the usurper has no knowledge where we are or so we believe but spirits are low, what hope is there? Wouldn’t surrender at least end this quickly?”

“Yeah, end your life quickly.” Hammer replied without delay. “Do you find that life is so difficult right now you would be better of dead?”

Grif sneered as he leaned in too the guard. his voice rose with every word and echoed through the cavern. “End, you want it to end? You want to go home? Then you need to stop pitying yourselves and face things as they are! I for one would rather die fighting than hand my life over to the monster! Sombra thinks we are trapped, but I say we are free! And one free stallion defending his home is more powerful than ten guardsmen! War taught me that! I will make you no promises save this: That when you truly believe in your hearts that you are free, then I say we can win!

One stallion huffed. “But they got magic!”

“They got magic.” Grif repeated in an obviously fake frightened tone. “Ha! Even a foal can be taught the weaknesses in their every spell!”

“But we ain’t got nothing to fight them with!” Another called out.

“The mines can provide what we need! Ore for weapons, coal for smithing, we will make our fortress here!” Grif drew his sword and carved an X in front of him.

“And what about our kin? Sombra has taken them all as slaves.” One last retort from an almost won over crowd.

“Then by Luna’s moon we take them back!” Grif roared. Around him ponies stomped loudly.

“Oh, this is going to be an interesting week.” Hammer mumbled next to Grif.

“Well done lad.” A familiar voice spoke from behind them as Starswirl staggered his way to them.

“Do not say that yet.” Grif noted lowering his voice to almost a whisper. “Say that when it is over.”

“No, I am not usurping control, NO, There is no one higher ranked them me, I wish their was, I wish to Luna and Celestia’s objects in the sky that there was, What?” Pensword growled as he was answering calls from all the outpost. “NO, I am not some kid playing, the place is abandoned, some usurper calling himself Sombra is, and has taken the Capital.”

All crystals seemed to blinked and he gulped as a bigger crystal was glowing. “Look, you want my head on a spike, well by all means stop talking so I can talk to the two Princesses of the Moon and Sun.” That brought silence to the chaotic room, the three Royal children were fuming after one of the crystals told them that the grownups were talking and they would tell their mother they were here.

Pensword did not liked that, it might and would bring Sombra’s forces, at least two outposts were already moving troops and he would have in a day, thirty more troops, as well as a Commander, then he could go back to watching just the children. He sighed and hit his hoof over the button. “Your Majesties.” he spoke formally.

It was Luna, dressed in the armor that he had seen when she presented her troops with the awards only it was dinged and scratched. “What manner of trickery is this? A Peagus of our own in control of a Crystal Outpost.”

“Does nopony read the returns scrolls?” Pensword growled as his left eye twitched. “I sent your majesty a scroll explaining.” he did not finish as the Lunar Princess turned to her side.

“Speedy Quill, We thought thou hast told us that we had no messages of our need.” She growled. She paused and listened to a response that Pensword did not hear before the Lunar Princess returned to looked at him. Her magic holding up her scroll as she read. “Wha… Sister, Sister we must fly at once, the Dark Magics are invading, and have snuffed out the protection of the Crystal Hearts.” She quickly moved away before a Thestral appeared in the monitor.

“Do not move, do not leave your post, doing such will mark thee as a traitor and charlatan.” There was a pause. “Is that clear?”

“Yes ma’am.” Pensword replied before the crystal went dim and all the others lite up with a cacophony of sound. Pensword looked at the crystals. “I would rather be fighting soldiers, I am an officer not a politician.” He muttered before he moved to take care of the fires figuratively in front of him.

It was two hours later that Pensword was allowed peace and quiet, if only because the energy crystals were draining and he had to conserve energy. “To think, this tech was lost with the empire.” He shook his head as he looked up. The children were sleeping and then, from some corner of the room movement that made him jump and poised to attack only to have a Unicorn walked from the shadows, He quickly realized that she was a normal unicorn, grey fur, blond mane with a majestic horn in his mind, then again all the unicorn’s horns were majestic. He sighed and looked at her. “How can we help thee?” he asked trying to use the older language.

“Hello Mr. Matthew.” The unicorn grinned at him in a cheeky manner.

“Excuse me?” Pensword asked. “What an odd name.” He did not know who she was, but something about that accent of half cultured and half Ponyville just seemed like an odd mix. “But hello to thee, how may we help?” He asked as he slowly moved a wing, happy he had not taken his armor off yet.

“You know it was funny, I always admired Princess Cadence when I was growing up as a filly.” The unicorn said as she walked over to the sleeping pegasi. “And now I see her as a little filly herself.”

Pensword blinked and growled moving a hoof and heard metal clanging against metal. “Great, time travelers.” he groaned as he looked at her. “If thou dost start speaking in Rhyme, we shall have thee moved for questioning. We have a counterattack to plan and,” his voice hitched. “I must protect the children.”

“Do you remember when we gave you that cape?” The mare went on as she ignited her horn, her glow beginning to cover Cadence.

“I,” he paused and looked at the Unicorn mare. “What are thoust doing Dinky Doo?” he asked as he moved to step away from the desk. “What… plan is going on in your head?”

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza needs to be found outside a small Equestrian village 800 years from now.” Dinky stated “With no memories of why she’s there.” She gently picked the filly up. “You know my father so you know I have to do this”

“Right any more info is spoilers.” Pensword growled. “What do I tell them? That I activated scattered wind or something?” he asked making up a code word on the spot. “Just, I know you will succeed, I, I was at her wedding.” he sighed and looked to Dinky. “Keep her safe, and I am only doing this because I have a feeling who your father is or teacher or what have you.” he turned around. “Just… will she have a trigger to remember this?” he looked to the other two. “I am pulling them out with me.” His voice showed conviction in his actions.

Dinky lifted the stuffed toy alto had with a grin. She concentrated gently enveloping it with a golden glow. “This will be your trigger.” She stated setting it back in the sleeping filly’s hooves. “And you tell everyone who asks about scattered winds, but if Celestia and Luna ask, simply tell them that the muffin mare said so.”

Pensword sighed but nodded. “Very well, I shall do as you say.” he moved and sat down again on the cushion and for a moment he looked older, the two attacks from the wedding to this now had aged Pensword it seemed before he smiled as the image of an old stallion was dashed as the smile seemed to take years away. “Keep her safe, and see you later I guess… only, it would be in your past and my future.” he sighed and put his head down. “How time travelers keep their heads from burning out I never know.”

“I had a good teacher.” Dinky smiled as Cadence rested on her back. “And a mother who once destroyed a class seventy three starcruiser because I stubbed my hoof.” She laughed. “See you in the future Mr. Matthew, also be ready, moonshades gonna faint.” She winked before she slowly left the room.

Pensword sighed. “Okay, what is the deal and focus on Moonshade around me lately?” he wondered as he looked up as a Crystal lit up. “Oh great,” he hit the button and spoke. “Yes?”

“This is Commander Crystal Spear of Outpost six, I am enroute to pick up the children and take them back with me.”

It was here that Cosy woke up and looked up in worry. “No, I won’t let you, I, no we will not let you. Pensword got us out. He stays to protect us.”

Pensword only nodded to the screen. “Besides I was informed by Princess Katy and ordered by her as the next in line to implement Scattered Wind, she is already being taken to a safe place, which I do not know, to protect her if I am ever captured.”

The guard on the other side just stared. “Who told you about Scattered Wind?” He just was narrowing his eyes.

“Princess Katy, her original guards were killed in the first strike of the castle. I am all that is left of the guards she trusts, and that is I feel only due to them wanting to rally around one thing that is not changing.”

The guard glowered before moving his head to the side. “Tell Prince Bellacoso that I will obey his orders for the moment, but know this, you step an inch off the path before you, and you shall be wishing you were rotting in a dungeon.”

“Understood.” Was all Pensword got out before the line went off. He slumped and looked at the Prince. “You won’t let that happen?” he asked with a look of worry.

“Nah, You saved all our fur. I think that will help a little, at least till we attack, then, I do not know.” The Prince muttered with worry as he moved back to his smaller sister. “I am, I hope you did the right thing with Katy. I, I want to see her when this is over.”

Pensword only nodded his head. “I am sure you will, might be a little bit of time but I will do my best that you see her again.”

The center crystal brightened one last time as Princess Luna appeared in the light. “How many do you have currently at your disposal?” she asked.

Pensword blinked as his stiffed and Prince Bellacoso also looked on in wide eyed wonder. “Your Majesty, I have sixteen soldiers at the moment, with a total of thirty to thirty one arriving tonight late. I will have by tomorrow morning forty six soldiers at least, and no longer in command.”

“Do you know who or whom is behind this attack?” She asked.

“Only a name, Sombra, nothing more. I have not heard such a name in the short time in the Empire, I fear it is a code name to hide the true power behind the attacks.” He was not going to give information on Ambrosia just yet, if the Dark magic was corrupting, he might not be in his right mind.

“What about inside the empire? Is there anypony loyal to the queen? Is Blood Diamond still alive?” Luna asked.

“Your Majesty, I do not know the fate of the Queen, I have only time to get the children out. What more, two of my friends stayed behind in the city with unknown civilians and guards still loyal, and finally Starswirl is there too, hopefully a resistance movement is already being formed as we speak your majesty.” He took a breath of air. “I am currently blind your majesty.”

“What is your name commander?” Luna asked.

“Pensword, and I am not a commander in any official stance. Time which we may not have to delve into at the moment, only that I am acting Commander till we can have reinforcements.” he gulped. “Unknown variable is that we may be attacked by the guards loyal to the uprising as well. Please make all due haste. We can hold out fine, just not any prolonged attacks.”

“Commander the order to move must be brought before the house of lords, they will need to discuss, it will take three days before we can fully mobilize, as of this moment you are commander, you are to keep the royal children safe and keep the refugee’s out of harms way until we arrive, you now carry the full authority of the sun and moon until such a time as either we, or your lord relieve you of it, is that clear commander?”

“As clear as the moon reflects on a still pond.” Came Pensword’s response. “May I request in writing to present to those coming in to support us?”

“I am sorry there is nothing more we can do for you now.” Luna bowed her head. “Stay safe.” she said and the crystal depowered as with a flash a scroll landed in front of Pensword.

Pensword made sure that everything was depowered and he finally let out a sigh. “Great, went from, just what do you get yourself into? Commander in the Lunar Solar Diarch before the empire,” he shook his head. “My service record is going to be a mess.” He did not catch the small inquisitive looks from a pretending sleeping Cosy.

It took some doing but the crystal ponies had been organized into groups. Food was gathered up and stored, water was found. All entrances and exits were found and either disguised or blocked. Pickaxes had fortunately been found and distributed to volunteers who had begun to mine in areas that talented ponies had pointed out had the greatest potential for ore. Having something to do was good for them, it gave them something else to concentrate on.

“Twenty three guardsmen in all including myself.” The guard walking beside Hammer Strike, Grif and Starswirl reported holding crudely drawn numbers on a piece of parchment. “Of those, three are veterans, four are recently hired mercenaries and the rest are recruits.” He explained. “We have weapons for them and armor for about half of them, food for the next two weeks as long as we receive no more mouths to feed and we are currently working on fabric for beds for everypony, it’s not much, but it’s all we got sirs.” The pony ended.

“And entrances and exits?” Starswirl asked.

“We have blocked off all of the most easy access exits, we have found one or two that a small group of ponies could exit from and enter from without being noticed.” the pony answered.

“And now we need to get a good plan set up.” Hammer mumbled. “Having troops and supplies are good, having the ability to scavenge for more supplies is good, but, relying on a foundation of ‘what if’, is not good.” He sighed. “We need to make a schedule, make sure things are proper as well as backup plans in case something happens.” He hummed in thought.

“There is another issue.” Grif noted. “The wall presents a problem, with it up the army well have to lay a siege and we could be stuck here for a very long time.” he noted.

Hammer sighed. “Alright… Alright, we need to take it down. Grif, remember what the right crystal was?” He moved a hoof out. “We need a ton of them.”

“Excuse me Starswirl? You think you can locate a particular type of crystal?” Grif turned to the unicorn who shrugged.

“I’ve never heard of a spell for finding types of stone before, but it’s soundly possible, but even with that type of crystal how would we get it too the walls?” Starswirl asked. “Not as if we can waltz up to the walls and leave a cart loaded with explosive crystal.”

“Who said this was ever going to be easy.” Hammer shrugged. “Just got to think things through and find a flaw in the layout.”