Pain, Pleasure, Love

by jhukgbr

Chapter 5

Star had been initially surprised by Dashs personal hygiene standards. She made sure every part of her, and now him, was spotless. Star didn't complain though, Dash insisted that they share a bath, not that he was going to object.

Dash checked the temperature of the water, and was satisfied. "C'mon, get in" she said, lightly slapping Stars flank

He grinned at her, then stretched on the bath, presenting his arse to her "Encourage me" he laughed

She laughed quietly to herself "You could always have a bath on your own..."

Star quickly jumped in and rested his back along the rim of the bath, then held out his hooves "Come on! Get in!"

Dash slowly stepped in, then took her place opposite him. "Clean yourself then". Dash proceeded to run a block of soap over herself, in her own little world.

Star frowned. "Dashie? You usually do it for me."

Dash looked up from her soapy body. "You're a big boy, do it yourself. I'm busy."

"But... You always do it..."

She sighed, and stopped what she was doing again. "Just start without me then! I'm doing this" she said, juggling the soap.

"Ok..." He slowly began running his own soap across his body.

Dash held her head under the water for a few moments, then resurfaced, immaculately clean. "Ok... I'm done. What is it you wanted?"

Star looked up at her. "Well you usually clean me..." He realised how pathetic he sounded only after he said it.

She smiled and leant back, relaxing. "Come here then... I can't have a smelly pet, now can I?"

Star let out an excited yelp as he thrust himself across the bath, laying his head on Dashs chest.

Dash laughed. "Calm down!" She ran the soap slowly down his back

He grinned up at her.

She smiled down at him, then rubbed the soap in his face. "You can clean your genitals. That's your problem, not mine" she pushed his head under the water to get the soap off, then rested the bar of soap on his muzzle

He balanced it there for as long as he could, but eventually dropped it. "It is your problem"


"You're the one that made it dirty, so you should clean it" he grinned

She sighed and pulled herself out of the bath, then rubbed a towel over her mane.

Star stared at her dripping body, slowly rubbing his cock with his hoof. "Um... Dashie... Can you help me with something?"

She span around "I'm not cleaning- oh..." She looked at his erect cock sticking out of the water.


"How? I'm not getting dirty again."

"Um... Turn around and lift your... Uh... Tail?"

She laughed "I'm not gunna do that"

"Then lay on your back and spread your legs! Please! I need this!"

"I'm definitely not doing that!" She looked at him. He seemed like he was in pain as he ran his hoof along his cock. She sighed, then walked in front of him, turned, then lifted her tail.

"Thank you!" He shouted then kissed her marehood

Dash jumped forwards "I told you! I'm not getting dirty! If I do, you'll be cleaning me."

"Is that supposed to make me not want to get you dirty? Because now I want to." He grabbed her hind legs and pinned them to the baths rim, then ran his tongue from her marehood to her plot.

Dash flapped her wings furiously and struggled to break free "Get off!" She screamed

"No" Star laughed, then pushed his tongue deep into Dashs plothole.

"Stop! Not there!"

He pulled his tongue out. "Quiet, Dashie, I'm trying to have fun!" He pushed his tongue into her marehood

Dash struggled again. "Stop!"

Star sped up, causing Dashs knees to buckle. Dash knew what was coming, but she really didn't want it to. Eventually, Dash let go, covering Stars face in her cum.

Star let go of Dash, then looked at her.

Dash was shivering on the floor. 'Did he just rape me?' She thought. The fear turned to rage. She grabbed Star by the mane and forced his head under the water. "What the fuck was that?!" She screamed

Star gasped for breath when Dash lifted his head out of the water. "I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

Dash pulled him from the bath to the bed by his mane. "Don't move! You stay right there until I get back!"

Star didn't dare move until he heard the door slam, then looked towards it. Dash was there, followed by Applejack. Dash looked furious, but AJ didn't look too bothered by the fiasco

"You do whatever she tells you!" Dash snarled.

He nodded slowly, then looked over to AJ

AJ smiled and waved. "Hi, Starcrasher. Dashie told me what happened..."

"W-what are you here to do?" He glanced towards Dash

"Dashie wants me to use my rope skills in you. But you have to do exactly what I say, or it'll hurt more."

"Hurt more?"

AJ smiled. "This is for Dashies enjoyment, not yours." She pulled a length of rope from her bag and tightly tied it to Stars hooves, then wrapped it around a hook in the roof, forcing Star to sit up. She then wrapped a rope around his neck, then tied it to he other rope, forcing him to look across his body. Finally, she tied his rear hooves to each side of the bed, forcing his legs apart, fully exposing his cock, balls and arsehole

Dash smiled and tightened the muzzle belt around his muzzle. "Thanks AJ"

AJ smiled, then turned to leave

"AJ! Wait!" Dash whispered something into her ear.

"We can't... That's way too harsh!"

Dash raised an eyebrow. "You know you want to"

"I do..."

Dash walked over to Star, laid on top of him, then spread her legs to AJ "don't keep me waiting"

AJ grinned ear to ear, then claimed onto Dash and started slowly rubbing her body onto Dashs

Dash grinned up at Star. "If you close your eyes, I'll punish you"