//------------------------------// // Recorder account: 005 // Story: Infinity: An account of The Last Horseman // by Brony Tron //------------------------------// *** It is a few weeks later and things are looking up, considering I have no way home. The high council (the group I met with earlier) are very quick to accept me. All besides the princess of the night and the Horseman of War, for some unexplained reason. And recently the town I am in, named Ponyville, has started to come around as well. Plus, the Queen has a deal worked out for me to use a private track for an hour every day so I can use up my desperate need for speed. All that the Queen asks in return is that I teach some of the more basic technology to them. As the council warms up to me, I get the chance to learn more about them. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are all golems given life by magic, and the boys they were with during the council meeting I attended are their boyfriends. Sweetie Belle was the first to get a boy, A young Pegasus named Featherweight had a crush on Scootaloo, but then lost it and fell in love with Sweetie, much to her delight. Scootaloo was next, she fell head over hoof for a Pegasus colt named Lightning Rider, and he had very strong feelings for her as well. Finally was Apple Bloom, and she found love in a sea loving colt named Sunset Charge. The final proof of the true commitment and love contained in the three relationships was shown when the girls all admitted to being golems and not ponies. I give them credit though, because even knowing that, the boys still stayed true to the girls. Ive also learned that the other three Horsemen are from my world, and that they each grew lives here. Conquest, or rather Chase, became the adopted son of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, and also developed a small crush on Fluttershy, a crush that has bloomed into a serious relationship. War, also known as Cale, fell for the Queen, and she fell for him as well. Famine, or Jacqueline, was not even looking for anyone, but she has apparently developed into a surprisingly skilled fighter, considering how short of a time she's been here for. The Crystal royalty, as I've come to call Cadence and Shining Armor, are expecting a baby soon. I also hear of wedding plans for the Queen and her new stud, along with Fluttershy and her guy. I've been reaching out more to learn more about the people who first interrogated me, and I've discovered other love connections. Such as a certain rainbow-maned, Wonderbolt loving Pegasus falling for striking young Pegasus stallion with one interesting quality. While he has the amazing ability to beat Rainbow Dash in any race and Wonderbolt like flying skills, he can't see. He has complete and total blindness. But he uses bat like senses to hear vibrations and with that, he is quicker and more agile than the rest of us, because he can 'see' what's coming. However, the most ironic thing of all is that the guy with the alligator skin vest, who got all up in my face when we first met, ate now the best of friends. I think it's because he feels alone too, even though he's not. I've learned that his name is Orion, and that he is the host to an inner beast of awesome and dangerous power, named Halex. He was apparently an experiment to the humans on this world, but was placed into cryosleep. Soon after his freezing, another experiment of theirs, an intelligent alicorn pony, turned against them and with the help of her daughter Celestia, wiped this planet clean of the humans. They then built this new world and the new species that now inhabit it, but the princess was unhappy at her mothers wicked hatred for humans and her barbaric ways of eliminating them, so Celestia turned on her mother and erased the history, so that it never had to be known of again. I learned most of the information from the people, and what they left out, I found out about in the secret journals by Orion and encrypted video files of the scientist who studied him, kept on a tablet that Orion owned. I had hacked into it while in prison, and later once I was released. I used the small amount of info on the tablet to spark up conversations with the people involved, so I could learn the full stories. As I walked along the path, I saw someone coming towards me. 'Huh, speak of the devil,' I thought, 'Here comes Orion now.' "Hey Orion," I said happily. "Huh, oh, hey Remy," he said, but I could tell something was wrong. "What's up?" I asked. "Oh, it's nothing really," he said, but then I looked behind him and saw a couple pedals and some stems lying in the dirt. "Where are you coming from, man?" I asked, though is felt I knew the answer. "Just the castle. You know, regular council business. Politics, am I right?" He said nervously. "Right, council buisness. So, their were other council members there with you?" I asked. "Yes," he said. "So am I right in assuming that one such council member, who happens to live in said castle, was their?" "Yes, you're right to assume that," "So one might say that such a council member might be the only one there, beside yourself," I said as I slowly circled him. "And one might take it so far as to assume that such a personal meeting would be classified as a liaison, and such liaison's are dangerous in politics, as I'm sure you're aware," "While some might assume that, they would be wrong in their assumptions," he said as he hung his head in shame. "Wait, so you and the princess aren't together?" I asked, surprised. "No. I want us to be, I really do. I went there today to offer my heart to her, but the shut me down," he said, looking to be on the verge of tears, or rage, it's hard to tell with him. "Hey man, trust me, she's into you. I know she is. I've seen it," I said as he looked up. "You just have to let her think on it. I mean, if she decides to be with you, she knows it'll put you both through the press's ringer. But I'm sure her feelings for you are stronger than her fear." "You sure about that?" He asked skeptically. "Yes," I said confidently. "Alright then," he said, suddenly happy again. "So, where are you headed." "Well, in my deal with Celestia, I share info, and I stay free. So to keep my promise, I've been going over the files at my house. I have a copy of every plan, schematic, and invention my company has ever produced. One such plan details the creation of a super metal, able to withstand heat, pressure, rust, scratches, and dents. It is impossible to break, unless it's manufactured with the time tested procedure that my company has perfected," I said. "Ok. Well, what's the procedure? What's it do? What metals make it up? What are you going to do with it?" He said in rapid succession. "Alright, alright. Calm down and I can tell you." I said, as I waited for him to stop. "Alright, sorry. Go on," he said. "Thanks. Anyway, the procedure is are fully timed exposure to a certain sound frequency. After a while, the metal adopts the frequency, and then when it's played on a specially designed remote, the metal turns as soft as clay, and just as malleable. The special remotes only send the frequency a couple of meters, so you have to be close to the metal for anything to happen." "Alright." "So while the metal is in that state, you can make it anything you wish. With the right training, their could be a huge job opportunity for a lot of people opening up. I mean, the more metal there is, the more people are needed to mold it. But anyway, after it's molding is complete, exposure to a secondary frequency locks it back into its impervious state," "Uh huh." "Onto what it's made of..." "Oh, hey, look at the time, I...uh...I gotta go. See ya," he said as he started to run in the other direction. "Fine, whatever," I said as I turned and headed for the mega tree sprawled out in front of me. I reached the base and looked up at the massive staircase winding around the trunk of the tree, leading to a mansion sprawled out among the branches. "Great," I said with a sigh. Ten minutes later I was at the top and knocking on the door. 'Knock Knock Knock' "Hello. Anyone home?" I called out. Suddenly, the door opened to show...featherweight. "Oh, hey, what's up?" I asked, slightly startled that it was him who answered. "Not much," he said plainly. Then there came a cry from somewhere else inside. "Feathers, who is it?" Asked the high pitched squeaky voice. "Just the new guy. Ronald I think," he called back. "Uh, it's Remy, Remy Smith," I said politely. "Uh huh, whatever," he says back. Then Sweetie Belle appeared out of nowhere. "Oh hi, Remy. Please come in," she said to me. As I walked in, she turned to Featherweight. "Feathers, Remy is here to talk about an upgrade he mentioned earlier. If you'd out want to stick around, you don't have to," she said kindly. "Actually, I think I want to stay," he said, draping a wing over her back. "Are you sure sweetie? It's not exactly super interesting," she said. "If it's important to you, it's important to me too," he said as he kissed her forehead. "Aww, ok. I hope that won't be an issue, Remy," she said, looking to me. "Actually, it may prove to further benefit this trip," I said. "Good. So, what's this upgrade you were mentioning?" She asked eagerly. "Well, it's a metal composite alloy specially designed to be indestructible and stylish," I said. "Ok. What composites make this metal?" She asked. "Specifically, it's made of four core metals, which are specially obtained through a painstaking process. You see, the human race was always curious about the other type of planet in our solar system. These planets are known as gas giants. We already knew that the outside was made of the basic gasses,but we figured that to hod it in a perfect circular shape, their had to Ba something solid in the center. So through a dangerous and costly expedition, we managed to get samples of the core from each gas giant. Thanks to this, we discovered that all four cores are each made of four separate metals," I said quickly. "Ok, and these four metals make up this composite of yours?" She asked. "Yes they do," I said. "Uh huh, and how are you expecting to get these metals?" She asked. "That's the amazing thing about the metals," I said. "In the raw, brittle state we find them in, they contain a rather unique crystal combination. You see, when in the zero point environment of space, the crystals are dormant, but when exposed to the atmosphere, specifically the magnetic and gravitational pulls of a life supporting world such as mine or yours, the crystals and metal grow. And they really grow, like a weed," "Ok then," she said. "So to solve that issue, we kept the raw material in a zero point container, and we only expose it to get more. But once it's refined, the metals don't grow, but they de each gain individual and unique properties. Like stainless, and I mean stainless, shine. Or an invulnerability to the natural and artificial enemies to all other metals. Long story short, I have some raw samples of all the metals in my house. If we expose them, then they can grow, and we can harvest some very cool metals, and make a super metal," I said. "Uh huh. So, we would do what with this metal?" She asked quizzically. "Well, I've been researching, umm, you and your rather....unique physique," I said nervously. "Uh huh," she said while raising her eyebrow. "And?" "I believe that the metal inside of you is magic only because it is in direct contact with the neural pathways that we consider to hold the soul. So, in theory, I could make you a thousand times better, internally speaking," I said, gesturing to her boyfriend. "Interesting," she said. "Plus, it will allow me to see an even more perfect version of my metal, as it's coated and controlled by magic," I said. "Ok then. Does this miracle metal that you want to put inside me have a name?" She asked. "Yes indeed. It is a combination of the rare metals known as Cirquemium, Lagoonamium, Innostamium, and Bosquemium that make up my super metal - Smithanium," I said. "Do you ever do anything groundbreaking without slapping your name on it?" Featherweight asked bluntly. "Uhhh.....no. Because then their's no point," I said smartly. "So, are you going to empty me of all metal all at once?" Sweetie said as she got in between me and her boyfriend. "No, because that would kill you. I was actually thinking of doing a trial run," I said, turning back to her. "How would you do that?" She asked. "Well, I'd like to analyze your exposed claw, then make a fully operational copy out of my metal, and trade it out. Then you can take it for a spin, try it out, and all around put it to the test. Then, if you like it, we can slowly move onto changing out the rest of you," I said. "Sounds like a plan," she said, holding out their claw to me. "Oh, well ok. Let's move to the table," I said, surprised at her willingness. "Ok." We went and sat at the table, and I began making detailed notes and taking a lot of pictures of her claw, while Sweetie and Featherweight sat and watched in silence. After about an hour, I was finished. "Ok, all done," I said. I started putting away my notes as they stood up. "So, when can we get the copy?" She asked. "Well, it'll take me about a day to get enough raw material, another couple to get it refined, about four more to tune it, and another week at most to fit it together. So I'd say two weeks tops," I said. "Alright. Well, please find me as soon as it's finished," she said, then she noticed her boyfriend for the first time in an hour. "I...I trust you can show yourself out?" "Yes I can. Goodbye, and thank you," I said as I saw Featherweight approach his girlfriend slowly. "Oh you....you're quite (oh quit it feathers) you're quite welcome. Goodbye," she said as she was pushed against a wall. As I left I heard Featherweight say one word. "Finally!" *** The rain falls fast and heavy as the city ponies scramble to get under cover. Manehatten is notorious for its storms. This one goes on and on until it slowly dies down. As the storm turns to a drizzle, one lone pony wanders bravely out of cover to continue his journey. As he approaches the address he was told to go to, he hears a voice call his name from a back ally. He moves to inspect it further, when a hoof comes flying out, grabbing him and spinning him around, then finally slamming him against the damp brick wall. "Were you followed?" The stranger said, his voice gruff and mean. "No," said the first pony. "Good. So, out with it. What do you have that's so important, I risked my neck to get here?" The stranger said bluntly. "They've gotten all four Horsemen together, and they are all goodie goodie with Death," the pony said. "Damn! We thought prejudice would hold. Looks like we were wrong. Has he made any ties?" Passed the gruff pony. "No, in fact he seems to be avoiding them. I think he wants to go home," said the pony. "Ahh. Good. This can still work for us," said the voice. "Uhh, yeah. Wait, how?" Asked the pony. "Never you mind. Just get back their and play your part. Protect the princess from any evil that may ever befall her," said the voice with a wink. He then let the pony go and wandered deeper into the alley. He then paused and turned to say one last thing. "The time to strike will come, and then, when the Horsemen are separated, we will move in and destroy them. The Queen and her forever tyrannical rule will end, as will the Horsemen. Then the world will belong to us. Believe me, Mr. Flash Sentry, the Sins will be very pleased with what you've brought me, very pleased indeed," and without another word, the pony vanished, leaving Flash Sentry standing in the rain, happy to have finally pleased the Sins. "It's a good day for a martyr," he said as he turned and headed for the train station. ***