//------------------------------// // Delivery: 9 // Story: Streaming, Unintended! // by Ponyess //------------------------------// . A package had just arrived to the small room that is my office here at the University and I had eagerly signed for it, knowing full well what is contained within the paper package. Once the messenger had left, I opened it and compared the content with the list of items ordered. I soon found all the little dolls. Dr. Whooves, the Mayor, Nurse Redheart, DJ Pone-3, they are all there. Maybe the question is, do we really want to do what we had set up to do, considering what was about to happen. I have no idea as to what was going to happen, how could I? These are merely four innocent plastic dolls in the form of four Ponies. It is all very well and good, this far. Yet, they are not merely to be played with, or stand on a shelf as collectibles. These are for research Purposes. They are about to be actual Ponies, soon enough, as small as they are now. I know exactly what the DJ will do and what she is to be doing from the moment she is released onto the Ponies in the Habitat. I have no fear or doubt as to what the good Nurse Redheart will do with her time either. The one question is as to what the good Doctor will do. Who is he, what is he capable of and what will he do, once he is finally animated along with his fellow Ponies. For some reason, I had opened the Package in the open, right in front of all the six Ponies we already have in the Habitat. Why not? Would it really hurt to let them see? Either way, I had done it and they saw me doing it. Too late to turn back. Now they know they are to have an addition to the small Heard in the village of Ponyville. Once I had unpacked the package, and completed all the rest of the work associated with the order, I had polished them all, one by one, carefully as that. It had to be done, before the next step could safely be performed. I have but these four Ponies right now, I can't afford the consequences of anything going wrong, right now. Once the Ponies had been prepared, I had acquired the four mice required. Since it is convenient to have them fully conscious, I had them all lined up on their respective places. From these, the process soon initiated. Since they are going to change, I had opted against strapping them down, even in the fully conscious state. As small as the differences may seem in this case, they are merely little mice. Yet, I didn't like to find out what would happen, if either of the subjects were hurt in the least. What if the reversal was no longer possible? Besides, even mice do feel pain, if injured. I may have to see what happened, if they were injured, just for the process, but I could wait, if I had to do it, I could as well plan for it and be prepared for it when it happened. “Your new dolls are beautiful. I am looking forwards to see how they are doing, when we are to have them integrated into the village!” my assistant Risa Exclaimed in a very excited voice. “Yes, they sure are. How about you go and handle it?” I responded. “Can I?” she inquired. “Just one at a time, starting with the Mayor and the Nurse!” I pointed out. “The Mayor and the Nurse, I'm on it!” she echoed as confirmation, before she strapped the mice down, in preparation for the process. “Looks good!” I affirmed as the first doll was changed, with the test subject on the other side. “Nurse Redheart will be next!” I ponder, as I place the doll in place and let the mouse take her place in preparation for the next transformation. While the Nurse is waiting, I place the Mayor in her new home and office, before I carefully lift the building and place it in the designated location in the enclosure. I had already designated the locations for all our four new Ponies in the enclosure, it would after all have been unthinkable to forgo this part. Every garden is surrounded by a wooden fence made out of tooth picks I had bought in advance as we were waiting for the delivery.  I had even enjoyed painting the individual wooden sticks with clear nail polish while I was waiting.  Well, why not? Each home has a dinner table in the kitchen, and the electricity drawn for the indoors lighting.  Of course we use small tripple A batteries.  These can be swapped at a moment’s notice any day by any of the junior Assistants. Each battery would be the equivalence of a 10 Ampere fuse in your home.  At least; that is how I saw it, when we chose this solution of the problem. Lighting is provided for each room, so they can control the light by themselves, any time of the day and night. I couldn’t find a means to install an electrical stove, so they will have to make due with burning chips of wood for this purpose.  They would get these from the construction work we make for them, largely.  At least, this is how I imagine it. While I had to choose special tooth picks since I need to control the environment, but I could talk people into donating the wood from ice-cream they eat at the University.