Trixie Lulamoon, the Multiversal Explorer!

by Gol D Colt

Chapter 1: Blueblooded Herd

On the countryside hill near the peaceful village of Ponyville, a bright blue spark appeared. The spark grew into a blinding flash and in its place was Trixie. Trixie looked around her, felt herself and sniffed the air. Everything seemed normal. She looked downhill towards Ponyville and saw that the famous crystal tree palace of Everfree Valley was still in place. Was she really in a parallel universe? She turned on her communicator and started speaking through it. “This is Lulamoon to Princess Twilight. Everything seems normal here. Nothing seems to be different to our world. Over.”

Twilight's face appeared on the communicator's little screen and said, “Well Trixie, only one way to find out. Start exploring. Over and out.”

Twilight's face disappeared and Trixie found she is on her own now. “Well Trixie, you heard the princess. Guess Trixie should go there then,” Trixie said to herself. She walked down the hill and moved towards Ponyville. Nothing seemed quite out of the ordinary in the village, except that maybe it was a bit smaller than her universe's Ponyville. Okay, a lot smaller. Trixie had noticed that Ponyville in this universe was not a bustling city like back home. Which means that the Everfree Valley had not become independent from Equestria. Okay, so difference number one is that Ponyville is not a city here and that Everfree Valley might not be an independent country, thought Trixie.

As she kept walking towards the village square, she bumped towards a blue coated Earth pony filly with red mane and tail. The filly seemed to be no older than ten and when Trixie looked at her, she saw that she looked like one of the Principality's Knights of Friendship and Harmony. She forgot what her name was but she decided that it would come to her. Meanwhile, the filly looked at Trixie with wide eyes, then gave a wide grin and started shaking Trixie's hoof with surprising strength for a filly. Earth pony. Go figure, Trixie thought. The filly started to talk very rapidly.

“Hello! My name is Princess Blueberry Pie! Welcome to Ponyville!” the filly shouted excitedly.

Trixie took her sore hoof back and rubbed it. Suddenly, a thought came at Trixie and said, “You're a princess?”

Blueberry Pie nodded rapidly and said, “Yes, ma'am! My mama is Princess Pinkie Pie and my father is Prince Vladimir Blueblood! I am sure they would love to meet a new pony in town!”

Trixie blanched. “Prince Blueblood married with Pinkie Pie?” she asked disbelievingly. I thought he already married Princess Twilight! Even Sparkle's pregnancy is public knowledge! she thought.

The filly nodded again. “Ahuh! Along with my other herd mothers, Princesses Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle! We are one big royal family!” said Blueberry excitedly.

Trixie gave a repulsed look. A herd of one stallion and six mares?! That's very sick! Good thing I'm not interested in any relationship, she thought grimly. She looked at Blueberry to see her looking back at Trixie. “Can you show me where your mothers and father live?” she asked the filly.

Blueberry Pie smiled widely and jumped towards the palace while beckoning her to follow. Trixie obliged.


Inside one of the bedrooms in the palace was dim lighting. All the curtains were closed and most of the dim light came from the few lit candles in the room. On the bed there were a few soft moans and marely giggles. The stench of hormones was thick inside. And the participants of nature's most pleasurable performance were talking to each other.

“Oh Bluey. We had real fun here, didn't we?” spoke a lavender mare. A white coated blond stallion looked back at her and smiled.

“Yes, my dear Twilight. We did. Although it did not have as much speed as Pinkamena's and Rainbow's or as wild as Applejack's and Rarity's,” Blueblood replied. He found himself kissing a pillow that Twilight whacked him with.

“You really do love to compare having sex between all your wives, don't you?” Twilight scolded with a mock hurt voice.

Blueblood removed the pillow from his face and looked at one of his wives with hungry, almost predatory eyes. “Then let us make it more pleasurable,” he replied with a mock growl and pounced on Twilight. Twilight yelped and laughed at her husband's tackle when a knock sounded on their door.

“Mother, father. Blueberry came with a stranger with her. She said she want's you all to see her,” came a filly's voice.

Blueblood and Twilight stopped at what they were doing and positioned themselves in a more dignified way. “Okay, Twila. You can go wait with your sisters, brothers and your other mothers. We will be there shortly,” called Blueblood. When they were sure that one of their daughters left, they got up and went towards Twilight's personal bathroom to get cleaned after their recent ‘Spring Fun’. After they washed themselves, they left the bedroom and walked towards the the Friendship Round Table chamber. What they saw was none other than Trixie Lulamoon.

Twilight was confused to see the azure unicorn showmare standing there in front of her and the rest her herd. “Trixie, I thought yesterday you went on a week long tour in Cavallia. Why did you come back in Equestria so soon?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, you said that you will bring us souvenirs! How come I'm not seeing a miniature Leaning Tower of Ponysa? Or a Roaman helmet? Or one of their wines or olive oil or something else Cavallian?” asked Pinkie Pie furiously.

Trixie looked at them and gulped. Okay, Trixie. This is where your training starts to come to practice. Deep breaths and explain calmly, thought Trixie. She took a deep calming breath and started to explain, “Well, you see, your... erm... highnesses?” At the herd's confused nods, Trixie continued, “Okay. You see, your highnesses, I am not your Trixie of this universe.” That sounded much better in my head than spoken, she thought grimly.

The royal herd looked more confused at Trixie's pathetic explanation. “What do ya mean ‘not our Trixie of this universe’? What in tarnation are ya talkin' about?” asked Applejack. The others their heads in agreement and Trixie had to repeatedly knock her head to think of how she could explain to them better.

Come on, Beatrix. You are the Great and Powerful Trixie for Harmony's sake! You can do better than this! Think, Trixie. Think think think! she thought. And she finally thought of something to prove. Turning on her communicator, she said, “Lulamoon to Princess Twilight. Do you copy? Over.”

The herd, especially Twilight, were startled when they saw Twilight's face appearing on the communicator's screen and said, “I copy, Trixie. Do you have something of report? Over.”

Trixie gave a smug grin when she saw the surprised faces of the royal herd. “Oh, Trixie has something, alright. Apparently, you and your five other friends all married to Prince Blueblood. Also, your principality is still a part of Equestria in this universe. Over,” Trixie said.

The Twilight in the screen looked shocked at Trixie's description of the universe. “Bluey is even married with the rest of my friends? But... a stallion marrying more than three mares is illegal! How could he have married all six of us?!” Twilight exclaimed and Spike appeared next to her to calm her down. “Over,” Twilight finally said.

Trixie shrugged. “Only one way to find out, your highness. Over and out,” she said and turned off the communicator. She looked at the staring ponies and turned on the stallion of the herd. “So, how did you manage to marry all six mares? Is it legal here to marry more than three mares?”

Blueblood shook his head and said, “Before I begin answering your questions, what in the name of my aunt and grandmother was that?!

Trixie smugly showed him her communicator. “This is a product of the Principality of Everfree Valley's very advanced technology. It let's me speak to the princess back in my universe. Oh and that pony on the screen was Twilight Sparkle, by the way. Just not your Twilight Sparkle. Now, how about answering Trixie's questions?” Trixie replied.

Blueblood scowled at Trixie's very disrespectful attitude, but with the looks from his wives he swallowed some of his pride and answered Trixie's questions. “For your last question, no it is still not legal for a stallion marrying more than three wives in a herd. And answering your first question, I married six mares because my grandmother told me to,” he told Trixie reluctantly.

Trixie briefly imagined an aged mare version of the prince telling her grandson to marry six young mares. She shook her head to rid herself of bizarre thoughts and asked, “Your grandmother told you to marry six mares? Does she have enough power to do so?”

Blueblood looked shocked at Trixie’s question. “If she could move the moon every dusk and dawn, then she has the power to make me marry as many mares as she likes,” he answered with a frown.

Trixie was confused at Blueblood’s reasoning. ‘If she could move the moon every dusk and dawn’, he said? Who could be that pony that could do such— Oh dear Celestia, no! “Y-you don’t mean to tell me that… your grandmother is Princess Luna?!” Trixie exclaimed.

The prince chuckled at Trixie’s shock, happy that the table had turned for once. “Not exactly immediately my grandmother, but she is directly my great-great-great-et cetera grandmother. And yes, she still has an old mentality of how ‘stallions should be the foal bringers of their herd as it is their only role on this world’ as she told me,” Blueblood explained.

Trixie felt very uncomfortable on Luna’s antiquated herd mentality and decided that she saw and heard enough differences in this universe for now. “How about we stop this conversation and have a little party your daughter Blueberry Pie wanted to do for Trixie?”

Blueberry beamed. “Yeah, let’s do it! Come on, Mama! Let us make a party!” the filly shouted excitedly. Pinkie joyfully agreed and they proceeded on planning Trixie’s ‘Welcome Trixie from another Universe! Hope you have a nice day!’ party.


Mission Log #1.

The universe that I have explored looks the same as the ‘home universe’. The only differences I have seen are that Ponyville is not a bustling city like back home, which means that Everfree Valley is not an independent principality ruled by Princess Twilight Sparkle in this universe. Other differences include the Knights of Friendship and Harmony are all married to Prince Blueblood, and they have a large herd. Before said prince and the native Twilight Sparkle came to the Round Table chamber, one of their foals, Twila I think her name was, said that her parents are doing something called ‘Spring Fun’ in their bedroom. I do not know if she knew what it meant, but when I thought about it, I stopped. No, I do not want to imagine what they were doing in their room. There were other less noticeable differences, such as Ponyville's mayor Ivory Scrolls had been ennobled as Baroness of Everfree Valley and Princess Celestia had gotten herself a foal named Solaris five years ago. The native Rarity mentioned that there was a grand nationwide feast during Solaris' day of birth.

Internationally, nothing changed much, except that recently Hreinnland swallowed up half of Gryphonia when they were at war three years ago. I guess enmity between the cervids and the griffons hasn't changed between universes.

Overall, I can say that my first exploration went well. Lulamoon out.


Home Universe…

Twilight looked up from Trixie's first mission log to address her multiversal explorer. Twilight smiled. “Well! Your first exploration went very smoothly and your psychiatrists had found no instabilities in your mental health. I am pleased to tell you that this project is a success,” said Twilight happily.

Trixie raised her muzzle smugly at Twilight's compliment. “See? I told you that Trixie can handle this,” she replied cockily.

Twilight sighed. “Trixie, you were very lucky that you have gotten yourself in a very safe universe. The next ones might not be easier. Just think of it like a videogame, the more universes you go, the more likely you will find yourself in a universe where it is difficult to survive.”

“Trixie knows, your highness. And Trixie assures you that she is well aware of dangerous universes that Trixie may end up in,” Trixie reassured.

Twilight still looked a little worried. “I hope you do. Now rest, Trixie. Tomorrow, you will continue your exploration to another universe.”