//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Journal of a Conquering Sorcerer // by Dragonlover553 //------------------------------// "You know what?!" the purple pony princess asked. "I'll deal with this later. For now, give me the Alicorn Amulet!" "Again, no." I said firmly. "I paid the price, therefore, it belongs to, say it with me, this guy." I declared, pointing at myself with my free hand. "As a princess of Equestria, I order you to give me the Alicorn Amulet!" She replied. "And as an American, I say, fuck you. Literally. Repeatedly. With a sword." I countered. The nearby ponies gasped. I'm still not sure whether it was the fact that I had stood up to their leader, so easily ignored the royal's so-called "authority", used harsh language, or that I had told the female to get sword-raped, that evoked this reaction from the nearby ponies. Perhaps all of them. It isn't particularly important. "Oh come on!' I shouted. "You can't be that sheltered!" "U-use of c-coarse language is prohibited in High Society." Responded a white and purple one, whom I had not seen arrive, nor notice until that point, stuttering. In hindsight, the fact that I had been distracted enough to miss her arrival completely should have set off a few warning bells. But come on, she's just so posh. She registers a -1.5 on the 1 to 10 Threat-O-Meter. "Well, his is a -rather rural looking- village. Rather small too. Couldn't have more than a few hundred residents. Generally speaking, this is about as far from "High Society" as one can get in a first-world country, if indeed that this is. And," I reasoned, "were this not one such country, there would be no such mention of "High Society" to begin with." I smiled and nodded at my own logic. Then, quite suddenly, It all went wrong. Er. Wronger. It was already rather bad to begin with. Suddenly, a blue blur shot at me. A Word of Power came to my mouth unbidden: A Divine Word, to be precise. TYPE-Moon style - power in the Words themselves, the capabilities of which are lost to modern magi. How do other incantations work? How the hell am I supposed to know?! Anyway, according to Fate Stay/Night(and as I latter discovered, my grimoire), modern humans and machines can't pronounce - nor hear them- properly enough to evoke any effect. Something about mankind moving on after the death of the gods...damn it Nasu, why you make no sense? Why can I use them? Not sure. The Amulet gives me Regression to the Age of the Gods? What Rank? This requires further experimentation. "Μαρδοξ" At the Word's invocation, a dome of translucent -nearly transparent- red energy appeared around me. The blue one slammed into it with a crack, and fell to the ground, rendered unconscious by her own momentum. "Okay, everyone say that, right?" I shouted. "That was on her. She slammed into my shield, I did nothing to her there." The ponies stared at me mutly in momentary shock. "Also, she's bleeding a bit. Maybe more than a bit. In fact, I think she just lost a few teeth."By this point, one of the ponies had rushed to her aid. A pink one. "So yeah." I continued. "I'ma just, go now. Let you guys tend to your idiots- I MEAN WOUNDED. Yeah, wounded. Definitely wounded." I began walking away. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" shouted the purple one. "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" "Hmm.." I replied." Yeah, see, that's not gonna work. Because you see, I'm American. Also, we've long since established that you don't have to power to take me." "Oh really?!" Oh shit. I know that tone of voice. It's the I'm-insulted-with-your-underestimation-of-my-skill-but-will-now-kick-your-ass-with-my-formerly-underestimated-prowess-voice. I suddenly realized just how deep the shit I'd gotten myself into really was.