Equuis To Calvin

by Takerwit

Eight Legged Freaks

I wake up with the sense of someone or something on top of my chest and I think to myself-

' Its to early for this shit.'

So I push whoever it is of me and roll onto my side and try to go back into the land of slumber. Only for whatever this thing is just jumped back onto me, getting pissed off I take the blanket and throw it across the room when I do it I hear a loud bang noise and a high pitched screech. Funny sounded kinda like a cat.

"Alright-" I swing my legs over the edge of the bed "- who in the he... oh shit!

An white Persian cat lays on its side hopefully unconscious.

I run over to its prone form check to see if its still breathing- oh my god its not breathing. I begin to go into a full panic mode.

' Rarity is gonna be so pissed.'

Then I realize what I have to do"- I lean in to the cats face and open its mouth -" I'm gonna have to perform CPR on this cat.

I pump the cats chest lightly and blow air into the cats mouth which smells like nasty cat food and god knows what else, after repeating this at least three mores times the cat still shows no signs of life.

' Congrats you've single handedly murdered a generous pony's cat.'

Achievement Earned: Feline Fatality

I hear a weird gurgle noise coming from the feline, it didn't sound good but it showed it was still alive.

I lean in on the cats face hoping to hear something promising, only to get a claw in the face.

wow this cat is very mad right now the look its giving me, I feel something trickle down my cheek putting my hand there I discover that im leaking vital essence. The cat has its right to scratch me seeing as I almost killed it and it looks like it was getting ready to pounce when-

" Oh darling I made breakfast~!" I hear Rarity say in a sing song voice.

She walks into the room.

"Opalescence why are you?, oh my word Calvin what happened to your face?"

I tell her what happened.

" You did what !?"

"Accidentally killed your cat for a few seconds, look I saved her afterward."

Opalescence put her nose in the air and walked out the door, tail swishing to and fro.

Rarity just sighed and rubbed her temples "what is going on with my cat?" I hear her mumble.

"I made Breakfast down stairs eggs, jam on toast and orange juice I know its not Gustave or Pinkie Pie quality but I know my way around the kitchen."

Heading down the stairs there's a purple saloon doors which lead into the kitchen, the smell of eggs and toast hits my nose as we walk inside.

I offer to help with setting the table but Rarity insisted to do it herself "what kind of host would that make me?" she said." with the amazing talent of magical telekinesis (never getting used to that) she held two plates of food, a jar of grape jelly, two forks, two glasses of orange juice, and napkins all at once then placed them on a table near a large circular window with a view of the town hall in the distance.

Rarity sits down eerily like a human and daintily places a large napkin in her lap, I don't do any of that stuff I just eat my food. I've come to the conclusion that pony food is just naturally more delicious than human food for some reason or another, I cant really explain it almost like its healthier or something even the southern food tasted better here than back on Earth and its mostly bad for you. Speaking of southern didn't I meet Rarity's younger sister at Sweet Apple Acres where is she?

"Rarity, don't you have a younger sister that lives here in ponyville?" I eat some toast and wash it down with some orange juice.

" Sweetie belle, is sleeping over with her friends at Sweet Apple Acres -" she takes a bite of her eggs"- if I may ask how did you know I had a sister?"

"When I was waiting for you to finish making my clothes I went for a stroll and ended up on Applejack's farm where your sister and her friends jumped me and threw me into a net, but don't worry they didn't do anything harmful it was just a case of misjudgment."

"Im going to have to have a talk with Sweetie belle when she gets back...and figure out where she gets those nets from."

"Stuff like that happen often around here?" I ask now done with my plate, always was a quick eater.

"Oh dear you don't know the half of it," she said shaking her head and taking a sip of her juice.

I put my dishes in the sink and begin to wash them taking a look at the lemon scented dish soap "Dusk" and squeeze some onto the sponge to wipe them off.

"Rarity, im going to go wash up real quick."

"Ok Calvin, oh and don't worry about your clothes ill take care of them dear."

' Right, really going to have to pay Rarity back. '

I climb back up the stairs and grab a Orange polo shirt with cream stripes and a small symbol of a pony rearing up on the left side of the chest area, blue jeans, and socks. Going through my closet I notice something else on the shelf inside. Two pairs of Timberland boots one black the other a wheat color, there seems to be a note attached to on one of the boots it reads-

"Dear Calvin, while I was measuring you I noticed that your paws don't have any protective padding so I took the liberty of having the town cordwainer make you some boots from the measurements I took. I know your looking to find a way to pay me back but there is really no need to do so, your thanks is all the pay I need. Sincerely, Rarity."

'That girl really is a generous pony, she hardly even knows me and she had shoes made for me.'

I walk into the bathroom and place my clothing neatly on the counter and turn the knob thingy to warm and get into the shower.

* Five Minutes Later *

I step out the shower looking fresh to death and smelling so fresh and so clean.

heading back to the guest room and grab my maps just in case I start fuckin' up with my directions.

' Time to show Ponyville the power of African American style! '

I run down the steps and tell Rarity, that I'm going out to run some necessary errands for the day.

I leave Rarity to her own fashionista devises and walk out of the Dutch doors to face this amazing world once again.

Equestria may be amazing to me but I still yearn to return back to my planet or dimension, excuse my excitement of being on an alien planet with colorful talking horses. I doubt that anyone back home would believe that I went to some land of magic and dragons talking stuff like that I'd be put in a padded room faster than you can say "That fool is cray, cray!" So the order of my stops is Twilight's house for some information on how I got here, find a source of income, get food, and return back to Rares house for sleep. Pretty basic, I definitely see nothing that could go wrong with this at all.

The blinding shine of Twilight's castle provides a destination marker allowing me to not have to use the map.

As I step I hear the rocks satisfyingly crunching underneath my Tims, I look to the sky filled with clouds as numerous amounts of pegasi move about pushing clouds around and stuff not really amazed since Twilight talked to me about this on the train here and Thunderlane's example, but as interesting as all that is I need to head for the castle.

' Damn its a bit chilly out here probably should've took a long sleeve shirt instead, too late now. '

The ponies of Ponyville notice me passing through and wave to me and say things like "Good morning," or "Hey, Calvin what's up,"
its almost like there never was a misunderstanding that was a little on the speciesist/racist tip.

' Enough about that Calvin I think were being followed. '

I hear the pitter patter of tiny hooves looking behind me I see an entire group of little kids staring up at me in awe.

"Umm, hello?"

I open the floodgates as all those children start to ask me all kinds of crazy questions

"What are you!?"

"Where did you come from!?"

"Do you eat brains!?"

"Do you taste like chocolate?"

"How tall are you?"

"Have you come to steal our muffins!?"

All the foals turn to a light grayish violet coat and pale gold mane.

"What, its a legitimate question," she said.

The crowd begins to disperse as the three Cutiemark Crusaders trot towards me in a hurried pace, breathing heavily.

Scootaloo was the first one to talk "Were sorry, Calvin"-She takes in a few breaths-"we tried to stop them but I didn't bring my scooter with me," Scootaloo said.

Sweetie put her hooves on my legs "We told them about when you were at Apple Bloom's house, they all wanted to come and see you for themselves." Sweets had a distraught look on her face.

We all hear some obnoxious laughing and turn to see two fillies walking with an air of superiority, the other children start speaking in hushed whispers look to each other in anticipation.

I don't have to hear them speak to tell that they're the rich kids who look down on everyone because they don't have the next best thing or whatever it is kids bully about in this universe, then it hit me every foal in the group of kids had a cutiemark one even had a snail, a snail. The cutiemark crusaders don't have their cutiemarks yet which makes them prime targets for teasing, i look over to the three in front of me and see their faces of hatred and indifference you can feel the tension in the air.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the blank flanks and their pet mangy diamond dog going out for a walk," said the pink colored earth pony as she let out a laugh.

"Yeah why don't you put that thing on a leash, before the dog catcher takes it away," a gray earth pony with blue glasses snarked.

Wow I gotta hand it to these fillies they've got the balls to insult a full grown man and not run away with their tails between their legs, and their petty elementary school jabs they threw out they were nothing compared to comment sections on YouTube I mean wow I've never seen so much concentrated hatred in my life, but now were getting off topic.

"Hey you cain't talk about somepony like that he's our friend, and he aint no diamond dawg neither he's a whooman!" Applebloom crossed her hooves triumphantly.

"Well whatever he is, he belongs in a zoo somewhere."

"Okay I think I've had just about enough of this"- I pick up both verily annoying earth pony fillies by the scruff of their necks-" I believe its time that you two earned your just desserts."

"Hey put me down!" Said the bifocal wearing filly kicking around in my grasp.

"Let go of me you overgrown gorilla!" The tiara wearing pony is really starting to get on my nerves which is going to make this all the more sweeter.

I lift the two fillies above the nastiest trash can i could find next to a bench with a light post beside it and dropped them into it, all the kids laughed as i did this and the cutie mark crusaders cheered with joy watching their bullies be taken down a size. A lot of Ponies walked by but didn't say anything either because they still fear me a little bit deep down or they also didn't like these two.

The little pony with the tiara cutie mark popped her head out of the trash can and shook the trash of the top of her head. " You're, gonna pay for this, when my daddy gets a hold of you you'll be in deep trouble!"

I choose not to listen to the little twerp as i head back to the group of kids who were sitting in the same spot excitedly gossiping to each other about what went down and will probably talk about for awhile.

Scootaloo runs up and holds her hoof out. " That was totally awesome, I mean your not as cool as Rainbow dash but that's still pretty cool how you showed them who's boss." She continues to hold her hoof out expectantly, assuming that its a fist bump I bump my fist into her magenta hoof.

"Serves em right, they always bother us at school callin us names an pick on anypony without a Cutiemark," Said the little apple filly.

Sweetie seemed a bit nervous about something but doesn't say anything.

I was swarmed by a bunch of excited little ponies asking me how strong I am, comparing me to a "power pony" (whatever that is) or wanting me to pick them up and carry them around. But the two ponies who where admittedly over enthusiastic about my theatrics, two unicorn colts by the names of Snips and Snails. Snips is the 3'3" tall colt whose a bit on the tubby side and Snails whom I've mentioned before with a snail cutiemark is tall and lanky with a dopey look he is two inches taller than Snips. They kept bowing to my feet and tried to offer assistance but i usually don't like that type of stuff especially little kids.

"Alright you guys I cant stay here for too long, I got to go and ask your princess a few questions," I said trying to step out of the tiny crowd whom of voiced their opinion of this with aww's and sad faces that would make Godzilla cry.

As I begin to shuffle back onto my quest I'm stopped again by Sweetiebelle who seems to have something important to tell me.

"Do you even know who you just dumped in that trash can?" she asked her head tilted to side a little.

"A spoiled brat with a fake tiara?"

"Well yeah, but that's Diamond Tiara and her other friend you dumped was Silver Spoon, those fillies are daughters of two of the most wealthy pony families in Ponyville.They could get you in a whole lot of trouble!"

"Oh please Sweets I think I can handle two little girls, you should have a little more faith in me than that." I proclaimed putting my hand on my chest.

Sweetiebelle rolled her large green eyes " No, its not them you need to worry about its their fathers especially Diamond Tiara's dad his name is Filthy Rich."

'That name gives me way too much information to make assumptions.'

"OK, so he's another rich guy no big deal I've dealt with a prince before..." memories of nailing an angry Prince Blueblood in the head with a bathroom accessory still fresh in my mind.

"No Mr. Filthy, is different he owns chain of stores all over Equestria and is an extremely wealthy business pony and entrepreneur probably one of the most wealthy stallions in Equestria. I don't really know much about him but I do know that it wouldn't be very smart to mess with his daughter like you did, he's married too but his wife is in Canterlot for a few weeks."

That whole trash can thing may have not been the best idea I've had today...but it felt pretty god damn good. " Look I'll cross that road when I get to it but for right now I really gotta see Twilight, so if you'll excuse me I'll be goin."

I walk around the mini marshmallow filly and continue for the castle.

"Don't say i didn't warn you..." she cantered back into the fray of foals who looked like they were in the midst playing a game of tag.

Sweetiebelle's, words make me feel a little uneasy but i push on watching my back along the way.

* Twilight's Castle *

'Ah Ponyville castle at last.'I thought staring at the large golden doors guarded by two Pegasus guards one yellow the other grey.

The travel here wasn't all to interesting all though I saw a few not so new races on my way over here, consisting of cows, bulls, donkeys, and mules not many but enough to notice.

I step up the steps and try to open the door, but im blocked off by two wings blades with strange symbols engraved onto them got a pretty good look at them cause they were pretty fuckin' close to my face.

'Jesus, what the fuck!?'

"Halt citizen state your business here," The gray stallion said in a guttural voice.

Not wanting to fuck around and get my ass arrested I answered him with respect and urgency.

"I've come here to see the Princess," I announced.

"Were sorry but unfortunately the Princess had to step out for a moment, but we can leave a message..."


"Um sir?" The yellow stallion took a step back.


"Are you fucking kidding me I walked all the way... I walked from Carousel Boutique to here just to see the princess and she's not here, What kind of Crap is this she's a princess what could be more important than managing your town and country!?" I threw my hands up into the air in disbelief.

"I mean are you guys really serious right now, this is like you going into Kentucky Fried Chicken and asking "Hi, yes I'd like to order a the 12 piece meal with a Dr.Pepper." And then she says, "Hm, we aint got no chicken." And then your like, "What do you mean you're out of chicken?, did I walk into the wrong restaurant could've sworn this was KFC." And she's gonna suck on her teeth and be like, "You aint gotta have an attitude." And you know what she maybe right so you chill out, "Alright you know what let me just get some mashed potatoes and a biscuit." (Because KFC biscuit's are da bomb) And then she rolls her eyes, "We aint got no biscuits or mashed potatoes." And then I'm like- I mean your like, "What the fu- you know what fine, fine just get me my soda." you rub your forehead in aggravation. "Yeah the soda machine is broken and I'm on my fifteen minute break so." and this is the point where I snap run out the doors, go home and unleash my rage onto the pizza man because KFC doesn't have any fucking chicken!"

The grey guard gave me a bewildered look while the yellow one had the look of absolute terror.

"Umm, I don't know what a "KFC" is or what your talking about but what I do know is that her majesty and her bodyguard is at the element of kindnesses house helping her look for one of her animal friends in the Everfree forest I could give you directions if you like." said the grey stallion.

I raise up the map and shove it in his face "No I've got a map, but thanks for asking." I storm off to the direction of Fluttershy's cabin leaving two Ponyville guards confused and a little shaken up.

* Half way between the castle and Fluttershy's *

I've been walking for a long while now, I don't know how these ponies walk all these distances without dying of exhaustion or exposure then again I could just be lazy.

Looking at the map I notice an large area next to Flutters cottage called the Everfree that's outlined with a red dotted line with thick bold words written within the lines reading " Caution Wild Zone " and below that is a picture of a pony skull and crossbones.

'It cant be good if they gotta put a god damn skull-n-crossbones on it too.'

While im reading the map I don't notice the cloud slowly moving to my direction before I could react it was too late.


I nearly jump out of my clothes making a scream that would make Sweetiebelle's voice sound like Big mac's.

I hear the laughing of a certain multicolor manned pony and look up to see only her tail but still can see that she's having a laughing fit up there.

"Bwahahaha, the scream you made sounded like a little filly!"

"Oh, yes go on ahead and laugh it up." I said picking up my map which had fallen out of my hands when she scared me.

"Geez, what crawled up your plot and died."

I sighed and rubbed the side of my face " Sorry Rainbow I just came from Twilight's castle apparently she not there so now I gotta walk all the way to wherever district Fluttershy's house is."

"Pfft, are you kidding me Fluttershy's cottage doesn't take that long to get to,maybe you need to lose a few pounds." She then proceeded to pat my tummy.

"That's not fair you have wings you can fly...and I'm not fat, at least not that fat."

'So what I have a little bit of weight what do you expect me to be perfectly healthy, but can I be 102 with yall...the food of this century that they have out now is fucking delicious yall I mean have you guys been to Taco Bell with the little breakfast shit, the little waffle shit's. Um have yall ever had a mcgriddle those things is off the chain I be havin like three of them shits and those Oreos with the little cookie dough in the middle but they don't make them any more at least I don't think so last time I checked back at my apartment. I still got some in my pantry damn I should've sold them on eBay.'

"That's not what your gut says."

"Yeah whatever, but I'll have to talk to you later Rainbow Dash I gotta ask Twilight a very important question before the day is done."

I begin to lightly jog to Fluttershy's as Rainbow Dash kinda flying upside down leisurely next to me.

"So whatcha gonna ask her about?" She said.

"I'm going to ask her if she or Princess Celestia have found a way to get me back home." I said casually.

She suddenly had an look of anger "Oh, so your saying you don't like Equestria?"

I defensively put my hands in front of my face "What?, no I didn't mean that!"

Rainbow Dash laughed at my expense yet again. "I'm just pullin' your tail dude, I knew what your trying to say. You miss youre family don't you?"

I nod my head "Yeah..."

"I miss my family as well they live out in cloudsdale which really isn't that far but I have a lot of responsibility being the element of loyalty, and sometimes the safety of Equestria comes first. I still send my mom and dad letters every week although I wish in pony."


"You know in pony, to give someone something face to face?"

I raise my eyebrow as in are you serious

"Oh, yeah right not from this planet...heh, heh I knew that."

"Suuure you did."

Me and the Pegasus mare walked (well I walked she floated next to me) in the cool autumn breeze talking about many things from my home planet like structures and how we walk with two legs.

"I don't really know much about how we walk but I think it has something to do with our spines." I said scratching my goatee.

"That's weird, plus with the way move it must take you guys forever to get around." She said holding out forever.

( Tell that to Usain Bolt)

"Well we use other methods of transportation..."

"You mean air ships and carriages?"

"Hmm, we used to but now we use things like cars, planes, and buses."

"What's a karrr do pirates use them or something?"

I chuckle "No, a car is basically a metal horseless carriage with wheels."

Rainbow Dash scratches her head "Okay now you lost me how does a carriage move without being pulled?"

"Well I was never a motor head back home but I think he engine in front of the car does most of the work."

"Alright I guess that makes sense but what about the plane sounds kinda cool."

I stop walking for a few seconds "A airplane is like a car but longer with straight wings on each side, most of them can go very fast.. maybe even faster than you."

That must've struck a chord with Rainbow Dash cause she stopped flying and planted herself on the ground.

"What, did you say?"

I grew a smug smile onto my face, I knew that would mess with her. Rainbow Dash has a massive ego and if she feels her title is threatened she'll want to challenge someone.

"I said that some of our airplanes could be faster than you?"

"Faster...than me?"





"Rainbow Dash, I didn't come here with a plane even if I did I wouldn't know how to fly it."

Her left eye twitched a little bit.


She just sits there on her haunches left eye twitching every now and then.

Until she finally snaps out of it "I gotta go bye!" She lifts of into the air and sonic rainbooms away.

(Okaaay...may have broke Rainbow but I'm sure she'll be fine.)

*Finally at Fluttershy's house about time*

I've arrived to a small land bridge with a stream running underneath it. The cottage itself has bird houses seemingly infused onto the sides, its an amazingly pretty and whimsical out here, dare I say it more whimsical than Disney Land?

I walk up to the Dutch doors and knock four times.

The door opens but I see no one there, which is weird because the door was shut tight. Just as I'm about to make a U-turn I feel something tug on my pants leg looking down I notice a small white bunny with his arms crossed and stamping his paw on the ground impatiently.

"Umm, hi is Fluttershy home?"

The white bunny shook its head no.

"Well can you tell me were she is?"

The bunny points behind me at a dark foreboding forest that looks more like a jungle to me. I her a chattering noise of another animal looking back into Fluttershy's cottage I see a table with poker chips and cards on it and sitting around the table is a badger, a ferret, and...is that a fricken' bear? And it looks like our bunny friend is losing.

The bunny closes the door a little bit as if to say 'mind your own business.' Thinking I over stayed my welcome I decide to leave the mammals to their own devises. After the bunny rudely slammed the door in my face 'Sore loser.'

Walking up to the dirt trail that leads into the Everfree, I wont lie I have some doubts about just blindly running about in a dark...deadly...possibly toxic...predator infested... bug infested...forest.

' Bunny dude couldn't hook me up with a gun or somethin?'

Looking at the trail I see their hoof prints in the dirt at least I think they're theirs. "Well here goes nothing." I walk into the gaping maw of the Everfree forest.

' It shouldn't take too long to find them.'

* Approximately 30 minutes later *

O.K I don't know how long I've been in this god forsaken forest but it feels like its been days, I'm lost and confused and I there's something in the trees watching me in fact not just in the trees all around me. I tried marking X's into trees but I don't think it's working I have this sense of walking in constant circles and seeing the same exact tree doesn't make me feel any better about this, not to mention that there is hella amount of bugs in this forest. Bees, wasp, moths, lightning bugs, big ass centipedes its a Entomophobics nightmare!

' Alright since I've been going left, right, right, forward...then this time I'll go right, left, left, right better to hit and miss than to keep trying the same combination.'

The canopy is so thick it pretty much blocks out all sunlight, I'd call for Twilight or Fluttershy shit anyone but I don't wanna attract any wolves or a grizzly bear looking for an easy meal.

Taking the twisted and confusing dirt paths I definitely wind up in a different area just an area I don't want to be in.

As I'm walking I walk into what feels like a giant fabric sheet only I didn't get the soothing scent of Gain, No instead of an giant fabric sheet I've been lucky enough to walk straight into an big ass sticky spider web. Now what type of spider that could make a web big enough to trap a human young adult whose twenty two years old still in my prime mind you is a mystery to me but I think I will save the monster hunting to the folks at Destination Truth.

Trying to cut through the spider webs was definitely a dumb move on my part, Continuing to wriggle would probably only make it worse, as I struggle in the web beginning to freak out. I hear a snapping sound looking above me something drops crashing through the canopies I clench my eyes from the falling debris, Whatever that was it let me loose.

"What the fuck is that!?" I say staring at the object the set me free from my silky prison.

It looked like a large feline mummified in the webs it had small wings with "fingers" like a bat and a exoskeleton of an scorpion tail, whatever it was it looked like it was a bad motherfucka before it was killed. Looking at my surrounding I begin to notice more bones than I want to on the ground (including a few ponies) considering that this place is verily unsafe I decide its best to turn back the way I came.

Walking back down the bath I hear a loud snap on the ground behind me making me in Instinctively freeze and listen, whatever it was it made a spontaneous clicking sound and smelled of death and decay. When it stepped it sounded like multiple people coming towards m-

' Oh what am I doing, just turn around!'

The spider had vicious mandibles that drooled what I really hoped was saliva and red piercing eyes, it's legs were fairly long and it was about half the size of a rhino and I couldn't really get much of a good look because by the time I was at the size I was far away from the web, with that thing still on my tail.

I wasn't trying to look back because that's how them little white girls in the bikinis end up tripping and gettin' ate, but then again the black guy always dies first on some bull bull (bull shit) so either way I'm fucked and from the sound of the quickened steps of the spider It was closing in on me, I had to think of something and quick.

Then it hit me...

While I was running I grabbed the lowest thickest branch I could grab and then stood my ground, no longer will creatures with an exoskeleton continue to push me around, all my life I've been running and now it's time that I stop and face my... fears?

The spider stops a few feet away from me and tilts its head like a confused puppy an ugly, ugly puppy. It just sits there as if unsure what to do clicking its mandibles and tilting its head all the time.

"Huh, I-"

The spider lets off a horrible scream that hurts my ears and lunges at me.

I swing as hard as I can successfully knocking it onto its side down but not out, I raise my makeshift club but before I can make the final strike another shriek comes from the direction I was heading and I'm tackled by another spider that was probably waiting for me to run into it or it's web.

' Clever girl.'

This spider was different its face was a dark red and its head was more bulky and muscular, instead of the mandibles being straight down they kinda make an L shape. Spiders may not have any pupils but I can feel it staring at me with hunger and curiosity just as it was about to suck the vital essence out of my face, I hear the heavenly tone of a crystalline hum and a bright red bolt of plasma hits it dead in the face but the shot wasn't lethal.

I sat up to see a disoriented spider with ash covering is face, it made a wheezing noise as it tried to wipe the offending dust out of its eyes. Eventually it cant take the stress anymore and runs screaming out deep into the uncharted forest until it was out of sight.

"Oh my, Calvin are you alright?" That voice I know that voice.

I turn around and see not only Fluttershy but Twilight, Frost Bite carrying a sword (Who still looks like she hates my guts), and a random rooster for some reason...okay I'll take that rescue.

"Yeah I'm a'ight, but what the hell was that thing?"I climb off my ass wiping the dirt and leaves off my back knowing Rarity's going to make a fuss when I get back.

"That-"Twilight takes a step towards the unconscious spider and nudges it with her hoof, it twitches a little bit which made Frost a bit on edge"-is a Banshee spider this one is a female the other one that was hit back there was a male or a "Red-Head" as some of the guards chose to name it, another one of the mysterious creatures of the Everfree."

A pack wolves howling pierces through the silent veil of the forest

"With all due respect your majesty I believe we should make a hasty return to the element of kindnesses cottage, before more creatures of the wilds come from bush." Frost bite said taking a defensive stance.

"The lieutenants right come on everypony, lets go before it gets really dark out here...that's when thing really get scary."

The three mares marched forward down the dirt path, leaving me to look at the still out cold Banshee I was gonna kick it but then I heard a low growl coming from nearby.

Having had enough action for one day I race ahead to catch up to the group.

* Fluttershy's Cottage *

Finally back into the warm embrace of civilization, you know its funny how drastic the scenery changed here from happy sunshine and rainbows to darkness death and fear. Just goes to show that the Everfree is nothing to mess with Twilight told me just about every animal and plant she knows of from cockatrice to hydra. Also made sure to ask her about finding a way to get me home. Frost Bite went back the castle (good she's a party pooper) and Fluttershy was making some tea. Me and Twi both asked for raspberry flavored.

"Well, I've been awaiting the Princesses feed back on finding a way to take you home and since you didn't come from the mirror we don't really know how to get you back. Dimensional travel hasn't been invented yet you see."

"Mirror what's this mirror you speak of?"

"It was this whole mirror thing that turned out to be a portal to a different world with a species that looked exactly like you, well not exactly everyone there was skinny and well no offense but your not that fit. Also their eyes were larger than yours which leads me to ask a question. Are you blind?"

"No, Twilight I'm not blind."

"Oh sorry," she said.

Fluttershy came out of her kitchen carrying a tray of tea humming a happy tune as she set the tea cups on the tables and I took a sip of some.

' Some good quality tea right here.'

"I hope you two like the herbal tea I couldn't find any raspberry, I'm sorry."

"Its alright Flutters herbal tea is just as good."

But there's one question that be racking my brain ever since I went into that jungle of a forest.

"Fluttershy, why were you out there looking for a rooster anyway couldn't you have just bought a new one?"

Fluttershy gasped at the thought "And leave Mr.Bigsby to fend all on his lonesome in the cold dark forest?, Oh no I could never do that he's one of my animal friends and you never leave a friend behind. Oh and umm he's also the only male in my chicken coops."

For the longest time me, Flutters and Twi talked about the Everfree Do's and Don'ts, we talked until about seven PM and that's when me and Twilight went home. I'm sure Rarity's going to be very worried when she hears I went into the Everfree forest and had a little situation and I know she'll be a bit peeved about the clothes. But She'll forgive me...eventually but all I'm worried about is getting some sleep, running from giant spiders makes me sleepy.

If you walk through the streets of Ponyville on a quiet night and listen long enough, you can hear the screams of the Banshee Spiders hunting around in the dark spinning they're silk webs onto the forest trees.

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