
by Anansi

Chapter II: Decisions, Decisions


Chapter II: Decisions, Decisions

“You’ll die here today, along with the rest of your mongrel breed, Hadari!” The large dragon roared in the sky. Glaring down with golden eyes.

The dragon was a quadruped with rugged wine red scales and gold runic markings spread across his body, easily the size of three-two story houses lined up together with a sixty-four meter wing span. His skull was composed of a five meter long snout had five golden horns curved back along his head, four on the sides and one at the top, each horn was crooked as it came to a point and reached various lengths. The two horns jutting out of the back of his lower jaw reached a length of two meters, the horns on the back of his cheek bones reached a length of four meters, and the horn atop his head reached a length of seven meters. The webbing of its wings were snow white and had small holes near the bottom. The claws and spikes running along the dragon’s spine and jutting out of the carpus and phalanges were an equal glimmering gold. The spade on the end of the dragon’s spine was shaped like a golden single edge blade, sharp enough to cleave through steel with little effort.

“After I drag you into Hell, Sanguis!” The wolf howled as he charged forth, his body encased by black-blue sparks.

The Dragon smirked before he roared with a raging flame inside his mouth as he dived for the black wolf before him.

In the waking realm, Twilight watched from the side of the bed as the black wolf cringed in his sleep, white bandages wrapped around his torso and left hind leg. “How is he?” Twilight asked the stallion doctor in the clean white coat and red tie.

“The Wolf’s condition is stable.” The doctor told the Alicorn princess as he continued to look over the clipboard in front of him. "Though I must wonder how he survived in the Everfree as long as he did.”

“What do ya mean?” Applejack asked in turn, she was accompanied by the CMC and the rest of her friends.

“We found a number of scars under his fur. A lot of them were old, probably older than many of the elders in town. Aside from
the large gash from the Timber Wolves, we found an infection along his stomach that was little more than a few days old.”

“Maybe he got hit by one of Tirek’s attacks.” Rainbow commented.

“He did fire a number of them into Everfree. Maybe he struck where Hadari was staying.” Twilight concluded.

“Regardless of how he acquired the infection, he will need several days rest before the infection clears up.” The Doctor finally looked up from the clipboard to eye the visitors. “I must admit that I have never seen a creature with this kind of physiology.”

“What do you mean, doctor?” Fluttershy asked.

“For starters, he has two hearts in his cardiovascular system. If that wasn’t enough, the X-rays showed that his skeleton is lined with crystals.”

“A creature made of crystal?! I thought the ponies of the Crystal Empire had that distinction.” Rarity commented with a surprised expression on her face. “How is that even possible?”

“Not made of crystal, to be exact. While the Crystal Ponies have crystal coats, Hadari’s skeleton has crystal deposits in eighty-two percent of his skeleton along with the normal calcium bone. What kind of crystal forms this unique structure is a type I’m not familiar with.”

Rarity placed a hoof on her chin as she pondered the implications of the new information. “I wonder if it’s a naturally occurring mineral. Maybe from Hadari’s homeland.”

“Whatever it is, it exudes a large amount of electrical energy. Enough to overload a number of our monitoring equipment.” The Doctor rubbed his temple, dreading the cost to replace all the equipment that was destroyed. “I’m not sure why that much energy exists in Hadari, but it does not seem a health hazard.” The Doctor then moved to leave the room. “We will run more tests to see if there are any more anomalies we may need to look out for.” The slowly fading sounds of his clopping hoof steps could be heard as, presumably, he headed for another examination room.

Twilight approached the sleeping wolf and looked at him quizzically. “A wolf with a crystalline skeleton and two hearts.” The small purple drake commented as he moved next to the Alicorn. “Sounds like something out of one of your fantasy novels.”

“If it is, I’ve never read it, Spike.” Twilight replied.

“Looks like he’s having a nightmare.” Fluttershy commented.

“Not sure what would scare him if he faced down a pack of Timber Wolves and came out with only a scratch.” Applejack added. She looked to her sister who was still perched upon her back, the make shift ankle wrap now replaced with a proper bandage.

“I’m fine, Sis.” Apple Bloom replied before her sister could ask the question in her head.

“Do you think those crystals are the source of Hadari’s power?” Sweetie Belle asked the room.

Twilight mused as she leaned in to examine the slumbering wolf. “If what you three told us is true, then it is entirely plausible. But I’m not sensing any kind of magic from Hadari. Whatever power he has, it’s not magical. How odd…”

“Speaking of odd.” Rainbow Dash cut in. “What kind of a name is Daji Hadari?”

“OH! OH!” Pinkie Pie bounced in the room, garnering the attention of all around her. “Maybe it’s another language! Or maybe a secret code! Or-Or- I know!”

“Easy there Pinkie.” Applejack moved and placed a hoof on the bouncing pink mare. “I think we get the idea.”

“Have you ever heard of any language like this, Zecora?” Twilight asked the well-traveled Zebra.

“In my travels, I have ventured high and low. But this language, I do not know.” Zecora replied with equal confusion as the others.

“I wonder…”

“You can wonder all you like, I promise you’ve never heard of it.” The room whipped around upon hearing the Wolf’s voice and saw that he was awake and sitting up as best he could. “You gonna just sit there and stare at me, or are you gonna tell me where I am?”

“Uh, you’re in the Ponyville Hospital.” Fluttershy replied to the question. “You passed out at the entrance and Twilight carried you here.”

Hadari eyed the violet princess for a second, examining the Alicorn with unhindered vision for the first time. “It seems I owe you my thanks, Princess.”

“Oh, it was nothing.” Twilight shook her hoof in an attempt to pass the act off as nothing.

Hadari attempted to rise and jump off the Hospital bed, only to feel a stern hoof on his chest. “Hold on there, Daji.” Applejack cut in. “The Doctor still needs to examine you before you’re well enough to leave.”

“I’m quite I can tell when I’m well enough to leave on my own.” Hadari growled out at the farm mare.

“I must agree with Applejack on this one.” Rarity stepped forward next to the orange mare. “You need to rest until that infection of yours has cleared. I shan't have my Sister’s savior die in the forest from some infection. It is most unbecoming of a hero.”

Hadari simply scoffed at the comment. “Heroes are for the weak. I’m just a Wolf who wants to be left a-ARGH!” He yelped when he felt a pressure on his side and looked to a retracting cyan hoof and glared at the prismatic Pegasus to which it was attached.

“Doesn’t seem that way to me.” Rainbow Dash commented with a skeptical look on her features.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy chastised the cyan Pegasus.

“Relax, Fluttershy.” Rainbow waved off the chastising immediately. “I just tapped him to prove a point.”

“If a tap made you wince that bad, moving around is definitely out of the question.” Rarity commented, giving Rainbow an equally disapproving stare. “I would recommend that we reframe from agitating the patients injuries in order to prove a point next time.”

“Be that as it may, I do not plan to dawdle here.”

“Do not be so brash, you’re condition is no simple rash.” Zecora calmly stepped forward and placed a hoof to the Wolf’s forehead, slowly pushing on him. The Wolf went wide-eyed at the strength the Zebra possessed as she effortless pushed him back into a laying position on the Hospital bed. “If you hasten for release, you will find yourself quite deceased. Everypony here think it best, that you stay in bed to rest.”

“I can rest when I return to the forest.” Haradi tried again to move, only to find pain in his side, making him wince and abandon his attempt to leave.

“You’re more stubborn than Rainbow at a Daring Do signing event.” Applejack commented.

“Mr. Haradi?” Daji looked in the direction of the high pitched vice that called his name to see the pale white Unicorn staring up at him from beside her porcelain white elder sister. “You shouldn’t move around too much.”

Haradi raised a curious brow at the purple and pink haired filly. “Am I to be coddled by a pup now?”

“Sweetie is just concerned, like the rest of us.” Rarity replied. “For somepony that went out of his way to save three fillies, you’re being quite unreasonable.”

“First off: I’m not a pony, I’m a wolf. Second: I don’t like being at the mercy of another.”

“He’s starting to sound like Granny.” Apple Bloom whispered in her Sister’s ear.

Applejack placed a hoof to her mouth as she mulled over the comparison. ‘That gives me an idea.’

“You’re not being held at anypony’s mercy, Hadari.” Rainbow stated impatiently. “You’re just gonna be in the Hospital for a few days and then you’re out. It’s not that bad.”

“I’m leaving and that’s final!” Hadari growled again.

“I say let him leave.” Applejack suddenly commented and moved toward the exit.

“Applejack?!” A collective shout resounded through the room.

“We can’t just let an injured creature back into the wild before he has a chance to properly heal.” Fluttershy objected to the orange mare’s sentiment, moving in between the Earth Pony and the door.

“If he’s going to be overtly rude to fillies who just want to see him get better, then I say let him.” Applejack gave the yellow Pegasus a sly wink that went unnoticed to the other mares in the room.

Fluttershy blinked at the gesture. It took a moment to process what the farm mare was conveying that moment. It did not take the Pegasus long to understand as her expression briefly flashed with enlightenment and she gave a meek smile to acknowledge her friend’s motive.

“You’re right, Applejack.” Fluttershy commented, playing along with what Applejack had in mind. “If Hadari is going to be rude to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, then maybe we should let him leave.”

“Fluttershy!” Rarity gasped at the sudden paradigm shift of the kind Pegasus.

“I’m just saying, Rarity, there’s no need to help him if he’s just going to be rude.”

“I’m not being rude.” Hadari firmly denied.

“Could’ve fool us.” Rainbow replied with a roll of her eyes.

“I’m not!” The Wolf denied again. “I just don’t like being labeled as some sick creature in need of care. I haven’t survived all these years just to be treated like an invalid.”

“And there it is.” Applejack commented, turning to face the Wolf again. “I figured there was a reason for all this. Granny acts the same way when it’s time for her checkup.”

“You have great pride.” Zecora added with an understanding nod. “But you must put it aside.”

“YEAH!” Pinkie boomed again. “The quickest way to get out of the hospital, is to stay and rest. That way, you can get out quicker and we can start having fun!”

“Fun?” The wolf eyed the pink mare with a dumbfounded look.

“Well DUH!” Pinkie replied matter-of-factly. “We need to hold a party for our new friend.”

“…” Arashi raised an extremely confused brow at the statement. His mind whirling with thoughts that he could not interpret. ‘This mare isn’t making any sense. A party? For a complete stranger she only just met? Either she’s oblivious, or really optimistic. Either way she’s illogical.’

“Don’t mind Pinkie Pie.” Twilight commented, noting the confusion on the wolf’s face. “That’s just how she expresses herself.”

“…” The wolf spared another glance at the cheery, wide-eyed mare. The look she gave him made him uneasy, but at the same time amused. She was a strange mare indeed. “I’ll bare that in mind.”

“I see the patient is awake.” They turned to see the doctor walking toward Hadari. “How are you feeling?”

“Besides a throbbing pain in my side, I’m just peachy.” Hadari sarcastically replied.

“You seemed pretty grumpy just now.” Pinkie interjected.

“He was being sarcastic, Pinkie.” Rainbow bluntly cut in.

“Really?” The pink mare commented with wide, fluttering eyes and a slack jaw.

The Doctor glanced down at his clipboard, lifting a piece of paper with his mouth and reading another piece that was underneath. “I have the results of the test. Aside from the infection, I see no reason to hold you any longer.”

“Thank goodness.” Hadari breathed a sigh of relief at the news.

“But you must take it easy for the next couple of days.” The Doctor placed the clipboard on his side and retrieved a bottle of antibiotics from his coat pocket. “Take these once a day for the next week then come back and see us for a final checkup.”

The wolf watched as the bottle was placed next to him. He leaned in and examined the contents through the misty orange plastic tube, noting several red and white pills packed into the small container.

“We’ll see to it that he takes the medicine Doctor.” Twilight reassured the medical professional while Hadari continued to eye the bottle.

“Thank you, Princess.” The Doctor turned around and exited the room once again.

“Well, that settles that.” Applejack commented again.

“Where do you stay, Hadari?” Fluttershy asked the blue trimmed wolf, who was still scrutinizing the orange bottle. “Daji?” Fluttershy asked again.

“Huh?” Hadari looked up when Fluttershy trotted closer to him.

“Do you stay close to Ponyville?” Fluttershy asked again.

“If by close, you mean the deepest part of Everfree, then yes.”

“That just won’t do.” Rarity commented.

“Everfree gets extremely dangerous once you’re past the Castle of the Two Sisters.” Rainbow added. “Sometimes a stray cloud wanders into to town and it takes the whole of the weather service just to stop it from moving, let alone throw it back.”

“Yes, and that’s why I live there. No sensible creature would venture there. Allows me to keep to myself.” Hadari hopped down from the hospital bed and moved over to a lone chair that housed his black cloak. He took the cloak in his teeth and wrapped it around himself. He made his way toward the room exit when he felt a tugging on his cloak and turned to see Spike holding the orange bottle in a clawed hand.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” The drake said with mock sarcasm.

The wolf grumbled and took the bottle in his jaws, placing it in a pocket on the inside of the cloak. “I know you’re probably going to object,” Twilight began skeptically as she moved next to her assistant. “But I recommend that you stay in the Ponyville until your infection clears up.”

“I don’t have a home in Everfree anymore.”

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked.

“A stray blast hit the cave I was staying in a few days ago. Barely got out of there before it collapsed. Now that I think about it, that may be where I got the infection from. A stray rock hit me in the side, same spot I’m hurting right now.” He motioned to the bandage wrap. “I landed in some plants immediately afterwards and looked up to see an extremely large centaur fighting an Alicorn.”

“That would be Tirek.” Twilight mentioned.

“Either way, you don’t have a place to stay.” Rarity added.

The wolf just released an exasperated sigh. “Are you going to guilt trip me again if I refuse?” Applejack just whistled at the comment, earning another sigh from the wolf as he rubbed his temple. “Fine. I’ll stay.” He turned to leave the room with the ponies in tow.

They wandered through Ponyville, many of the inhabitants stopping to stare at the strange wolf as he passed by with the ponies following close. They eventually stopped at Sugar Cube Corner after walking for twenty minutes where Hadari promptly decided to stop and sit at one of the outside tables, his side starting to ache from prolonged walking.

‘My side is killing me.’ Hadari thought as he rubbed around the infected area to avoid irritating the wound further. ‘There’s no way I can make it back to the forest if I have to stop every twenty minutes.’

“Still think you can make it back to Everfree?” Rarity asked the Wolf, taking a seat with her sister at the same table.

“I’m thinking about it.” Hadari half-jokingly replied.

Rarity and Applejack gave the wolf an incredulous look. “Be serious here.” Applejack told the wolf.

“Uh~…I don’t think so.” The wolf commented. “This infection is starting to grate on my patience.”

“And you wanted to walk back into Everfree?” Applejack asked.

“I’m building a hut right now. Nothing too extravagant, but at least I got the walls up.” Hadari rubbed his head at the memory of scrounging together enough materials to build the house. “It’s closer to the edge of Everfree, but I still need to stay in the forest depts. in order obtain sturdy materials.”

“Why not come to town for materials?” Pinkie asked the wolf.

“I don’t have any money, and I’d rather not scare any of the ponies here.”

“Fair point.” Applejack added.

“That will make it difficult to get a room at the inn.” Fluttershy commented.

“Which is why I was opposed to staying.” Hadari released an annoyed breath thinking back to the conversation they had moments ago. “Though heading back now would be difficult.”

“Which means you’ll have to stay with one of us.” Twilight replied.

“I’d be willing to do it.” Fluttershy replied. “There’s plenty of space and I’m sure the other animals won’t mind.”

“That would not be wise.” Hadari immediately shot the idea down. “I don’t get along with other animals. They would feel threatened just by me being around.”

“Oh I don’t think that will be an issue.” Fluttershy tried to reassure the wolf.

“I scarred off a Manticorn just by walking past it.”


“I don’t think we have much room on the farm.” Applejack commented.

“And I wouldn’t have time to look after another pony with my work load.” Rarity added.

“And unless Hadar can walk on clouds, then that makes it impossible for me.”

“And the Cakes already have the twins to look after.” Pinkie added as well.

“Then it looks like I’m heading back into the forest.”

“Not necessarily…” Twilight commented.

“Let Daji stay in the castle? Are you sure, darling?” The unsure look on Rarity’s face let the young Alicorn Princess know that she was unsure of the decision.

Twilight quickly tried to quell her friends concerns. “I can handle having a guest in the castle, Rarity.”

“I’m sure you can handle it, Twilight, but I’m more concerned with you having a guest in an unfurnished castle.”

“We don’t exactly have a guest room set up.” Spike commented.

“Wouldn’t want to overload Spikey-Wikey on such short notice.”

“I've slept in a cave for the last few years. I think I can handle a floor.” Arashi commented with a matter-of-fact tone and a raised brow.

“Well, we do have a spare bed, it’s just…” Twilight petered at the end, looking for the proper word to describe the state of the only other partially furnished room in her new home.

“It doesn’t have anything other a bed in it.” Spike quickly finished his friend’s sentence.

“And I repeat, I’ve lived in a cave for the last few years. Plain walls aren’t that big of a deal.” The rest of the mares looked to each other again, the once concerned looks turned to ones of contentment.

“Well if there is nothing else, I need to get back to the farm. This one needs to rest her ankle.” The farm mare motioned to the filly who had taken a seat next to her. “Come on, Apple Bloom. It’s getting late.” She motioned to the slowly setting sun.

“Okay, Sis.” The yellow filly hopped on her sister’s back and turned to wave to her friends. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Take care, Apple Bloom.” The two remaining fillies replied.

“I do believe, that it is time for me to leave.” Zecora rhymed as she trotted off to Everfree, but not before giving one last piece of advice to the wolf. “You may not be filled with glee, but to do try be at ease, Hadari. Do not try to flee, to the forest Everfree. You will find your error huge, should you try and seek refuge.”

“Thank you for the warning.” Hadari replied with a slight hint of sarcasm that did not go unnoticed to the zebra. Zecora chose to ignore the comment and simply continued on her way to her home.

“We’d better get back to the castle and get you settled in.” Twilight hopped down from her seat and motioned for the wolf to follow.

“You had best get home, squirt.” Rainbow told her young fan. “Wouldn’t want to be late for dinner.”

“But I’m not-” GRRRRRRR~ as if to emphasize Rainbow’s point, Scootaloo’s stomach let out a loud roar that made the young Pegasus tense, her tiny wings shooting out in surprise, and her cheeks flame red.

“You were saying?” Rainbow replied with a playfully smug look on her face.


“Run along now, I don’t think our ‘lone hero’ is going anywhere in his condition.”

“You know I’m still here right?” Hadari commented as he got off his seat and moved to follow the purple Alicorn.

“Okay, Rainbow.”

“Come on, Sweetie. Let’s get you cleaned up and ready for school tomorrow.” Rarity commented as she left for her boutique.


Each pony left for their respective homes, Fluttershy preparing to feed her many animal friends before turning in for the night. Pinkie Stood at the outside table, watching her friends trot off into the distance.

“Hey! How come I didn’t get to talk?!”

Just outside of Ponyville, Twilight, Spike, and Hadari were close to entering the newly formed castle. “So…Hadari,” Twilight began, her curiosity beginning to eat at her. “What does your name mean?” Hadari gave the mare an incredulous look at the question. “Well it’s just that I’ve never seen a wolf as large as you that wasn’t trying make a meal out of me, and your name isn’t any known language that I have read about.”

“A book worm, eh?” Hadari commented.

“Kinda.” Twilight replied with a light blush.

“That’s putting it mildly.” Spike commented. “You read through, like, seven books a day.”

“There’s nothing wrong with reading, Spike.” The Alicorn reprimanded her scaly assistant. She knew she read more than others, but she never thought it to be problem. She delighted in the knowledge that could be gained from pages of text both new and old.

“Reading is fun to mental.” The wolf commented off handed.

The Alicorn heard the wolf, but his words registered differently in her ears, losing their meaning as she formulated her reply. “Exactly! It’s the most basic of skills. I don’t see why reading a book is cause to jeer at a pony.” The wolf simply laughed at the Alicorn, earning a raised brow from her and her drake assistant. “What’s so funny?” She opened the front door to her castle, awaiting a reply from the wolf.

“Do not misunderstand me, pup. I agree with you completely.” The wolf entered the castle, taking in the crystal and bark like foyer that greeted his eyes. “But it seems that you have missed my meaning.”

“I don’t see how.” Spike commented as he hopped off of Twilight’s back. “You said reading was fundamental. So I don’t see how Twi’s response was wrong.”

“What I said was play on words. Yes, reading is fundamental, but the enjoyment is derived reading being fun to mental.” Hadari pointed his paw at his head, tapping on his skull to emphasize his point.

The two librarians stood dumbfounded at the wordplay. Spike was torn between face palming at the comment or shaking his head and walking away to make dinner. He looked to Twilight as she started to giggle uncontrollably before falling to the floor on her side in a fit of laughter. “‘Reading is fun to mental’?!” She continued to laugh at the wordplay. “I-I have got to remember that one!”

Spike face palmed and dragged his hand down in embarrassment. “Come on, Twi, it wasn’t that funny.”

“I-I know!” Twilight replied, finally managing to quell her giggle fit. “But I just can’t help but laugh.”

“Glad to see I still have my sense of humor.” Hadari commented.

“Well if you two are done, I’m going to make dinner.” Spike turned on his heel and walked off to the second floor where the kitchen and dining area was located.

They watched the drake make his way to the top of the first set of stairs before turning right and disappearing behind the corner. “I guess that leaves me to show you to your room.” Twilight started for the opposite stairs, no particular reason to her choice. “I hope you’re up for a climb. The rooms are on the fourth floor.”

“Joy.” Hadari stated simply as he ascended up the stairs behind the Alicorn.

They ascended past the second floor where Hadari reasoned was the dining kitchen and dining rooms. The second floor was a large library with vast and empty book shelves. The third floor was a throne room, housing six thrones with various marks atop the head rest. The fourth and final floor held many a room for guests that stayed at the castle for their visit. Hadari was led down a long hall passing a total of three rooms on either side of the hall.

“Here we are.” Twilight called as she stopped at the fifth door on the hall. “We picked a room at random and started working on it.” She opened the door to reveal a modest sized bed, big enough to set two ponies comfortably with just enough wiggle room for the occasional thrasher to toss and turn in their sleep. The room itself had little in the way of furnishing, two tables being the only visible furnishings the wolf could make out. One table was set off in the corner, next to one of the two windows in the room, and had a single potted plant atop its small surface. The second table was a simple coffee table placed in the center of the room.

“Cozy.” Hadari commented as he began to walk around the room with a rehearsed patterned that did not go unnoticed by the Alicorn Princess.

‘He’s examining the room like he’s trying to find a vantage point.’ Twilight thought to herself while Hadari peered through the windows, void of any curtains, and took in the amber sun. ‘Is it because he lived in Everfree?’ As she pondered her thoughts, she noted that a peculiar smell was making its way to her nostrils and she winced when she finally took note.

Hadari approached the bed and noted the simple blue blanket that covered the bed and let out and amused smile. “I see you went with simple for the bed linen.” He looked to the purple Alicorn and noticed her wobbly legs. “Something the matter, pup?”

“Y-yeah.” Twilight registered the bad smell as coming from Hadari and immediately made for one of the doors on the right hand wall and opened it, revealing a shower, tub, and toilet. “No offense, but you could use a shower.”

Hadari jolted his head back in surprise and then went to sniff his side. He winced from the smell and gave the Alicorn an equally displeased look. “I think you’re right.” He moved to the shower and felt his cloak get lifted off his back. He turned to see Twilight holding the cloak in her lavender magic field.

“I’ll get this washed for you. You just worry about washing up for dinner.” She turned and left out of the room, headed for the laundry room on the second floor. As Twilight made her way down the stairs, she noticed a delicious smell wafting through the corridor. ‘Spike must be making daisy sandwiches. They smell divine.’ She eventually reached the laundry room and placed the dirt covered cloak into a separate basket, she notice a long dark red splotch along the side of the black lining. ‘That must be Hadari’s blood. We’ll have to clean this separately from the other laundry so it doesn’t stain our clothes.’ She grabbed a note and quill, scribbling a warning for Spike, and made her way to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, she found her assistant steady cooking their evening meal. The room itself was large enough to be mistaken for a professional five star restaurant, with long ovens and overhangs for various kitchen ware. “That smells wonderful, Spike.” Twilight commented.

Spike peered over his shoulder and gave a toothy grin to the Princess. “Thanks.” He hopped off the stepping stool he used to put him at level with the burner and carried a tray of three items past the Alicorn. “I just threw something together with what we had on hand.” He walked across the hall, passing through the foyer, and entered through the opposite door in a large room with a simple circular table in the center, making the room much larger than it already was, the sunset coating the room in soothing ambiance. The table had no extra cloth to cover its oak surface. Spike placed the tray in the center and set the three items of note at separate spots for their respective consumers. One was a bowl of soup with several different jewels strewn about its bubbly surface, not doubt intended for the young drake.

Twilight went towards one side of the table where a daisy sandwich awaited her, just as her nose had told her. “You did well, just like always.” She pulled out the chair and seated herself.

“What about our guest?” Spike placed another bowl, filled with various fruit, in the final spot and three glasses of water before seating himself.

“Hadari is taking a bath right now.” Twilight replied, taking a bite of her sandwich. “He smelled like he hasn’t had a bath in days.”

“Took you this long to notice, huh?” Spike replied, taking a spoon full of his soup.

“Hey, the other girls covered it up and we were always upwind from him.”

“Either way, I hope he likes fruit.” Spike placed a ruby in his mouth and crushed it as if it were candy. “That’s all we had left after I prepared everything.”

Twilight grimaced at the news and looked down at her meal. “Time for another trip to the market. And I had just bought fresh supplies today.”

“It can’t be helped, Twi. Ever since Tirek destroyed Golden Oaks, we’ve had to scrape by with what we could salvage from the wreckage.”

The Alicorn released a heavy sigh at the memory. “That blast of his destroyed our safe. It’s a miracle we had enough for a bed and some covers. We barely had enough for food to last the rest of the week.”

Spike gulped down another spoon full of soup before replying. “That wolf had better appreciate his meal or else.” The drake shoveled another spoon full of his gem soup into his mouth.

“Or else what?” Spike almost choked on his meal when he heard Hadari’s voice emanate from behind him. After a series of gags, and a strong pat on the back from Twilight, Spike manage to swallow the food. They turned to see Hadari walking towards them, his mostly dry fur, but still damp in various places on his back. When he passed by them, they noticed a distinct smell, Twilight knew it was the scented soap that she had, but it smelled nothing of it.

‘I thought I bought lavender for the guest room yet,’ She continued to process the scent, the image a grand forest and a pristine waterfall nestled in the center, a basin filled to the brim with its cooling waters. ‘It’s like having a picnic in a forest…minus the grime.’

Hadari sat at the last set seat and eyed the bowl full of fruit. “Fruit, huh?” He reached out a paw and pinched an apple slice between two sharpened claws. “This will help me heal faster.”

“Really?” The Alicorn halted her meal, eager to hear more about the wolf.

“Yeah.” He stuffed an orange slice in mouth, his sharpened fangs tearing the soft membrane between his teeth. “The nutrients aren’t quite as plentiful as the fruits back home, but they can still be used.”

“Speaking of which,” Spike asked, stuffing an emerald into his mouth, crushing it and swallowing the shards with ease. “You never did answer Twilight’s question.”

The wolf raised a brow at the comment. “What do you mean?” He lifted two more slices of apple into his mouth, mixing it with grapes and pear slices.

“Twi asked you what your name actually means. Then you made a pun and, as always tends to happen with puns, we got completely derailed.”

“Oh~…” Hadari placed another apple slice into his mouth. “My name means Wild Storm. It is…was, my name a long time ago. Back when I lived in peace on my island.” Hadari began to spark with black-blue bolts, eyeing the glass of water in front of him, the sparks extending from his body towards the glass. Like an ethereal hand, the glass was gripped and lifted toward the wolf’s mouth.

Twilight watched in awe at the sight before her. ‘That is clearly not magic. There’s no glow, mana, no residue. Is this a result of his crystalline skeleton?’

Hadari set the cup down with a dull thump. “Things were simpler then.”

Spike gave Twi a skeptical look, neither one knew how to take the comment. The drake decided to pry “So…what brought you to Equestria?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.” Hadari stuffed a melon slice in his mouth upon the deadpan rebuttal.

“O-okay?” Twilight gave Spike a questioning look. Spike just motioned for Twilight to leave the subject alone.

“So tell me, Princess,” Hadari asked, a slight tease in his tone, leaning his head forward and resting his chin on the back of his paws. “How long have you ruled over this small town? Last I checked, there wasn’t a castle here.”

“Oh! That... well~…” Twilight felt unnerved by the question for some reason. In her mind, she had come to terms with her newfound status, she is the Princess of Friendship after all. It was something about the way Hadari asked her. The teasing tone was a good façade, but it felt as though he were prodding her, trying to see how much she knew…or how much she didn’t know. “I’ve only had the castle for a few days, and I’ve only been an Alicorn for a year.”

Arashi raised a brow and rose slightly off his paws. “Wait, you weren’t always an Alicorn?”

“Well, I used to be a regular Unicorn. Princess Celestia ascended me after my years of study under her as her personal student.” Hadari settled back on his haunches upon hearing the reply. “Daji?”

“I’ve never heard of another pony becoming an Alicorn.” Hadari held his gaze squarely on the Alicorn, taking in her horn and wings with growing skepticism. “Last time I checked there were only two Alicorns in the world.”

“Your information is a little out of date.” Spike commented, finishing his gem soup and glass of water. “Including Twilight, there are four Alicorns now.” He hopped off from his seat and preceded to collect the now empty dishes onto the tray.


“Well, yeah.”

“…I must have been gone longer than I thought.” Hadari placed a paw to his forehead, rubbing at the side with an expression of disbelief slapped across his features. “Two other Alicorns.” The wolf started chuckling to himself. “I guess it’s to be expected. Living in a cave tends to put one out of touch.” Hadari rose from his sitting position, deciding to leave the room.

“Are you okay, Daji?” Twilight asked the wolf.

“Y-yeah, yeah. I just…need a moment to comprehend all this.” Hadari turned around and gave a short bow to his hosts. “Pleasant dreams.”

As Twilight and Spike listened to the slowing dissipating sound of Hadari’s claws clicking against the wood floors, the young drake could not help but wonder. “Hadari seemed surprised.”

Twilight hopped off her chair and moved to stand next to her assistant. “Learning about new Alicorns and the ability to evolve into one can be shocking.”

“No. I mean,” Spike paused to ponder his next words. Trying to understand what even he, himself, was about to imply. “He seemed surprised at the thought of just two more Alicorns in the world. Not three.”

“What are you getting at, Spike?” Twilight asked, an increasing amount of concern festering at the young drake’s words.

“When Luna first returned, we believed her to be just Nightmare Moon, not the younger sister of Princess Celestia.” Spike began walking toward the kitchen to place the dirty dishes in the sink, with a very weary Twilight trotting behind him. “Only Discord and Sombra had any inkling that the two were related and each time, they were the enemies of the royal siblings. Now what do those two have in common?”

The question was simple, holding no challenge to the well learned Princess. “They each posed a threat over a thousand years ago, Spike.”

“And~?” Spike gave Twilight a serious look, urging to think more outside the box.

“They each were cruel and manipulative tyrants whose abilities were dark and…twisted.” Twilight found herself ground to halt at her own words.

“See?” They had reached the kitchen during their talk and Spike was placing the dishes into the sink. “What about Hadari? Sure he saved the CMC, but does that actually mean he’s on our side?”

“I see what you’re saying Spike, but we can’t just assume the worst in Hadari based on two prior examples. And besides that, you forgot one very important thing.”

“What’s that?”

“In every instance, a tyrant has returned and immediately caused trouble to all of pony kind. Hadari has been living in the forest since, probably, before we arrived on the night of Nightmare Moon’s return.” Twilight began making her way back toward her room. “And he made it very clear at the Hospital that just wanted to be left alone.”

“Hmmm, I guess.” Spike conceded. “But we should still keep an eye out. Just in case.”

Twilight released a sigh, drained from the search for the CMC and using her magic to tend to the injured wolf. “Alright, Spike, we’ll deal with it in the morning.” She released a tired yawn, the events of the day catching up to her. “Right now, I can’t think on what to do when I’m tired.”

Spike found himself yawning as well. “Okay, Twi.” The two tired librarians entered into their room and readied for the morning, unaware of the entity watching them.
