The Unicorn Wars: War of the Gods

by Constellation

Chapter 12: Betrayal

Slowly the massive door swung open from a, surprisingly, light touch from the General. The great hinges to either side of the door gliding quietly, not even making a sound. Finally, they slowed to a halt, and a soft click sounded that it was being held in place. We all ventured inside slowly, following the General.

The room was very grand, with walls that arched up, forming a large dome for the ceiling with thick pillars holding it up. Two massive statues stood in the center of the room, depicting two ponies. Both had wings and horns, rearing up on their back hooves and touching their horns together. Below the statues was a large magic conductor. I had seen them before, but this one was clearly not of Unicorn make. It was made entirely out of crystal, and was square instead of oval shaped, which was the best way to make them. However, the real attention grabber was the two orbs of light floating just above the conductor, one a deep blue, the other a burning gold. I squinted as I looked at them, and could just make out the pony shapes hidden by their light.

"That's them."I heard the Sarge say.

"Right, mov...."the General started, but was cut off when a stallion behind us cried out in pain.

Spinning around as fast as I could, I drew my sword and raised it high, only to be stunned by the sight I saw. The Colonel's sword was covered in blood, and one of the soldiers that came with us was dead. The other backpedaled quickly to get away, but she was soon cut down by the Colonel's blade. The Colonel swiftly turned back and took a defensive stance as we approached.

"What is the meaning of this?"the General demanded.

"That's pretty obvious 'General', I've betrayed you."she stated calmly.

The General scowled at her."Fool, your out numbered."he stated the obvious.

Just as the Colonel was about to say something, a voice from the far side of the room spoke."Not any more."my ears perked up as I spun around again. I was right, it was a griffon accent I had heard.

Into the room on the far side strode three Griffons and a Pegasi. My eyes narrowed when they landed on the Griffon in the lead. However, it was the Sargent who spoke first.

"Governor Shade Claws!"he shouted."You betray the Empire as well?"

"It does not matter."the General interrupted."Kill them, all of them!"he shouted, then charged the Colonel."You'll pay for your crimes!"he declared as their blades clashed, right before I looked away.

I barely had time to block the attack that came at me as the Griffons and the Pegasi were upon us. The Griffon who had struck at me was massive, and my blade wavered under the power of his blow. Quickly I rolled to the side, just as his sword came crashing down where my head once was. As fast as I could, I swung at him, but his wings carried him high above my reach. Thinking fast, I dropped my sword and fired a ball of magic flames at him. Surprised by the action, he failed to dodge and was hit square in the chest. His shrikes of pain were only stopped when I cut off his head.

Standing back up from my bent over position, I looked about the room, only to suddenly be taken off my hooves as a body slammed into me, also knocking the air from my lungs. Soon I was rolling across the floor, before sliding to a halt. Fire Ball rolled a little further, before climbing to his hooves. I dragged myself to my hooves as well, then turned in the direction he had came from.

"Sorry."Fire Ball wheezed as he came to my side, and I saw 'what' had thrown him.

Standing a dozen hooves away was a huge black Griffon, the Governor himself. He soon stalked forward, stepping carelessly over the body of his fallen comrade. However, he was interrupted when Ice Heart and Maximus barreled into his side, almost knocking him over, and both burying their blades beneath his thick hide.

He roared in pain and anger as he slapped the two away from him, leaving their swords in his side. At that, me and Fire Ball charged forward, Fire Ball stopped, blocking the powerful sword strike that came at him. The Griffons empty claw came at me, aimed for my throat. However, with a flick of my sword, his whole claw fell from his arm. The pain caused him to jump back sharply, and drop his sword. He took a angry swipe at me, but I dodged, then Ice Heart, newly recovered, delivered a swift kick to his right hind leg, breaking it with ease.

As the Griffon fell to his side, I stepped forward and attempted to sever his head. I was horrified to see my blade only go in a few inches, then stop. I jumped back as he swung at me with his claws again, leaving my own sword stuck in his neck. Fire Ball charged past me and swiftly cut off his remaining arm, then began hacking at his neck. I stood, stunned, watching as Fire Ball chopped repeatedly, trying to kill the Griffon which was barely even alive. Soon, however, the power of the Griffon died, and his body went limp.

Quickly I retrieved my sword, and then scanned the room with my eyes. All the enemies were dead, save one. Standing in the doorway we came through, the General stood above the now unarmed Colonel, holding his sword to her throat.

"Tell me traitor, what did they offer you? Gold, power, their gods?"he sneered.

"You'll see, one day, you'll all see."she grinned.

At that, the General swiftly cut her head off, then turned around and started for the magic conductor. He sheathed his weapon, then charged a spell."Destroy it."he order simply, right before firing at the crystal structure.

Following his orders swiftly, I, along with the others, sheathed my own weapon, then fired on the magic conductor. It shook violently as volley after volley hit it, but soon the crystal began to creak, and it shattered. As it exploded, light filled the whole room, and a shriek was heard from one of the orbs of power. However, it, along with the light, soon died out.

"Its done."the General said as he looked up.

The magic conductor was beyond repair, and the orbs that once held the two false goddesses were both gone.

"Now what?"Swift Steel suddenly asked.

The room was quiet for a minute, then the General started."I guess we just leave."he stated.

At that, we all turned around, and the room was gone, replaced by another. I, along with the others, were confused for only a second, until we recognized the room as the consul room of the gods. However, every seat was empty, save one.

As soon as we all looked upon him, Discord began clapping his claw and paw together, and we all bowed."Well done, well done!"he cheered."Oh, stop being boring and stand up."he commanded.

As soon as we stood, the General spoke."Lord Discord, what is it that you wish of us?"he asked humbly.

"Wish of you?"Discord asked, before seeming to remember something."Oh, right! No, I do not wish anything of you. I simply wish to thank you!"he said, suddenly appearing at the Generals side and rapping his talon around his shoulders.

"We only did your bidding."he said, looking down respectfully.

"Nonsense."Discord said from his throne, or rather, his head said from his throne, as he body staid behind, but slowly walked back, and reattached itself."You did the counsels bidding, but you still helped me!"he praised.

"Is yours and the counsels desires different?'the General asked, confused.

"Yes, and no."Discord stated, this time from his wooden chair on the wall."You see, I had another plan the whole time."he said, waving his paw mysteriously.

"We only live to serve."he said.

"Indeed."Discord mumbled."I might have to change that, it gets rather boring after a time."he stated.

"Whatever the consul wishes?"the General said, though he seemed as confused by the statement as me.

Why would the gods not want us to serve?"Then again, this is Discord we are speaking with."I though to myself.

At the Generals words, Discord broke out laughing, and for a slow minute did nothing else. Finally though, he continued."The Consul has no more say in what I do."he smiled evilly.

"What?"the General asked, tensing up a bit.

"Oh, I think you heard me."he said slyly, as his chair vanished and he appeared in Baal-hamon's throne, the other thrones in the room disappearing as well, and the head throne warping into a twisted seat."You see, the others are no long with us."he stated, suddenly wearing a black suit you would see at a funeral.

"What have you done?"the General breathed.

"Those fools gave so much of their power to you, that I simply finished the job."he grinned."And now with the sisters out of the way, I rule unconditionally."he shouted as he jumped into the air, and changing his outfit to something more suited for a party.

"You can't do this!"the Sarge shouted.

"Can't do what?"Discord asked."I've already done it. Their gone, all of them, I'm the only one left."he cheered."And it's all thanks to you!"he said.

At his words, the Generals horn lit up and he drew his sword. All humor drained from Discord's face, and he stepped down from his throne. I followed the Generals action, and drew my own sword, the others doing the same."And what do you plan to do with those?"Discord mocked, then with a snap of his talon they all disappeared."I will not tolerate disobedience."he growled."Or will I?"he suddenly asked himself, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

The General didn't stop, and instead, his horn flared, firing a ball of fire at the Draconquus. However, the ball of fire passed right through him, and he simply looked at us, unamused."Well, if that's the way you want it."he said, raising his paw dangerously."I'll let you live, just to see my wonderful new world."and with that, he snapped his paw and we were standing back on Canterlot mountain.

The world seemed normal, for a minute, but soon things changed. The terrain soon began to shift. large peaces of land lifted themselves into the air, and I noticed many animals change as well, their legs stretching, or their heads inflating. The sun and moon, too, began to loose control, and started flying around in the sky, and making shapes as they went.

I could feel a fundamental change in my connection to magic as well. At first, I thought I had been severed from it, but then I realized that it wasn't just gone, it was different. I could now sense chaos magic, where, just a few hours ago, there was nothing but nature magic. I pulled all the power I could as quickly as I could, and was disturbed to find that what nature magic was left, was twisted beyond recognition.

"What has Discord done?"I asked, but no one replied.

So now you know, how Discord came to rule the world. I have watched as things got worse. My friends and I tried, time and time again, to find a way to stop him, but we never found anything. They are all gone now, and I am an old stallion, but I have finally found something that will give me peace. On a resent trip into the wiled jungles of the Zebra, I meant with a prophet. She told of a time, when the two Sister goddesses would return, and final put a end to His terrible reign. However, to the utmost sorrow of my heart, I will not live to see that day, for she says it will be hundreds of years before it will come to pass. I can only hope that it is truth, and pray that whoever is reading this, lives in a better world then the one I made for that monster.

What honor there was here, was lost to us all. These wars were little more then a game between the gods. A war that mortals should never be involved in. I hope, whoever you are, that you are never in one such war, as the only out come is misery.

The book she held in her magic was closed, and gently put on the floor. she stared at the cover for a minute, before sighing deeply. She was somewhat confused. What she just read was nothing like the history she had learned while growing up, and she had one of the best educations in the world, having been taught by none other then Princess Celestia herself.

"Twilight, can we go now, its getting dark out."Spike asked from the door.

Twilight and Spike had, once again, been scouring the ancient library that was held in the old castle of the two sisters, when Twilight found the book she now held in her magic.

She looked up and smiled at Spike. He was right, it was getting late, and the Everfree was not a good place at night, or the day, for that matter."Yes Spike, lets go."she said as she got up, but paused to look at the book.

Coming to a quick decision, she moved the book into her saddle bags, then followed Spike as he hurried out the door.

"I'll ask the Princess about it."she said to herself as they left the castle and started into the forest.