Diary of the Night

by CalebH

War of Shadows - Chapter 133

“If you see him, pretend you don’t,” She tells me. It is difficult to restrain myself. I already scour Equestria’s borders for one hidden enemy. To not “accidentally” bump into Tirek and “let the situation get out of hoof” while he is still weak from imprisonment is a demonstration in the trust I have for Celestia. She has a plan to defeat him and unfortunately it depends on him living to meet his doom.

The spellbook is an easier matter. The wards on it will last another ten thousand years but such ancient items enchanted with such powerful magic have a way of attracting magical creatures. The cave I placed it in has no doubt become an infested dungeon. It will take some time to clear and I cannot distract myself from this war, retrieving the spellbook will simply have to wait.