//------------------------------// // Into The Mind: Through James' Phyche and What the Others Found There // Story: A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria // by TimeTravelinc //------------------------------// Chapter 22: Into the Mind: Through James’ Psyche and What the Others Found There The Elevators doors opened, revealing James pacing the floor backstage. They heard people behind the curtain getting restless. James then saw his friends walking out of the elevator, and smiled at them. “Guys, I thought that that was the end of seeing you.” “What do you mean?” Pinkie said, a bit curious. “Well, the dreams are getting worse and worse, as well as some waking dreams in real-life.” He said, hugging almost all of them. He then saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. He gulped seeing Princess Luna. “Hello, Princess Celestia. Um… may I ask a question, if you don’t mind?” She nods to James, to which he clears his throat in a semi-dramatic, semi-comedic, manner. “WHY IS SHE HERE?” James exclaimed, pointing at Princess Luna. Everypony was confused at what James meant. “I chose to come here for the fact that what you wrote in your letter seems similar to what I had years ago when-.” “When you were Nightmare Moon. That’s why I didn’t want you here in my head.” James said, disappointedly. “I was trying to protect you from it happening again.” “That’s why you wanted us, to help you wit’ Nightmare Moon.” Applejack said. James nodded, feeling some kind of shame. “Well, if that’s what you’re calling it. For some time on Equestria, I have no idea what I was dealing with.” He sighed as he felt frightened, and strangely enough cold, as if the heat in the room was sucked out of where they were standing. Suddenly, they hear the roar of a crowd behind the curtain that they were standing in front of. James looks at his friends, and they looked back at him, both in confusion. They soon turn back to the curtain and went through it, ending up in front of millions of ponies, and behind a different James. One that was dressed in military uniform, looked more kept up with, and darker than the scientist that was mind-trapped. “You, the ponies should get a say in what happens here in Equestria. I say that the Princesses should go!” The other James said, causing a sound of applause emitting across the crowd. James looked at the Princesses, who were in shock, then back at the other James. James noticed that this other version of himself seemed to have much darker skin, almost a dark blue, like the night sky. His hair was sleek like a sleazy car salesman selling snake oil, only much more deadly. “Was the princesses here when they saved all of you from Nightmare Moon? No, they were busy while the common pony saved your life.” “Untrue!” James exclaimed, as he took a step forward. However, his cry for truth went unheard by the ponies and the other James. “Did they help in any crisis across Equestria? NO! They didn’t really help, they took over this planet.” “Slanderous Lies!” James cried out again. The, Dark James, looked over his shoulder with a dark evil smirk. He then went back to talking to the other ponies. “This is why I plan on taking over the horrible dictator known as Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna unless they conform to what will be the New World Order!” The Dark James exclaimed as there was a roar of ponies who thought that this was a good idea. James stood there in shock as he saw himself suggest what he didn’t want. All he really wanted to be was a simple scientist working for a kind ruler. “I don’t get it. Who… NO! What is it, and why has it taken the form of… of… me?” James exclaimed in shock. The ponies started chanting as James felt a chill run down his body. “I feel as though we’ve entered the Dark Side of the Moon girls. As if, we’ve hit The Wall.” James realized that she had activated something in James’ mind causing him to realize something was wrong. His mind fought back with something familiar, as his horrors appeared to come to life. As the ponies chanted, the James look-alike, pointed to James as if he was trying to affect him. James looked down at himself, seeing darkness change his clothing into something unfamiliar, into dark military clothing as they saw the James look-alike slowly turn into a anthro Nightmare Moon. “Run!” James exclaimed as he ran out behind the curtains into an empty field. As they ran, flew, whatever they did, they felt a deep darkness start to follow them. They started feeling the memories flow through as they ran through them. James was frightened, until he realized that his friends were there with him. He suddenly ended up inside a funhouse mirror which included different versions of him, warning him of the dangers of what could happen to him and his friends. Images flashed through his head, before they soon came out, running again from the darkness that seemed to be affecting the landscape as it started running to him. As they ran through a strange town, there were a strange Nazi-type of soilders trying to kill all of them. As they ran, they heard the warnings from the others, ‘Probably projections of my mind.’ James thought as he ran. They soon came to a stop at a wall, white, and it appeared to have barbwire on top. He looked around to see that he was surrounded and doomed. Suddenly the wall exploded, allowing James and his friends to run away over the horizon to the unknown. Possibly to escape the world he knew of in his mind. The one place where he could create his ideas in peace was being invaded, and now he needed to find paradise again. 'But how?' he thought as everything started to fade back into reality, 'How can I bring back paradise?'