The Changing Heart

by TheChaosMage

Chapter 2: Nightmares and Sweet Drinks

Chapter 2: Nightmares and Sweet Drinks


The grey mare stood up fixing her mane and smiled at him, her big blue eyes staring into his. "Are you okay?" she asked a hint of concern in her voice.

"Y-yeah I'm fine... Um..." He looked around frantically as he panicked seeing the mare he once tried to steal every happy emotion from. "I got to go!" He galloped off down the ally way back the way he came.

Slightly confused she flapped up her wings soaring over him and landing right in front of him legs spread. "Hold on a sec!" She fixed her slightly messy hazel mane. "I didn't get your name stranger, I'm Storm Dancer."

He looked around back peddling. "I'm Lucky Star." He said looking at the mare who now had him trapped. He felt trapped, with her wings she could easily catch up, and while he could just fly out, he didn't want to blow his cover. "Look Storm Dancer I'm sorry I bumped into you."

She giggled and smirked at him asking "Apology accepted, so why did you run? Got someplace you need to be?"

He shook his head, he actually couldn't think of an excuse, and he couldn't exactly tell her he was a changeling, that would cause more trouble. "No just the opposite actually, my house was destroyed by a tree branch and I was just trying to think of where I could stay when I bumped into you and I...."

"Panicked?" She said finishing his sentence for him her brow raised high. "Well if your struggling with a place to stay you could always live with me until you get back on your hooves."

He looked at her wide eyed and gave a small smile a bead of sweat running down his temple. "I wouldn't want to impose, it might be awhile until I'm on my hooves."

"Nonsense!" She exclaimed while laughing. "Its no trouble at all really. Besides my home is just waaay to big for one pony."

"I don't know." He said backing up, trying not to make eye contact. "I mean I've never done this sort of thing with some pony before." He said looking at her.

"Alright I can take a hint, but if you ever change your mind." She walked up to him smiling. "My door is always open." With those words she shot into the sky like a bullet vanishing into the night sky.

He let out a deep sigh of relief knowing she was gone know. "Storm Dancer, I'm sorry." He trotted back down deeper into the alley. He came to another stop and looked into a barrel of water beside a restaurant looking in his reflection. "Am I able to change?"

"Every pony is able to change, its just who you want to become is the real question."

Lynx, Looked up shocked before seeing the pony emptying the trash into a collection bin, "You really think so?"

The pony nodded giving him a small smile before returning to work.

After hours of wondering Lynx found a nice inn to stay in and stepped inside. "One room please" he said putting on a smile as he walked towards the inn keeper.

"Ten bits" The inn keeper said, his voice gruff and tired from staying awake this long.

"Ten bits?! I don't have that kind of money!" Lynx exclaimed as he looked at the inn keeper in disbelief that a pony would be so stingy.

"No bits, no room." He lifted his hoof and pointed to the couch in the lounge. "You can sleep there if your so hard pressed for shelter."

Lynx nodded and went over to the couch laying down on it staring at the door before slowly dozing off to sleep, his dreams wondering to a place far away from here, a place he recognized very well.


As he slept his mind Drifted back to his home back in the hive, it wasn't far from where the queen would sit as she watched her thousands of children crawl around the hive. He was no exception, he would often crawl around next to the throne as one of three unique soldiers her words whispering in his mind.

"Lynx, when we invade Equestria I want you to feed on as much love as you can. You have already proven yourself more capable than most of your siblings. I have every confidence you wont fail me." Her voice comforted him in his mind.

"Yes my Queen." He would always respond with his insect-like voice and stand at attention to his queens side.

The drones constantly brought in new prey completely taken over and acting like zombies. They were his queens cattle, and he would be thrown whatever scraps she did not need, to increase his power.

His dream then fell through to the battle of Canterlot as they were destroying the city, he looked around shocked and confused as to what just happened, he was just in the throne room a second ago.

A guard swung his spear at Lynx. "Get out of here you filthy beast!" He shouted at him.

Angered Lynx Blasted the guard, looming over him and he saw Storm Dancer from behind the helm instead of the male guard that he was fighting, backpedaling he bumped into another changeling.

The changeling turned around shouting at him. "Hey watch it!" But instead of the insect-like hissing voice he came to expect from his own kind it was Storm Dancers.

He looked around frantically not understanding what was going on. Looking up at the castle he then heard his queen shout and get thrown back along with the rest of them. He shut his eyes tightly expecting the pain of the crash.

He instead was pushed forward held down by two guards when he opened his eyes and he saw her, Princess Celestia was standing there looming over him looking down with judging eyes.

"Do it" she commanded.

Noticing he was in his pony form he felt a warmth as a magic spell hit him from one of the guards, he turned back into his changeling form looking up in fear. But when he looked up he saw Storm Dancer.

"So you aren't a pony are you? Just a disgusting Changeling!" She hissed.

He shut his eyes tears streaming down. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to change!" But when he reopened his eyes he was in the same situation in front of his Queen back in the hive.

"That's your excuse for failing?" His Queen asked him a stern look in her eyes.

"N-No I have no excuse for failing you my queen!" He looked at her tearing up. "But when I lost connection with you, I was lost and didn't know what to do."

"So you really have betrayed me... what a shame..." She looked at the changelings holding him down. "end him." she commanded.

He felt the sharp pains of changeling magic against him as his brothers and sisters blasted him with spell after spell.


He gasped awake and shot up standing on the couch, his fur matted to his coat from sweating. He looked around the inn; The lights had been turned off, the innkeeper in his room fast asleep. Wiping the sweat from his brow he laid back down. "What was that dream about?" He rested his hoof over his eyes. "And why was Storm Dancer in it?"

He didn't sleep the rest of the night fearing that the nightmares would come again. The next morning he had bags under his eyes as he stumbled out of the inn and into the morning sun. "Maybe there is something I can do to stop these nightmares."

Stumbling he walked through the streets. Other ponies were all over the busy streets on their morning strolls. Foals played in the streets big smiles on their faces. Mare's and their colts sat at restaurant tables showing love towards one another. Lynx stopped and held his head, being around all this love was driving his changeling instincts up the wall. He looked around, there was love in every direction, trying to shake the urge to feed. He bolted inside a drink shop panting heavily.

The unicorn stallion behind the counter was humming a happy tune when he heard the bell on the door ring. "Welcome to The Golden Elixir." He poked his head up seeing Lynx. "Hold on I got just the thing." He quickly poured Lynx a mixture of juices and rushed it over to him at record speed. "On the house."

Lynx looked at the stallion confused but took the drink sipping it slightly. His eyes widened at the taste and he guzzled the rest wiping of his muzzle. "Wow!" He looked up at the stallion smiling. "That was the best thing I ever drank!"

The stallion smiled and laughed. "Well I'm glad some pony thinks so." He wore an apron over his Aqua coat with his snow white mane hidden under a hat with the shops logo on it.

Lynx felt welcome in this little shop, however when he looked around expecting it to be busy he noticed that the stallion didn't even have a single customer.