Being intelligent leads lots towards grand atriums teaching endless science

by The Psychopath

I saw this on Twilight Zone once

"So, if fire and earth crystals are placed together, it creates a lava crystal..."

Twilight was mumbling to herself in her tree house. The place had been a wreck since she started to study the different combination of elements as well as figuring out how to combine elements that shouldn't be able to normally, such as electricity and ground. While she continued to mumble, the stacks of books around her vibrating ever so slightly, she was interrupted by Spike who was wiping his eyes in fatigue.

"Twilight...have you slept at all last night?" he asked with a drowsy tone.

"Ummm...Woops?" Twilight nervously chuckled.

She had completely forgotten about sleep, as per the norm. To Spike, this wasn't uncommon, and he also wasn't surprised at all by her surprise.

"I'll go make some coffee for you then. Just don't go crazy again," he said as he turned around.

"Since when have I gone crazy?" Twilight answered in shock.

The little dragon simply turned his head and looked at Twilight with a half-open eye accompanied by an eyebrow lifting. The lavender unicorn suddenly remember all the times she had indeed gone 'crazy' and shrunk a bit as she pouted.

"Fine. Just go make the coffee, please," she said.

The moment Twilight said that and Spike put his foot on the ground, the two felt themselves getting pulled towards a void with great force. Without warning, not only were they cleaned up and not tired, but they were walking into Celestia's throne room.

"You asked for me, princess?" Twilight asked with a smile.

The smile made way for confusion.

"Why did I say that?"

"T-Twilight...This is..." Celestia stuttered.

"See? Told you I was capable of pulling it off."


Twilight and Spike were looking at the princesses and the other mane six standing in the throne room. They looked worried. Judging by their faces, they seemed rather confident moments ago. Pinkie Pie was the only one clapping her hooves together. In the middle of the room stood a tall, bipedal figure. Twilight didn't know what it was or what it was doing there.

"What's going on?" the unicorn asked.

"Well--" Luna tried to say before being interrupted.

"As I was explaining to your companions, I am the creator of Equestria, or, at least, the programmer of this particular Equestria," the creature said.

"But...That's nonsense! Who are you and why would you say such a thing?"

"Because it's the truth? I worked hard to get where I was and I worked hard to get here as well...well...not really so hard to get HERE..." he mused as he rolled his eyes.

"I don't believe you. Please stop saying these things and get help...whoever you are," Twilight insisted.

"Don't believe me? Watch this. I saw it in a Twilight Zone episode once."

"A Twilight Sparkle Zone? Must be full of books," Pinkie wondered aloud with a hoof to her chin.

The creature took its hands in the air and made strange, glowing green symbols to appear out of nowhere. It started to write something, it seemed, then the symbols disappeared. The unicorn felt herself phase out of existence, then heard her friends collectively gasp.

"What? what is it?!"

Rainbow Dash, with her mouth so wide, put a hoof to her wide. Twilight followed the movement with confusion, then realized her horn was gone and began to panic. Tears began welling up in her eyes as she tried her hardest to find it.

"Twah. Yer cutie mark," Applejack hesitated to say.

"What...What about it?!"

Twilight turned around to see that it had become an open book with a quill in it. She turned to face the biped in abject horror. He just smiled as giant cubic objects with black faces floated around him.

"That is enough! We have fought one such as you before and defeated him. You will fare no better!" Luna yelled as she and her sister charged forward.

"I think I will. Let's see. 'Then...they fell in love...and kissed'," he whispered with a giddy smirk.

"What?" Applejack let out.

The princesses found themselves back on their thrones and looking at each other with passion. The humanoid had his lower lip underneath his teeth as he watched the two kiss. It took mere microseconds for the two to break out of their passionate kiss then scream. Celestia began to scrape off everything from her lips while Luna vomited behind the thrones.

"Hahaha!" the biped laughed with a few snorts in-between.

"How...I'll stop him!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Rainbow don't!" Twilight shouted.

The biped did the same thing with Rainbow Dash, but he took Applejack in as well. The two found themselves sitting next to each other then screaming. Applejack had become a stallion, Rainbow Dash had long, feminine mane and looks, and, at their hooves, stood a foal that looked like a cross between.

"Mom? Dad? Something wrong?" he asked.

Their manes began to fly upwards as if affected by static electricity as they started to panic.

"Hey, Twilight. You're back to normal," Pinkie said.

The lavender unicorn tapped her head with stress, then sighed in comfort and joy. Looking at her friends, she saw the biped laughing hard at the faces they were making.

"How about we have more fun?" he said.

Rarity was turned into an alicorn as soon as he said that, and she was also a changeling.

"Gah! This is awful! So ugly and gruesome!"

"Bahahahaha! Now YOU!" he yelled as he pointed towards Fluttershy.

"M-me?! Oh no!"

Fluttershy tried to fly away, but she found herself back in place. She was extremely muscular and was next to Big Macintosh.

"I love you," she said as she leaned against him.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac answered.

Fluttershy broke out of her trance and stared at Big Mac, her body, then the biped. Nothing left her mouth.

"Hey! How come you aren't doing anything to Pinkie Pie?!" Rainbow Dash yelled in irritation.

The biped looked at her and stared blankly.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

"Ooo! Can I choose?"


The pink pony started to rub her chin as several ideas flew through her mind. There were just too many to choose from. In the mean time, while the biped waited, Celestia and Luna shouted for their guards. The armored ponies barely took a minute to rush into the throne room and target the biped with the strange boxes floating around it. As they neared, Pinkie Pie yelled:

"Ooo! Makes us all chubby blobs!"

"What?!" everypony yelled in unison and confusion.

The sounds of weapons clanking on the floor followed shortly afterwards. And little balls of flabby balls slid, face first, towards the biped's feet. They all looked up in confusion, and mumbling began. All the ponies had turned ito little chubby balls of fluff with stubby legs.

"Awww. You all look so adorable."

"T...turn us back!" Luna cried as she waddled towards the biped.

"Wook at me. I'm a ball of fwuff," Pinkie Pie said with a smile.

"This is howwible! How am I supposed to go weally fast now?" Rainbow Dash complained.

"And ah can't even kick da twees with these wittle legs. Hnnngh!" Applejack said as she waddled her hind legs as hard as she could.

"Why are you doing this?" Rarity asked.

"Because I was bored and wanted to percieve the changes that would occur to a world if I slightly modified the programming."

"The what?"

The world suddenly changed again. Twilight and her friends found themselves wearing rather broken armor with the castle practically destroyed. The skies outside were darkened with enormous columns of smoke while a war seemed to be going on in the background. Celestia was standing in front of everypony, her legs looking like crystallized lava, her eyes just as burnt, and her mane and tail looking like violent flames. She was looking down on the wounded six, a devilish grin on her face.

"...What just happened?" Celestia asked.

Her voice seemed to have an echo in it. Looking at herself and the world around her, the flames intensified.

"What...How are you doing this?"

"I told you. I control this version of Equestria."

The mane six were panting, as if they had just gotten through a violent fight.

"I...It hurts. Why does everything hurt?" Fluttershy moaned.

"Because I just changed everything in your world to reflect Solar Flare's return," the biped said.

"Yes. This is another Equestria where Celestia went mad with power and was banished with the combined might of the negative elements and Luna."

"Negative elements? And where is my sister?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, she's dead."

The princess charged immediately at the biped, but felt another transition. She was now a stallion and Luna was sitting next to her, wearing a strange dress. Fluttershy had become a stallion with scars everywhere, Applejack seemed very muscular and looked like she had been in several fights, Rainbow Dash was wearing a Wonderbolt costume and an outfit made for a flight trainer, Pinkie Pie was wearing spiked armor with dried heads of bizarre creatures hanging off them and a left eye replaced by a weird stone, Rarity hadn't changed, and twilight was covered by a dark crimson colored cape. She seemed to have pipes and other horrid things flowing through her body."What the hay?" Applejack wondered as she looked at the others.

"This is the IRM Equestria; It isn't very special, save for Celestia and Luna being married...although they aren't of the same families," the creature said while rubbing his chin.

"So you're doing this just for fun?" Pinkie asked.


"...Okey-dokey!" Pinkie shouted with joy.

The world went back to normal, causing everypony to heave a great sigh of relief.

"Now do you believe me?"

"Y-yes!" they all shouted.

Several more of the weird boxes came out of nowhere, and many sounds of plinking and bleeping resounded as the biped started to snort and laugh whilst his whole distorted and spun in many directions. Rainbow Dash's wings had a weird gray square with a red x in it appear in place of her wings. The same thing happened to Twilight's horn, and the windows and walls were all replaced by blue screens. Rainbow Dash found herself next to Soaring with a wedding gown and Spioke found himself kissing Rarity as an adolescent dragon. Pinkie Pie looked like her crazed counter-part, but holding a knife in one hoof and a cupcake in another.


After another explosion, the world returned to normal and the creature was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah hope we don't see that character again," Applejack said whilst rubbing her head.

The others nodded in agreement.