The Changing Heart

by TheChaosMage

Chapter 1: Lynx

Chapter 1: Lynx


The city was in chaos, Queen Chrysalis’ plan was in full force and the invasion had begun. Ponies where running and screaming in terror as changelings hunted them down for their positive emotions. She had captured Celestia, had Shining Armor under her complete control, and completely neutralized the Elements of Harmony. She sent telepathic messages to her children, controlling them and taking away their free will. “Feed my children!” She commanded them, knowing no better they complied willingly.

A grey pegasus with sapphire eyes was backed up against the wall of a dark alley. Several changelings began backing her into a corner. Lynx stood firm at the front of his brethren. He laughed, a slight Insect-like hiss to his voice. He had been chasing this mare all over Canterlot, she was skilled at flying and evaded him well but now she was trapped.
“Please no!” she cried begging for her to be spared whatever horror the changelings had planned for her. Her hooves pushed some of the lesser drones away as they tried encasing her like the rest of the ponies. “Leave me alone!” She cried out again.
Lynx looked at her plainly and stepped forward his long green mane drooping over his looming green eyes. “You can’t stop us.” He said a soft hissing to his voice as he approached.
Chrysalis looked back in shock seeing the two ponies united in love preform the spell that would ultimately lead to her banishment. As she left through the window, her cries could be heard by her soldiers as they too got swept up along with her and the cocoons encasing the ponies crumbled away.
Lynx looked on in shock as he too was thrown back, the energy produced seeping into his body as he was thrown through the air. Lynx was thrown down in the forests of Equestria while the rest of his brother's and sister's landed much closer to the hive and the Equestrian border.


Crashing and snapping branches on his way down he fell clean into some ponies house along with a large branch of the tree it rested beside. A glowing green goo leaking from the back of his head as darkness fell around his eyes. Feeling light headed and gravely sleepy he shut his eyes, and for a moment he swore he couldn't hear his queen’s voice.
Waking up he slowly lifted his head and rubbed the spot where he had hit his head. Removing his hoof he saw the green goo and his eyes widened in a rush of panic getting to his feet and looking around frantically. “I’m alive, but where am I?” he asked in his insect-like voice echoing through the remains of the destroyed house.
His wings making a soft hum he flew out and looked around the surrounding forest. “Where are you my Queen?” He asked seemingly talking to nothing. He got no response, no voice in his head telling him what to do.
He started looking around more worried now that he couldn't hear his queen’s voice, he didn't know what to do now, his connection to his queen was severed and he was confused. “Please answer me my queen, it's your humble servant Lynx!” He shouted into the sky but there was no response. He was all alone.

Wandering the forest he began wondering if the queen had perished in that flash of light. He felt his heart beating in his chest as he walked, and a odd tingly feeling swept over his body. Did the love spell severe his connection to his Queen? If so, what else did it do to him? Each step he took felt like another perversion of his queen's will. She had guided each step he ever made from the time he was hatched and he knew no different.

BOOM! He looked up at the sky wide eyed as a ripple of rainbow coloured light streaked across the sky. It was majestic and beautiful and he watched it right up into the rainbow faded from view. His memories flashed to the fact that one of the elements of harmony had a rainbow mane. Was she the one responsible for such an act?

It didn't matter he had to keep moving, if the guards where searching for changeling stragglers then he would surely be found soon. He decided to turn and walk towards the origin point of the rainbow ripple, from there he would at least be able to find his way back to the hive.
He paused for a moment remembering that he still looked like a changeling. He knew he couldn't just stroll in looking like that so for the first time in his life, he needed to sit down and think of a way to remain undetected.
His mind wondered back to a time when he was just a small hatchling back in the hive. He had just become old enough to have his first feeding and was given the white unicorn stallion they had captured to feed upon.
He already knew what happened to him after that so there was no way of that coming back to haunt him, was there? Lynx shook the worry out of his mind and transformed into the unicorn, his coat was snow white, he had emerald green eyes with dark circles under them and a long ash coloured mane.
Trotting up to the gates of Canterlot was the easy part, getting past the guards that stood in front of it was not.
“Stop right there!” The guard on the left side of the gate shouted as he pointed his spear at lynx’s neck. His golden armor gleaming in the sunlight, he looked Lynx up and down inspecting him closely.
“Is there a problem?” Lynx asked, his voice was sly now and his insect-like hiss was completely disguised in this form. Looking at the spear so close to him he gulped, if he was any closer he wouldn't be breathing.

“Don’t you know there was an attack on Canterlot, and the princess has ordered us to not give any pony entry no matter what.” The Guard said still holding his spear steady ready to strike if Lynx made one wrong move.
“Do I look dangerous?” Lynx asked looking at him, “I lost my home, a large branch came down and crushed every last thing I own, I just wanted to find out if I could live in Canterlot, but I guess i’ll just live outside.” Lynx started walking away. “Hope it doesn't rain.”
The guards looked at one another before shouting at him. “Hey stop! You can come inside, but if we get any funny business outta you, your gone.” The guards warned him before opening the gate.
Lynx nodded, “I promise you wont regret this!” He galloped as fast as he could through the main gate looking back and snickering. “Ponies will believe anything, incompetent fools, no wonder we caught you off guard.”
Canterlot seemed almost deserted, everypony was still at the royal wedding that had recovered from the changeling invasion. As night fell and the faint sounds of music began to fill the air around Canterlot. Lynx pace did not change however a he galloped towards the music, he was almost drawn to the beat and lyrics. As he got closer he could make out a mare’s voice echoing through the streets.
It wasn't just any mare however. Coming to a skidding stop he panted softly listening. It was the voice of one of the bearer's of the Element's of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle.


Remembering that ponies name he came to a sudden realization, what was he going to do for a name? Lynx didn't exactly seem like much of a ponies name and might give him away as soon as he told somepony. He sat down on the sidewalk and thought about it long and hard as the minutes flew by.
As Lynx sat there he looked up and saw fireworks exp loading in the sky. It didn't take him long to spot a single gleaming star in the sky among the cluster of fireworks. “I guess your my lucky star huh?” Lynx said as he looked up at it. Then it hit him, why didn't he call himself Lucky Star it was catchy and gave him the cover he needed. He turned his head to see the bride and groom’s carriage strolled down the street.
Lynx stood up and walked down the street into the market. As the night went on, he pondered what he would do next as he slowly strolled down the dimly lit streets. He needed to find a way to fit in around these ponies, but where to start? He had no ones personality to mimic this time, would he have to use his own? Not watching where he was going he bumped into some pony falling back.

The Mare he bumped into stood up and stretched her wings out making sure they where not damaged before looking at Lynx. “I’m so sorry for bumping into you? Um? Hey I don’t think I know you. Whats your name?”
Lynx flinched as he finally got a good look at the mare. His ears drooped almost flattening to his head as he looked on her. Of all the ponies he could run into why in name of Chrysalis did it have to be her.