Ponyville & Other Poems

by AugieDog

21 - Bubbles (trochaic "fourteeners")

Why does "bubbles" rhyme with "troubles"
When it shouldn't 'cause they're not?
Should somepony take a trip and
Let them know in Canterlot
That they goofed it just a little
When they made the words we use?
Would a change or two be helpful
Or more likely to confuse?

Not that things will change, I'm certain:
Ev'ry time I've gone before
To address official leaders,
They just nod me out the door.
"Quite astute!" they say while grinning,
"We're completely unaware
That this even is a problem!
We'll investigate, we swear!"

But they don't as far as I know
'Cause the problems still remain:
Ponies still become all grouchy,
Call you clumsy or insane;
Little foals, alone and hungry,
Still will cry themselves to sleep;
Moths go crashing into lanterns;
Puddles sometimes get too deep.

All I want is that we fix it
When we see there's something wrong:
Let a sad or angry pony
Have some candy or a song;
Get some boots for insulation
And some glasses for the moths;
When it's cold or raining somewhere,
Pass out thicker saddlecloths.

And if words are acting wacky,
Let them know you've had enough.
Words can sting, but if you face them,
Then you'll see they're not so tough.
They're like foals: too fond of mischief,
Too rambunctious half the time.
Yes, they're darling and we love them,
But there's some that shouldn't rhyme!