Into the Void

by Shadowflame38

Chapter 7-"Why am I always in these Situations?"

Into the Void

Chapter 7
Why am I always in these Situations?

The question continues to run through your mind as to whether your feelings for Luna are true or not. Shortly before you begin to doze off you hear the train’s audible whistle. You move to the other side of your cabin and look ahead to one of the most amazing sites you’ve ever witnessed. You didn’t realize it but the entire time since the train left Ponyville it has been spiraling up a mountain towards the most magnificent city nestled in the mountain side. You could see what you can only assume is Canterlot castle where Princess Celestia and Luna both reside. The castle appears all white with large golden caps covering the tops of the multiple towers and buildings. Suddenly the train passes through a large gate and your view turns from lush green fields and mountains to large buildings and pony’s going to and from their daily business.

The train lets out another bellow of its whistle and slowly comes to a halt in front of a large train station. You hear the conductor holler from the platform. “Canterlot station, everyone for Canterlot station.” You stand up and make sure you have everything you brought with you before exiting your cabin and train car and onto the platform of the station. You notice ponies running to and from completely ignoring your very presence which you actually feel glad about. You toss your bag over your shoulder and start looking around for maybe a guard or someone who might be meeting you at the station.

Sadly no one seems to looking for you. “Wow maybe Celestia forgot I was coming today. Well this sucks I have no idea where I’m even supposed to go or where I even am.” You say aloud to yourself. You notice one of the large towers from the castle in the distance overlooking the city. “Well I guess I can just make my way towards the castle and hope I can find my way.” You make sure everything is secure and begin your march through the city towards the castle.

After about 10 minutes you realize that this city is way bigger than it looks from a distance. Since you’ve been here you must have passed a couple of hundred ponies, most not even noticing your presence. The few that did notice you only starred at you until you where far enough away to not be a bother to them.

After another couple of minutes you finally decide that you are in fact, completely lost. The buildings surrounding you are just tall enough to where you can’t see any parts of the castle. Finally you come to what you can only assume is the market center; the area has opened up significantly with ponies going to and from stalls that are outlining the entire area. In the center is a large fountain with a statue of what looks like Celestia standing tall over the ponies. You make your way towards the fountain in hopes of getting a glimpse of the castle, as you get closer you notice.

“Hey I told you we would be back today for the money, now hand it over.” You look over and see what looks like two ponies harassing a pony running a cabbage stall.

“Iiiii’m sorry bbbut I don’t hhave it, I haaaven’t sold enough to maake a ppproffit.” You hear the shop keep stutter out as the two ponies push him to the ground.

You look around and notice some ponies looking over but no one seems to want to help the shop keep. “Christ where the hell are the guards.” You whisper to yourself.

The pony talking to the shop keep starts laughing. “Hahaha, I don’t care if you’ve made a profit or not. Now pay up or something might just happen to your little stand here.”

The stall owner crawls over to the guy and begins to beg. “Noo please sir, this is my life. If I lose this how will I feed my family, please if you coul.” But before he can finish his sentence the pony kicks the owner.

Finally you can’t take it anymore and decide that if no one else will help the poor pony than it’s up to you. You make your way over to the stall where the guy and his buddy are busy laughing at the stall owner. You notice the guy who’s been talking’s buddy walk over to the side of the cart. He looks as if he is about to kick it before you get his attention. “Hey asshole, what the hell is your problem picking on this poor guy?” You say aloud hearing small gasps from onlookers. The crook and his buddy dawn a shocked expression and look over at you. Seems there more surprised that someone even stood up to them rather than the fact that you’re a human and not a pony.

The crook dawns a grin and begins to laugh. “Hahahaha. I’m sorry what was that?” He asks placing one of his hooves over his eyes.

You stand about 10 feet from him and his buddy who has now come around and is now standing behind the lead guy. “You heard me, why don’t you and your boyfriend there leave that nice man alone.” The crook drops his other hoof back to the ground and you swear you see one of his eyes twitch.

The crook starts to walk towards you and you realize he’s an earth pony that comes up to about your chest. “Listen pal, you obviously ain’t from around here so I’ll let you in on a little secret. The names Ballpin and that lug behind me’s name is Block and where from the local blood wing gang and no one, not even the guards dare stand against us. So why don’t you beat it before this becomes your last trip to Canterlot.”

The crook is about two feet away from you at this point and is standing before you with a crooked smile. You notice his brown coat and black slicked back mane and tail, he has a ball pin hammer as a cutie mark which you can only assume is how he got his name. The guy behind him is about the same color only a little lighter with the same style mane and tail, his cutie mark looks like a block of some kind of ore. You turn your attention back to Ballpin. “Like I said, leave the shop keep alone. You have no reason to extort this poor man when he obviously doesn’t have your money.”

Ballpin just simply laughs and turns around to face Block when suddenly he rears up and kicks you with both his back legs right in the stomach sending you flying back about five feet. “Hahaha, like I said kid not even the guards stand up to us and if you think some ugly thing like you is gona stand up to us.” He walks over to where you’re trying to regain all of the wind that was suddenly kicked out of you. “Than you got another thing comin.”

Ballpin turns and walks back over to the stall and you finally make your way back to your feet. “Man some tough guy you are, you basically just sucker punched me. You barely even hurt me with that, mainly just knocked the wind out of me. Now how about we try this again, this time with out the cheap shots.” You state walking back over to him and his buddy, you don’t really know how to fight but hope that your ability to move easier than ponies will end up tiring him out to the point were you might have a chance.

Ballpin seems to snap at your remark and turns around to face you with an incredibly pissed look across his face. He charges at you and tries to kick you again, this time your ready for it and somehow dodge his attack. He tries again and again to kick you with all his might but only manages to hit air as you continue to dodge his kicks. After about the fifth miss you can tell Ballpin is getting tired, he’s standing in front of you breathing heavily with an insane look on his face. “Ahhhh I’ll kill you for making a fool out of me.” He charges at you again but before you can move to try and dodge Block sneaks up behind you and grabs you. You try to wiggle your way out but his strength is too much and you can’t seem to move at all.

Suddenly Ballpin’s hoof collides with your head and sends you to the ground. “Hahaha stupid creature, that’ll teach you to fuck with us.” Suddenly you hear what sounds like a whistle; Ballpin and Block take off into the crowd of ponies.

You’re laying face down unable to move from the immense amount of pain coming from your head, you turn your head ever so slightly and see what looks like someone standing next to you with golden shoes. “After them don’t let them slip way. And somepony hurry and take him to the medical wing he doesn’t look good. Hang on Anon were gona get you to a doctor.” Was the last thing you hear from him before you close your eyes and are enveloped in a world of darkness.

You awaken in your dream again, this time in what look to be the throne room from the first night you ended up here. You stand up and realize that it’s not as dark as it normally is from the last two nights you ended up here. You look up and see the sun high in the sky through a crack in the ceiling penetrating the hazy clouds over head. Suddenly you hear what sounds like weeping coming from one of the halls. You stand there and think about it for a moment before you recognize the sounds of Luna crying in the distance. You take off running down the hall it’s coming from in hopes of finally being able to talk to Luna. After a couple of wrong turns and backtracking to were the crying is loudest you finally come to a room lined with book shelves. You recognize this room from the night before but notice there’s another door that wasn’t here last night.

You make your way towards it and look inside to find Luna sitting on a small cushion looking over an old book. You make your way over towards her and sit next to her. “You can’t see me can you, god damn it I wish I knew why all of a sudden we keep ending up in this place but can’t see or hear each other. I wish I could just talk to you Luna, let you know I’m incredibly happy to be here.” You reach out your hand in an effort to see if for whatever reason you could get her attention. You press your hand on her shoulder and it seems to have the slightest amount of resistance before phasing through her. You look up and notice her look over at where your hand is as if she felt you. She stands up and seems to look around the room as if she is looking for something or someone. “Wow it almost felt like I touched her for a moment, Luna Luna can you hear me?” You shout but she still doesn’t seem to hear you.

Luna sits back down on her cushion and opens the book she was reading. You look over and notice the page she was reading, the page is old and hard to see in the dimly lit room but you notice at the top of the page it starts with. “Dear diary, my name is Celestia.” But before you can read any more she turns the page. “Diary, we are Luna. What is this, is this yours and Celestia‘s diary or something Luna?” You sigh in contempt with the realization that she still can’t hear you.

Luna suddenly slams the book and begins to cry. “Oh sister I wish things could go back to the way they used to be. I wish I could just go back in time and stop all of this from happening. If it wasn’t for my jealousy we would still be living in this castle, and Anon would be back in his world where he belongs. Away from all of this and having a normal life.”

You look around and find it hard to believe what you are seeing. It looks like shadows moving around you and Luna but not in the sense of the sun setting. Actual shadows in the shape of clouds swirl around the two of you, slowly creeping there way towards you and Luna. “Luna god damn it look around you, Luna something creepy is going on.” Suddenly the shadows seem to lunge for the both of you. “LUNA!” You suddenly spring up right and look around you. You’re laying in a bed in a small room with a window to your left and a small door to your right.

“I see you’re finally awake.” You hear from your immediate right and notice a bright pink pony sitting next to you. She has a purple, dark pink and yellow tail and mane that swirl at the ends. You notice that she not only has the horn of a unicorn but the wings of a pegasus as well. Her eyes seem to match her coat and her cutie mark is what appears to be a heart carved out of diamond. She’s also wearing a small golden crown and the same style golden shoes and neckles you noticed Celestia wearing the other day. “So how are you feeling?” She asks again in one of the sweetest voices you’ve ever heard.

You grab your head and notice there’s isn’t any pain coming from where you got kicked. “No I’m ok, um where are we? How did I even get here? The last thing I remember was getting kicked in the face and then it’s all fuzzy after that.”

The pink pony lets out a small giggle. “Well as to where you are you’re in Canterlot castle’s infirmary and as to how you got here, my fiancé brought you here. You see this whole thing is kind of my fault, I was supposed to meet you at the train station when you arrived and bring you back to the castle but I was preoccupied helping auntie Celestia with something until we both realized what time it was. Right when I was leaving the castle I received word from a guard that there was a fight breaking out in the market between a strange creature and some ponies from a local gang. So I sent Shining armor out to break up the fight and it seems the strange creature was actually you. It seems you managed to stop the thugs from destroying the owners stall but where injured in the process. After the guards dispersed the crowd they brought you back here to get healed. I’m terribly sorry this all happened, your first visit to Canterlot shouldn’t involve a trip to the hospital and it’s all my fault.” She states putting her head down in shame.

You stand from your bed and make your way over to her; you grab her chin and bring it back up. “Hey don’t worry about it; it was my choice to stand up to those guys. Besides if I wasn’t there than those guys would have destroyed that ponies stall. Also I should be thanking you, if you hadn’t sent those guards out to break up the fight who knows what would have happened. Plus it’s not fitting for a Princess to look upset.” You state winking at her which seems to make her smile. “Now how about we start over, my name is Anon.” You state reaching out your hand.

“My name Princess Mi Amore Cadenza but you can just call me Cadence for short. It’s nice to finally meet you Anon, I’ve heard so much about you from auntie Celestia.” She states reaching out her hoof to which you grab and shake.

“Jeez Cadence we aren’t even married yet and your already cheating on me.” You hear a familiar pony say from behind you state in a playful tone. You turn around and notice a large white unicorn dawning purple armor with gold trim standing in the doorway. He has a dark blue mane and tail with a lighter blue streak running down the middle of it. He has light blue eyes and his cutie mark is a blue shield with three small blue starts above it and a purple star like Twilights cutie mark in the middle of the shield. “I see your finally back on your hooves, you took a pretty nasty kick to the head, glad to see you up and around so quickly.” The white unicorn says as he makes his way over to you and Cadence.

“Oh come on Shining, he was only properly introducing himself.” Cadence states walking over and standing next to the unicorn. “This is Shining armor captain of the Canterlot royal guard and my soon to be husband, Shining this is.” Cadence was about to finish but Shining beat her too it.

“Anon the human, nice to meet you. I want to apologize on behalf of the royal guards of Canterlot. What happened today was a disgrace and shouldn’t of even happened in the first place. It sickens me to think that there are guards that let this happened and that the only one who would stand up for the stall owner was somepony who had just only arrived. Please if there’s anything I can do to repay this disgrace don’t hesitate to ask.” Shining states reaching out his hoof.

You extend your hand and the two of you share a strong hand/hoof shake. “Likewise Shining, and don’t worry about what happened. Back where I’m from there are gangs out there that the police won’t even think about going after out of fear for their families. I’m sure it’s the same thing here, besides I should be thanking you. If not for you and your guards showing up when they did I probably wouldn’t be here right now. It’s my own fault for standing up to two of them and for pissing them off so much. So thanks for saving me.”

Shining retracts his hoof and stands on all fours. “Well your welcome but like I said it shouldn’t ohave happened in the first place, I’m going to have a nice little chat with those guys as soon as I get out of here. Speaking of that I gota go, Cadence can you see to showing Anon around, I have things to attend to.”

“Of course dear, I will see you later for dinner.” Cadence states planting a small kiss on Shining’s cheek to which he turns slightly red before turning and exiting the room. “So how about we go see auntie Celestia so that she knows your ok and then I can show you around the palace, properly this time.”

“Sounds good, but before we go is there a bathroom where I can clean myself up. I’ve got dust and dirt all over my face and I would hate for you to be seen with me like this.” You state standing up and scratching the back of your neck. Cadence only laughs at your remark and points to the door on the other side of the room. You walk over and enter the small bath and clean yourself up the best you can before returning to the small room. “All right I’m good whenever you are.”

Cadence heads for the door and waves her hoof for you to follow. “So you’re an alicorn Princess to huh, I thought Celestia and Luna where the only two?” You ask following Cadence out of the room.

“Well I wasn’t always a princess. You see I never knew my real parents and was raised by a loving earth pony couple in a small village north of here. Back then I was only a pegasus but I always felt that I had a special kind of magic inside of me that allowed me to help those who needed it most. As I grew older I realized my true talent was unlocking the love in people’s hearts and helping bring people together was my special talent. But there was one unicorn that lived on the outskirts of the village that resented and hated the idea of love. One day, with the help of an ancient charm, she cast a spell on the village that sapped all the ponies love and filled their hearts with hate. I decided that I was going to stop her and when I finally found her, the love that I carried for all overpowered her and released all the love she stole back to the village and to herself as well. The next thing I know I’m in a strange place where only Celestia and Luna can go, there I met the Princess who adopted me and raised me as her niece.” She states as the two of you exit the hospital into a small courtyard.

“Wow that’s amazing, so you became an alicorn after the fact” You ask looking around at the multitude of statues and flowers around the courtyard.

“Yes, auntie Celestia always told me that I am meant for something more but she simply won’t tell me. Oh speaking of that I have another reason to thank you.” She states looking at you with a glowing smile.

You look at her with a confused expression. “Thank me, for what? I haven’t done anything but cause trouble and burden you all since I arrived here.”

“Come now Anon, that’s not true in the slightest.” You hear from behind you. You turn around and notice Celestia standing before you with a warm smile. “I am glad to see that you are all right after what happened today. I’m terribly sorry that happened, it was not my intention to invite you here and for you to end up in the hospital not hours after your arrival.”

You walk over and hug Celestia. “It’s not your fault don’t worry Celestia Iii mean Princess, sorry.”

Celestia and Cadence both laugh at your remark. “Anon please, you can drop the Princess, simply Celestia is fine.” She states retracting from the hug.

Cadence walks over to the two of you. “And you can just call me Cadence, no need for the Princess titles. Also I wanted to thank you for bringing Auntie Luna back. I was never able to meet her until she returned only recently.”

You turn face the two of them. “Okay sounds good, um hey where is Luna anyway?”

Celestia and Cadence both share a sad look. “She keeps herself locked in her room, since we returned from Ponyville she simply won’t come out. I’ve tried talking with her but she still blames herself for you coming to Equestria.”

You dawn a saddened expression. “Oh, well can I see her; please I want her to know that I don’t blame her in the slightest. To be honest I’ve never been happier, where I came from my life was terrible. I had a lousy job, and little to no friends. But now I have tons of friends and people I mean ponies that actually care about me, I need to thank her for everything. She’s given me a fresh start and I can’t thank you and everyone else for making this all possible. Can I go see her, please? I need to talk to her, to make her understand that none of this is her fault.”

Celestia and Cadence both share a smile. “Of course you can go see her; maybe talking to you will snap her out of this. Follow me.” Celestia states turning and heading for a door leading back into the castle with you and Cadence close behind.

You take in the sites around you, your currently walking down a long hallway adorned with different paintings and flowers. After some twists and turns the three of you finally come to a large spiral stair case leading upwards. The three of you climb the stairs until you reach the top, before you is a large midnight blue door with two guards standing on either side of it. “Anon you may go inside, Cadence and I will stay out here and give the two of you some time to talk.” Celestia states with a warm smile.

You approach the door and one of the guard’s horns glows and the door slightly opens. “Thanks” you say to the guard who opened the door as you step through. As soon as you’re through the door closes behind you and the room becomes pitch black. “Luna, are you in here, I can’t see anything.” You say aloud and hear what sounds like light shuffling from the other side of the room.

“I told you I don’t want to be disturbed now leave at once.” You hear her say from the other side of the room.

“Luna please its Anon we need to talk.” You say stepping forward.

“Anon, as in the human?” She asks confused.

“Yeah it’s me Anon, wait human Luna what’s going on you know who I am. Unless CELESTIA, CADENCE GET IN HERE QUICK!” You shout and just as soon as you finish your sentence the door bursts open with Celestia and Cadence standing there looking slightly terrifying.

“Anon what’s the matter?” Celestia states approaching you.

“Something’s not right, Luna would know who I am but the way she just asked about me wasn’t right.” You say looking in the direction of the voice.

“Anon what are you talking about, it’s me, you just surprised me is all.” The voice states from the shadows.

“Celestia can you light up the room.” You ask turning to her. She nods her head and suddenly her horn glows a golden hue as all the light in the room come on at once revealing a strange pony from the direction of the voice. You charge at the pony and tackle her to the ground. “You, I knew it wasn’t Luna, where is she what did you do to her.” Getting a good look at the pony you realize that she is a very strange looking pony. Her eyes are glowing slightly yellow and look almost like cat irises; she is a pale blue color and has dark purple armor sort of like Shining’s royal guard armor. You are suddenly thrown off of her and are now pinned under the pony holding a hoof to your throat.

“How dare you attack me, I should end your life here and now for atta.” The evil looking pony started to say in a somewhat higher pitched voice but was immediately cut off.

“Stand down Night Blade.” You hear Celestia say from behind her.

“But he attacked me, why should he get away with attacking the captain on the night watch. Besides it’s his fault Princess Luna is so distraught right now.” The now named mare states still pinning you to the floor.

“I said let him go, NOW!” Celestia shouts with a hint of anger evident.

Night Blade finally releases you and you stand back up grabbing your chest. You finally get a good look at her and realize she’s a pegasus but instead of feathery wings she has dark blue bat like wings and a tail that matches. “Thanks Celestia. Now who are you and what did you do to Luna?” You shout glaring at Night Blade.

“For your information I am Night Blade, captain of the night watch and as such I don’t have to tell you a damn thing, besides Princess Luna made me swear to tell nopony where she was going. And I’ll die before I tell you anything.” She states walking over to Celestia and bowing. “My apologies Princess, I should have never second questioned your order.”

Celestia stomps her hoof on the ground and dawns an incredibly pissed off look. “We’ll deal with that matter later; now tell me where my sister is?”

“I’m sorry Princess but I can’t tell you where she is, you know as captain of her night guard her word is absolute.” She states practically kissing the floor.

“I don’t care about my sister’s order, I just got her back and now’s she’s gone again. So help me if you don’t tell me where she is I will banish you to Tartarus for the rest of your life.” Celestia states angrily.

You start to get the memo to never piss Celestia off. “Celestia calm down, it’ll be ok.”

Celestia looks at you confused. “Anon how am I supposed to be calm at a time like this? I just got my sister back after I banished her to the moon for a thousand years and now the one pony who knows where she is won’t tell me where to find her. If I lose here again Anon, I don’t know what I’ll do.” She states as she begins to cry.

You walk over and wrap your arm around Celestia in a comforting manner. “It’s okay Celestia, I’m sure she’s fine. I’m worried about her just as much as you are. And don’t worry we aren’t going to stop until we find her.” Suddenly something starts to dawn on you. “Wait a second, Celestia do you remember the reason why I came here in the first place?”

She looks at you confused. “Yes we where going to discuss your dreams but like I said in the letter my sister is better suited for helping you figure them out. Besides how could this help us at a time like this?”

“Well like you said you don’t fully know what they could mean. But that first one wasn’t the only one I had, I had another one right before Cadence and I met up with you in the courtyard. Now I don’t know what they mean but all of them have something to do with Luna being in a strange place. So what if my dreams aren’t really dreams, what if they are showing me where Luna is, Night Blade how long ago did Luna take off?” You shout looking towards the guard.

She gives you an evil glare. “About two days ago after her and Princess Celestia arrived back at the castle.”

“Right when my dreams started happening, I don’t know how to explain this Celestia but I think I might have an idea of where Luna is. Did you and Luna ever grow up in an old castle or something? Ahhh it’s hard to remember details but I remember that the place was destroyed and it seemed like no one had been there for years. Also there was a courtyard that had a sun/moon statue on top of a fountain and I think I remember a tombstone with someone by the name of Melvin on it. Damn it I can’t remember anymore than that though, does it ring any bells?” You ask looking at Celestia with hope.

Celestia ponders for a moment until it seems to dawn on her all at once. “Of course, Luna talked about trying to recover Star Swirl The Bearded’s old magical notes and books. He was the one that taught Luna and I how to use magic, he was one of the greatest unicorns to ever live but he sadly disappeared almost a thousand years ago. But before he vanished he created hundreds of spells, Luna must be trying to find one in hopes of trying to send you back. I brought some of his work to Canterlot and stored it in the royal archives but the rest of his work is still in our old castle deep in the Everfree forest. But how is it even possible that you are able to see her in your dreams, as far as I can tell you have no magic?”

“Wait so you know where this place is, then let’s go get Luna back. I don’t care about any of that other stuff. I need her to know that I’m happy and that she doesn’t have to feel guilty for bringing me here. I don’t know why I can see her either but I’m glad I can since it will help save Luna. Celestia please tell me how to get there, let me go bring Luna back. It‘s the least I can do after everything you‘ve all done for me.” You state standing beside her with fire in your eyes.

“Anon no, I can’t allow you to do this. I will send guards to retrieve her; the forest is much too dangerous for you especially by yourself.” Celestia states standing up and walking towards the door.

“No Celestia you said it yourself she’s only doing all this for me, I need her to know it’s not her fault, and I have something else I need to tell her as well but she needs to hear it from me. And I don’t know if she’ll even return knowing I’m here. If what she said in my dreams is true she blames herself for everything and doesn’t even want to see me. So if I go to her she has no choice but to hear me out, please Celestia tell me how to get there.” You say chasing after her.

Celestia turns to face you and is about to shoot you down again but someone comes to your rescue. “Auntie allow me to escort Anon to the old ruins, I know where they are and I know exactly what Anon wants to talk to Luna about. I feel that I’m the only one who can convince her it’s the truth.” She states winking at Celestia.

Celestia catches on to what Cadence is getting at and gives Anon a warm smile. “All right Anon, please stay close to Cadence and bring my sister back. Night Blade you will go with Anon and Cadence and protect them as if they where Luna, do I make myself clear.” She states glaring at the guard.

“Yes your highness, consider it done.” Night Blade says sternly saluting Celestia.

The four of you leave Luna’s tower and make your way down to another courtyard of the castle. There you see a chariot with two guards that look exactly like Night blade standing ready to pull it. “These guards will fly you to the castle, it will be much faster. I would go myself but I cannot leave Canterlot especially now. Please be safe and bring my sister home safely.” Celestia states as you, Cadence, and Night Blade all enter the chariot.

As soon as the door to the chariot shuts the guards pulling it take off into a gallop and after a few flaps of there wings your airborne. You look down over the city of Canterlot noticing the hundreds of lights shining up at you. Behind you Celestia begins lowering the sun and a moment later raises the moon. The chariot banks left aimed towards Ponyville and eventually the Everfree forest. “Hold on Luna, I’m coming to bring you home.”