The Legend of the Rare Rainbow Diamond, Rarest Diamond that Ever Existed

by Blue Tiger

3 - Climbing the Himalayan Mountains

The drive was almost an hour and a half long. The taxi driver stopped the vehicle and said, "This is as far I can go. We're only less than a quarter mile away from the mountains so you can walk the rest of the way."
Rarity paid the driver $40 dollars before getting out of the vehicle. "Alright Spike. Let's go."
She and Spike walked the rest of the way.
They've been walking for twenty minutes when they finally reached the base of the Himalayan Mountains. Rarity remembered that the diamond should be on the top of Mt. Everest.
Spike looked up to try to find the top. He couldn't see it, but what he saw was a lot of snow in the distance. "Uh, Rarity? Did you remember to pack warm clothes?"
"Unfortunately, I did not," Rarity said. "But watch this!" She summoned two heavy coats from her horn and gave the smaller one to Spike.
"Wow!" Spike said as he put his coat on.
"Alright!" Rarity put her coat on. "Let's go." They started climbing the mountain.
They've been climbing for almost an hour now when they reached heavy snow and extremely low temperatures. Spike was so cold, he couldn't even breathe his fire. Instead, he breathed out ice and frost.
Two hours into climbing, both Rarity and Spike were covered in ice and frost. Rarity took out a sandwich. Wait, were they even sandwiches?! When Rarity took one out, she noticed they became rock hard. She tried to take a bite of one, but when she did, it felt like she broke her teeth.
Three hours, which felt like all day, they can finally see the top. They broke into a run. A couple minutes later, they were at the very top. Rarity started looking for the Rainbow Diamond. Spike, on the other hoof, was enjoying the view.
After what felt like another hour, Rarity found something shining. The Rainbow Diamond! Rarity has found the rare Rainbow Diamond! It was on a fancy-looking stand. Rarity and Spike ran up to it. It was so colorful. Spike licked his lips as Rarity slowly grabbed the diamond.
"I can't believe it!" Rarity said. "I can't believe it! I've found the Rainbow Diamond!" She put the diamond in her saddle bag before something bad happens to it. "C'mon Spike. Let's go."
"Wait!" Spike said. "Don't you wanna see this!"
Rarity looked at where Spike was pointing. He was right. The view is nice! Rarity could even see the Earth curve in the distance.
Spike took a camera out of his backpack. "I thought we'd need this," He said. He turned it on and took a picture of the view.
"Spike! Get a picture of the diamond!" Rarity said.
Spike turned to Rarity and aimed the camera at the diamond. He started to get hungry, but not for sandwiches. He was hungry for that diamond. He must know what it tastes like! Instead of taking the picture, he jumped right onto Rarity and knocked her off her hooves and took the diamond from her grip. He ate the diamond in an instant. It was the best thing he ever tasted in his life!
"Spike!" Rarity said frightened. "How... How could you?! You just ate an extremely rare diamond that even gives good luck to ponies to find it!"
"Oh... uh," Spike was speechless. He didn't know what to say. "I... I'm sorry, I... Couldn't help myself."
"Now there's no other known Rainbow Diamonds history has ever discovered!" Rarity said.
"But we did find it didn't we?" Spike said. "It would give us good luck, right?"
"Not anymore. You just ate it."
"Like I said, I couldn't help myself!"
"Okay, you know what? Let's just go home!" Rarity started walking down the hill. Spike hesitated to walk for a minute or so then decided he should catch up.