Human in Pony's clothing

by TheDawsonator1

Entry #19

Yeah, if my high school P.E teacher could see me now, he’d proud I was running like Cerberus was right behind me. I never did take P.E seriously, face it, two thirds of the kids teach it like social time anyway.

Oh, but here I am monlouging while I’m being chased by 100+ changelings! I need to sort my priorities out!

I always hated tag, everypony always cheated with that stupid bar rule! This time there was bar to save me if they catch up, it’s escape or capture, and I’m not opting for the latter thank you very much.

There were many paths and I don’t think the changelings saw which way I went and there was a spot I could hide so I went for it. Thankfully they ran past me, I caught my breath and started to make my escape.

Chrysalis was ready to dominate Equestria this time around, nothing can stop her now! NOTHING! It was almost time for her to show up at the throne room, excitement left her lips as she anticipated all the emotions.

“Your highness, it’s time” One of her changeling guards reported
“Excellent, Equestria your time has come!” Chrysalis gave off a laugh

It was about an hour later I think that I finally got out of the caves, I guess it was more mazey in there than I thought it would be, I hope Luna and Cadence are okay, Twilight as well. I guess I better make my presence known at the throne room.

I saw no obvious signs of Changelings yet as I looked in the sky expecting to see Changelings chewing away at the bubble of Shining Armor’s shield.

You won’t escape Chrysalis, you can bet your life on it!

I saw Luna, Cadence and Twilight at the door, ready to barge in.

“Sup Girls?” I greeted
“You’re okay Lightning?” Cadence asked
“Let’s just say Changelings aren’t very bright” I said simply
“Princess Luna explained what happened over the last fortnight, we’re going to bring her down to justice” Twilight said
“That’s the spirit, now let’s hurry up or our friends might not survive in there” I said

I heard Celestia doing the thing where the marry the couple and was about to say the line.

“It is with great pleasure that I now pronounce you-“ Celestia started


“Stop the wedding!” I shouted
“Who in tartarus?” Chrysalis looked at the door to see the four of us
“How do you get past the bridesmaids?” Chrysalis asked once she saw who we were.
“Some tricks never get old” Twilight explained simply
“And how did you escape?” Chrysalis asked me
“Simple, the night gave me strength if you get my drift” I said
“Grr, how could you all ruin my special day?” Chrysalis asked furiously
“It’s not your special day, It’s mine!” Cadence said as the crowd gasped
“Yours? Pfft, you wish! I made sure all the preparations were complete, and this time your precious love for Shining Armor will not beat me, you aren’t even getting close to him, now Shining deary, would you lower the shield please?” Chrysalis ordered Shining
“As you command” Shining said as he flared his horn

All around us, the shield went down and the Changelings started swarming in. Well we're in for the fight of our lives

“Whatever hope you had for victory is now diminished” Chrysalis said
“Aren’t you going to show us your true form you bug freak!” I said
“Why of course, I’ll show you just who you’re going to be dominated by, now allow me to introduce myself as the Queen of Changelings: CHRYSALIS!!” Chrysalis accepted our request

Chrysalis then flared her horn as she revealed her true form, Black coat, holes in her hooves were around and green pupils in her eyes much snakelike. She also had a blue mane that had a few holes in it as well, you gotta wonder how she got so many holes in her and does it hurt? Perhaps I should give her a few more

“Are you ready to surrender little ponies?” Chrysalis asked
“What is this? Dumb question hour? Of course not, you disgusting little bug! We’re going to slap you down and paint these walls with your blood” I said
“You have foolishly revealed yourself Chrysalis, and now I can protect my subjects from the likes of you” Celestia said as she flown up and prepared a beam
“This again? Have it your way Celestia” Chrysalis laughed as she shot back

As the show predicted, Celestia had no chance against Chrysalis all powered up and she fell down. But she instructed the Elements to run and grab the necklaces but Luna, Cadence and I stayed behind, I’m making sure she fails.

“Run, Run as fast you can little ponies for you are not the Gingerbread pony! Hahaha! Now then, I believe you, Lighting Bolt are next” Chrysalis turned to me
“Aww is the little bug mad I escaped, you should learn a few things, history has a tendency to repeat itself and you can’t fight it. You may look you have an advantage but I know under all that power, you’re nothing! Just a weak excuse of a bug who thinks her higher than she is, that will always seal your loss” I insulted her
“Like you could do any better in my horseshoes? I had to decency to use your knowledge to my advantage, I went after the Princess of Love herself for maximum effectiveness. I actually did something! Unlike you, you had all the knowledge yet you never used it, you could of corrected so many things” Chrysalis shot back
“Yes I let things happen, it teaches them things, and besides if I had interfered it would of made things worse, that’s just how the universe works. But you know what? I’d rather be a low-life screw-up then be in your body any day of the week, your little underling got what he deserved because he tried something he was not, and that was me! Like it or not I’m Lightning Bolt, accept no substitutes and I’m here to stay and there is naught you can do about it, buggy!” I said

We were both staring at each other with hatred, it was clear she would have me dead right about now.

“So you say, you’re nothing but a pawn anyway” Chrysalis turned away
“A good player knows the pawn is as big a threat as any, they can still take the king piece” I said
“Hard to do if that piece is surrounded by all the superior pecies isn’t it?” Chrysalis still did not look at me
Hey Chrysalis, knock knock” I said
“What is this even? Fine, Who’s there?” Chrysalis answered
“Interrupting laser blast to the face” I said
“Interrupting lase blast to the wha-?” Chrysalis turned in confusion


Luna had blasted Chrysalis in the face and she hit the wall opposite.

“That was for defying our sister you sorry excuse for a Changeling” Luna said
“I almost forgot about you Princess Luna, you never should of showed up, I’d of thought you’d be still stuck in the moon” Chrysalis let out of cry of pain
“We still cannot believe we didn’t smell thy stench from the moon, Chrysalis!” Luna started
“Still better than you, jealous of such a weakling sister. If it were me, I wouldn’t of turned until after I overthrown Celestia” Chrysalis retorted
“How dare thee! Why don’t thou just get out of this room right now before we explode thee into a million pieces!” Luna threatened
“What’re you going to do? Use the Royal Canterlot Voice on me?” Chrysalis mocked

In retaliation, Luna shot a beam as Chrysalis reacted in time but I knew Luna was going to lose like her sister so I intervened and tackled Chrysalis and hit her hard!

“You wouldn’t hit a lady” Chrysalis said
“Oh stop that! Did you think for one minute I wouldn’t hit you because you think you’re one?” I asked
“Well yeah” Chrysalis replied
“Well Guess what bug brain?” I said as I pulled my hoof back

I punched Chrysalis straight in the face, I was all like had enough your horseapples! It’s not everyday somepony punches one of Alicorn Physique, well today’s your lucky day! Quite frankly she deserved it too.

“You DARE hit me!” Chrysalis roared at me
“What? Thought you were immune to punched in the face? Well there goes your theory” I said

The door opened again and the Mane Six came in captured by the Changelings, well that was awfully predictable but a better ruse was in mind, I’ll tell you in a minute.

“Well, looks like you six failed again” Chrysalis laughed
“That’s what you think” I said
“More like I know” Chrysalis shot back
“No really, have you been paying attention? Somepony’s been missing in this whole war of words and fists” I said
“Who then?” Chrysalis asked
“I spy, something with my little eye, something beginning with C” I said
“Hmmm…THE PRINCESS! Cadence!” Chrysalis figured it out
“About time, I was wondering when you’d figure it out” I said
“Where IS she?” Chrysalis demanded
“Shan’t say nothing if you don’t say please” I gave a huge troll smile
“Fine, Please tell me!” Chrysalis said
“NOTHING! Told you shan’t say nothing if you didn’t say please” I laughed
“Turn around already! Geez!” I said

Chrysalis turned around to find Cadence and Shining Armor together and spells lifted, they had been charging for about a minute and the let their Changeling-defying shield blast through Canterlot

“Oh…BUCK!” Chrysalis knew she was screwed

The Power of love is an amazing thing ain’t it? It can give warm feelings in your heart and can be used a freaking unstoppable laser beam of destruction! Also repels Changelings and fixes Manestyles too!

So before she gets blasted to kingdom come, you’re all very confused what happened and how we managed to get the upper hand. See, Cadence was playing a ruse the whole time as were Luna and I. We kept Chrysalis talking to us diverting her attention off her, Cadence took out the 2 changeling guards quietly and cast an illusion spell that still showed her and the two changelings still up while she snuck behind Chrysalis and took the spell of Shining Armor and with their love charged their energy and that’s how you win! I would of wanted her death, but you can’t win them all and assuming the Comic books are coming, she’ll be back for more.


Chrysalis and her changelings went flying, that’s the end of that! But man I felt tired, even when Luna healed me, I still felt weak from the Changelings sucking me dry and running from them and tackling their queen in really exhausting…so exhausting I might…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….