//------------------------------// // Chapter 19:New Plan! // Story: Something Different // by BlackWingsRed //------------------------------// Chapter 19:New Plan! The sounds of sewing machines and humming filled the noon air around the Carousel Boutique as Rarity whimsically pranced about her work room preparing dresses. She seemingly worked on three at once with ease seeing that it was well in her element. She hummed happily as the last bits of inspiration were beginning to take hold of her creations. Sweetie Belle on the other hand (or hoof) was preparing her saddlebag in her room throwing a few pieces of fabric and other materials that she wanted to use when she would meet up with the other two members of the CMC. The look in Rarity's eyes flourished as she hummed her dress making song adding one final bow. "Finally! They are complete!" She yelled rather dramatically as if it had been her life that was in jeopardy. "My seasons selection is just about complete all that's left is summer. Now into the next project. Sweetie Belle! Would you come here for a second darling?" "Yeah Rarity? What's up?" Sweetie Belle stuck her head in through an open doorway. "I need to get your measures for a smaller version for the younger fillies such as yourself. I know plenty if ponies who would want to match their siblings." Rarity answered immediately after she magically lifted her sister over to her and began getting her measures with a long measuring tape. As she was doing so she heard the sound of someone hopping into the shop and then towards them. They stood there expecting a head to pop in but there was no one in the hall. "Are you girls getting ready for Nightmare Night? You silly fillies. Thats not for another four months. But I really like the effort here. Look at the little mummy pony." Pinkie Pie amused herself with misinterpretation of what Rarity was in the middle of doing. "Now Pinkie Pie you don't expect me to work on something that I had finished a month ago? Now please stay in the living room and wait for the others I must finish getting Sweetie Belle's measurements." Rarity replied pulling the tape off her sister. Pinkie complied by slowly walking herself out where she went face to face with Opalescence who was grooming herself. The little cat began to hiss but Pinkie's hoof was quicker than the cat's claw and began petting her until she broke away running. "Silly kitty." Pinkie giggled as she spoke. To her surprise her friends had already arrived ready to walk in. They were talking to each other. "What if we were to happen to find the owner of that bag?" Applejack's voice echoed into the room as the rest of her friends followed behind it. "I don't think he'll be too happy if you take his things apart and you didn't know how to fix em. What're you gonna do then?" Twilight seemed to be in another world as Applejack lectured her. She mumbled a few words to herself and sat down. Looking just as confused as she was looking at the strange devices. Pinkie poked her head back into the Room Rarity still was and whispered to her. "They're here." An audible gasp could be heard as several pieces of clothing and things were tossed about the other room as well as Sweetie Belle. Pinkie went back and sat along side the rest of the group. "So what're you gonna be for Nightmare Night?" "Pinkie Pie... You are still the most Random pony I've ever met." Rainbow Dash replied smiling and laughing. "I must apologize for letting you girls wait. Let's begin shall we? Now as you all know we won't be attending the Gala this year if you all remember what happened last time." Said Rarity as she stepped out in an outfit that much resembled a business suit except purple. "Uh Rarity what's all this about?" Asked Fluttershy worried of what Rarity was about to suggest. "Yeah Rare what's this plan you were talking about?" Applejack added. "Well... I suggested to the mayor that we should have our own little Grand Galloping Gala this year since not everyone can get to go to Canterlot and attend. And she said yes!" She happily giggled while halo oping her hooves. "But first we need to have ponies that want to attend sign. Oh won't that be exciting? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need help with it's organizing." Twilight's ears perked up with that last line. "Rainbow Dash, Applejack could you come with me? I need to speak to you in private." She disappeared into the other room. Applejack looked back towards Rainbow and the others. The two followed Rarity into the room while the others watched them in confusion. Once out of view and earshot Rarity turned and smiled. "I've come up with the perfect plan to rekindle Twilight's sparkle and get her out of this depressing state." Rarity explained. "How do ya suppose a Gala would be the perfect way to fix Twilight?" Applejack questioned. "We've tried to cheer her up with a party, dancing and even her studying. The studying worked for awhile but then she dropped back like a dill weed." "Yeah if Egg head couldn't be herself by reading books what good is a frilly dance gonna do?" Rainbow added. "Well aren't you two a little close minded. You only a small portion of what I have planned. She needs to be given a proper job with a catch. My plan has something she couldn't possibly refuse." Rarity grinned. "What's that supposed to be?" Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash replied at the same time. "A meeting with the Princess. Twilight wouldn't dare refuse impressing her Teacher and Royal Leader." Rarity shot back. "Hey! Yeah that actually sounds like a good idea!" Rainbow jumped into the air. "And if impressing the Princesses doesn't work. We can always ask the Princess to check on her herself." "Okay that could work. Now let's go explain it to them." Applejack agreed heading out of the little huddle up. Fluttershy sat by Pinkie Pie discussing things of a party while Twilight sat in the corner sulking and not listening to anything. "Okay now ponies! If we want this whole Ponyville Gala thing going we're going to have to gather as much signatures by the end of the day. But we need a Pony to help organize a layout and research what a Gala would need with Rare here." Twilight's ear propped itself up as she turned her attention towards her. "Since this gala will be happening on the day after the actual Gala, Princess Celestia herself will be here to approve the plan and attend as well. So, in the long run we're gonna need somepony to help impress her. Are you in Twilight?" This time Rainbow Dash explained. "What? The Princess will be coming here?! When?!" Twilight Panicked. "Well the actual Gala will be in three days. so, it depends on how fast we can get signatures and set up the towns square. We're going to need to provide the food, dance area, and music. The mayor has allowed us the use of the main room of the Town hall. I of course have the decorations for such an event."Rarity flicked her hair and smiled as a huge box floated from out of the other room. Fluttershy and Pinkie made their way over and examined the contents "Rarity when did you have time to make these? They're beautiful." Fluttershy held a few of them with her hooves. Rarity levitated a big sheet high above them. "Does this look familiar? I based the designs on the stained windows of the ballroom. I'm sure Celestia would take notice of it." Rarity explained. Twilight once again took notice and took a look herself. "Yeah definitely! This is gonna be one heck of a party!" Pinkie Pie excitedly shouted and then disappeared into one of the boxes. "With that being said I'll be in charge of decorating" said Rarity. "I will handle the signatures!" Rainbow Dash raised her hoof. "I'll handle the food and beverages." Applejack nodded her head and hat. "I can do the music..." Fluttershy whispered in. "I will handle the party games and dances!" Said Pinkie's muffled voice deep down in the box. "Oh I guess I will be in charge of planning the schedule and the amount of things as well. But... What if I miscount the amount of cups and plates we need?! What if I make one event take place when another should of?! Oh what to do?!..." Rarity exclaimed throwing her hoof above her head in a dramatic performance. "I can do it Rarity." Twilight finally spoke clearly buying into Rarity's ruse."I can start the planning once I get home and after I examine those things one more time. Also I'm gonna need the number of ponies who will be going to get an actual clue on how many things we'll need for everypony as well as a prime spot for the Princess if she is actually attending." Rarity showed a look of success to everypony else while Twilight began to examine the banners and cloths. "Oh why thank you Twilight I'm sure we would've been in such disarray without your help. Now, how about we enjoy the rest of the day with a nice lunch and a little time at the spa hmm? Then we can begin preparations for some posters for everypony to see." "That actually sounds pretty good. I needed a good break from the farm and besides we wouldn't be able to harvest the rest of the apples with the new roof going up today." Applejack responded popping her back on the way out followed by Pinkie who left a trail of decorations." After they all left, Sweetie Belle snuck out with her bag of materials and trotted down another path towards Sweet Apple acres. Outside the library... Spike and Joe had made it to the library. Joe stared at the massive tree as Spike opened the doors. "C'mon in I don't think Twilight's here. She's probably with the rest of the girls." Said Spike holding the door. "It's still pretty amazing. This is one BIG tree! Big enough to fit a small library and I guess used as housing." Joe responded, his gaze still fixed onto the library he felt drawn or you could say pulled into it by a mysterious force. "C'mon let's head in. I wanna show you the kind of books we got here." Spike pushed Red into the library where he began to look around even more. Spike began to point at several bookshelves and explained them. "This section over here is full of basic magic spells to mid level Unicorn magic and on this side we have a large collection of how to books. Oh, and on this side we have the novel section filled with all sorts of books like fiction, based on true events, adventure and romance. But the sad thing is we rarely get that many visitors that actually come and borrow books. Do you see any you want to take with you? I can carry it back if you want." "Wow the shelves are actually built into the tree as well." Said Joe completely out of relation to Spike's offer. "Hey are those supposed to be autobiographies?" He ignored what The little dragon had said entirely. A few books floated from the shelves and into a small stack. He contently looked around and pulled out a few different books and added them to the stack. "Okay while you get some of those I'm going to go grab my ball." He disappeared into the other side of the library. "Yeah... Be right with ya..." Joe replied as he already began reading into the books he's collected happily content. After a short while! He had begun to question where Spike had gone. Feeling curious of the little dragon's location he looked around the library and focused his attention on a chalkboard until a sudden noise caught his attention. Spike suddenly appeared with a ball in his claws. He held up the hoofball and kicked it into the kitchen. His eyes locked onto something he hadn't noticed earlier. Something had been placed onto the table. "Hey... What are these?..." He asked himself as he examined a little black device trying to figure it out. "Hey I didn't know Celestia had her own biography or did someone write this one for her? Hey can-" he paused suddenly at the familiar start up sound of whatever Spike had picked up. He slowly made his way to the dragon who had dropped the object and cautiously tried to pick it back up. He couldn't believe what he had seen until he used his magic to pull it away from the little dragon. "I... I... I can't believe it..." He stammered and turned his head to the table where the rest of his things laid. "I... Thought I lost these to those stupid dogs back in the forest. What are they doing here?" He took off the pendant and began to try each of the devices overwhelmed with relief. "I think they found that when the Princess issued a search during the time ponies were going missing. I think Scootaloo brought that bag here." Spike held his claw at his chin. He tried clicking the laptop's keys trying to get a similar result like he had with the other device. "Twilight must've taken it out sometime after I left. What are these supposed to be?" "Most of these are dead. They need to get charged up. Are there any outlets here?" Joe held up the PSP and looked at the charge. "It's at eighty percent... This will last a while." He quickly began to dig through the cords. "An outlet? Yeah there is one open in the kitchen." Spike rushed towards the counter and moved some bowls out of the way exposing the outlet. He seemed interested in this few bits of technology. The human walked towards the kitchen counter and placed his laptop on it. He levitated the cord from the table into his hand and tried to plug it in. "Dang it... It's too small. I need to find a way to get this working again." He began to pack everything back into the back pack carefully. Spike immediately jumped up to try to stop the human."Wait! What about Twilight what she gonna think when she gets back?" Spike questioned. "She's going to get angry when she finds out they've gone missing?" "I don't think I really care. Why are they trying to hunt me down?" Joe pointed towards the chalkboard with the notes. "I know she's one of those ponies that have been trying to expose me. I saw her that night I fell asleep at the field. Those books are the ones I got from the Castle." He levitated those books into his bag and flung the bag onto his back. He put the pendant back on and transformed in a flash. He sighed and turned towards the door. "What are you going to do?" Spike asked as he picked up the ball and walked up behind Red as they exited the library. "Nothing. I told you already I don't want to end up getting anybody else involved." Joereplied as he furthered himself away from Spike turning in the direction of the windmill. "I'm not talking about Twilight or anypony else. I'm talking about those things in the bag." Spike shot back. "I'm going to hide them so that no one could find them. Then when the coast is clear and I have the things I need, I could try to figure a way to charge them. " Red replied moving faster and ahead of Spike. "We've gotta get out of here before your friend shows up. Hop on." "Does this mean we aren't playing hoofball anymore?" Spike asked in an annoyed saddened tone as he hopped on and held onto the backpack. "Yeah don't worry we can still play. Let's just... Let's just put these away and we can get a few games going." Joe answered going into a gallop through the street. A little while later they ended up at the windmill. Joe rushed in and Spike followed. They walked into the basement and switched on the light. "This looks perfect." Red said as he levitated an old chest from underneath the stairway over Spike's head and placed it by him. "I remembered seeing this once but I never thought of using it." Spike popped the lid open and stared into the chest's empty insides. "So how are you gonna use these?" He blew the dust out as Red gently levitated everything in. "What kind of magic powers them?" The human began to laugh inside. "Let's just say these helped me out in a whole lot of ways. And they don't run on magic. They just run on batteries... Hard to charge batteries..." He shut the lid and placed it back to where he found it. "That's that, now c'mon let's lock up and get out of here." The two of them made their way out of the basement locking its door and into the the kitchen. Joe pulled off his pendant and returned to being human. His face full of confusion and thoughts of what to do floated in his mind. He pulled a small wooden chair away from the table and sat down with his head resting on the table. Spike hopped onto a chair as well and watched him. Joe raised one hand and pointed his index finger up. "Just give me a second... I need to come up with something to tell the Princess tomorrow." He said putting his hand down. His mind began to float back to what he had seen on the chalkboard. "That's a really close assumption that pony has. She's probably another Egghead isn't she?" He thought aloud." "Huh? Yeah she is...That sounded like something Rainbow Dash would say." Spike responded. "Isn't that one the rainbow one that also wanted to hunt me down as well I heard what she said in that little restaurant she's pretty cocky if she thinks it'll be easy to catch me." Joe said with his head still down. Spike motioned to say something by raising one of his claws to protest. "Then there's that thing. Those glowing yellow eyes staring at me everywhere. It was like she was staring into my very soul..." Spike just shot a worried glance. "Dude... That's creepy..." Spike gave a creeped out stare and winced at the thought. A sudden stream of thoughts began to fill the little dragon's mind when he noticed the small collection of Equestria Daily's resting on the kitchen counter."Don't worry you'll get used to it. Maybe I'll try bringing you to... No wait that wouldn't work how bout!... No that wouldn't work either..." Spike continued to come up solutions but, constantly turned his own ideas down. Beginning to feel sluggish and looked at the clueless expression on the little guy's face. Joe picked up the ball Spike had brought and began to kick it around the kitchen until he found a solid enough surface to cause it bounce back towards him. "So what's the plan now? Are we still gonna play some soccer or what?" Joe asked while trying to bounce the ball on one of his shoes "Alright! I thought you'd never ask." Spike jumped from his seat. He grabbed the soccer ball and headed out the door followed by Joe. Joe quickly ran back in and grabbed the pendant off the table then placed it back on. With the glow of a horn the windmill glowed red and the two headed into towards the fields.