Dethroning the Prince

by Ri Jun

Maybe Today Will Be Better

Twilight stared up at her ceiling after yet another sleepless night. How did he- her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her alarm clock.

She slammed it into the wall and then crawled out of bed.


After a few good cups of coffee, Twilight trotted down to Ponyville’s only train station, vaguely wondering whether or not this was good for her health. She didn't really care though.

After all the (expensive, but paid for by the crown because she was on business) ticket jazz she boarded the train and took her seat next to Rarity.

“Hi, Rarity.”

“Good morning, Twilight. Tell me, how do you manage to wake up this early every morning? It is rather tiring.”


“Ah, well I apologize but I think I should have a short nap. Would you wake me when we arrive in Canterlot?”

“Okay,” Twilight said. She herself would love to sleep too but her mind and the coffee was keeping her in a zombie-like state.

Blueblood… you…b-… sweet Celestia, I hate you… oh, Celestia may your spirit help us… Twilight’s eyes started to water and a few silent sobs escaped her. “I miss you, princess…” she whispered.


A large group of unicorns were gathered up in a field on the outskirts of Canterlot.

Commanding them in a snobbish voice was King Blueblood.

“Welcome all you unicorns! As most of you peasants should know, the ponies who usually do this are currently lacking the energy necessary, so all of you need to take their places for the time being!”

A round of unenthusiastic cheers came from the crowd and the king snorted.

“Alright! Now, Ms. Sparkle would you take the reins from here? I am positively sick of looking a these worthless faces.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Twilight called out with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

And with that, he returned to his bedchambers.


“Alright, everypony! Do you all have your numbers?”

A 'yes' rang through the group.

“Then all number ones head to the left and number twos to the right! Ones, you will lower the moon and twos, you raise the sun. It will be heavy and some of you may need to strain yourselves but it has to be done. Remember your numbers as you will be doing this again tomorrow. Any questions?”

Hooves were raised.

Twilight sighed, knowing that most of the questions were about Blueblood, they always were. She dragged a hoof down her face.

“Okay, any questions about what we are about to do?”

“Why are we doing this?”

“Most of the unicorns who did this are exhausted, after all they have been doing this for a couple of months now.”

A silence fell upon them, their beloved rulers had disappeared only a short time ago.

A different voice rang through the crowd, “Weren't you one of them? Shouldn't you be resting too?”

“I’m fine!” Twilight snapped.

“I apologize. Anymore questions? No? Then lets do this, some of you need to get back home fast, don’t you?”


Later back at the library Twilight was working on the pile of assignments Celestia had given her shortly before she had gone. She wasn't sure why she was still doing it; nobody needed them anyway. Perhaps it made her forget that her beloved mentor and friend had gone. Just for a while. She missed them both deeply. The skies just weren't the same without them.

“Twilight, you need to get some rest! I’ll run the library and you can do those reports later, you’re gonna kill yourself like this!” Spike said suddenly, startling Twilight.

“I’m fine, Spike! Now, if you’ll...” she trailed off , staring into space.

“Twilight! Snap out of it!” he yelled. His friend was getting worse and worse from her lack of sleep and grief, he was truly worried that she might push herself over the edge. The other girls were worried as well but they said she would get over it soon enough. Yeah, well it's been two months already and its just getting worse each day.

“… excuse me, I have work to do.”

Well, she's gonna have day off even if it kills me.

“I have to uh… go into town for a while, to get... quills! Yeah, quills! I’ll be back soon!”


Spike ran as fast as he could to Fluttershy’s.

“Hey, Fluttershy! Open up! I need your help!”

She yelped but recovered and opened the door to see a frantic Spike.

“Spike? What’s wrong?”

“It’s Twilight! It’s been a week since she actually slept and she’s going crazy, you need to bring her to the spa or something! Anything to get her to sleep.”

“B-but she won’t listen to me! maybe you co-“

“Use the stare!”

“No! I-I –“

“Do you want her to die?!”

“Of course not! Bu-“

“So, do it!”

She really didn't want to use the Stare, but... she was really worried about Twilight, she hadn't seen her in days, perhaps she was as bad as Spike said. I have to help her.

"Okay then. Why don't you ask Rarity to come as well?"

"She's busy today."

"Oh I see um, well. Shall we go?"

"Nu-uh, she'll kill me. See ya!"


But he was gone.


Knocking the door nervously, the pegasus ruffled her wings as she waited.

“Hello, Fluttershy! What brings you here?”

Twilight looked... messy, impatient. Almost a little bit insane.

She gulped, this wasn't going to be easy, was it? “L-let’s go to the spa. It will be a nice break from things don't you think?”

“I really would love to, but I’m very busy at the moment, maybe another time?” Spike... Twilight moved to close the door but Fluttershy blocked her, looked down and mumbled.

“What was that?” Twilight asked straining to hear the quiet mare.

“I said ‘sorry’."


And then she looked up, with the Stare.

And just like that Twilight was under her spell.

“We are going to the spa, and you are going to relax and sleep. If not...”

Twilight sighed and nodded.

Then they looked at each other and giggled at how silly they were being.

"Let's go then!" Twilight exclaimed slamming the library door shut.