//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Gummy's Day Out // by LordCheekbone //------------------------------// Gummy bobbed along the cobbled roads of Ponyville on the back of the milky-white unicorn Rarity, who was whining nervously to him about her concerns with the upcoming fashion show. “But I don’t know if he will like it! Navy blue is in this season but I don’t know if the season is in still in! What if the head dress I made for Opal is too large for you? Will he want a pet with undersized clothes at the gala? Oh I’m truly and utterly flustered Gummy!” Gummy didn’t respond. He didn’t know what in Equestria she was going on about; something to do with fashion he supposed. He stared on, wondering when they would get to her boutique. As Rarity went on trotting and chatting Gummy noticed the odd looks that the other Ponyville residents were giving them; they had never seen the beautiful and esteemed fashionista with such an ‘uncouth’ and slimy reptile as she may have put it. Gummy felt a bit out of place. Underneath him he could feel the warm and polished coat tickling his underbelly like a patch of freshly-mown grass, and he sniffed her curved hair and spluttered a cough which was enticed by the sweet fragrance. In that moment Gummy really did feel as though he was in the company of some sort of royal princess, and a sense of importance flushed inside him. This feeling made him stand up on Rarity’s back and after a few steps he lost balance and toppled off her back and onto the pavement below. Rarity turned and sighed at the sight of Gummy clumsy and helpless on his back, and then glanced at a young colt giggling at the alligator. She gave him a stern glance and he turned his head and trotted off. “Gummy please we must hurry, Sapphire Shores’ brother Garnet will be there soon and we must welcome him!” She gave another concerned look and said quietly, “and your lack of balance does not bode well for when you walk down my catwalk.” Rarity beckoned him to retrieve his place on her back but without thinking he snapped his jaws around Rarity’s head. Gummy immediately regretted and braced himself for the expected reaction of being swatted off by the hoof of the unicorn. Instead, obviously affected by the heat and stress, she groaned and trotted on with Gummy’s toothless jaws covering the side of her head from chin to mane. On they went receiving even more strange looks from onlooking ponies, to which Gummy felt a tad awkward. I never get these expressions when on Pinkie’s head, he thought, maybe I should let go of her. He quickly remembered Rarity’s reaction when he had fell off her back and thought against it. After a short trot the odd pairing turned the corner to their final destination and Rarity gave a shriek as she saw a small band of important looking ponies standing at the door of her boutique and rushed to pull Gummy’s gums off her delicate head. After struggling for a second with the suction the gums were released and Rarity’s head free. Gummy hopped onto her back again. Rarity rushed up to a tall, shiny, maple coated stallion with a short silver mane who was waiting patiently with two other stallions and a chubby black cat purring and rubbing against the maple stallion’s legs. The maple coloured earth pony was indeed Garnet Shores, the pony of pop: Sapphire Shores’ twin brother and a famous politician in Canterlot. When Rarity received a letter from him about her fashioning some designs for his most beloved pet cat for the Grand Galloping Gala she almost swooned at the prospect of meeting him. Not only was he smart and important, but he was also esteemed for his fashion sense, and rather handsome. “Hiiiiiii!” She shouted uncharacteristically, to the sudden shock of the black cat who hid behind the hooves of the stallion. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry!” she continued nervously “my name is Rarity.” The stallion’s face lightened up. “Ah, of course! I am Garnet...” “Shores! Yes I know...” she giggled nervously and in awe as they bumped hooves. “I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting outside like some... commoner!” Gummy sensed her unease at saying such things. “It’s is no problem Miss Rarity, we were here only seconds until you came trotting up, I’ve heard all about you from Sapphire.” He smiled, before giving a little exclamation as if he’d just remembered something. “These here, are my personal guards, Mulberry and Gooseberry” the two nodded at Rarity, “and this here is Minnie, the pet I told you about.” “Of course!” Rarity said still smiling wildly. “Say hello Minnie.” The cat brushed against Rarity’s legs and purred softly. Gummy imagined Opalescence doing something so gracious, never in a million years. Rarity looked behind her at Gummy and said. “Ah yes! And this is my... ahem... my pet Gummy.” Gummy blinked. “Say hello Gummy!” Rarity looked on in shock horror as Gummy snapped his gums around Garnet’s head as though he were greeting Pinkie. Mulberry and Gooseberry were quite taken aback and Minnie simply stood there startled. To his credit, Garnet did not flip out as some other famous ponies might have, but after initially flinching he gave an awkward chuckle. “He’s quite the friendly gator isn’t he?” Rarity tried pulling Gummy off Garnet’s face via pulling with all her might, whilst uttering apologies, making the suction nearly rip off Garnet’s flesh. Mulberry and Gooseberry looked quite amused at the sight but still Minnie stood there silently with her hair on end. Eventually, Rarity pulled Gummy off and with a snap and a crash, her and Gummy ended up in a heap on the floor. The two guards were in near stitches until Garnet gave them a fierce look. Rarity brushed herself off and continued her apologies. “How embarrassing! I’m so so sorry Mr Shores, I...” “Please, it’s OK Miss Rarity.” He reassured “Now I believe we have some certain business to conduct?” Rarity forced a smile and agreed. “Of course, follow me. Come Gummy!” Gummy waddled alongside Rarity into her boutique. As he entered he was still wary that he might spot Opalescence, the cat he so very much hated. He also wondered whether the new cat he had just encountered might hold a grudge against him, now that he had bit its master around the face; he hoped not. Garnet looked impressed once he’d walked in, though Gummy wasn’t sure if it was feigned or not. “This place is fabulous Miss Rarity!” Rarity blushed, “Thank you Mr Shores.” “Please, call me Garnet.” he replied. Again Rarity blushed. That was until she saw Gummy in the corner of her eye. She beckoned Gummy onto her back and this time Gummy obliged, not wishing to upset the unicorn again. Rarity took him behind a screen where Gummy could see boxes and racks of clothes, some pony sized, some cat sized. Rarity set him down and looked at the Gator sternly. “You wait here whilst I chat to Garnet for a bit and make him feel at home. Do not, and I repeat do NOT, move!” She turned away in a huff. Gummy stood there for quite a while whilst Rarity talked with Garnet about fashion and how Sapphire was doing and other bland small talk, and in all this time he didn’t even know what the gator was doing here. He knew he was helping Rarity with some fashion thing, but who was the new Stallion he’d never seen before? Before long Rarity returned. “Good, you’ve not moved! Now what I’m going to say is very important, just follow my lead and hopefully everything will go OK. Understand?” Gummy’s eyes blinked in canon. “I said, understand?” Gummy could think of nothing else to do but leap up in the air, and land on his face. Rarity sighed and went over to the boxes and racks of scattered clothes. Gummy watched as Rarity’s blue magic sorted and shifted the somewhat glamorous fabrics and jewels which inhabited the corner. Gummy saw that Rarity was floating a golden tiara with a large diamond implanted into it, over to him. He let her put it on him, as well as a necklace with other sparkly silver jewels. He felt very strange. “Hmm, the tiara isn’t angled right. Maybe a bit towards the left, no the right, no the left...” Gummy blinked as Rarity paused. “Perhaps not the tiara.” The golden crown was lifted and replaced with a more plain bronze one with smaller gems implanted all around it. Rarity smiled and suddenly a flash of blue magic came from the horn and music began to play. The next thing he knew he was levitating and floating through a flap in some curtains and placed down upon a catwalk, faced by Garnet, Mulberry and Gooseberry and Minnie. Gummy had a slight urge to leap in the air or cough wildly as Garnet examined him, but he restrained it, making sure not to give away any emotions. “Hmm, that would look rather fetching if I had some sort of silver suit to match... what do you think Minnie?” Garnet asked. Minnie, who was originally scowling at Gummy, started to cheer up at the thought of looking as glamorous as the alligator did. “Yes I quite agree.” Garnet smiled and from several metres away behind a curtain Rarity began to jitter as Gummy’s success as a model became obvious. Four more models later, and each time being approved of by both Minnie and Garnet, the maple earth pony politely asked Rarity to stop. “Well Rarity, I am very happy with what I’ve just seen, I knew Sapphire recommended you for a reason! I’ll take the lot!” He announced. Rarity went starry eyed at if she’d just been proposed to. “You will? Oh, that’s wonderful!” she clapped her hooves together in glee. “Not just that, but I’ll recommend you to all the ponies in Canterlot for their pet-dressing needs!” he laughed “Which brings me onto what I need to wear for the gala, and after seeing these wonderful pet-sized outfits, I can only speculate what you could do with a pony’s wear!” Again Rarity jittered in pure happiness. Once Garnet and his band had said their farewells to both pony and alligator, Rarity took one look at Gummy, leaned down till his snout was touching her nose and beamed. Gummy blinked. “You. Were. AMAZING!” She exclaimed. After waltzing around with Gummy in her hooves some more, she finally relaxed and retrieved some more clothes from the box. “As a token of my gratitude,” the mare began “I’d like to present to you this fabulous amulet!” Rarity said in some over-dramatic voice as she placed a ruby-crested amulet around Gummy’s neck and smiled as he blinked in what she could only assume was satisfaction. Gummy knew there was only one way he could ensure that Rarity knew he was pleased, and once again his mouth was around Rarity’s head. Rarity giggled even as his gums messed up her mane. About an hour later Rarity set off with Gummy on her back once more, sporting the shiny amulet as she trotted in the direction of Sugarcube corner. It was near mid-afternoon and Gummy was resigned to ending his day out in Ponyville. He lay on Rarity’s back and yawned slowly but quietly, to which Rarity chuckled. She only laughed for a second before she was bowled over by a force which seemingly appeared from the sky. For the second time that day, Rarity lay at the bottom of a heap on the ground. Gummy ended up standing on top of the pony stack that lay under him, but dizzy as he was he didn’t hold the position for long, and tumbled down onto the road below. Once he’d regained himself he saw a cyan coated pegasus mare with a dazzling rainbow mane and an even more dazzling rainbow tail. She must have been what plowed them into this pile. “Aha, sorry about that Rarity...” she laughed apologetically. Rarity was not amused. “What is the meaning of this rough and tumble? You’ve gotten my mane all dusty Rainbow Dash!” She whined. The two got up and brushed themselves off. “I’m sorry but I’m in a heee-uuuge rush, have you seen Fluttershy?” “No dear I have not.” The unicorn replied bluntly. “Aw man!” Rainbow groaned. “I’ve been looking for her everywhere!” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Well whatever do you need her for?” “Weeeeell,” she started, slightly embarrassed “I’m actually hoping I could grab one of her animals. See, I need to compete in this race but I need to have a rider, else I can’t enter! Nopony wants to do it for some reason and Scootaloo is busy so I don’t know who else to turn to?” “Whyever do you need to enter?” “Because the Wonderbolt’s are gonna be there!” Rainbow Dash replied. Gummy knew what Rarity was going to say next, and he cringed even as the words came out of her mouth. “Why not take Gummy?” Rainbow looked confused and then spotted the gator to the side of them. “What’s he doing with you? Is Pinkie around?” Rarity laughed nervously. “No.... and it’s a long story, but Gummy’s been helping me with some business.” “Can I borrow him?” Rainbow Dash blurted out. Rarity looked at Gummy and then back at the pegasus. “Well, it’s not really for me to decide...” Before her or Gummy even knew it Rainbow Dash had flew across to the helpless alligator and took off into the sky with Gummy holding on to Rainbow’s mane with dear life. Rainbow smirked and tried to project her voice to the reptile on her back. “You better hold on tight Gummy, we’re going to Cloudsdale!” And with that Rainbow Dash increased her speed and flew out of the sight of Ponyville.