Human in Pony's clothing

by TheDawsonator1

Entry #17

I had hit rock bottom, I was stuck in a cage with no way to escape unless that door opened. Queen Chrysalis had figured out all her flaws in her plans and patched them, some imposter of me was running around Ponyville with MY Firefly! He’ll be next on the list along with Chrysalis herself!

The bars were quite strong so there was no hope of breaking them, there were four changelings and in my state, without a weapon I cannot hope to fight them off with my bare hoofs.

My only chance is if somepony saw through my imposters ruse or Chrysalis’ ruse and knew the Imposter wasn’t me and I was captured, or if I get dumb luck and manage to escape.

Being a prisoner sucks! The food tastes lousy, it’s incredibly boring and the fact remains that my worries is not about myself but the fate of Equestria itself. Oh and it was 2 weeks until the wedding as I was constantly reminded by the ever-so-helpful changelings. I REALLY WANTED TO STRANGLE THE LOT OF THEM!


Okay, calm down Bolty, let’s be realistic, you’re stuck here, you got to have faith in the Elements, have faith in yourself.

Seconds were slowly turning into minutes, minutes turned to hours and now days. No hope of escaping seemed to be in sight, 9 days remained until the wedding. I tried any escape plan but nothing came up.

“So, how’s our little prisoner doing?” Chrysalis appeared
“OH, you know, same as always really, bored and tired really. Don’t you have any movies or anything? And some decent tasting food? I’ve tasted better out of garbage bins” I replied bluntly
“With that manners, I’m sure that won’t be happening” Chrysalis delighted in denying me any pleasure
“Yeah because Miss evil over here is lecturing me about manners, oh the dramatic irony” I snarked
“I suppose I am, what’re you gonna do about it?” Chrysalis teased
“Still working on that part, but you’ll find it’ll be shall we say, an eyes out of your sockets experience” I said
“I doubt it, you have fun in that cell, for now, I must take love from a very important stallion, it’s hard work you know, nothing you’d understand” Chrysalis said
“Have fun, I hope you choke!” I said as she left

I don’t need that stupid bitch anyway, I’ll get out myself and-

“Feeding time” a changeling opened the door

Horseapples, they’re back to suck me dry again (MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!), well honestly I think I prefer it if Twilight were doing experiments on me or something for mad science skills, oh I can see it now and-



1 day to go…

So, my body has been fed on another 4 times and one happened like 3 hours ago, needless to say, I’m so weak right now I would not win a fight with a Goomba right now, I can’t even make my wings move let alone go anything more than a slow trot.

It was something like 3 days to go, if I’m right, Twilight and friends should be getting their invitations to the wedding sometime soon.

To my left, the door opened, it was probably the changelings again but to my surprise, it was something midnight blue…wait changelings aren’t midnight blue.

“Lightning Bolt, art thou okay? Can thou walk?” A familiar voice, a friendly voice
“L-Luna, is that you? How in Equestria did you find me?” I asked
“We knew thou had nightmares for the past moon or so, when we looked for the location of the dreams occuring, we knew something was very wrong so we came to investigate” Luna explained
“Well, I can only just walk, who knew having emotions taken out of you made you feel so empty and cold inside and very weak, but now, Chrysalis must pay!” I said
“Queen Chrysalis? Thou surely doesn’t mean the very same Queen Chrysalis that is in charge of these changelings?” Luna asked
“Yes that’s the one, and I cannot wait to slice her neck open” I said with venom at the thought of her
“First, we must restore you to health so please be still for a moment” Luna ordered

Luna surrounded me with her magic and I felt alive, refreshed. BITCHIN! LIGHTNING BOLT IS BACK BABY! He’s a cool dude and he has got a kingdom to help save, anypony get in my way and they’ll be on a one way ticket on the pain train to Tartarus!

But yeah, I love you already magical healing powers, sort of makes me wish I were a unicorn and could do this on myself if possible, but I prefer flying, I feel more free.

“That’s better Luna, thanks! Now, first we stop Chrysalis from succeeding with her plan than I kill my imposter and I’ll make it doubly painful if he did anything to Firefly!” I said as I got up
“We must hurry on out, before the Changelings wake up” Luna added

Health: 100%
Sanity: 50% but it will rise soon
Virginity: Remains, but at least the headache is gone

So, 10 uneventful minutes later other than the urge to stab every one of them as we passed…when did I get such a bloodlust? Anyway, we were finally outside and I saw we were somewhere on the edge of the Everfree Forest, highly convenient isn’t it? I don’t have to go very far at all.

“So, did thou know of Chrysalis’ plan originally?” Luna asked curiously
“Yes, but she had spies that heard our chat when I revealed myself after Discord’s defeat, she learned the truth about me and knew I had knowledge she would fail, she’s patched them up so Twilight could be in danger or she’ll be kicked out of the wedding for accusing her of not being the real Cadence” I explained
“Surely thou jests, Lightning Bolt? Thou surely means to tell us that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is really Queen Chrysalis?” Luna questioned
“Yes, the original way was for Chrysalis to foolishly banish Twilight into the Canterlot Mines where she found the real Princess Cadence and they get there in time to reveal who Chrysalis is really but I think it’s too late to stop the inevitavle Changelings that will flood Canterlot. The Elements try to make it the room they’re held but get caught but the real Cadence and Shining Armor get together and use the Power of Love to defeat them and fling them far off Equestria” I explained
“A cunning plan, Chrysalis…she never did strike us as the type to have a clever plan. When we last saw her, she should have been on the verge of starvation 1000 years ago.” Luna recollected the last time she met their queen.

So we’re back in Ponyville, I lead Luna to my house as I doubted Cadence and Shining Armor invited me and my friends to the wedding, there he was. The imposter, with Firefly, You just breathed your last bits of air, bitch!

“I found you, FAKER!” I yelled to my imposter
“Who are you?” The imposter asked
“You know perfectly well who I am changeling!” I pointed a hoof at him
“Bolty, what’s going on?” Firefly asked the imposter
“Nothing, Firefly darling, just some look-a-like copycat” “Bolty” said
“Horseapples, you and your changelings impersonated me and kidnapped me, so show yourself because this game is over and your queen is next on the list” I retorted
“ENOUGH! We have one way to prove which is the fake one” Luna boomed

Luna used her magic and cast the same spell Twilight used on the changelings to dispose the imposter’s identity.

“You were a FAKE? All this time you weren’t the REAL Bolty I knew?” Firefly shrieked
“Yes, well it seems I was caught, but it’s too late for you to do anything, our queen has all the preparations set up and you’ll never make it there in time” The changeling gloated


Firefly had slapped the Changeling so hard he fell down, that’s my Firefly alright!

“Save some for me, Firefly!” I said, ready to give him the beating of his life

I punched him in the stomach while he was down and curbstomped his head but Luna stopped us.

“That’s ENOUGH! He will be dealt with rest assured, but we have bigger things to worry about” Luna intervened
“You’re right, we got to stop Chrysalis” I said
“Bolty, what’s going on?” Firefly asked from behind
“The Changelings are attacking and they knew about me, so they might win and we’re stopping it, stay with Kicker, I’ll be back, I promise!” I explained shortly
“We must teleport there at once” Luna said, charging her energy

However, luck was not on our side for the moment as Luna’s magic was not enough to make the jump so it was denied.

“We curse this annoying lack of magic, tis is horseapples! We used so much energy flying and doing magic that we exhausted our magic enough to not make the jump” Luna cursed under her breath
“Couldn’t we call a chariot?” I asked
“Nay, we were in such a rush to discover the source of nightmares we didn’t think to bring it, how could we of been so foolish?” Luna cursed herself again
“This whole thing is my fault, Luna, I didn’t plan ahead, I didn’t foresee this coming when I should of, I was the foolish one, and it’s time I fixed those mistakes” I said
“We do not blame thee, Lightning Bolt, many a time our Sister and us should have had the foresight to see dangers that could have been prevented” Luna assured me
“Well, I guess our only way to get to Canterlot is the train, which if our luck holds is here and ready to go” I said
“But it will still be at least 12 hours ride” Luna said
“Well at least we can rest and you can recharge your magic” I pointed out
“Thy suggestion is a good one, very well, we shall go on this train ride, but do not waste this opportunity to rest, and be prepared” Luna said

Queen Chrysalis, I’m coming for you, your underling got lucky, but you won’t be so lucky…